Why are dried fruits useful, properties and reviews

The benefits and harms of dried fruits depend on the quality of the product and the individual's tolerance. Dried fruits collected in the country, dried at home are considered useful. Since they have no preservatives or sugar.

The chemical composition of dried fruits

The benefits of dried fruits lie in their chemical composition. They are rich in vitamins, acids, minerals and other beneficial substances. The composition of dried fruits depends on the type of fruit.

Basically, they contain the following vitamins:

  • group A;
  • group B;
  • PP.

Dried fruits contain minerals:

  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

In addition, dried fruits contain:

  • organic acids;
  • fructose.

Calorie content of dried fruits

The health benefits of dried fruits are that they are low in calories. The table shows the calorie content and sugar content of some types of dried fruits per 100 g of product:

Name of dried fruit

Natural product

Carbohydrates per 100 g

Sugar per 100 g

Calories per 100g



80 g

65 g

273 kcal



75 g

65 g

281 kcal

dried apricots


65 g

50 g

393 kcal



65 g

50 g

241 kcal



65 g

50 g

275 kcal

A handful of dried fruits for a snack will not harm the human body, but, on the contrary, will saturate it with useful substances. Therefore, snacking on dried fruits is more beneficial than the same hamburger.

Useful properties of dried fruits

Dried fruits retain all the nutrients for a long time, thanks to which they can nourish the body with minerals and vitamins throughout the year.

Each species has its own complexes of useful minerals. They act on the human body in different ways:

  • dried plum lowers blood pressure and prevents the development of malignant tumors;
  • dates restore male potency;
  • dried apricots normalizes the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Types of dried fruits and their benefits for the body

The fruits of various fruit trees are dried. Each brings its own benefit to the body. Kinds:

  • dried apricot, apricot;
  • prunes;
  • dates;
  • apples;
  • banana;
  • melon;
  • figs;
  • mango;
  • papaya.
Recommended reading:  Why is mango useful?

The chemical composition of dried apricots or dried apricots contains vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). When it enters the bloodstream, it starts the body rejuvenation procedure. Several dried apricots a day help to get rid of wrinkles, make the hair silky and smooth.

Recommended reading:  Why dried apricots are useful, properties and contraindications, reviews

People who consume dried apricots or apricots are less likely to suffer from sunburn. They have almost no hair loss. The metabolism increases, the body receives a large amount of vitamin B12. Dried fruits are also good for the heart.

Dried prunes saturate the body with useful substances. Contains vitamin E and tocopherol. The benefits of these dried fruits for the human body are that they are an antioxidant.Prunes prevent aging.

Raisins or dried grapes are as antioxidant as dried prunes. This dried fruit is able to prevent the development of colon cancer, removes poisons and toxins from the body. Normalizes intestinal microflora and destroys pathogenic organisms.

Is it possible to dry fruits for pregnant and lactating mothers

During pregnancy, dried fruits for a woman's body will be of great benefit from the 1st to the 3rd trimester. So, dried fruits contain vitamins such as H, K, E, as well as minerals that will saturate the pregnant woman's body and help the fetus develop properly.

In addition, many difficulties during pregnancy (such as nausea, swelling, deterioration of hair and tooth enamel) will help to overcome these dry, vitamin-rich fruits. When properly included in the diet, they will become indispensable helpers throughout pregnancy:

  • raisins restores muscle tissue, improves mood;
  • dates nourish the pregnant body with protein;
  • in nursing mothers who eat dates, the lactation period is lengthened and the appearance of milk increases;
  • prunes protect against vitamin deficiency, replenish iron, help to resist the immune system against infectious diseases;
  • dried apricots increase hemoglobin and improve heart function.

The benefits of dried fruits for pregnant women are in the preparation of compotes from them. At this time, expectant mothers are prohibited from drinking carbonated drinks, coffee and tea, and boiled fortified compotes will be an excellent supplement for the body, saturating it with nutrients.

When breastfeeding, dried fruits will help a woman's body recover faster. They will restore tooth enamel, improve the condition of hair, and increase immunity.

And for the baby, dried fruits will help protect the still fragile body from various diseases. Babies will receive useful substances with mother's milk.

Advice! During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is recommended to strictly monitor the amount of food eaten, as dried fruits in excess can be harmful.

Dried fruits for children

They are easily absorbed by the body, so they will be an excellent substitute for sweets for a child.

For example, eating 5 pieces. dried apricots per day, this product will saturate the child's body with a daily intake of calcium and iron. Dates will add carbohydrates to him, which will become a source of energy.

From 1 year old, a child can already be taught to eat dried fruits. They can be combined, cooked compotes. The benefits of dried fruit mixtures will be invaluable and will help the baby's body grow healthy and strong.

Especially the dried fruit compote is useful for raising immunity for babies during illness or for their prevention.

Are dried fruits good for weight loss?

The benefits of dried fruits for weight loss include a large amount of vitamins and natural sugar (fructose). In addition, dried fruits satisfy hunger, contribute to the saturation of the body with proteins and carbohydrates of natural origin.

They can help you avoid mood swings while dieting. Eliminate the depressive state.

