Why eggshells are useful, how to cook and use them, reviews

Eggshells are an important source of minerals and trace elements for the human body. Its inclusion in the everyday diet is especially important in case of an acute lack of calcium. It will become a complete replacement for pharmacy calcium supplements. In addition, it is worth figuring out what else the benefits and harms of eggshells are in order to use it as efficiently as possible.

The chemical composition of the eggshell

The uniqueness of the shell of bird eggs is due to its biochemical composition. It contains:

  • water;
  • inorganic and nitrogenous components;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • vitamins.

The benefits of eggshells for the human body

The shells are 92% calcium carbonate, which is easier and faster absorbed by the body than calcium chloride. This macronutrient is extremely useful for humans, as a stimulator of the full functioning of vital organs and systems.

Compared to synthetic counterparts, crushed eggshells are safer, practically does not cause side effects.

Additional beneficial properties of eggshell:

  • helps to cleanse the body of radionuclides and heavy metal salts;
  • improves the work of the digestive system;
  • strengthens teeth and bones;
  • serves as the prevention of osteoporosis;
  • has a beneficial effect on the skin, is used in the treatment of dermatological pathologies.

How to prepare eggshells

The therapeutic and prophylactic benefits of ground eggshells lie not only in chicken eggs, but also in other poultry. The color does not affect the beneficial properties, but it is recommended to use, if possible, fresh products of home origin, in which the maximum amount of valuable components is preserved.

Before eating the eggshell inside, you need to prepare it appropriately.

  1. Rinse thoroughly with water using laundry soap. It will be useful to grout with a stiff brush.
  2. Then pour a soda solution and insist on the eggshell for at least half an hour. You can boil it.
  3. At the end of the procedure, the shells are taken out, laid out on paper towels, and they are waiting for complete drying. It is permissible to speed up the process by drying in an oven at a temperature of 50-60 ° C.

The use of such a powder directly depends on the preliminary preparation. It is impossible to skip heat treatment, as salmonellosis dies as a result.

How to grind eggshells into powder

Eggshell flour is made elementary:

  • in a mortar, seasoning mill, coffee grinder;
  • fill up the raw materials, grind to a free-flowing state;
  • the main thing is not to use a metal tool, upon contact with which the usefulness of a number of minerals and vitamins in the eggshell decreases;
  • The finished bulk product is consumed both in its original form and by adding it to all kinds of drinks.

To learn more about the production of eggshells, the video will help:

Eggshells for children

For small children and adolescents, the usefulness of crushed eggshells is unconditional, since in terms of its components it is similar to bones. Therefore, it promotes the production of blood cells, which is important at the stage of formation of the child's body. Such a supplement to the daily diet serves as the prevention and treatment of rickets, anemia, osteochondrosis. The systematic intake of eggshells serves to strengthen bones and tooth enamel.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have eggshells

During pregnancy, the body of the mother and fetus is in dire need of many vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. This will help a natural bioproduct - egg skins. Calcium deficiency leads to loss of tone of the uterine walls, complications during childbirth and skeletal pathologies in the baby.

How and when to use eggshells (what is better absorbed, consumption rates)

Allowable egg shells per day:

  • adults - 850-1000 mg;
  • children under 6 years old - 550-600 mg;
  • teenagers - 1000-1250 mg;
  • women who are breastfeeding and carrying a child - 1300-1400 mg.

This will be enough to replenish the body's daily requirement for calcium. In order not to harm health, the exact dosage should be checked with a doctor.

Attention! A teaspoon holds 900-1000 mg of ground chicken casings.
Recommended reading:  How are chicken eggs useful?

For the sake of prevention, shells are taken in a course - from a month to two. Then they rest for a while so that hypercalcemia does not develop. There is no time limit for pregnant and lactating women.

Natural calcium is better absorbed if the powder is added to fatty foods: dairy products, fish, unrefined vegetable oil.

