Metformin: action and side effects, how to take for weight loss

The benefits and harms of Metformin are being studied by researchers in many countries. Results have been obtained that prove the variety of forms of application of this agent in different conditions.

What is Metformin

Metformin belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group - drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus. It is a hypoglycemic drug for oral administration.

The mechanism of action of Metformin

Most people with type 2 diabetes are obese, which interferes with the efficient functioning of the pancreas and leads to increased insulin resistance. The sugar content in the body increases, which worsens the person's well-being.

The healing properties of Metformin are manifested in the reduction of symptoms of the disease and weight loss. A beneficial result is a decrease in the rate of absorption of glucose in the intestine while increasing its absorption in peripheral tissues. The effect of Metformin on the pancreas is that it initiates the secretion of insulin.

Composition of Metformin tablets

Available in dosages of 500, 850 and 1000 mg.

Each tablet contains a certain amount of working substance and auxiliary components: microcrystalline cellulose, water, magnesium stearate, povidone, sodium croscarmellose.

The benefits of Metformin and indications for admission

The benefits of Metformin have been proven to improve the condition in type 2 diabetes. Indications for admission are limited only to this disease.

The drug is recommended:

  1. For adult patients in pure form or together with other products.
  2. For children over 10 years old with or without insulin.

Metformin for diabetes

The antiglycemic properties of the drug are well studied. It calls:

  1. Decreased absorption of carbohydrates.
  2. Acceleration of the conversion of monosaccharides to lactate.
  3. Rapid passage of glucose through muscles.
  4. Decreased triglyceride levels.

Evaluation of treatment with Metformin was carried out by many scientists and revealed a prolonged positive dynamics.

It is an oral hypoglycemic drug from the biguanide family. It is widely prescribed as a first-line antidiabetic monotherapy for the treatment of initially diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes. The properties of the drug make it possible to use it for the relief of symptoms in patients with many years of experience.In a number of patients, the failure to use to achieve sustained glycemic control has necessitated the use of other antidiabetic agents.

The main purpose of admission is the stability of blood glucose levels and a decrease in the number of complications. The benefits and harms of Metformin in prediabetes have been studied by doctors for many years. The properties of the substance prevent the development of the disease.

Metformin for weight loss

The beneficial effect is to facilitate the process of losing weight. According to some studies, the active ingredient reduces hunger, which is very useful in reducing the manifestations of obesity. The drug is not prescribed only for weight loss, but its properties make it possible to comprehensively influence the disease. The greatest benefit will come from combining Metformin with a low-carb diet and adequate exercise.

Metformin is also prescribed for healthy people with extra pounds. In this case, you need to regularly undergo examination, evaluate blood parameters, especially the level of sugar, cholesterol and liver enzymes.

Features of reception and dosage of Metformin

The medicine is prescribed by the doctor strictly individually to prevent harm from occurring. Standard recommendations relate to consistent dose escalation. This reduces the risk and increases the beneficial effect.

For instance:

  • one 500 mg tablet with or after breakfast for at least 1 week;
  • the same dose 2 times a day for 1 week;
  • week of admission three times a day.

If a standard drug is found to be poorly tolerated, the physician will suggest switching to a slow-release version.

Elderly people should not drink more than 1 g per day in order to avoid irreparable harm.

It is recommended to take the product with meals, as this increases its absorption in the stomach and reduces harm - stomach cramps, nausea. When taking Metformin at the beginning of treatment and before meals, diarrhea may occur.

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The use of Metformin on an empty stomach is undesirable due to a decrease in effectiveness and harm by unnecessary irritation of the digestive organs. At night, Metformin will also not be beneficial if the doctor has not substantiated the advantage of such a scheme. In order not to forget to take your medicine, you should try to drink it on schedule - at the same time. A useful point is to set an alarm for a reminder.

Harm of Metformin and side effects

The medication may cause some side effects. Harm is likely when a person just starts drinking the drug, but usually after a couple of weeks, the discomfort disappears. Any discomfort must be reported to the attending physician to ensure only the benefits of the application.

