Dry skin of the body: causes and treatment with vitamins

Experts advise taking vitamins for dry skin in the first place. One of the common causes of this problem is a lack of nutrients. It contributes to the appearance of cracks, flaking and itching. Bacteria and dirt can penetrate through microcracks into the epidermis, which leads to undesirable complications.

What vitamins are missing if the skin is dry

Under the influence of external factors, the skin of the body and face can change significantly. Dryness, accompanied by discomfort and cracks, is one of the common problems. When overdrying the skin, women begin to use fatty creams that provide relief from discomfort. Most often, these actions do not lead to the desired result. The cream removes the symptom, but does not affect the cause of the tightness. In most cases, dry skin of the body provokes a lack of vitamins E, A, C, B and biotin. The supply of minerals in the body is also important. They provide cells with oxygen and stimulate collagen production. Vitamin therapy helps to restore order to the skin of the body, reducing the likelihood of cracks and dryness.

It is not difficult to determine the presence of dry skin on the body and face. It is enough to carry out a visual analysis of her condition. On a dehydrated epidermis, peeling, redness and cracks are observed. From time to time, unbearable itching appears on dry areas. If you do not take any action, wrinkles appear on problem areas of the epidermis.

Comment! Diet changes are not enough to replenish vitamins and minerals. In this case, taking specialized drugs is indicated.

Best Complex Vitamins for Dry Skin

Vitamins for dry skin of the body are selected by the attending physician. Initially, the presence of serious diseases that could provoke an unpleasant symptom should be excluded.


The optimal duration of taking Blagomin is one month

A distinctive feature of the drug is the maximum dosage of biotin. With regular intake, it provides protein metabolism and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. Women are recommended to take it not only for dry skin of the body, but also for neurological disorders and hair loss. The average cost of the drug is 200 rubles.

"Multi B-complex Vitamir"

Pregnant women should consult a doctor before taking Vitamir Multi B-Complex

The main purpose of the supplement is to replenish the B vitamin in the body. It takes part in the release of micronutrients. Taking the drug strengthens the immune system and stabilizes the nervous system. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the skin condition of the body. The price of a vitamin supplement is 150 rubles.


Reception of "Aevita" in high dosages provokes pain in the epigastrium

"Aevit" - vitamins that relieve dry skin of the body and smooth wrinkles. The preparation contains retinol and vitamin E.Replenishment of these substances provides acceleration of skin regeneration and normalization of metabolism. The advantage of vitamins is their affordable cost. It does not exceed 170 rubles.

"Nagipol 2"

It is permissible to use a vitamin supplement for no more than two months

Vitamin complex "Nagipol 2" is aimed at eliminating defects on the surface of the skin of the body and face. It consists of B vitamins, zinc, selenium, chromium and tocopherol. Brewer's yeast controls sebum production and accelerates regenerative processes by normalizing blood circulation. This helps combat dryness. The price of the drug is 140 rubles.

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White capsules should be taken for breakfast, and burgundy capsules before going to bed

A distinctive feature of the vitamin complex is its rich composition. It includes 18 active substances. Thanks to their content, the drug not only removes dry skin from the body, but also fights dandruff and hair loss. The price of a biological supplement ranges from 500 to 600 rubles.


Aekol can be used to treat burns

"Aekol" is released in the form of a solution for internal use. These vitamins are used to treat cracked skin. The desired effect is achieved due to the ability of the drug to regulate cellular metabolism in the epidermis. This allows you to get rid of dryness, acne and various injuries. The vitamin complex can be bought for 115 rubles.


For a lasting effect, the vitamin supplement should be taken for at least two months.

The preparation contains yeast, thiamine and pyridoxine. The release is carried out in capsule format for oral administration. "Revalid" has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the body and prevents hair loss. The cost of a biological supplement is 900 rubles.

"Complies the radiance"

Pregnant and lactating women should not use the drug

Complivit radiance is distinguished by the content of zinc, vitamin B and iron. Thanks to these components, the drug helps to get rid of dry skin and reduce the likelihood of rashes. The duration of taking vitamins is one month. The average price of a package is 200 rubles.

Important! Vitamins are recommended to be taken shortly before meals or directly during meals.

