Vitamins for eyes Makulin and Makulin Plus: composition, analogues, reviews

Vitamins for Eyes Maculin is a dietary supplement that helps maintain healthy vision. Before buying vitamins, you should understand their characteristics and indications for use.

Release form and composition

In pharmacies, Makulin vitamins are sold in the form of brown capsules, enclosed in blisters of 10 pieces, and the package of the vitamin preparation contains 3 such blisters. The product contains the following components:

  • Lutein Flora Glo;
  • vitamin E;
  • zeaxanthin.

Soybean also plays an auxiliary role in the preparation. lecithin, gelatin and glycerol, unrefined soybean oil and other substances. They are included in the capsule shell and promote better absorption.

Important! You can also find liquid eye remedies in pharmacies. However, Maculin eye drops are rare and are called Maculin Fresh, while Maculin and Maculin Plus preparations are sold only in the form of capsules.

What is the difference between Makulin and Makulin Plus

In addition to the usual Maculin, in pharmacies you can find a similar agent called Maculin Plus. The drug for the eyes is also sold in capsules and in similar packages, Makulin Plus is prescribed for similar indications.

The differences between the two tools are in the composition.

Maculin Plus contains more nutrients, because in addition to vitamin E, zeaxanthin and lutein, it includes:

  • vitamin C;
  • copper and zinc;
  • eicosapentaenoic acid;
  • docosahexaenoic acid.
Attention! Due to its expanded composition, Maculin Plus is considered a more effective vitamin remedy. However, the drug is more expensive - on average, 200-300 rubles compared to simple Maculin.

Indications for use

Vitamin and Maculin eye drops do not belong to the category of strong medicines and are sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. However, it is advised to take the remedy only if there are special indications. These include:

  • cataracts and diabetic retinopathy;
  • myopia;
  • decreased twilight vision due to a lack of vitamins or chronic eye fatigue;
  • periods of strenuous work at the computer or with printed text.

When taken according to the instructions, vitamin Makulin has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision and helps both in treatment and as a prophylaxis.

A drug:

  • prevents the development of cataracts and inhibits the aging process of cells;
  • eliminates pain and discomfort in the eyes;
  • strengthens the eye capillaries and prevents their breakage;
  • stimulates healthy blood circulation in the organs of vision.

Since the substances present in the Maculin vitamin are not produced by the body on its own, it is especially recommended to take the remedy with a limited diet and in old age.

Method of administration and dosage

The drug Makulin is intended for adult use on the recommendation of a doctor. The standard dosage is 1 capsule per day, you need to take the medicine with food or immediately after on a full stomach. Capsules are taken with a little water without chewing.

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Like any vitamin preparation, Maculin for the eyes must be taken for 1 month. In the presence of special indications, this period can be increased, however, the doctor should make the decision to extend the course of therapy.

Is it possible during pregnancy and lactation

Some substances in the Maculin vitamin can harm the health of a pregnant woman and fetus. For example, an excess of vitamin C in the body is dangerous. In addition, individual components of the drug are allergens and can cause a negative reaction in infants during the feeding period.

Therefore, during pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended to use Makulin. The potential harm of the drug outweighs its potential benefit.

Side effects

The drug Makulin rarely causes a negative reaction when used according to the instructions. However, in some cases, hypervitaminosis may develop while taking the drug. In such a situation, Makulin can provoke the appearance of puffiness, itching and rashes, redness and other allergic manifestations.

If side effects occur, taking Maculin should be discontinued and efforts should be made to relieve negative symptoms.


Since Maculin is an over-the-counter food supplement, there are few contraindications for the vitamin. But under some conditions it is forbidden to take it. In particular, the use of the drug must be abandoned:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • if you are allergic to any components present in the composition;
  • with an excess of certain vitamins in the body.

Makulin and Makulin Plus should not be offered to young children - the vitamin is intended for adult use.

Advice! Before you buy a product at a pharmacy, you should visit an ophthalmologist and undergo an eye examination, according to the results of which the doctor can determine the appropriateness of taking the drug.


