Food supplement E635: effects on the body, benefits and harms

E635 is a food additive that is an amino acid and is used in the food industry to enhance the taste and aroma of products. May be a substitute for salt. The “E” mark indicates that the component has passed the appropriate safety test and can be used in manufacturing processes in the EU countries. It is important to study the effect of the food additive E635 on the body in order to be competent when choosing food.

E635 looks like a powder or white crystals, may have a yellowish tint

What kind of additive is E635

The substance has no smell. The additive has a characteristic flavor.

Feels like the taste of Chinese and Japanese cuisine - umami, which is considered the 5th flavor component after sweet, sour, bitter and salty. Umami is often used to reveal the entire flavor of a dish.

The flavor enhancer dissolves in water without sediment, dissolves much worse in alcohol and does not dissolve at all in ether.

Important! Not used as an independent ingredient.

The substance can be found under other names:

  • sodium nucleotide;
  • disodium 5-ribonucleotide;
  • ribotide.

What flavor enhancer E635 is made of

The food component belongs to natural substances. The natural source is animal proteins. Certain types of fungi, animal and fish tissues can be the basis for this substance. The component is obtained by the method of enzymatic fermentation of glucose.

This additive is manufactured by Japan, USA and China. Sodium ribonucleotide is not produced in the Russian Federation.

The benefits and harms of food additives E635

Products containing E635 modifier have a mild, pronounced taste. The additive can be delivered to food processing in drums or in food paper bags.

It is believed that the food additive does not have a significant effect on the human body and condition, since it is added in an insignificant amount. However, cases have been recorded when, while consuming food products that include this component, deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract were observed. The occurrence of an allergic reaction has been identified.

Attention! Foods with the addition of E635 additive can cause the appearance of signs of bronchial asthma and provoke an exacerbation of the condition in those who suffer from gout and rheumatism.
Once in the human body, under the action of various enzymes, the chemical compound breaks down and is naturally excreted

Dangerous or not food additive E635

In the countries of Europe and the European Union (EU), the use of the E635 is officially permitted. The flavor enhancer is considered an unsafe substance because it can affect human health. It is not advisable to consume foods with added flavoring for small children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Comment! The food additive is not used in many countries due to the ban.

Where and why add flavor enhancer E635

E635 belongs to expensive food additives. The substance is not used on its own.A small amount (2%) is added in combination with E621 (98%) and a mixture is obtained that enhances the taste and aroma effect 4 times more than without adding it.

It is allowed to use a flavoring additive only when there is a technological justification, and it will not harm the health of the consumer.

The flavor enhancer is an active ingredient often used in oriental dishes. Since E635 sharpens the taste and aroma characteristic of the product, it is actively used in the food industry. The substance is added in the production of instant noodles. Very often, a flavoring additive can be found in chips, crackers.

Flavoring E635 can be added to flour when making bread and rolls. The component can be found in the recipe for the preparation of such confectionery products:

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  • cakes;
  • cupcakes;
  • cookies;
  • sweet rolls.
The flavor enhancer can be found in sausages, pâtés, sausages and meat products, flavored cheeses, soups, spices, soy sauces, dry soups
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By using this additive, you can improve the taste of a low quality product. By increasing the taste, you can reduce the cost of production, which is often used by unscrupulous manufacturers.

Warning! Since some manufacturers replace the E635 code with the name "ribotid", which few people know, this food additive is rarely included in the composition of sausages.

The additive is allowed and is used in the production of curd. It can also be used in combination with other stabilizers.

E635 does not belong to the category of dietary supplements. The taste component is used for technological purposes, while dietary supplements are vitamins and minerals that have a strictly defined dosage and are used to supplement the diet.


Although the influence of the food additive E635 on the human body is considered studied, it is not unambiguous. The supplement is officially approved for use, but it can cause a number of abnormalities in the body. Quite often, there are disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and a worsening of the condition in those who have chronic diseases. It is advisable to exclude food containing E635 from the diet of children, pregnant and lactating women. It is actively used in the food industry. It is not used as an independent substance. The food enhancer shows excellent properties in combination with other components, especially E621. The additive can be found in sausages, sausages, chips, dry soups and confectionery.

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