How to take vitamins correctly for dry skin

Vitamins for dry skin of the face and body are taken in a course of one to three months. They are used both orally and externally. The method of use is selected taking into account the form of release. Solutions in ampoules require a special approach to use. They are applied to the skin immediately after opening. It is not recommended to leave open ampoules in air. In this case, the solution reacts with oxygen, which has a negative effect on its properties.

Orally, the vitamin supplement is taken 1-2 times a day. The tablets are washed down with copious amounts of water. After completing vitamin therapy, it is necessary to pass tests that determine the level of nutrients in the body. This will help track the dynamics of improvements.

Using vitamins for dry skin externally

With dry skin of the hands and feet, vitamins are used externally. They can be used as an alternative to nourishing creams. Vitamins "Aevit" are often used to enrich the composition of the usual means for the body and face. Several liquid vitamin capsules are dissolved in a serving of cream or lotion. Then it is distributed over the required areas of the skin.

You can also add a few drops of the vitamin solution to your bath before bathing. In this case, the water should be warm. When exposed to hot temperatures, some nutrients are destroyed. In their pure form, vitamins are applied directly to the problem area of ​​the body or face. After 20-30 minutes, they are removed from the skin with a paper napkin.If desired, liquid vitamins can be combined with other components, increasing the effectiveness of the procedure.

Daily practice of applying vitamins to the skin with dryness is undesirable

Other possible causes of dry skin

The cause of dryness and flaking can be hidden inside the body. The most common provoking factors include:

  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • frequent use of peeling;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • dehydration;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • skin diseases;
  • improperly selected cosmetics;
  • aggressive cleansing of the skin.
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An insufficiently varied diet is considered one of the main causes of vitamin deficiency. This is typical for people on certain diets. Most often, vitamins enter the body in insufficient quantities in winter, when it becomes more difficult to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. In this case, taking vitamin supplements is especially necessary.

Attention! The risk of experiencing excessive dryness is increased in older women.

Preventive actions

Vitamins for the skin of the hands from cracks and dryness can be used as a preventive measure. In addition, certain rules should be followed to help maintain the skin of the body in the desired condition. It is advisable to attend to this as early as possible. Getting rid of dryness in adulthood is more difficult than preventing it in adolescence. Preventive measures include the following:

  • daily use of the right amount of water;
  • use of air humidifiers;
  • the use of sunscreens in the warm season;
  • refusal from cosmetic preparations containing alcohol;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • daily use of moisturizing masks and creams.

If the skin of the face is very dry, it is important not only to ensure the supply of vitamins to the body, but also to take care of quality care. It is not recommended to clean it with aggressive cosmetics. It is advisable to completely abandon the use of clay and scrubs. It is also necessary to monitor the temperature of the water used for washing. It shouldn't be too cold or hot.

You should visit a beautician to get advice on facial skin care. He will select the most suitable products based on the skin type. Improper care can significantly damage the epidermis.


Take vitamins for dry skin of the body should be strictly limited time. An excess of nutrients is as undesirable as a deficiency. Before starting the intake, it is necessary to undergo a study that reveals the exact amount of these substances in the body.

Reviews of vitamins for dry skin

Korostyleva Olga Igorevna, 28 years old, Ussuriysk
A couple of months ago I drank vitamins for dry skin of my legs. My feet were covered with cracks, which caused me significant discomfort. At one time I was sure that I had a fungus. But the doctor allayed my fears. I restored the skin of my body with Aekol. But the improvements were not immediately noticeable.
Komogortseva Alina Vitalievna, 33 years old, Moscow
Excessive dryness of the skin of the body and face, I suffer occasionally. The problem is exacerbated mainly in autumn and winter. I begin to notice peeling in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and tightness on the hands. In these cases, I immediately take vitamins. Every time I take a different one. The main thing is that they contain biotin, retinol and vitamin E.
Queen Julia Grigorievna, 22 years old, Tomsk
Over the past few years, very dry skin on my hands has started to bother me. I took vitamins as prescribed by a doctor. He explained to me that the problem was caused by a lack of vitamins E and A. The discomfort from the body completely disappeared in the second week of vitamin therapy. But I still continued to take the drug to consolidate the effect.
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