Useful properties of dorado

Seafood is quite common and popular. The same can be said for the dorado. This sea fish is quite popular, but few people know the benefits and harms of the dorado. In addition to being rich in vitamins and minerals, fish has many benefits for women who are losing weight. But first things first.

What does dorado look like and where is found

It is otherwise called golden sarp or sea carp. For 2018, the maximum length is 70 cm, and the weight is 17 kg. However, fishermen usually catch much lighter species. On average, 500 grams.

The sea carp has an oval body with flattened sides and silvery scales that extend slightly towards the head. The dorsal fin of the fish has spiny rays.

The scales are painted in a silvery shade, the fins have a pink overflow, and between the eyes there is a golden line.

Reference! During life, a fish has a brown spot on its tail, which disappears after death.

Dorado habitats are the Mediterranean Sea, the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. But in the late 90s, schools of sea carp were noticed by fishermen off the coast of Crimea.

Dorado fish composition

The benefit lies in the composition. The fish, which is attractive in taste, contains the following vitamins:

  • thiamine (B1);
  • acids: pantothenic (B5), folic (B9), nicotinic (PP);
  • cyanocobalamin (B12);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • pyridoxine (B6);
  • retinol (A).

In addition to useful vitamins, sea carp has many minerals, including calcium, zinc, copper, selenium and others.

Iodine is found in large quantities. Dorado meat is useful for pensioners, children, and pregnant women.

Reference! Modern medicine shows that regular use of dorado can prevent atherosclerosis, diabetes, heart attack. Fish helps to lower blood cholesterol.

Calorie Dorado

Dorado has a calorie content per 100 grams - 95 kcal. However, depending on the type of cooking, the number of calories is different. All data are given in the table.






Baked in the oven





Baked in foil













For a couple




How dorado is useful for the body

It has several advantages:

  • high meat content with a small amount of bones;
  • low calorie content of the product;
  • fish fillet contains 20% of easily digestible protein.

Thus, polyunsaturated fatty acids have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system of the human body. They lower cholesterol and have anti-atherosclerotic effects.

There are also benefits of monounsaturated acids. They lower cholesterol. They form an insoluble complex, which allows the latter to not settle.

The presence of potassium in crucian carp meat helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, helps to deliver oxygen to the cells of the human brain. In addition, potassium normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle.

The presence of iodine leads to the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Iron transports oxygen to tissues and promotes the formation of lymphocytes and red blood cells.Zinc strengthens the body's immune system and is responsible for its growth and development.

Is it possible for dorado pregnant and lactating women

Due to the high amount of vitamins and minerals in dorado fish, it can be consumed by pregnant women. You should not worry about her overeating, because she does not bring harm, only benefit.

As for breastfeeding mothers, they should gradually introduce fish into their diet in small pieces so that the baby does not experience an allergic reaction to seafood, as well as colic and tummy pains.

Is Dorado fish good for children?

For children, seafood is healthy. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that contribute to the normal growth and development of the baby.

It is possible to introduce the product into the diet of the children's menu from 11 months, but ½ teaspoon should be given. Gradually increase the portion to 90 grams.

Important! Despite the high content of meat, fish contain bones, so only thoroughly peeled fillets should be given to the child.

Dorada for weight loss

Dorado fish is useful for girls who seek to lose extra pounds and regularly sit on exhausting diets. It should be included in your diet.

An insignificant volume of fats, the absence of carbohydrates in sea carp meat with a maximum saturation with proteins and microelements contributes to the saturation of the body with useful substances. Spar goes well with vegetables.

Dorado for pancreatitis

The low fat content of golden sarp suggests that it can be consumed by patients with pancreatitis. However, before use, it will not be superfluous to consult a therapist.

Dorado with pancreatitis can be eaten only in the form of steam cutlets or in a boiled version. Fried, smoked, salted or canned fish is prohibited.

How to cook delicious dorado fish

The most useful options for use are steamed. This will cook the fish while preserving all the macro and micro components. It goes well with all vegetables and potatoes, rice and noodles.

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There are several secrets to making dorado:

  • to preserve juiciness and maximum useful properties, cook in the oven;
  • juicy and aromatic will be baked in foil;
  • cooking should not be long to maintain juiciness, tenderness and flavor.

Recipe for cooking dorado in foil

There are several options for cooking in foil. Here is one of them.

Cooking method:

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  • The oven heats up to 200 degrees.
  • At this time, clean and gut the fish, rinse and dry. Grease half a sheet of foil with oil and put half of the fish there. Salt and pepper to taste on both sides and rub with oil.
  • Cut half a lemon into small slices, squeeze the juice from the other half, which you want to grease with seafood. Stuff the belly with slices and basil.
  • Wrap in foil and bake for half an hour.
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If desired, sprinkle with a mixture of spicy Italian herbs after stuffing.

Dorado harm and contraindications

As mentioned earlier, few people have heard about the benefits and dangers of dorado for the body. Despite the huge advantage of fish, it has disadvantages. Among them, its high cost is noted, which means that it is inaccessible to a wide range of consumers. And the presence of small bones does not allow it to be introduced into the children's diet in large portions.

Fish have no special contraindications, except for the individual intolerance of the body. Do not forget about the exotic origin of the sea carp, which means that the body of a Russian inhabitant of the dorado may be unusual.

In order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction, golden spar should be injected carefully and in small quantities.

Which is healthier: dorado or sea bass

It is extremely difficult to talk about the benefits of fish, since the composition of vitamins is the same as that of dorado.However, marine fish have the advantage of phosphorus and iodine. In addition, the dorado also wins in dietary terms, but the sea bass does not lag behind.

Sea carp is allowed to eat even for those patients who suffer from serious health problems. But the sea bass also has no strict restrictions on its use.

As for taste preferences, only gourmets can distinguish the fish, since dorado and sea bass are very similar.

How to choose and store Dorado fish

Dorado is divided into 2 types: royal and gray. The first fillet is softer than the second. Her eyes are bright, moist and bulging. The gills are clean and red. It is desirable to smell them - fresh fish has a sea aroma.

As for the torso, it is dense and smooth.

Advice! You need to press the belly of the fish, if the dent is quickly smoothed out, then this indicates the good quality and freshness of the royal dorado.

The sea carp should be moist and shiny.

You can store it in ice cream. But first you need to gut, rinse and place in a vacuum container. This way the fish can be stored for up to 3 months.


The benefits and harms of dorado will be individual for everyone. Fish is very popular not only among women who are losing weight, but also among the entire population. It can be cooked with various side dishes, but it is especially good with vegetables.

In medical terms, dorado has several advantages. However, you should consult a specialist before use.

Fish reviews

Since the fish is quite popular, it also has a lot of reviews. Everyone who has tasted the golden sparkle was pleased with its amazing taste. They also recommend trying it for those who have not eaten this fish yet.

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