Children's vitamins Doppelherz

The German company Kweiser Pharma produces a number of vitamin complexes designed to solve different problems. These are not medicines, but biologically active additives that serve as a source of vitamins, macro- and microelements. The company also produces preparations for young patients - vitamins for children Doppelherz.

Description and composition of Doppelherz vitamins for children

The company offers 2 types of vitamin complexes: Doppelherz Kinder Multivitamins and Doppelherz Kinder Omega-3 for children.

The first option is available in the form of raspberry-flavored chewing lozenges. In 1 package - a plastic jar, there are 60 lozenges. Each weight is 2 g.

The composition of the lozenges is as follows:

  • main components - nicotinamide, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B12, A, D3, E;
  • auxiliary ingredients - glucose syrup that provides a sweet taste, raspberry flavor, gelatin, fruit concentrate, maltodextrin.

Vitamins for children Doppelherz Omega-3 are produced in the form of capsules. Lemon taste. The composition of the pill is somewhat different:

  • omega-3 fatty acids act as both an active ingredient and a medium for dissolving other vitamins;
  • vitamins - C, A, D

Vitamins for children Doppelgerts Kinder Multivitamins are prescribed for babies over 4 years old. The complex with fatty acids can be given to children from the age of 7, when there is a significant intellectual load.

Effects of the drug

The Doppelhertz complex is a source of vitamins and some trace elements. Of course, they are all found in food. But, unfortunately, agrotechnical technologies and methods of processing products in order to prolong their use significantly reduce the amount of nutrients. As a result, both an adult and a child do not always get enough of the necessary nutrients.

Vitamins for children Doppelhertz provide a daily dose of each vitamin included in the composition. They determine the useful properties of the drug:

  • nicotinamide - regulates metabolism, is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and digestive systems;
  • vitamin C - a participant in the work of the immune system, an active antioxidant, shock doses of ascorbic acid can suppress almost all inflammatory diseases;
  • B 1 necessary for the normal functioning of the nerve fiber and the passage of the impulse;
  • B 2 participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin, the vitamin is necessary for cellular respiration, its normal amount prevents hypoxia;
  • B 6 - a participant in almost all metabolic reactions;
  • B 12 - its most important property is a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, including the brain;
  • A - an active antioxidant, this compound is involved in the work of the immune system and increases the body's resistance to any disease, one of the most essential vitamins for the organs of vision;
  • D 3 is acutely necessary for normal growth and formation of bone and joint tissue, provides mineral metabolism;
  • E - an antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals, the compound provides the fastest regeneration;

Also, the drug includes zinc, iodine and selenium - the most important trace elements for the stable functioning of the immune system.

Recommended reading:  Why does the body need zinc, where it is contained, the daily rate
Important! Most vitamins are very well absorbed. The exception is group E - almost half of it is excreted in the feces.

Even in a well-balanced complex, such as drugs from Doppelherz, it is difficult to provide a daily dose of tocopherol.

Doppelherz asset Kinder Omega-3 is designed to ensure normal bone growth and stimulate brain detail. Although there are fewer vitamins, dietary supplements are no less useful and necessary due to the high content of Omega-3. These acids are needed to build the lining of cells, to normalize the functioning of nerve fibers and to improve the cognitive functions of the brain.

Indications for use

Vitamins for children Doppelhertz are not a drug. Supplements are prescribed in such cases:

  • with an unbalanced or monotonous diet, the drug Doppelherz serves as a source of tocopherol, ascorbic acid, retinol, thiamine and trace elements, replenishes the daily dose of substances;
  • during rehabilitation after suffering colds or viral diseases for a speedy recovery;
  • with a general weakening of the body, the Doppelherz complex for children is prescribed to stimulate the immune system;
  • vitamins Kinder Doppelherz Omega-3 are prescribed with an increase in mental stress in order to stimulate the brain;
  • the complex is used as a preventive measure to ensure the normal development of the child's bone, nervous and digestive systems.

In the treatment of chronic diseases, vitamins for children Doppelherz act as an auxiliary agent and in no case replace the main treatment.

