Products to increase testosterone in men and women

Testosterone-boosting products for men over 40 are very readily available and inexpensive. If you correctly include them in your diet, then the important sex hormone can be maintained at a normal level.

Features of products containing testosterone

Testosterone is the most important sex hormone for men. It is he who is responsible for the correct distribution of fat and the functioning of the reproductive system, endurance and energy. With a lack of testosterone in men, there is not only a tendency to be overweight, but also lethargy, problems with potency, and a decrease in temperament.

Testosterone-boosting products help to avoid the need for medication in the case of a moderate hormone deficiency. Its level is beneficially influenced by:

  • protein food, of all the products that increase testosterone, such dishes have the strongest effect on hormones;
  • food high in zinc, selenium and cholesterol, these substances belong to the category of increasing testosterone and are considered a building material for the hormone;
  • vegetables, they contain not only vitamins, but also androsterone, which takes part in the metabolism of sex hormones and increases their production;
  • spices and seasonings, they may not contain substances that directly increase testosterone, but at the same time they help to reduce female sex hormones;
  • seafood and nuts, they are aphrodisiacs and belong to the group of foods that increase testosterone.
With a shortage of testosterone, you can replenish its volumes from food

The hormone level is influenced by cereals, which improve blood circulation in the small pelvis, as well as fruits and berries, which stimulate the production of sexual substances.

What foods raise testosterone

Testosterone is equally important for both men and women. In the female body, the hormone is primarily responsible for the balance of fat and muscle mass. If there is not enough substance, there is a strong tendency to be overweight, and if there is enough, then the muscles are in good tone. But at the same time, men and women need to receive the hormone in different quantities and from different products.

What foods raise testosterone in men

In the male body, the hormone plays an essential role and therefore must be supplied in large quantities. When compiling a diet, men are advised to focus specifically on foods that increase testosterone. Then, even after 40 years, you can not be afraid of problems with potency and overweight.

The best sex hormone-boosting foods for men are:

  • high protein foods - red meat, seafood, eggs;
  • nuts and cereals - hazelnuts, peanuts, pearl barley, buckwheat and barley porridge;
  • vegetables and fruits - especially green and red;
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese and cheeses;
  • spices and seasonings.
Men must eat meat and fish to maintain hormone balance

To maintain a healthy hormonal background, it is better to give up fast food and a lot of sweets. Such food does not increase the male hormone at all, but it can reduce its amount.

What foods increase testosterone in women

In the female body, testosterone should be present in smaller quantities, but it is also important. This substance is responsible for the density of hair, the ratio of muscle to fat mass, sexual activity and concentration. At a low level, metabolism slows down and excess weight appears, joints become more fragile.

Important! A lack of testosterone can lead to diabetes, endometriosis, and cancer in women. Therefore, the level of the substance must be monitored very carefully.

When compiling a diet, women should pay attention to the following foods that stimulate testosterone production:

  • nuts and cereals;
  • seafood - shrimps, crabs;
  • fatty fish;
  • vegetables and fruits with bright colors - green, yellow, red.
Women need little testosterone, so it's better to get it from nuts, seeds and vegetables.

Meat in the female diet should be present, but in limited quantities. Excess protein can lead to an excessive increase in testosterone.

Best Testosterone Products

There are several groups of foods that can effectively increase the level of the sex hormone. On the table for men, such food should be present on a regular basis.


Most of the sex hormones can be obtained from seafood. They are rich primarily in polyunsaturated fatty acids, they also contain vitamins E and A, minerals zinc and selenium.

Among the foods that increase testosterone in men after 50, the following stand out in particular:

  • crabs and crayfish;
  • mussels and shrimps;
  • oysters.
Seafood stimulates the production of male hormones, and also supplies selenium and zinc to the body

Foods that increase testosterone will not only enhance the synthesis of the sex hormone in men, but also have a positive effect on the quality of semen. It is important to note that you need to eat seafood baked, after steaming or boiling. Salted, canned and fried crabs and shrimp will not be beneficial.

Vegetables and greens

Fresh greens are a good source of testosterone for men. It contains not only minerals and vitamins, but also plant analogues of the sex hormone, as well as chlorophyll.

Testosterone-boosting foods include:

  • cilantro and spinach;
  • arugula and parsley;
  • green onions and dill;
  • leaf salad.
Fresh greens activate testosterone synthesis

Of the vegetables, the most beneficial for the hormonal background of men are fruits of green and red flowers. Vegetables promote the release of testosterone-boosting androsterone and generally speed up metabolic processes. Another important property of green vegetables is their ability to quickly remove excess female hormone estrogen from the body. As for red vegetables, they have a positive effect on the condition of the reproductive and genitourinary systems, improve blood circulation.

For men, the following testosterone-rich foods are especially beneficial:

Recommended reading:  Celery: useful properties and contraindications
  • avocado and celery;
  • broccoli and cauliflower;
  • white cabbage and Brussels sprouts;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • zucchini, eggplant and yellow peppers.
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All varieties of cabbage improve the hormonal system of men.

