Is it possible for a nursing mother to have dumplings in the first month

Breastfeeding dumplings are a highly controversial product. During the lactation period, women try to follow a strict diet so as not to provoke colic in the child. But, if you approach the purchase of a product with responsibility, you can not refuse to use it.

Features of the use of dumplings while breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, a woman needs to carefully monitor her diet. After all, the work of the baby's digestion depends on it. Together with milk, substances that provoke bloating and diarrhea can enter his body. But not always breastfeeding women manage to carve out extra time for cooking. In this case, semi-finished products come to the rescue. When breastfeeding dumplings, it is permissible to enter into the diet no earlier than a month after childbirth. This should be done gradually, observing the child's reaction.

Dumplings for a nursing mother in the first month are highly undesirable. In this case, the risk of developing a digestive upset in the child increases. In some cases, an allergic reaction occurs. This negatively affects the condition of the baby. Along with this, the female body needs protein, the source of which is the filling of dumplings. But we should talk about high-quality specimens with the most natural composition. After all, category D dumplings consist of no more than 20% meat.

To make the dish more satisfying, it is served with broth.
Attention! The shelf life of frozen homemade dumplings is 1 month, and purchased dumplings can be up to 6 months.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to dumplings

Dumplings are a delicious dish made from dough and minced meat. They perfectly satisfy hunger and quickly replenish the body's energy supply. When breastfeeding, dumplings are not prohibited. But a lot depends on their composition and freshness. Poor quality dumplings can cause food poisoning or colic in your child. Experts recommend lactating women to use dumplings prepared with their own hands.

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Is it possible for a nursing mother to make homemade dumplings

The main advantage of homemade dumplings is their natural composition. It contains no flavor enhancers, preservatives or stabilizers. The filling can be made from any type of meat. The most common options are:

  • rabbit meat;
  • turkey;
  • pork;
  • hen;
  • veal.
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The dough is made from wheat flour with the addition of eggs, salt and vegetable oil. For the digestive system, the combination of meat and dough is considered difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to add onions, carrots or cabbage to the minced meat. The fiber in vegetables speeds up the digestion process. The only drawbacks of homemade semi-finished products are the lengthy preparation process and the shortened shelf life. But the benefits of the product more than compensate for these disadvantages.

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Comment! The most beneficial for the composition of breast milk is ground beef.

Is it possible for nursing mothers to buy dumplings

Factory-made dumplings are also acceptable for breastfeeding. But it is important to pay attention to their category and composition. It is advisable for lactating women to buy a product of category A or B. It contains at least 60% of meat. Semi-finished products of categories C, D and E are inferior to him in the amount of protein, therefore they do not have a high nutritional value. In addition, they may contain mechanically deboned meat, bones and soy protein. When choosing purchased semi-finished products, you need to look at the content of various additives and flavor enhancers. The fewer there are, the better it will be for the health of the woman and her child.

The most expensive are semi-finished products from turkey or rabbit. They are also referred to as more suitable varieties for the lactation period. The main benefit is low calorie content and reduced risk of allergies. On sale, such dumplings are much less common.

High-quality semi-finished products should not stick together and fall apart during the cooking process

When can a nursing mother eat dumplings

Dumplings while breastfeeding can be consumed in the second month. But you must follow certain rules. The product is introduced into the diet gradually, in small portions. In total, it is allowed to eat no more than 10-15 products per day. It is desirable that they should not be consumed in the evening. This will provoke a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. But this product is not suitable for daily use. In addition, it is considered to be very high in calories, which slows down the process of weight loss after childbirth.

Rules for the use of dumplings with HS

If you approach the use of dumplings wisely, they will not have a detrimental effect on the health of a woman and her baby. First of all, you need to pay attention to the composition of the product. If the child is allergic to chicken eggs, they should be discarded. An alternative option in this case can be quail eggs. Minced meat should not be too fat. Therefore, it is advisable to give preference to the stuffing of beef or turkey. Soy protein should not be present in the purchased product, as it is considered a potential allergen. It is also advisable to abandon too cheap varieties of dumplings.

The semi-finished product must be well cooked. Partially raw meat is a source of parasitic diseases that pose a serious health hazard.

Breastfeeding experts advise against adding fatty sauces or mayonnaise to dumplings. You can use sour cream as a substitute. In the case of self-preparation of the product, you should refuse hot spices and garlic. They can make your breast milk taste bitter, which can lead to your baby's breastfeeding. And the use of dill when cooking, on the contrary, is encouraged, since it reduces the likelihood of gas formation.

Useful Tips

To exclude possible health complications and get the maximum benefit from food, it is necessary to treat the preparation of the diet with responsibility. It is advisable to first discuss the possibility of using the product with a doctor. He will give individual recommendations, taking into account the quality of lactation and the characteristics of the child's health. During breastfeeding, it is recommended to focus on the following tips:

  • purchased semi-finished products must be replaced with homemade ones;
  • it is undesirable to eat the dish more than 1 time a week;
  • when drawing up a diet, it is required to monitor the reaction of the child's body;
  • dumplings should be consumed with vegetable salad for better protein absorption;
  • before cooking, you need to check the expiration date;
  • semi-finished products are eaten freshly prepared, hot;
  • it is forbidden to use acetic acid, mayonnaise and ketchup as a dressing.
Important! To increase the fat content of breast milk, you need to eat a semi-finished product with pork.


Dumplings while breastfeeding should be eaten with caution, only if urgently needed. It is undesirable to use the dish on an ongoing basis. If you do not abuse the product, you can not be afraid of side effects.

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