Dosage and method of administration

Vitamins for children Doppelherz can be given to babies from 4 years old. The daily dose is 1 chewable lozenge per day. It is better to consume dietary supplements with meals, since most of the vitamins that make up it are classified as fat-soluble, so it is better absorbed with food. The course is designed for 1 month. Children over 12 years old are prescribed 2 lozenges per day.

Doppelherz active Kinder Omega-3 can be consumed from 7 years old, 1 capsule per day. A child over 12 years old is prescribed 2-3 capsules per day. Better to take with meals.

Side effects and overdose

Vitamins for children Doppel herz are optimal in composition. But if instead of 1 recommended lozenge you eat 10 "gummy bears", you may experience reactions characteristic of an overdose:

  • drowsiness, fatigue, headache are common signs of overdose;
  • excess vitamin C leads to hyperactivity or increased excitability;
  • excess selenium and zinc cause vomiting and nausea;
  • most dangerously excessive amount of B1 - causes arrhythmia, low blood pressure and anaphylactic shock.
Important! Do not give drugs intended for schoolchildren 7-8 years old, young children. A different ratio and amount of vitamins in such preparations most often leads to an overdose of any component.

Contraindications for use

The only contraindication to the use of vitamins for children from Doppelherz is individual sensitivity to any ingredient in the dietary supplement.

If a child is sick with diabetes mellitus, it should be borne in mind that the "chewing bear" contains 6.6 kcal and is 0.1 bread unit.

It is forbidden to use the complex for children suffering from phenylcuronuria, since aspartame, which is part of the composition, is a source of phenylalanine.

Analogs of the drug Doppelherz for children

There are many possibilities to replace the complex with some other preparation of a suitable composition.

  1. Kinder Biovetal - the most affordable analogue. Includes 3 fat-soluble and 6 water-soluble vitamins. The drug is allowed to be given to children from 3 years of age. It is recommended to use dietary supplements during an increase in load: when cold weather sets in, to adapt to new conditions, to quickly recover from a cold.
  2. Kiddy Farmaton - in addition to compounds of group B, A and C, contains calcium and phosphorus salts. During a period of active growth, the need for these macronutrients increases. In addition, the dietary supplement includes L-lysine hydrochloride, an amino acid that is essential for the growth of muscle tissue.
  3. Vitamishki Immuno - chewable lozenges with vitamins E and C, as well as trace elements - zinc and selenium. A child can drink a complex from 3 years old. The dietary supplement is used within a month as a preventive measure and in order to enrich the daily diet with an unbalanced diet.

You need to choose supplements for children by composition. Taste and design are secondary.


Vitamins for children Doppelherz is a biological supplement serving as a source of vitamins and microelements. The drug is not a medicinal product, but due to its composition it ensures the normal development of the child and stimulates the immune system.

Reviews of doctors

Olga Ershova, pediatrician, Kaspiysk.
I prescribe the vitamin complex to weakened children. Unfortunately, these are now the majority. This is especially pronounced when a child enters kindergarten or school. Doppelhertz has a balanced composition, so I find it the most useful.
Marina Nefedova, therapist.
Doppelhertz supplement stimulates the immune system due to its composition. I advise you to take it for frequent colds and acute respiratory viral infections, after illnesses and for prevention. Children often become hostages of the modern nutritional system and do not receive additional micro and macro elements.

Consumer reviews

Svetlana Gordeeva, 42 years old, Mozhaisk.
Not a fan of synthetic vitamins and do not like to stuff children with such "sweets". However, this spring we were overtaken by a series of endless colds. I bought Doppelhertz thanks to advertising. A week later, the child's appetite improved, and before that he was already eating very badly. After 2 weeks, the son became much more active, and a month later the endless runny nose finally disappeared. But, it is true, it became much warmer outside.
Mikhail Denisov, 35 years old, St. Petersburg.
The drug was bought by a wife who decided to feed the children with vitamins. I didn't like the decoration and it tastes like carrots. However, kids really love these dubious bears. How they affect health, I will not say, since the children did not have any colds, and they drank vitamins for prevention.
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