Sex hormone-boosting vegetables are beneficial in any form, but they are best consumed fresh. It is recommended to choose fruits with the most intense color.

Fruits and berries

For the male body, fruits and berries that increase the level of testosterone in the body are beneficial not only directly. They also have a cleansing effect - they remove harmful substances from the tissues and additionally strengthen the reproductive system.

Grapes and Citrus Fruits Increase Male Hormone Levels

It is recommended to pay special attention to the following fruits and berries:

  • green and dark grapes;
  • raspberries, strawberries and cherries;
  • watermelons and melons;
  • grenades;
  • oranges and apricots;
  • cranberries and lemons;
  • pineapples.
Advice! If there is a lack of testosterone in the body, it is better to stop eating grapefruits. They are not included in the category of products that increase the male hormone, but at the same time they slow down the excretion of estrogens from the liver.

Dairy products

Testosterone-boosting foods include cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, and others. All fermented milk products contain a lot of natural protein and a balanced amount of fats, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, milk-based testosterone products help maintain muscle mass, healthy libido and daily vitality.

Natural cottage cheese and milk stimulate the hormonal system to work actively

It is recommended for men to include fermented milk products in their diet on a daily basis. But at the same time, it is important to ensure that the cheeses, cottage cheese and milk are of high quality. On the packaging with the product should not be written "curd product" or "cheese product", but only "curd" or "cheese".

Meat, fish and eggs

Testosterone is produced primarily by the protein present in natural animal protein. Therefore, for men, meat and fish are very valuable products; they must be present on the table, and on a daily basis.

Meats that increase testosterone include chicken and turkey, veal and beef. Both white and red meat contain essential nutrients. At the same time, nutritionists recommend giving preference to lean meat products that do not lead to the appearance of cholesterol deposits.

Of fish, of particular value for men are:

  • trout and salmon;
  • flounder and mackerel;
  • anchovies and tuna;
  • halibut, sardine and perch.
Eat red fish and meats to maintain testosterone levels

Fatty fish contains polyunsaturated acids Omega-6 and Omega-3, as well as zinc and selenium. Fish supplies the body with high-quality protein, thins the blood and prevents the development of vascular and heart ailments. All this allows us to refer it to the category of products that increase the main sex hormone in men.

Eggs are a valuable source of testosterone for men. They contain protein as well as calcium, zinc, vitamins, and healthy natural fats.


Porridge is not a staple testosterone-boosting food, but it is also high on the list. In addition to stimulating the production of the sex hormone in men, they also have other useful properties - they accelerate metabolism, neutralize putrefactive processes in the intestines, and improve blood circulation.

Porridge in the morning improves digestion and increases the level of sex hormones

The greatest benefits for men are buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley, barley, oatmeal.

You can eat cereals daily, it is best to do it in the morning - porridge will help the body wake up and give vigor.

Attention! Testosterone-boosting foods include only whole grains. Instant porridge contains a minimum of valuable substances and does not bring much health benefits.

Nuts and seeds

The composition of nuts and seeds contains a lot of useful components - protein and vegetable fats, vitamins and minerals. The diet of men should appear on a regular basis:

  • walnuts and cashews;
  • hazelnuts and pine nuts;
  • peanuts and almonds;
  • pistachios.
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To maintain testosterone levels, it is enough to consume just a handful of nuts or seeds

It is also useful for men to pay attention to pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds. They promote the production of "good" cholesterol, saturate the body with fatty acids and are among the foods that increase the level of male hormones.

Useful Tips

Testosterone-increasing food is necessary for the male body, but it must be consumed competently:

  1. You cannot focus only on meat or fish products, the menu should be varied. Since meat and fish are high in fat, they can easily lead to obesity if too much. In the daily menu, they are recommended to take only about 40%, another 40% should be taken by vegetables and cereals, and 20% - nuts, eggs and vegetable oils.
  2. When consuming products that increase testosterone, at the same time it is necessary to control the balance of estrogen in the body. Men should not abuse sweets, soy products, very fatty foods and beer, they promote the production of estrogen and can neutralize the action of male hormones. It is important to remember that harmful sugar is present not only in chocolate and sweets, but also in flour products and pasta, their use should also be limited.
  3. If a man is overweight, then at the same time as eating food that increases testosterone, it is necessary to play sports. Physical activity helps to get rid of body fat, it is necessary to eliminate it, since fat stores contribute to the production of estrogen.
  4. One of the most important trace elements for hormonal levels is zinc. It prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen in men, and in women it prevents the conversion of estrogen to testosterone. The level of zinc in the body must be monitored very carefully, the daily dosage should be about 15 mg of the substance. To get high amounts of it, it is especially beneficial to eat oysters and nuts, chicken and liver.
There are many foods that can boost testosterone, but variety is important.

Testosterone-rich foods are one way or another present in any diet. But in order to maintain a healthy hormonal balance, you need to properly distribute them in your own menu and combine them with each other.


Products that increase testosterone in men after 40 help to avoid a decrease in potency, weight gain and general loss of strength. A balanced diet maintains an even hormonal background, allows you to maintain vigor, endurance and good physical shape.

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