Goose fat: benefits and harms for adults and children

The medicinal properties and contraindications to goose fat are worth studying, since the product is highly valued both in medicine and in home cosmetology. Natural lard can be used internally and externally, but you should adhere to proven recipes.

The chemical composition of goose fat

The following useful components give the medicinal properties of goose lard:

  • selenium, the substance improves the absorption of iodine, has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system and protects against cancer;
  • cholesterol, in small doses, this substance is useful because it helps the absorption of vitamin D and stimulates the process of cellular renewal;
  • tocopherol - vitamin E is important for immunity and promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for skin health;
  • oleic, stearic and palmitinoleic acids, these substances contribute to the rapid recovery of the epidermis after damage and maintain water balance in the body.
Goose lard contains fatty acids and good cholesterol

Since lard belongs to very fatty foods, you cannot eat it in large quantities. But when used wisely, it can help improve health.

Why goose fat is useful

The useful properties of the product are very diverse. When consumed internally and externally, goose fat:

  • promotes cellular renewal and recovery of the skin after injuries and cuts;
  • strengthens immune resistance and improves the absorption of other nutrients;
  • prevents the development of oncological processes;
  • benefits from respiratory ailments, from cold coughs and bronchitis to tuberculosis;
  • helps with skin inflammatory diseases - eczema and psoriasis;
  • restores tissue health after frostbite and burns;
  • used in the treatment of gynecological problems - erosion and infertility;
  • helps with hemorrhoids, as well as varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • relieves pain and improves mobility in case of joint ailments and muscle injuries;
  • prevents the development of complications associated with diabetes;
  • relieves colds.
Important! Goose lard can help prevent severe hangovers. His spoon before the feast will reduce the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream and prevent strong intoxication.
Goose lard is an effective remedy for skin ailments and colds

The benefits of goose fat for women

Mostly women use lard for cosmetic purposes. Due to the high content of fatty acids, the product nourishes and softens the skin very well. With its help, you can get rid of early wrinkles, make the epidermis smoother and more elastic, and prevent skin cracking in the cold season.

Another area of ​​application of the product is gynecology.Since the composition contains selenium, lard helps well with uterine erosion, evens out the hormonal background and is beneficial in the complex treatment of the problem of infertility. Against the background of the use of the product, the discomfort with painful periods decreases.

The benefits of goose fat for men

Lard has natural aphrodisiac properties and can be used to enhance libido. The product strengthens blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation, therefore, the potency becomes better while taking it. Lard is indispensable for regular consumption of alcohol, it reduces the rate of intoxication, relieves hangovers and helps to quickly remove toxic substances from the body.

Traditional medicine uses goose fat to treat hemorrhoids and prostatitis. The product has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves pelvic diseases.

Men can use goose fat for inflammatory diseases of the genital area

The benefits of goose fat for children

Goose fat is recommended for children mainly for external use. The benefit lies in the fact that the product helps well to fight dermatitis, allergic irritations and diaper rash on the baby's skin. Lard can be used in the treatment of bruises, sprains and abrasions, which are also not uncommon for children.

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The healing properties of goose fat for coughing and weakened immunity are very useful for children. But for internal use, the remedy is allowed only from 3 years old. Since lard has a very high fat content, it is dangerous for babies even in meager dosages, the children's digestive tract cannot cope with the assimilation of the product.

Attention! Goose fat has certain contraindications. In order not to harm the child, before the first use of the product, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Goose fat harm

Goose lard is a very useful product. However, when using it, it must be borne in mind that lard contains a large amount of cholesterol and fatty acids. These compounds can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and contribute to thrombus formation, therefore, fat is used only in very small doses.

You need to take goose lard inside in small doses - the product is very fat

It can damage the agent in case of stomach ailments, liver and pancreas diseases. During exacerbations, it is better not to use lard internally, the fatty product is difficult for the body to absorb.

The benefits and harms of interior goose fat depend on individual tolerance. Sometimes substances in the product can provoke allergies when applied to the skin. For the first time, it is recommended to treat the sensitive epidermis on the wrist or the bend of the arm with the product and see if irritation appears.

The healing properties of goose fat

Due to its rich composition, lard is actively used in folk medicine. On its basis, preparations are prepared for internal and external use, and with strict adherence to the recipes, they demonstrate high efficiency.

The healing properties of goose fat for coughing

Lard has a soothing effect on a cold cough and promotes the separation of phlegm. For medicinal purposes, such a remedy is prepared:

  • 100 g of lard is mixed with the same amount of honey;
  • dilute raw materials with 100 ml of vodka;
  • thoroughly mix the components and put them in a cool dark place for a week.
When coughing, it is useful to take a strong tincture of goose lard with honey

When the tincture is ready, you will need to take it 1 small spoon daily. Continue treatment until the symptoms of cough disappear.

The healing properties of goose fat for burns

The fatty acids and tocopherol in goose fat have a very beneficial effect on the skin for burns. For treatment, prepare the following ointment:

  • 100 g of lard is melted in a water bath;
  • mixed with 1 large spoonful of sea buckthorn oil.

The tool must be applied to the damaged area twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. A bandage is applied on top so that the ointment does not stain clothes.

Goose lard ointment can lubricate burns
Important! Only healing injuries can be lubricated with goose fat - it is strictly forbidden to apply lard on a fresh burn.