What dried fruits can you eat while losing weight

There are several types of dried fruit that should be in the diet of every woman if she is going to lose weight. These include:

  • dried apricots - will help women who decide on a diet after 40 years;
  • prunes are a folk remedy for weight loss and a good antidepressant;
  • thanks to raisins, the body receives sugar and useful microelements, it also activates the thyroid gland, makes the skin more tender;
  • dried apples get rid of excess weight, do not cause allergies, will not be rejected by the body (they also increase the productivity of the brain).

Since many dietary drugs flush out the necessary minerals from the body, dried fruits replenish their supply. It is recommended to use a vitamin mixture of these dried fruits for those women who find it difficult to diet.

How to eat dried fruits correctly

Dried fruits are harmful if consumed in large quantities. However, when included in the mandatory diet little by little, they will become an excellent substitute for fresh fruit in the winter:

  • doctors recommend prunes as an additional supportive agent for rheumatism, kidney diseases (it removes salts and toxins from the body);
  • dates will help with back pain, heart problems, overwork and fatigue;
  • dried apricots have a positive effect on the work of the intestines and stomach, removes radionuclides and salts of heavy metals;
  • dry apples lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood and improve the functioning of the digestive system.
Warning! Dates are a heavy food for the stomach, so it is recommended to eat them with caution in case of gastrointestinal diseases!

Dried fruit compotes will help improve immunity in the cold season.

How many dried fruits can you eat per day

Dried fruits are useful for diabetes and those who want to lose those extra pounds. The main thing is not to overeat them.

100 g of the product per day will be enough to maintain valuable vitamins and acids in the body. 5-6 pcs. dried apricots will protect the heart from serious diseases.

In addition to dried fruits, you can eat apricot seeds. The benefits of dried fruit seeds are that their kernels allow you to saturate the body with calcium. 100 g of pitted kernels can be used as food instead of almonds.

Recommended reading:  Why almonds are useful, properties and contraindications

How to make homemade dried fruits

Homemade dried fruits can be made in 3 ways:

  • in an electric dryer;
  • in the oven;
  • on air.

In order to dry fruit in an electric dryer, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Wash the fruit in running water.
  2. Dry with a towel.
  3. Cut as you like.
  4. Put on a baking sheet and put in an electric dryer.
  5. Dry for several hours, depending on the fruit: apples - 7 hours, plums - 4 hours, pears - 12 hours at a temperature of 70 degrees.

Oven drying steps:

  1. Wash and dry the fruit.
  2. Cut and place on a lattice surface covered with cotton cloth.
  3. Dry at 70 degrees, not forgetting to stir.

On air:

  1. Wash and towel dry the fruit.
  2. Cut and place on a board.
  3. Put to dry in the sun for 2 days.
  4. At night - bring home.

Dried fruit harm and contraindications

Homemade dried fruits are not harmful. From the store, they are most often doused with chemicals to extend the shelf life and from rodents. In order for them to be tastier and more beautiful in appearance, they are poured with additional syrups.

Thus, such fruits become useless for humans. Therefore, it is not recommended to get carried away with store-bought dried fruits.

An overabundance of dried fruits eaten will not be beneficial. The harm they cause to the body is as follows:

  • allergic reactions;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • spoils the enamel of the teeth;
  • not recommended for gastric and duodenal ulcers.

How to choose dried fruits

In order for dried fruits to bring more benefit to the body than harm, it is necessary to be able to choose them correctly. Any dried fruit sold in stores is not suitable for human consumption.

Quality dried fruits look like this:

  • raisins - dark brown;
  • dried apricots - pale orange in color (a darker color indicates treatment with sulfites, and a whitish color indicates a lower grade);
  • prunes - black with a bluish tint;
  • dates - clean skin without sugar crystals.

Only such dried fruits will benefit the human body. Any others (dry or overly bright) are treated with chemicals to add flavor or beauty to the product.

How to store dried fruits at home

Storage of dried fruits should be carried out according to the following rules:

  • in the place where they are stored, you need to keep cool and dry;
  • fruits should be stored in glass jars, wooden boxes, ceramic dishes with tight-fitting lids;
  • fruits packed with mint will be inaccessible to pests;
  • store for 1 year (if longer, such fruits are thrown away);
  • it is recommended to store as much dried fruit as a person can eat during the winter.


The benefits and harms of dried fruits lie in the amount of food consumed. With the right approach and calculation of the diet, they will give the body only their beneficial properties.


Govrilyuk Anton Pavlovich, 45 years old, Samara
I knew about the beneficial properties of dried fruits since childhood. He stuffed them into his pockets and shared them with the boys in the yard when his mother laid them out to dry in the sun. I never thought that they help to lose weight. The mother made various mixtures for raising the immune system from dried fruits. We only became stronger and more powerful from them, as it seemed then.
Minaev Andrey Viktorovich, 30 years old, Ulan-Ude
The wife eats dried fruits every day in huge quantities. He says it's useful. I followed a diet on dried fruits. I told her that in excess they can do harm. I didn't believe it. Gave me to read about the dangers of dried fruits and berries for the body. The article forced me to reduce the amount of dried fruits consumed by her a little.
Dyachenko Alisa Pavlovna, 26 years old, Moscow
I ate dried fruits for weight loss. Decently lost weight, dropped 5 kg. The best product for the body is a mixture of dried fruits and honey. Saturates the body quickly, and you don't get fat from it.
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