How they do, the benefits and harms of rice oil

Before starting use, you should evaluate the beneficial properties of rice oil and contraindications. It can be included in the diet and used in cosmetology to improve the general condition and appearance. Experts recommend doing this only on the condition that no problems arise when ingested or applied to the skin.

The chemical composition of rice bran oil

Vegetable fat, which is produced from the bran and germ of rice, is a source of vitamins and antioxidants. The amount of saturated fat in the composition is small, so it can be consumed by people who are recommended dietary meals.

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The product is the source:

  • vitamins A, E, PP, K, group B;
  • fatty acids - linoleic (Omega-6), oleic (Omega-9), palmetic, linolenic (Omega-3), stearic;
  • lecithin;
  • antioxidants - gamma oryzanol, ferulic acid, squalene;
  • gland.

In terms of its fatty acid composition, it resembles corn oil. The product obtained as a result of pressing the bran and rice germ is a source of a large amount of antioxidants. It is considered the leader in terms of tocopherols. 100 g of the product contains 221% of the daily requirement for vitamin E.

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It also contains phytosterols. They have a negative effect on the carcinogenic substances that have entered the body, strengthen the cell membranes and increase the regenerative capacity of the skin. Their effect is most noticeable if a person has wounds, burns.

Rice oil flavor

The oil obtained from rice bran has a pleasant spicy taste. He is natural and unobtrusive. Therefore, the rice processing product is chosen more often by those people for whom the taste of similar additives is too bright.

Due to its viscosity, it does not penetrate into the thermally processed food, so the aroma and taste of the finished dishes do not change.

Uses rice oil for frying, stewing, grilling and dressing salads

How rice oil is made and obtained

Vegetable fat is made from rice bran. This is the name of the shell that is located between the core and the outer protective film of the grain. Crushed cereals and pericarp also get into the bran.

For the production of vegetable fat, the cold pressing method is used. This is a laborious process that requires a lot of time, labor and financial costs.

Comment! Only 25 liters of rice oil can be obtained from a 1 ha field.

As a result of squeezing, an amber product is obtained. It has practically no smell, and the taste is spicy and pleasant.

Is rice oil good for you and what is it used for?

The benefits and harms of refined rice oil are fully appreciated by the inhabitants of eastern countries. This is a familiar product for them. In other states, it is just beginning to become popular. Use it:

  • in cooking for cooking;
  • in cosmetology, as a remedy for skin and hair.

It is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, fatty acids. Under the action of the contained components in the body, the aging process slows down, the concentration of cholesterol decreases, and the state of the cardiovascular system normalizes.

When using this natural antioxidant, the following effect is observed:

  • blood thinns, the likelihood of blood clots decreases;
  • the concentration of harmful cholesterol decreases;
  • the severity of inflammatory processes decreases;
  • the condition of patients with irritable bowel syndrome and peptic ulcer disease improves.

Rice oil can neutralize the negative effects of free radicals accumulated in the body. It also has a mild analgesic effect. Women in the diet of which this product is present note a decrease in pain during menstruation.

Studies show that regular consumption of this vegetable fat prevents the development of heart and vascular diseases. Some people advise using it to prevent cancer.

How to use and take rice oil

The methods of application depend on the purpose for which the person decided to use rice oil. The agent is prescribed to normalize the condition of the skin, hair, and improve health.

Rice bran oil in cosmetology

Vegetable fat obtained as a result of processing rice waste is a unique cosmetic product that is used to care for the skin of the face, hands, and décolleté.

Add natural vegetable fat derived from rice bran to lipsticks and sunscreen cosmetics

External use has the following effect:

  • protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • promotes the regeneration of skin cells;
  • has a rejuvenating effect;
  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • improves hair structure, stimulates hair growth.

The composition contains squalene. This substance is a component of sebum. It is necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the epidermis, to perform the protective functions assigned to it.

Attention! Thanks to squalene, the oil from rice production easily penetrates the skin without clogging the pores.

Applying rice bran oil to the face

You can use the product for facial skin care. Cosmetologists allow it to be applied even to sensitive areas around the eyes. It differs from other species in hypoallergenicity.

It is recommended to use rice bran oil for facial skin in its pure form or as one of the components of natural creams and masks. When applied, the active substances:

  • nourish and restore dry, hypersensitive skin;
  • help to reduce irritation, redness on the face;
  • prevent the appearance of capillary "stars";
  • improve blood microcirculation and cellular metabolism.

As a result of the action of the main components, the skin becomes more elastic, the face contour is tightened. Use it as a means that:

  • promotes the regeneration of the epidermis;
  • prevents the appearance of new wrinkles and reduces the severity of existing ones;
  • has a local anti-inflammatory effect.

