The benefits and harms of equestrian sports, reviews

The idea of ​​horse riding as a sport first appeared among the ancient Romans. It was they who first began to hold competitions between riders who drove chariots harnessed to horses. Since then, horseback riding has remained an integral part of people's lives. With the onset of the twentieth century, the time of industrialization, machines came to replace animals. But the benefits and harms of horseback riding remain an urgent issue for many. With the penetration of modern technologies into everyday life, the need to communicate with nature and animals is felt acutely.

Why is horse riding useful?

Horse riding benefits both men, women and children. Its properties and possible harm have been of interest to scientists for a long time. To date, they have identified several aspects of the impact of horse riding on the human body:

  1. Horse riding is a type of physical activity during which the following body systems are involved: respiratory, cardiovascular, vestibular apparatus. The rider is exposed to moderate physical activity while improving coordination and agility.
  2. In order to stay stable in the saddle while riding a horse, it takes a lot of effort. The pectoral and abdominal, calf and thigh, groin muscles, biceps work. Horseback riding benefits pregnant women. While in the saddle, blood begins to more actively flow to the pelvic organs. Such a beneficial property of riding allows you to saturate these organs with oxygen and nutrients, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the fetus.
  3. Equestrian sports are beneficial for the figure, since a large number of calories are burned while riding a horse.
Important! The loads are comparable to intense workouts in the gym.

Equestrian sports

There are various classical and national equestrian sports that require a well-established understanding from the horse and the person, as well as physical fitness. Namely:

  1. Flat race. Horses with jockeys on their backs cover short or long distances in a career, demonstrating maximum speed and endurance.
  2. Running. Animals participating in such competitions are harnessed to light rocking chairs. Their task is to cover the set distance as quickly as possible at a frisky trot. One of the useful aspects of such competitions is identifying the best trotters for breeding.
  3. Show jumping - overcoming high obstacles by a horse with a rider on his back: walls, barriers, fences in a minimum amount of time.
  4. Dressage - animal competitions in such qualities as obedience, plasticity, willingness to work in tandem with humans. Horses seem to perform a bizarre dance, demonstrating pirouettes and kicking.
  5. Triathlon - Combining dressage, cross-country racing and overcoming obstacles.
  6. Jigitovka... A rider performing tricks while the horse gallops.

What is hippotherapy

Hippotherapy is a horse riding treatment.The benefits of horse riding have been known since the time of Hippocrates. This method of treatment became especially popular in the middle of the twentieth century, when a woman with a severe form of poliomyelitis won the Olympics. It was not medication that helped her to get on her feet and achieve tremendous success, but equestrian sports.

The beneficial properties of hippotherapy are based on the following principles:

  • positive emotions from communicating with horses;
  • absence of pain, fear, difficult procedures and medicines during treatment;
  • transfer of animal heat to the patient's muscles in conjunction with massage, which occurs when the muscles of the horse move;
  • connection to active work of all human muscles;
  • learning to communicate when interacting with an animal.

The benefits of hippotherapy have been proven in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • cerebral palsy;
  • autism;
  • mental retardation and mental retardation;
  • polio;
  • osteochondrosis and posture disorders;
  • hypertension and many others.
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The benefits of equestrian sports for children

Horse riding for children benefits the young riders' physical and mental health and also helps to nurture their character.

The beneficial effect of equestrian sports on the mental state of children is obvious. Horse riding improves the child's resistance to stress, develops hand motor skills, and generally helps to strengthen the immune system.

The benefits of horse riding for children are considered more obvious, as it helps to form correct posture, builds character, fosters self-confidence, the ability to overcome difficulties and strive for victories. And the beneficial properties of horseback riding are that this kind of sport, even at a slow pace, provides significant physical activity. However, you can start doing it only after consulting a pediatrician.

Important! The idea that equestrian sports cause harm due to the possible development of varus deformity of the legs (the so-called cavalry bend) is considered by doctors to be unfounded.

At what age can you start horse riding?

It is possible to arouse interest in horses in a small person from the age of 3-4 years. Kids can usefully read books, watch movies with them, or even attend horse races. Many parents begin to introduce their children to horses after visiting the stable. Such excursions allow you to learn a lot of useful information, as well as overcome the fear of large animals.

However, the optimal age when you can start trying yourself in horse riding is 8 years. At the same time, many equestrian sports schools also accept younger children. A child 5-6 years old can be taken to a pony club. Important conditions for training are the ability to reach the stirrups and a clear distinction between the concepts of "left" and "right".

The main principle is the absence of coercion from adults. If a child loves horses, the benefits of communicating with them will be invaluable.

Horse riding lessons for beginners

Horseback riding is not an occupation for the weak in body and spirit. This sport requires endurance and patience. It is recommended to start training for those who are in good physical shape.

