Hyaluronic acid capsules: how to take, reviews of doctors and buyers

Reviews of hyaluronic acid in capsules will make even skeptics believe in the effectiveness. In cosmetology, it is considered one of the main anti-aging components. The substance has the ability to make the skin more firm and elastic. But oral administration of the drug has a number of important nuances.

Advantages and disadvantages of oral hyaluronic acid capsules

Hyaluronic acid is considered a natural substance that holds water molecules in the epidermis. Its lack in the body contributes to the early appearance of age-related changes on the skin of the face. For mucous surfaces, deficiency is fraught with desiccation. Therefore, taking food supplements containing hyaluronic acid has a positive effect on the production of biological lubricant.

Important! While taking drugs with hyaluronate, it is necessary to be in the sun less often, since ultraviolet light has a destructive effect.

The main functions of hyaluronate include:

  • stimulation of the process of cell regeneration;
  • acceleration of the work of fibroblasts;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • participation in the formation of capillaries.
When choosing a dietary supplement with hyaluronic acid, it is advisable to consult a specialist

The main advantage of hyaluronic acid is its complex effect on the body. It not only improves the condition of the skin, but also has a positive effect on the joints and the circulatory system. Each capsule contains a pre-calculated single dosage of the active substance. According to its chemical composition, hyaluronic acid is classified as a polysaccharide. Due to this, it is not perceived by the body as a foreign object. The substance penetrates deep into the epidermis and retains water molecules in it. This allows the skin to be more hydrated and supple. At the same time, the acid creates reliable protection that reduces the negative impact of the environment.

Oral administration of the hyaluronic substance is more convenient than injection. It is not accompanied by painful sensations and bruising. The only drawback of capsules is the cumulative effect. If, with an injection of a substance, the result appears immediately, with oral administration, you need to wait 2-3 months.

Important information... There are not so many medications that could reduce the effect of biorevitalizants. Aspirin is the most common problem. cardiomagnet and other drugs that reduce blood clotting. They do not interact in any way with hyaluronic acid, but they can contribute to the appearance of bulky hematomas and subcutaneous bruising.

Indications for the use of hyaluronic acid in capsules

Before taking hyaluronate capsules, you should consult a specialist. Under the age of 30, therapy is inappropriate. It is carried out according to indications. These include the following:

  • the need to maintain water balance;
  • joint diseases;
  • pronounced age-related skin changes;
  • ophthalmic diseases;
  • malignant formations;
  • inflammatory processes in the body.

Hyaluronic acid can be used not only in the presence of existing problems, but also for preventive purposes. Particular efficiency is observed in relation to the destruction of the vitreous body of the eye. But in this case, the food supplement is taken in combination with more serious drugs.

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Oral hyaluronic acid drug names

Pharmaceutical companies produce many drugs that contain other useful components in addition to hyaluronic acid. Supplements are aimed at improving skin turgor and stimulating collagen synthesis. The effectiveness and range of effects of additives directly depends on the composition. Ascorbic acid accelerates tissue regeneration. Peptides contribute to the prolongation of youth. Phospholipids have a moisturizing effect on the epidermis, while vitamin E protects against harmful environmental influences.

"Doppel Herz"

The Doppel Herz multivitamin complex is produced in Germany. It is taken one capsule twice a day. The total duration of therapy is 30 days. After the treatment course, a two-week break is required. Among the active components of the drug stand out:

  • selenium;
  • beta carotene;
  • biotin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • vitamin E.
The lifting complex has a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails
Comment! Hyaluronic acid is recommended to be taken during the recovery period after injury.


Laura is a Russian-made anti-aging drug. It is produced by the pharmaceutical company Evalar. The dietary supplement has antioxidant properties and the ability to restore metabolism. It gives the skin tone and heals the joints. Positive effects on the epidermis are achieved by stimulating collagen. In addition to hyaluronate, the composition of the drug contains:

  • estrogens;
  • vitamins F and E;
  • panthenol;
  • peptides.
The price of a food supplement ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles


The Japanese dietary supplement comes in packs of 90 capsules. It not only improves the condition of the skin, but also has a positive effect on vision, the musculoskeletal system and mucous surfaces. Dietary supplements are taken one piece three times a day. The duration of admission is three months.

The price of the drug ranges from 3000 to 5000 rubles


Dietary supplement "Solgar" is taken both for cosmetic purposes and for general health improvement. One capsule contains 120 mg of hyaluronate. In addition to it, the following substances are present:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • vitamin C;
  • silica;
  • chondroitin sulfate.

