Properties and uses of Monarda essential oil

Monarda is a perennial from North America. The plant has bright pink inflorescences and has a citrus scent. Monarda oil for nails is useful. The cosmetic product has a rich chemical composition.

Monarda oil composition

A perennial plant native to South and North America. It is treated like a weed. In Europe, monarda is grown as an oilseed crop.

The solution is obtained using the steam distillation method. Leaves and flowers are used to make the oil composition. It is noteworthy that the concentration of ether in the plant stems is insignificant.

The resulting ether has the following shades:

  • pale yellow;
  • red;
  • amber.

The color and smell of monard oil solution depends on the chemical composition and quality of the raw materials. Overall, the scent has bergamot and lemon notes.

Ether is a source of organic matter:

  • geraniol;
  • thymol;
  • cineole.

What are the medicinal properties of Monarda essential oil used for?

The solution is used for medicinal and prophylactic purposes. It is known that inhalations with the agent improve blood circulation and have a positive effect on the respiratory system. The use of monard oil solution increases immunity and helps the body fight ARVI.

The product can be used as an aphrodisiac. It stabilizes the concentration of sex hormones and increases sexual desire. The oil solution promotes vasodilation, elimination of puffiness. The tool has a stimulating effect on the work of the heart muscle. Regular use of the product helps to reduce pressure.

The composition normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. The tool allows you to strengthen sleep and stabilize the psycho-emotional state. The product eliminates depression and apathy. Its use is to prevent the development of malignant tumors.

How to use monarda oil

There are several ways to use the remedy. The dosage depends on the indications for use.

Monard ether from ARVI

In the autumn-spring period, the risk of colds increases. For the treatment and prevention of viral pathologies, you can use the useful ether. The product is mixed with any oil solution (fir, geranium). The resulting composition is rubbed on the wings of the nose.

Essential monard solution fights the first signs of a cold
Important! For external use of ether, use no more than two drops of the agent.

Oil composition of monarda for wound healing

To speed up the restoration of the skin, lotions are made based on an ether solution (five drops) with the addition of vodka (a teaspoon). You can replace the alcohol-based product with a glass of water.

Lotions with monardic ether help heal wounds

Elimination of worms

External use of an oil solution allows you to eliminate parasites. To this end, you need to mix a teaspoon of glycerin and two drops of an essential agent. The resulting composition is rubbed on the stomach.

Monard ether helps to remove worms without harm to the body

Monarda oil in cosmetology

Ether is widely used in various fields of medicine. Monarda cosmetic oil has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair. The product has been proven to tighten pores and slow down the aging process. Ester has antiseptic properties and allows you to clear your face from acne.

Oil monard solution treats dermatitis and inflammation
Attention! Using the product may cause an allergic reaction.

Monarda face oil

The product is useful for different skin types. It is used to get rid of oily sheen and eliminate age-related changes.

Monarda sycamore oil is suitable for enriching cosmetics. A few drops of the solution are added to a tonic, lotion or cream.

It is advisable to use monard ether in the composition of cosmetic products before bedtime.
Important! Creams are enriched with a solution immediately before use in the required amount.

Monarda oil for hair

The product has antifungal properties. It can be used not only for fungal nail infections. One of the indications for use is scalp dandruff. Trichologists recommend adding monard oil to masks and balms. The duration of exposure to the formulations is 30-60 minutes.

Oily monard ester strengthens hair and gives it shine
Important! The product is suitable for both oily and dry strands.

Monarda oil for acne

To cleanse your face, add cosmetic blue clay, two drops of ether to 300 ml of water. The composition is enriched with a small amount of olive oil. The mask is applied for 20 minutes.

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To eliminate acne, monard oil solution is used twice a week.
Attention! The mask should be washed off immediately if a burning sensation occurs.

How to use Monarda oil for onycholysis, nail fungus

When the nail is detached from the tissue, a void forms on the fingers. It promotes discoloration of nails. Onycholysis is both non-infectious and infectious in nature. The color of the nail plate turns brown, yellow or bluish. Treatment tactics depend on the cause of the pathology. Nails can flake off after taking certain medications, contact with chemicals.

Onycholysis is often the result of an infection. Fingernails and toenails are prone to flaking if fungus is present. Therapy of pathology is complex and involves the use of external agents.

Monard ether can be used to treat fungal nail infection and detachment. It must be mixed with any vegetable oil. The feet must be washed before processing. The procedure is performed before bedtime.

After processing nails and skin with monarda ether, put on cotton socks
Attention! Before using the product, you must make sure that there are no contraindications.

Home use

According to the instructions for use, Monarda oil treats nail fungus, scalp dandruff. However, the agent is also used to flavor the air, as well as eliminate unpleasant odors. For this purpose, two drops of the product are mixed with any vegetable ether and poured into an aroma lamp.

Spraying premises with a solution including water and an oily monard solution removes mold

Contraindications to the use of monarda oil

The product has a beneficial effect on hair, nails and skin. The benefits of Monarda oil are antifungal, anti-inflammatory properties. However, the product may cause unwanted effects.Its use, for example, for the treatment of nails, is undesirable in the presence of individual intolerance.

The following contraindications to the use of monard ether are called:

  • lactation or pregnancy;
  • hypotension;
  • liver or kidney pathology;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer.

Analogue of monarda oil

The product contributes to the health of nails. If it is impossible to purchase natural and high-quality ether, you can give preference to:

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  • oil solutions of celandine, propolis, sea buckthorn;
  • garlic extract;
  • Kalanchoe and rosehip juice.
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These funds have a positive effect on the condition of the nails and strengthen the plate.

Combination with other oils

Ether has a tonic effect. The product has a spicy smell and many beneficial properties. This allows the product to be used in alternative medicine and cosmetology.

To enhance the beneficial effect on the body, monard ether can be mixed with other oil solutions:

  • almond;
  • lavender;
  • pink;
  • tea tree;
  • peach;
  • geraniums.


Monarda oil for nails is recommended by dermatologists. This natural product has a unique composition and healing properties. Its use helps to eliminate the signs of fungal infection, which is manifested by onycholysis.

Reviews on the use of Monarda oil from nail fungus

Pathology is referred to as common diseases. Nail fungus can appear at absolutely any age. Therapy is a complex and lengthy process. Not all products used can penetrate deep into the nail and destroy the mycelium. Reviews contain information about the effectiveness of the use of monard ether to eliminate fungal infections.

Christina Moiseichik, 23 years old, Tyumen
I learned about monarda oil, properties and application for treatment thanks to my friend. She advised me to use a nail fungus remedy. The result was noticeable within two weeks. The intolerable itching and yellowness of the nails disappeared completely. The oil solution is really effective.
Marina Ivanyushkina, 32 years old, Zhlobin
Thanks to the monard ether solution, I was able to cure my nails from the incipient fungus. I just applied the product to the skin and rubbed it into the cuticle. Treatment of nails returned them shine and durability. Now I regularly use an oil solution for prevention.
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