
Artra with hyaluronic acid: instructions for use
Artra with hyaluronic acid refers to combined agents that improve the regeneration of cartilage tissue. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Pros and ...
Hyaluronic acid capsules: how to take, reviews of doctors and buyers
Reviews of hyaluronic acid in capsules will make even skeptics believe in the effectiveness. In cosmetology, she is considered one of the main anti-aging ...
Collagen Ultra (powder, gel, cream): instructions for use, reviews, analogues
Collagen Ultra for joints is a drug that consists of many active ingredients. It is used to eliminate pathologies of the ligamentous-tendon apparatus, ...
Metformin: action and side effects, how to take for weight loss
The benefits and harms of Metformin are being studied by researchers in many countries. Results have been obtained that prove the variety of forms of application of this agent in different conditions. What...
Why folic acid is useful, what is it for and how to take it, reviews
[irp posts = "785" name = "Why bananas are good for you"] The benefits of folic acid or vitamin B9 have been known for a long time. However, active promotion of the reception began around 10 ...
What Aspirin helps from, properties, contraindications, how to take
In modern medicine, several useful drugs of a century ago are used, which are included in the so-called "golden fund" of drugs. One of these ...
How is coenzyme Q10 useful, how to take, face masks
Among the various useful components, experts distinguish coenzyme Q10. The substance is involved in many vital processes. The benefits and harms of coenzyme Q10 regularly ...
Are birth control pills harmful, principle of action, consequences of taking
Lack of adequate contraception is fraught with unplanned pregnancy. Birth control pills are considered one of the most effective methods of contraception. The benefits and harms of birth control pills ...
Properties and role of iodine in the body, what foods contain, instructions
The benefits and harms of iodine are a relevant topic, since this substance can often be found in food, and an iodine solution is present ...
Why is Yodomarin useful and how to take it
The benefits and harms of "Yodomarina" are the first thing you need to know when starting to take a medicine. In order for the body to function normally, ...


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