The disadvantages of the dietary supplement include the large capsule size, which makes it difficult to swallow. On average, the cost of the drug is 2,000 rubles.

BAA "Solgar" should be stored in a dry place, avoiding exposure to sunlight

Hyaluronic Acid by Librederm

A distinctive feature of the drug is the content of hyaluronic acid of different molecular levels. The action of the main component is enhanced by the presence of ascorbic acid. As a result of taking dietary supplements, the aging process of the body slows down, and the work of its key life support systems is restored. Capsules are drunk one at a time with meals, washed down with plenty of clean water.

The drug is allowed for admission and at the age of 18 to 25 years

How to drink hyaluronic acid capsules

Each drug containing hyaluronate has a specific principle of application. The standard regimen is one capsule twice a day. The duration of the treatment and prophylactic course is 1-3 months.Capsules can be taken not only with water, but also with orange juice. Ascorbic acid, which it contains, improves the absorption of hyaluronate. This increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

After therapy, you must take a break. Hyaluronate has the ability to accumulate in the body, so the effect of taking it lasts for a long time. During the period of use of the dietary supplement, water-salt metabolism should be monitored. It is advisable to drink at least 3 liters of water per day.

Contraindications to hyaluronic acid capsules

Taking hyaluronic acid should not be neglected. It is not allowed for everyone. Contraindications include the following:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • allergic reaction;
  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age under 25;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • increased blood clotting.
Attention! Hyaluronic acid in capsules is not commonly used as the main therapeutic agent. She is only a dietary supplement.

Side effects of hyaluronic acid capsules

With the right approach, the hyaluronic acid in capsules is transferred without any problem. In rare cases, an allergic reaction develops, accompanied by itching and rashes. As a result of excessive use of the drug, the production of its own hyaluronic acid may be disrupted. To avoid undesirable reactions, you need to follow the instructions and visit a doctor before starting an appointment.

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Reviews of hyaluronic acid in capsules are mostly positive. The dietary supplement fights against sagging skin and reduces the risk of problems with the musculoskeletal system. But the result from its use is cumulative, which appears only after 1-3 months.

Reviews of doctors about hyaluronic acid in capsules

Kondratyev Yuri Mikhailovich, ophthalmologist, Arkhangelsk
Hyaluronic preparations in capsules have an excellent effect on the condition of the cornea, thereby preventing the development of many diseases. They can be used prophylactically when there is an increased risk of developing visual dysfunction. The main thing is not to overuse the supplement and not to violate the recommended dosages.
Myshkina Elena Vyacheslavovna, cosmetologist, Moscow
Hyaluronic acid in capsules has the same effect on skin condition as injections. The only difference is the speed of exposure. It should also be borne in mind that the consequences of an excess of this substance in the body have not been studied. Therefore, at a young age, taking dietary supplements is contraindicated.
Kuibysheva Ksenia Alekseevna, orthopedist-traumatologist, Tyumen
I prescribe hyaluronic acid capsules to my patients for joints at the initial stage of various pathologies. Of course, dietary supplements cannot act as the main therapy. I recommend taking it as part of a comprehensive treatment. It helps to reduce the intensity of joint pain and increase the effectiveness of other medications.

Customer Reviews of Oral Hyaluronic Acid Capsules

Melnikova Olga Vasilievna, 36 years old, Nerchinsk
A friend advised me to take hyaluronic acid in capsules. She started using the drug at the age of 31. I can say that the result is obvious. They still don't give me more than 30 years. The skin is tightened and elastic not only on the face, but also on the whole body. But you need to understand that I still go in for sports and follow the basics of proper nutrition.
Anastasia Petrovna Kadnikova, 42 years old, Cheboksary
While most people I know are injecting themselves with Botox, I preserve my natural beauty in more gentle ways. I take the hyaluronic drug in courses, make sure to take breaks, and also monitor the sufficient intake of fluid in the body. I did not notice new wrinkles on my face. In addition, joint mobility and vision improved significantly, which is also important.
Epifantseva Maria Nikolaevna, 50 years old, Volgograd
I was prescribed hyaluronic acid in capsules by an orthopedist. The goal of the treatment was to eliminate joint pain. The doctor said that for now it is possible to do without radical measures. After the treatment, I noticed significant improvements. I hope the result will last for a long time.
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