Advice! Before moving on to mastering the necessary skills in practice, you should study the theory: learn about the characteristics and habits of horses, about the rules of communication and care.

The lessons can be beneficial only in case of complete trust in the trainer-instructor. Only he can tell about all the nuances of riding and correct mistakes, and also point out that whip and spurs in communicating with a horse are much less effective means than caress and treats with a juicy apple or carrot.

The initial stage of learning to ride is the correct fit. There has long been a tradition according to which one can approach an animal and sit on it only from the left side.

Further training for beginners allows you to learn about:

  • how to properly disperse on the arena for several riders;
  • how to keep your distance;
  • how to learn to overcome fear;
  • how to care for a horse after training; and much more.

Where to go horse riding

Equestrian beginners benefit most from individual lessons in the arena with an experienced instructor. He will immediately point out mistakes in landing or riding technique and help you fix them.

Another option is group lessons. As a rule, they are divided into several stages. Beginners are taught to saddle a horse, clean, and are instructed on safety. Then they move on to learning to ride with a walk, trot and prepare for mastering the canter. People who are more experienced in equestrian sports master riding with all their gaits. When all these stages are passed, you can start jumping, dressage, horse riding.

When choosing one or another equestrian club, you must consider:

  • qualifications of instructors;
  • number and level of horses;
  • the presence of an indoor arena, the conditions of which are suitable for beginners.

Horse riding equipment

If a person makes the first attempts to go in for horseback riding, and is not sure whether this hobby is suitable for him, special equipment may not be purchased. It is enough to have sweatpants without seams and boots with small heels with smooth soles, as well as cotton gloves that protect hands from calluses due to constant contact with the halter.

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Subsequently, for equestrian sports on a more serious level, you should have special breeches, boots or riding boots and special gloves. Children must be equipped with helmets or helmets so that classes do not cause harm as a result of injuries.

Safety equipment for horse riding

Equestrian sports are not among the most traumatic. Horses are sensitive and executive animals, which are more timid than aggressive. Moreover, they are naturally endowed with physical strength and quick reaction. If the animal fails to escape, it uses the means of protection given to it - hooves and teeth. Therefore, when communicating with horses, it must be remembered that if mishandled or exposed to external causes, they can harm riders.

Although injuries are rare in equestrian sports, the consequences are often serious. The health of riders can be severely injured as accidents often occur when riding at high speed. But careful handling of horses and strict adherence to safety precautions minimizes the risk.

Why is horse riding harmful?

Whatever useful properties horseback riding may have, there is a downside to this activity. In this regard, there is a list of prohibitions and restrictions that must be taken into account in order to avoid harm. First of all, this is the risk of injury due to the rider's oversight, accident, unexpected fright of the animal. In addition, there are certain medical indications, on the basis of which a person may be prohibited from engaging in equestrian sports, so that his health is not harmed.

Important! Before starting horse riding, it is required to undergo a medical examination and make sure that the state of health is suitable for horse riding.

Contraindications for equestrian sports

Hearing that horseback riding is not only beneficial but also harmful is not often done. However, there is a list of medical contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to particles of horse hair;
  • hemophilia;
  • asthma;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • thrombosis;
  • a history of heart attack or stroke;
  • short-term or permanent imbalance;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • violations of the blood supply to the lower extremities;
  • scoliosis of III or IV degree;
  • mental or intellectual developmental disorders.


If a person loves horses and horseback riding, he should try himself in this type of activity, provided that a medical examination is passed and the benefits and harms of horse riding are weighed. The opportunity to be in nature more often, to communicate with intelligent, sensitive animals, to receive a sea of ​​positive emotions during horseback riding will become an additional incentive for training.


Marina Efimova, 25 years old, Moscow
I regularly visit an equestrian club, I go out of town. There you can benefit from communicating with horses, ride a horse. All horses are well-groomed and kept in clean stables. There is an opportunity to take a horse ride by prior arrangement with the instructor. Professionals tell and show by personal example how to properly care for a horse, how to communicate with it. The main thing is not to be afraid of animals, they feel fear. If you approach them with an open heart, you get a huge charge of kind energy.
Kristina Samoilova, 19 years old, St. Petersburg
I got on a horse a few days ago. To say that I got a lot of impressions is to say nothing. Horses are amazingly intelligent animals. The first lesson lasted about 4 hours. She learned to take the horse out of the stall, clean the hooves, and saddle. Then I skated around the arena for about an hour. But before that, I did a warm-up for all muscle groups - from the crown to the feet, performed exercises for coordination and correct landing in the saddle. There was no fear. I realized how important the health benefits of equestrian sports are.
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