The composition of the drug Makulin contains vitamins and minerals, an overdose of which can lead to side effects. In particular, with uncontrolled intake of vitamins for the eyes, the following may appear:

  • nausea and diarrhea;
  • heart palpitations;
  • skin rash and itching;
  • the appearance of redness and puffiness on the face.

An overdose of Maculin does not pose a serious health hazard. Side effects disappear soon after drug withdrawal. For the speedy removal of excess nutrients from the body, it is recommended to drink plenty of water.

Interaction with other drugs

There are no laboratory data on the interaction of Maculin with other drugs. In general, a dietary supplement can be used as an adjunct to any treatment.

However, it is recommended that you consult your doctor first. If the vitamins present in Maculin are included in the composition of other drugs, then the joint administration of pharmaceuticals can lead to an allergic reaction and hypervitaminosis.


Vitamins Makulin can not always be found in the pharmacy. If the drug is not on sale, it makes sense to use dietary supplements with a similar effect. Among them are:

  • Lutein Complex - the composition contains lutein, vitamins A, E and C, as well as zinc, copper and selenium;
  • Eiker - the product contains lutein, beta-carotene and natural blueberry extract;
  • Ophthalmix- the preparation consists of vitamins A, C, E and B, blueberry extract, zinc and selenium;
  • Vitrum Vision - contains vitamins C and E, lutein and beta-carotene, zinc and copper;
  • Superoptic - the composition contains lutein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C, B, A and E.
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All of these drugs are available freely and can replace each other in complex eye treatment.

Where and how to store

Keep Makulin and Makulin Plus in a dry and dark place, protected from moisture and direct sunlight. The temperature should be no more than 25 ° C, it is desirable that small children do not have access to the drug.

The shelf life of vitamins is 2 years from the date of production, which can be found from the information on the package.


Vitamins for eyes Makulin are beneficial during periods of strong eye strain and in the development of chronic diseases. The drug has a firming and regenerating effect, helps to restore the balance of vitamins important for the eyes. It is worth taking vitamins as prescribed by a doctor in order to prevent an excess of nutrients.

Reviews of doctors

Smirnova Tatyana Ivanovna, 55 years old, Moscow
For more than 15 years I have been working as an ophthalmologist and often prescribe Maculin Plus to my patients as an auxiliary therapy. Vitamins are not a medicine, and it is impossible to cure cataracts and myopia only with their help. But the supplementary effect of dietary supplements is good if combined with stronger drugs.
Vasilieva Irina Dmitrievna, 46 years old, St. Petersburg
As an ophthalmologist, I try, first of all, to prevent the development of diseases in my patients. Maculin Plus helps with this, I recommend it for use in case of eye fatigue in patients and with increased risks of reduced vision. The drug allows you to prevent the appearance of serious ailments.
Stepanov Igor Vasilievich, 48 years old, Kursk
You should not expect miracles from Makulin Plus, this drug is not a medicine, but a vitamin supplement. But in combination with stronger remedies, with complex eye treatment, the vitamin really benefits. The level of important substances in the blood is normalized, respectively, and it is possible to achieve recovery faster.

Consumer reviews

Dmitrieva Oksana Vladimirovna, 35 years old, Samara
I work a lot at the computer, so my eyes get very tired, especially in winter. Several times, on the recommendation of a doctor, she took Makulin. After using the drug, I really noticed that dryness and irritation of the eyes disappear, vision problems at dusk go away.
Danilova Olga Anatolyevna, 28 years old, Tomsk
Last winter I noticed that in the twilight my vision began to be impaired, fog appeared, objects began to double, in general my eyes began to get tired more. For a month I took Makulin Plus, at the same time I revised my sleep and nutrition schedule. The vitamins helped, the unpleasant symptoms disappeared, and the eyes returned to normal.
Strizhova Veronika Sergeevna, 29 years old, St. Petersburg
Six months ago, my vision began to decline rapidly, my eyes got too tired from constant work at the monitor and insufficient sleep. The doctor found that the body lacks vitamins, and along with other medications and correction of the regimen, he advised me to drink Makulin. The capsules helped, in just a month the problems were gone, and now everything is in order.

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