Egg shell calcium water

Since calcium is more easily perceived in a diluted form, while retaining its beneficial properties, it is recommended to make calcium water from eggshells. True, it does not fully dissolve, but transfers calcium and other valuable elements to water. Eggshells are ground as standard.

The recipe for making a miraculous elixir: take a teaspoon of calcium powder per liter of liquid, stir and wait until it precipitates, only then can you take it.

Eggshell with lemon juice

Eggshells are no less useful for bones, with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon extract. A similar remedy is indicated at any age. Juice is poured into the crushed peel until a gruel is formed.

The use of eggshells for medicinal purposes

In folk medicine, eggshells are used as an effective complement to drug therapy. It helps to relieve acute symptoms and speed up the healing process in many diseases, without harming the general condition.

For bone fractures

Healers and doctors recommend the use of calcified natural powder in case of fractures. The drug is taken one small spoonful, three times. It is allowed to add it to food: homemade cottage cheese, cereals, muesli. The effect of water infusion on eggshells will be similar.

Recommended reading:  Are muesli useful and how to make them at home
Important! Ascorbic acid is taken in the complex, for better digestibility, citrus fruits can serve as its source.

With atopic dermatitis

With diathesis in children and atopic dermatitis, a mixture of lemon and crushed egg shells helps. First squeeze the juice from the fruit, mix 5 ml with a bioadditive (2-3 g) and dilute with cooled boiled water, in the same volume. Drink after meals. They adhere to the course of treatment in 2-3 months.

For heartburn and stomach pain

They resort to egg-shell treatment for persistent heartburn for certain foods and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. At the time of the attack, they drink two teaspoons of such flour, diluted in a cup of milk. To fully eradicate this phenomenon, it is recommended to use such a drug every day, for 6-7 months.

For allergies in children

Eggshells are indicated in the treatment of allergies in a category of citizens of different ages. For greater efficiency, combine the powder with water or milk.

With osteoporosis and calcium deficiency

For osteoporosis, calcium deficiency, and for joints, eggshells are effective as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent, additionally strengthening bones and relieving pain threshold.

They are treated with calcium powder for 12-15 days, then there is a three-month rest, so as not to harm and repeat. Eat 700-1100 mg, three times a day.

For cuts, scrapes and burns

An egg powder is used to replace powder for processing: scratches, burns and other damage to the skin. Thanks to its regenerating properties, wound healing occurs as soon as possible.

With gastritis

In case of any problems with the digestive system, including ulcers and gastritis, doctors recommend taking ground shells in a complex for drug treatment. Without harm to health, they do this for 30 days, followed by a monthly break.

Important! For this period, the diet is being revised, and the level of calcium in the blood is monitored so that there is no oversaturation with this component.

The use of eggshells in home cosmetology

During the preparation of dishes, waste from eggs remains daily, which are often thrown away, unaware of their useful properties. In addition to the therapeutic effect, when ingested, the shells are successfully used in cosmetology, as the main ingredient in masks (scrubs) for the skin and hair.

Face mask recipes

Masks mixed with egg skins have the following beneficial properties:

  • nutritious;
  • refreshing;
  • tonic;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-aging;
  • whitening;
  • moisturizing.

Here are some powerful recipes:

  1. For aged skin, with the first signs of aging: 1 chicken yolk, a dessert spoon of calcium flour and the same amount of grated lemon zest with juice, 6 ml of savory vegetable oil. Apply for half an hour, then remove from the face with a damp swab. Additionally, wash with warm water.
  2. For problem skin: 10 g of powder, 5-6 g of rice flour, 1 tsp. natural liquid honey, 15 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Distribute in an even layer, leave for 15 minutes and wash off.
  3. A nourishing and moisturizing composition that smoothes fine wrinkles: powdery shell - 35-40 g, ripe banana pulp - 1 pc., Heavy cream and sour cream - 2 tbsp. l. and potato starch - 100 g. Knead banana with a fork, stir the rest of the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Apply on the face in 2 passes: first one layer, after drying - the second. Cover with gauze on top to achieve a better penetrating effect.
Recommended reading:  Why are bananas useful?