The healing properties of goose fat for joints

Reviews of the medicinal properties and contraindications of goose fat represent it as a useful remedy for joints. The substances in the product help to cope with inflammation and pain in arthritis and rheumatism. Usually the following ointment is made at home:

  • Steam 50 g of lard;
  • add 10 drops of camphor oil.

Every evening, sore joints are lubricated with a remedy, covered with a bandage and a compress is left overnight. The therapeutic effect appears on average 10 days after the start of using the ointment.

Goose fat with the addition of camphor oil helps with joint pain

The healing properties of goose fat for the skin

The healing properties of lard are beneficial for eczema and dermatitis. For treatment, you can prepare an ointment from lard and fir oil, the ingredients are mixed in a 2 to 1 ratio.

The resulting product is applied to the irritated areas of the epidermis 3-4 times a day, and the total treatment is continued for 3 weeks.

Goose fat and fir oil ointment is used for eczema and dermatitis

The healing properties of goose fat in gynecology

Goose fat is actively used in gynecology in the treatment of uterine erosion. For therapeutic purposes, such an infusion is prepared:

  • 100 g of lard is heated in a water bath to a liquid state;
  • mixed with calendula broth;
  • soak cotton swabs with the resulting product.

For 10 days, such tampons must be injected into the body in the evenings overnight. Then they take a break for 10 days, and then repeat the course twice more.

Melted Goose Fat and Calendula Help Fight Uterine Erosion

For the treatment of infertility in women, an infusion is used based on goose fat, honey, sea buckthorn oil and aloe juice. All components are mixed in proportions of 6: 6: 6: 1, and then they take the product three times a day, a large spoonful, washed down with lukewarm milk.

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Infusion on goose fat for stomach ulcers

In its pure form, goose lard can be harmful in acute gastric diseases. However, a mixed medicinal infusion can be used to treat ulcers. They do it like this:

  • 3 large spoons of lard are mixed with 2 chopped aloe leaves;
  • leave the mixture for an hour so that the leaves let the juice properly;
  • dilute the mixture with 3 large tablespoons of dry red wine;
  • stir the agent and insist for another hour.

You need to take the medicine twice a day for a large spoon, the whole course of treatment takes 20 days.

Tincture of goose lard, dry wine and aloe juice is useful for stomach ulcers
Advice! In small doses, red wine has a medicinal effect. However, with gastric ailments, caution should be exercised; if the pain intensifies during treatment, the home remedy will need to be discontinued.

Goose fat for hemorrhoids

Polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E in the goose fat help to strengthen the vascular walls. Therefore, the product brings a good effect on hemorrhoids, if you prepare such an ointment:

  • mix 150 g of lard with 10 g of dry sage;
  • add 10 g of chamomile flowers to the mixture;
  • mix the ingredients.

The resulting ointment is treated with the anus three times a day for a week, the last procedure must be performed right before bedtime. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after a week break.

For hemorrhoids, nodes can be treated with goose fat ointment

Goose fat for shortness of breath

A tincture on natural lard has a good effect on shortness of breath. They do it like this:

  • 250 g of fat is mixed with the same amount of honey;
  • pour the ingredients in 200 ml of vodka;
  • mix the medicine well and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks.

The finished tincture should be drunk 1 large spoonful once a day on an empty stomach.

Tincture with honey and melted goose fat helps relieve shortness of breath

Rules for the use of goose fat

It is necessary to consume goose fat for treatment in strict accordance with the recipes. In order not to harm the body, disease therapy should be continued no more than 20 days in a row, and then take a break.

The daily dosage of lard should not exceed 1 large spoon. In excess, fat harms the body as it builds up excess cholesterol and negatively affects liver health.

Contraindications to goose fat

The benefits of goose meat and fat rarely turn into harm. But at the same time, contraindications are:

  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • acute and chronic liver diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • tendency to obesity;
  • diseases of the pancreas during an exacerbation;
  • individual intolerance to the product.

When used externally, it is not recommended to apply lard to open purulent wounds, but otherwise it has no contraindications.

Rules for the use of goose fat

Goose lard is usually eaten melted. You can prepare lard at home in this way:

  • clean the fatty carcass of a goose from feathers;
  • cut the poultry and separate the yellow fat from the meat;
  • grind the raw materials and place in a small saucepan in a water bath;
  • melt over low heat until the fat gives enough liquid yellow lard.
Goose lard can be bought or cooked at home, it takes a little time to kindle

Store the finished lard in a glass container with dark walls in the refrigerator. A fresh, white-golden product without dark brown blotches can be used in cooking and for treatment.


The medicinal properties and contraindications to goose fat complement each other, in general, the product is useful, but only with careful use. Lard can be used internally and externally for the treatment of many diseases, the main thing is to observe small dosages.


Petrova Maria Viktorovna, 45 years old, Moscow
Because of osteochondrosis, the neck and shoulder often hurt. Instead of warming ointments, I use goose fat - the remedy relieves pain and inflammation well, but does not have a pungent odor. Another advantage of lard is that the skin does not dry out with frequent use, but, on the contrary, becomes softer.
Startseva Anna Vitalievna, 36 years old, Omsk
Goose fat is one of the most effective cough suppressants I know of. I use lard myself and give it to my son for colds. With honey, the remedy has a pleasant taste, so they are not disgusted with treatment, even a child does not have to overpower himself.

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