Katyk: benefits and harms to the body, composition and calorie content

The benefits of katyk for the human body are beyond doubt. In families who regularly consume fermented milk drink, there is an increase in life expectancy, a noticeable decrease in the number of chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Katyk is a Turkic fermented milk product made from whole baked milk by fermentation.

The drink came from hoary antiquity, information about it was found in sources that are more than two thousand years old. The secret of its preparation was passed on in families, the recipes were jealously saved from strangers. Modern fermentation technologies are not much different from old folk recipes.

Comment! By tradition, a new drink is fermented based on the previous product, adding 100 ml per 1 liter of milk. In many families, this continuity is observed for 20-30 years.
In Central Asia, katyk is served daily on the table, knowing its undoubted benefits for the body.

Chemical composition of katyk

Katyk is a healthy drink, the unique beneficial effect of which is explained by the presence of biologically active chemicals in its composition. It includes:

  • vitamins A, E, D, B;
  • micro and macro elements - a large amount of calcium, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, silicon;
  • essential amino acids that are not synthesized by the body - tyrosine, tryptophan, valine.

The composition of the unique product is balanced and brings maximum benefit, it is absorbed almost without residue. So, silicon and vitamin D stimulate the absorption of calcium, and microorganisms contribute to better digestion of the drink.

Important! Katyk is made from sheep, goat or mare's milk.
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Why is katyk useful?

The question often arises: which is more useful, kefir or katyk. Features of the production of fermented milk products allow you to answer this question. The microflora of kefir starter culture consists of yeast fungi and strains of lactic bacteria. And the leaven used to make katyk is combined from Bulgarian bacillus and lactic acid streptococci. And their impact on the human body is very different. The old product katyk brings the following benefits:

  1. Suppresses the development of pathogenic bacteria, creates a favorable environment for the growth of beneficial microflora in the digestive tract.
  2. It normalizes the work of the digestive organs, restores the acid balance in the intestine necessary for the existence of microflora.
  3. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, improves immunity.
  4. It stabilizes the cardiovascular system, improving the elasticity of blood vessels and normalizing heart rhythms.
  5. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping to relieve stress and restore fibers.
  6. Improves the condition of the hair and skin.
  7. Normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood.
  8. Has a mild diuretic effect and gently cleanses the intestines.
Comment! For the production of a drink, milk is not only boiled, but also evaporated by a third of the volume, thickening it.
The drink is good for the skin, helps to maintain its elasticity, relieves early wrinkles, acne

The benefits of katyk for men

Katyk in the diet brings tangible benefits for a strong half of humanity:

  1. It strengthens bone and muscle tissue.
  2. Helps to remove toxins and toxins, relieves fatigue.
  3. Promotes sound, healthy sleep, neutralizes the effects of stress, removing irritability.

Fermented milk drink is an excellent way to improve mental performance. It helps with physical exertion, exhaustion. Promotes longevity.

The benefits of katyk for women

Women often use katyk not only as an excellent healthy food product, but also as a cosmetic product. Useful face and body masks, hair rinse - the drink has an excellent effect on the skin and hair of any type, restoring natural elasticity and beauty.

For ladies who watch their figure, the drink is also extremely useful. Although the calorie content is quite high, it perfectly removes toxins and processed products from the body, normalizes metabolism, which contributes to the burning of excess fat. The drink helps to maintain youth and beauty.

Katyk harm

Katyk is a dairy product with high fat content. Excessive use of it can negatively affect health: this is the appearance of excess weight, exacerbation of the condition with problems with the liver and pancreas. An individual reaction of the body is also possible with intolerance to the individual components that make up the composition.

Advice! The modern food industry offers low-fat katyk options that are great for dieters.
The industrial katyk is made from cow's milk and the composition is different from the traditional version.

Calorie content of katyk

The calorie content of a healthy drink largely depends on the fat content and composition of homemade milk, which is used to prepare it. For a product sold in retail outlets, the fat content is 4%, 100 g contains:

  • carbohydrates - 4.2 g;
  • proteins - 2.8 g;
  • fats - 3.7 g.

Caloric content - 56 kcal per 100 ml.

Contraindications to katyk

Despite its benefits, katyk has a number of contraindications for use:

  • lactose intolerance;
  • the presence of excess weight (when it comes to a high-fat product);
  • allergic reactions;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which fatty and milk-containing foods are contraindicated.

It should be drunk with caution by people suffering from gastritis with high acidity. Especially when the drink was produced more than 1-2 days ago.

Rules for using katyk

The beneficial properties of katyk are revealed in the best possible form when it is used correctly. For the Turkic peoples, this is a traditional daily product that is used as follows:

  • as a regular fermented milk drink, where no sugar or other sweeteners are added;
  • you can add herbs to taste, spices, seasonings to the drink, which increases its benefits;
  • as a sour sauce for main courses, pilaf, salads;
  • added to green soups, used as a base for national chalop soup;
  • for drinking it is stored for no more than two days, then it acquires a pronounced pungent taste, is used in cooking;
  • to add color and interesting taste, you can add cherry or beet juice to the drink during production.
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The national Turkic cheese called "kurt" is produced from katyk. Ayran drink is prepared, diluted with milk or water, adding salt and spices.

Attention! From Turkic "katyk" is translated as "seasoning for food, sauce", which fully characterizes its widespread use in home cooking.
Katyk cannot ferment itself, like curdled milk, therefore, sourdough is required to make it.

Katyk when breastfeeding a newborn

Fermented milk products are recommended for use by mothers during breastfeeding. In most cases, katyk is absolutely safe, except for the pronounced individual reaction of the mother or baby.

Usage rules:

  1. The drink can be drunk from the first days after childbirth to stimulate lactation processes.
  2. A product made from goat or sheep milk is indicated for those women who have an intolerance to cow protein or have a negative reaction in an infant.
  3. It helps to recover from childbirth, saturating the body with useful substances, improving the composition of breast milk.
  4. Normalizes digestion processes by stimulating the flow of nutrients into the blood.
  5. Gently restores the intestinal microflora, stimulates the production of erythrocytes, which is important after blood loss during childbirth.
Comment! The fat content of the katyk is usually 4%, which can provoke diarrhea or colic in an infant. Therefore, you should start using it with small amounts, 1-2 tablespoons.


The benefits of katyk have been tested for centuries. The national Central Asian drink helps to keep youth and gives strength. It has an excellent effect on the digestive system, normalizing the functions of all organs, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. A drink in the diet strengthens the immune system, helping the body to fight the winter epidemics of influenza and ARVI, and also contributes to fruitful work both during mental and physical labor. It is useful for people of all ages and any professions and has few restrictions, the most basic of which are the individual reaction to the components of the drink and some gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage.

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