Cleansing Masks:

  1. Natural cottage cheese - 80 g, chopped orange pulp - 1 fruit, olive oil - 10 drops, crushed egg residues - 6 g. Twist the fruit through a meat grinder, add the rest of the ingredients and stir thoroughly. Apply to the face with rubbing movements, thereby clearing the pores from blackheads. Leave for 15-20 minutes and wash alternately with warm and cool water.
  2. Combine: miraculous powder, rose hips, sage herb. They take all in equal shares. The composition is brewed with boiling water, in a volume of 220 ml. Insist for about an hour and filter. The resulting mass is laid out on a gauze cut, applied to the face for 20 minutes. The result is not only cleansing, but also pore narrowing.
  3. Finely grated beets - 30 g, half a dessert spoon of crushed shells, an egg and fatty sour cream - 1 tbsp. l. Mix and use as directed.
Recommended reading:  Beets: beneficial properties and contraindications

There are other recipes with this main ingredient. Additional components vary depending on the type of epidermis.

Body Scrub

Eggshells will be useful for the whole body, included in the scrubbing composition of our own preparation.

Popular recipe among women:

  • measure out a tablespoon of the egg product;
  • mixed with the same amount of coffee grounds and milk;
  • applied to the skin with light massaging movements.
  • in a quarter of an hour they take a contrast shower.

Hair Care Product

To strengthen the hair, the next option is suitable, which has a shell in the composition.

  1. Grind the cucumber pulp with a blender.
  2. Mix 30 grams of calcium powder and the same amount of olive oil.
  3. Lubricate the curls with the resulting mixture along the entire length.
  4. Wait 20-25 minutes, wash your hair in the usual way.

Such sessions are carried out no more than twice a month, so that with benefit and without harm to the hair structure. As a result of the beneficial properties of the shell, the strands are fully saturated with the vitamin and mineral complex, they stop falling out and split, and are easy to lay.

Eggshells as fertilizer for the garden

Gardeners noted the beneficial properties of eggshells for the garden. It is used in the same ground state, as a top dressing - eggshell powder acts as a fertilizer for plants.

The special benefits of eggshells for plants growing in acidified soil have been revealed - not only diluting it, but also improving the structure. Such bioforming from eggshells is beneficial for flowers. Flour is poured into each hole during planting, scattered over the surface in the root zone. It nourishes and protects against parasitic slug infestations. Watering seedlings with calcined water will increase growth.

Egg shell harm and contraindications

Along with a wide range of useful properties, egg armor can be harmful in a number of cases. Obvious contraindications include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • individual intolerance to individual components in the composition;
  • allergy.

Do not exceed the prescribed dosage so that the body is not oversaturated. This will only bring harm to health: sandy deposits form in the kidneys, pulling sensations appear in the muscles. Thus, damage to the vessels is possible.

The benefits and harms of eggshells depend on its correct preparation, in the absence of which there is a high risk of contracting salmonellosis.


Natalya Vyacheslavovna Petrova, 35 years old, Saratov
I read numerous positive reviews about eggshells as a source of calcium. Therefore, I decided to try this miracle cure myself. In addition, I decided to use an eggshell for the face, making a rejuvenating mask. The result exceeded expectations. Regular intake of eggshells for teeth had a tangible benefit: they began to crumble less. I forgot my way to the dentist. Outwardly, I also noticed changes: the skin was transformed for the better, it became smooth and radiant.
Alevtina Vasilievna Yartseva, 25 years old, St. Petersburg
I read the article, deciding to definitely use the recommendations in order to check the real benefits of eggshells for children. It is scary to give synthetic supplements to a child because of the mass of side effects. Moreover, he has an allergy, from which the eggshell should help.
Lyudmila Stanislavovna, 55 years old, Ulyanovsk
I have been resorting to eggshell treatment for a long time, as I suffer from joint disease. Drink a glass of eggshell calcium water every day, which greatly relieves the condition. The main thing is not to go beyond the permitted dosage limits, so as not to harm health instead of benefit.
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