The most famous side effects:

  • heartburn;
  • stomach ache;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • gas formation;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • allergy;
  • migraine;
  • metallic taste in the mouth.

The negative properties can be very serious. They can be especially harmful to people with chronic kidney and liver diseases. One of these effects is lactic acidosis - the accumulation of lactic acid in tissues. The harm manifests itself in the risk of muscle atrophy.

Some patients are deficient in vitamin B12, which can harm the nervous system. This threatens to get a stroke, anemia and depression.

In some cases, harm in the form of hypoglycemia manifests itself if the remedy is combined:

  • with an unbalanced diet;
  • high physical activity;
  • occasional abuse of ethanol;
  • other medicines for the underlying disease in an unverified dosage.

Contraindications to taking Metformin

The drug can harm the body. Contraindications for admission are as follows:

  • have liver and kidney diseases;
  • diagnosed with heart failure and hypertension;
  • frequent alcohol consumption.
  • dehydration;
  • application before X-ray examinations, tomography, operations;
  • complications after a stroke;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 10 and over 70 years.

Compatibility of Metformin with other drugs

Some medications interfere with the effective work of Metformin and can harm the patient in combination with it.

If any of the following is used, you may need to check your blood sugar more often and adjust your dose:

  • steroid tablets such as prednisolone;
  • diuretics such as furosemide;
  • medicines to treat heart problems and high blood pressure;
  • male and female hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone;
  • anticoagulants;
  • other drugs for diabetes.

Some women will probably need a small dose adjustment of Metformin after starting birth control pills. Hormonal agents tend to increase the rate of absorption of sugar.

Important! The drug Metformin when interacting with aspirin (more often prescribed cardiomagnet) is able to kill cancer cells, which prolongs the life of the patient, and in the early stages leads to recovery.

Metformin and alcohol compatibility

Ethanol consumption increases the risk of hypoglycemia and lactic acidosis. In the instructions, combined use is prohibited.

Metformin's analogs

Analogues of the drug are those that have the same active ingredient - Siofor, Bagomet, Glukofazh, Formetin, Glyformin. Their properties are very similar. You should not choose tablets on the advice of a pharmacist, only a doctor can give recommendations. The expected benefits of replacing yourself may not be available.

Frequently asked Questions

The action of Metformin on the body is being actively studied. Research results provide answers to a whole list of questions.

Metformin causes weight loss

Metformin leads to weight loss, but not immediately and in combination with diet. It also requires optimal physical activity for a person. The tool should not be drunk only for weight loss. There is a threat of side effects, and the combination with other drugs is not always useful. In addition, the drug does not give a stable result, as people usually regain the lost pounds. The properties of the substance do not have unambiguous indications for its use for weight loss. As a rule, the beneficial effect is short-lived.

Who can take Metformin

The drug is indicated for adults. It can be used to speed up the process of losing weight. For such people, the most beneficial option is to combine it with a thoughtful diet.

Children from 10 years old drink it only on the advice of a doctor. Metformin is not prescribed for young children to avoid harm to the body.

What to do if you forget to take a pill

If 1 tablet is missed, you must drink the next one at the usual time. Do not take a double dose to make up for the forgotten dose.

Can be taken by pregnant and lactating women

Use during pregnancy is acceptable. Studies have shown no risk.

Not recommended for lactation due to the property of penetration into breast milk. Able to harm a child, since use is allowed only from 10 years old.

Drinking Metformin during pregnancy is useful only under the supervision of a doctor; it will be harmful when feeding.

Is it true that Metformin prolongs life

Belgian researchers from the University of Leuven presented experimental data that Metformin inhibits aging processes and affects the growth of life expectancy. When working with laboratory nematodes, they showed that its properties increase the number of reactive oxygen species in cells. This affects the increase in the vitality of insects.

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Other studies have found that tumor growth and vascular degradation are slowed down. But today these are only scientific tests, applications in humans will require additional testing.So far, a beneficial result for extending life has not been proven.