Rice oil can be applied to the face in the evening instead of a nourishing cream. Cosmetologists recommend women with dry skin to make a mask from the following components:

  • 2 tsp oils;
  • ½ banana;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour.
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The banana should be mashed with a fork and mixed with other ingredients until a smooth paste is obtained.

On the face, a banana-rice mask with yolk is applied for 15 minutes

It will turn out to increase the elasticity of the skin, make it less flabby, and wrinkles will not be so noticeable if you mix equal amounts of oils extracted from rice, rose, mint, sandalwood, and apply the prepared product on the face with patting movements.

Rice bran oil for hair

You can improve the condition of the scalp, hair follicles and curls by making masks with the addition of rice oil. It stimulates the growth of hair, improves the condition of the epidermis and has a local anti-inflammatory effect.

Masks are recommended for women who:

  • are the owners of thin, dry, damaged curls;
  • use hot styling methods (curling iron, hair dryer, iron);
  • want to get rid of dandruff.

Tocopherol in the composition promotes hair restoration, prevents the loss of nutrients. It "seals" the tips, preventing their dissection.

A mask made from the following components works well on the hair and scalp:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. rice oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

All components should be mixed and heated in a water bath. The warm mixture is evenly distributed over the scalp and hairline and wrapped for an hour. After the specified time has passed, it should be washed in the usual way.

Rice body butter

Cosmetologists recommend using rice bran oil to improve body skin condition. It is advised for women who have stretch marks after childbirth or sudden weight gain. It can also be used to:

  • reduce the appearance of cellulite;
  • get rid of skin peeling, moisturize it;
  • remove minor damage, accelerate the healing of wounds and burns;
  • prevent the appearance of age spots, freckles.

They add rice bran oil to ready-made cosmetics or make natural protective lip balms, creams for UV rays, burns on its basis.

Advice! The agent is applied to the nail plates to prevent fragility and delamination. When applied, hands look well-groomed.

Rice oil for massage

You can use rice oil for massage. Its advantages include:

  • lack of oily sheen;
  • good sliding;
  • economical consumption.

Due to its density and viscosity, the product is well distributed over the skin.

Application in medicine

The oil obtained by pressing the bran of rice has found application in folk and official medicine. It is recommended to use it for treatment:

  • wounds;
  • burns;
  • eczema;
  • peeling;
  • cracked skin;
  • dermatitis;
  • herpes;
  • rashes;
  • inflammation.

For dermatological diseases, it is applied to problem areas.

You can eat rice oil inside to cleanse the body of toxins. It helps to neutralize the negative effects of free radicals and carcinogens. It is prescribed to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies and cancer.

Cooking applications

In the countries of the East, rice oil has been used since ancient times in cooking. In other states, the possibility of its use in cooking became known not so long ago. The product is added to baked goods, used as a salad dressing.

A distinctive feature of the product is the slow rate of oxidation, therefore it is used for preserving other fats. To extend the shelf life, you need to pour in a small amount of rice bran oil.

The oil is used for the preparation of various marinades, sauces, including natural mayonnaise

Can I fry in rice oil

Vegetable fat gives any food a pleasant taste and aroma. Many people wonder whether it is good or bad to use rice oil for frying. It is ideal for thermal processing of food, as it can withstand temperatures up to 264 ° C.

In the process of frying, practically no fumes are formed, the emission of smoke is minimal. Due to the high decomposition temperature, fatty acids are not broken down, so cooked food is not harmful.

Products fried in rice oil come out less fatty than when using sunflower or olive oil. They retain their natural taste and aroma.

Contraindications to the use of rice oil

The only contraindication to taking rice oil is individual intolerance. This is a hypoallergenic remedy that is allowed even for children.

Attention! It is not recommended to include the product in the diet of people who have diarrhea or exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.


It is advisable to find out the beneficial properties of rice oil and contraindications to its intake before including it in the diet. But most people can not restrict themselves, the product is safe, does not cause allergies or intolerance reactions. It is recommended to be added to food and used as an external agent in cosmetology.

Reviews of the beneficial properties of rice oil and contraindications

Bastradova Irina, 51 years old, Taganrog
On the advice of a friend, she began to massage her face with rice oil. After two weeks, the skin tightened, the flaky areas disappeared. There were no problems with the application.
Komkova Angelina, 32 years old, Khabarovsk
Several years ago I started using rice oil for frying. It does not form carbon deposits, does not change the taste of products. Sometimes I add it to salads, marinades.
Quick Alina, 27 years old, Krasnodar
One of my favorite oils with a neutral flavor is rice. I add it to face and hair masks. Periodically I take it internally in courses of several weeks.

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