How long can you take Metformin

The duration is set by the doctor and depends on the individual course of the disease. There are no general recommendations here and an independent appointment will bring nothing but harm.

Do I need to stick to a diet while taking Metformin

The use of Metformin should be accompanied by a diet low in carbohydrates to avoid unnecessary strain on the liver and pancreas. The diet will increase the benefits of the drug taken. In addition, low-calorie foods contribute to weight loss.

Which is better: Metformin, Glucophage or Siofor

The original drug is Metformin. The difference between the formulations is due to the content of the main substance and the additions in the form of starch or macrogol. In addition, Siofor is not used with insufficient insulin production, and Glucophage is allowed. There are nuances in the reception mode. It cannot be said unequivocally which one is better for the patient - this should be established after the examination. An independent decision will not bring a useful result.

Which Metformin manufacturer is better

Merck and Gedeon Richter are called the best manufacturers. The benefits of Metformin from a particular company depend on the specifics of its use and the amount of active ingredient.

What is the difference between regular metformin and prolonged

The assimilation of the usual form begins immediately. The maximum concentration in the body is detected after 4 hours. The extended form is slowly absorbed, easier to tolerate. This is useful for overly sensitive digestion. Eliminates the manifestation of flatulence and diarrhea.

Is it possible to take Metformin with fatty hepatosis

Metformin is harmful for serious liver diseases (failure, cirrhosis), therefore it is not prescribed to patients. With hepatosis, it is indicated for use, it helps to reduce internal fat deposits. The beneficial effect is to restore the normal functioning of liver cells.

Does Metformin Protect Against Cancer

Women who have used Metformin for diabetes for more than five years had a lower risk of breast cancer progression. The possible beneficial effect of the drug, however, was based on a small number of subjects. Only 17 patients used Metformin for a long time and were diagnosed with breast cancer. In addition, the study design excludes any conclusions about causation, noted the scientists, led by Dr. Christoph R. Meier of the University Hospital Basel in Switzerland. He published the test results on March 18, 2010.

Many studies have shown a reduction in cancer risk and mortality among people with type 2 diabetes on Metformin. When tested in rodents, it has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

The results of studying the effect of the drug on cancer have shown that there are benefits from its use.


The benefits and harms of Metformin can only be assessed individually, depending on the course of the disease and under the supervision of a physician. Metformin lowers blood sugar in relieving type 2 diabetes. With type 1, cancer and weight loss, there are positive results from clinical trials. There is also information about the benefits of Metformin in polycystic ovary disease, but only with concomitant impairment of glucose uptake. It is not recommended to prescribe pills on your own in order to avoid harm.

Reviews of doctors

Kravtsova Victoria, endocrinologist, Taganrog
Metformin is prescribed to patients with type 2 diabetes. Generally well tolerated. No serious side effects were reported. I believe that the benefits are most clearly manifested in monotherapy, where the drug manifests its properties more clearly.
Seregina Tatiana, endocrinologist, Perm.
Metformin is prescribed for diabetics. Before appointment, they undergo a comprehensive examination to prevent possible harm. I try to take a responsible approach to the process and take into account the beneficial effect for the patient.In general, patients tolerate the drug well, the benefits for them are obvious. Several people had short-term diarrhea, no more complaints. I have not made any substitutions yet, since the properties of the drug correspond to those declared by the manufacturer.

Reviews of those losing weight and taking

Pavlyuchenko Irina, Kostroma.
Over the course of the year, I lost weight. The total loss was 19 kg. One could be happy about such an effect, but my gastritis worsened. I had to stop taking it and start restoring the stomach. However, I can state that the drug is useful for weight loss. Maybe later I'll start drinking it again. I'm very afraid to get better again.
Ignatova Anna, Pyatigorsk.
Saw Metformin for diabetes relief within six months. It turned out to be very useful for me, and plus I lost 8 kg. I will repeat the course to consolidate the effect. My doctor recommends taking a break for 1 month and then continuing.

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