Vitamins for pregnant women with iron content: names and instructions for use

Vitamins with iron for pregnant women are extremely important. They help facilitate the gestation process and promote the correct development of the baby. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia. She is fraught with oxygen starvation, which is dangerous for both the woman and her child.

Useful properties of vitamins with iron during pregnancy

Iron is a building block of many proteins and enzymes. Its main functions include transporting hemoglobin to vital organs and regulating its level. If the required amount of iron ceases to enter the body of a pregnant woman, the state of health worsens. On this basis, serious pathologies may develop in the future.

The microelement enters the human body as part of food. Its deficiency most often occurs with an insufficiently varied diet. During pregnancy, the need for the substance increases. In such cases, taking a vitamin supplement is indicated.

The beneficial properties of iron include:

  • ensuring the correct formation of the child's hematopoietic system;
  • maintaining the optimal level of hemoglobin in a woman;
  • increasing resistance to viruses and infections;
  • maintaining the thyroid gland;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • destruction of peroxidation products;
  • participation in the formation of the nervous system;
  • control over systemic and cellular metabolism;
  • ensuring the correct formation of brain cells.

Iron vitamins perform different functions at each stage of pregnancy. In the first trimester, the element takes part in the formation of important organs. In addition, it is needed to ensure a full blood supply to the uterus as a result of its intensive growth. Blood volume during this period increases by 40%. After the 32nd week of an interesting situation, the need for vitamins begins to decrease. This is due to the fact that hemoglobin is already produced physiologically. During labor, significant blood loss occurs, on the basis of which the woman's body weakens. In this case, the need for taking vitamin supplements becomes even more acute.

At each stage of pregnancy, the need for iron is different. To activate metabolism and increase hemoglobin levels, 300-500 mg are required. The complete construction of the placenta can be provided by a dosage of 100 mg. To fill the child's need for a trace element, it is required to take at least 300-400 mg of iron. At the stage of increasing the volume of the uterus, the female body needs 50 mg daily.

When eating meat, a person is able to absorb only 20% of iron

Why iron deficiency in pregnant women is dangerous

Lack of iron is a huge danger to a pregnant woman and her baby. It can contribute to the termination of pregnancy, the development of acute gestosis. In 40% of women with a lack of a trace element, problems with labor are recorded.The risk of developing infectious diseases of the mammary glands in the postpartum period increases. For a child, the lack of an element is fraught with the development of anemia.

Important! Diagnosing iron deficiency involves taking a general or biochemical blood test.

When to take iron-rich prenatal vitamins

The main indication for pregnant women to take vitamins is iron deficiency anemia. But most often the drug is taken for preventive purposes even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Indications for taking iron vitamins in tablets for pregnant women are as follows:

  • physical weakness;
  • migraine and dizziness;
  • cracks in the corners of the lips;
  • fragility and deformation of the nail plate;
  • strange taste preferences;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • heart palpitations;
  • feelings of anxiety caused by a lack of oxygen.

The symptoms described are only indirect signs of iron deficiency anemia. To confirm it, you must pass the appropriate blood test. Vitamins for pregnant women with iron in the 3rd trimester are necessary for a woman to prepare for labor. This period is accompanied by profuse blood loss, followed by a decrease in hemoglobin.

Iron vitamin names for pregnant women

It is not at all easy to choose a vitamin complex from a huge variety of assortments. Most often, preference is given to specialized drugs. They are distinguished by a balanced composition, selected taking into account the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. To make the right choice, it is advisable to consult with a gynecologist before starting the appointment.

"Elevit Pronatal"

Vitamins "Elevit Pronatal" are produced by the German brand Rottendorf Pharma. They include all the components necessary for a favorable bearing, except for iodine. Replenishing the supply of microelements and vitamins, the drug stabilizes the emotional state and gives a pregnant woman vigor. The price of a pack of 30 tablets is 700 rubles. With liver and kidney diseases, vitamins must be taken with caution.

One Elevit Pronatal tablet contains 60 mg of ferrous fumarate

"Vitrum Prenatal"

Biological additive "Vitrum Prenatal" is produced in the USA. It contains an increased amount of iron and folic acid. The disadvantages of the drug include the large size of the capsules, which may cause problems with swallowing. Due to the abundant iron content, darkening of the stool may occur. The price of a jar of 30 vitamins is 550 rubles. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should drink one tablet once a day.

The shelf life of vitamins "Vitrum Prenatal" is two years

Sorbifer Durules

The active ingredients of the drug include ascorbic acid and ferrous sulfate. It comes in tablet form. The advantages of the drug include the lack of staining of tooth enamel. Sorbifer Durules is prescribed for pregnant women in the second and third trimesters. The tablets are swallowed without chewing. The minimum daily dosage for pregnant women is 20 mg.

One tablet "Sorbifer Durules" contains 320 mg of ferrous sulfate

Ferlatum Foul

Ferlatum Fol is one of the few iron-containing preparations that do not cause constipation. It has a pleasant berry taste and is free from toxic substances. In addition to iron, it contains folinic acid, which is extremely important for the full development of a child.

While taking Ferlatum Fol, you may experience indigestion
Comment! Vitamins with iron content are not recommended to be taken in conjunction with calcium-based preparations.


"Maltofer" contains not only the polymaltose iron complex, but also vitamin B9. The drug is prescribed to women both during gestation and during breastfeeding. The standard scheme involves taking vitamins three times a day.The doctor determines a single dose on an individual basis.

Iron not absorbed by the body is excreted naturally


Vitamins "Totem" are released in the form of a solution intended for internal intake. It is mixed with sweetened water before use. The solution has a brown color and a specific iron odor. Besides the main component, it includes magnesium and copper. Experts say that "Totema" is the most preferred vitamins for pregnant women, as they are easily absorbed and do not provoke side effects. Reception is carried out one capsule per day.

"Totem" should not be taken with fructose intolerance

How to Drink Iron Vitamins for Pregnant Women

The dosage and regimen for taking iron-containing drugs is determined on an individual basis. There are different dosages for each trimester. Drink the tablets, and the solution should only be with water. Drinking alcohol, coffee and tea should be avoided 30 minutes before and after ingestion. To improve the absorption of iron, it is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in vitamin C.

These include:

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  • cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • viburnum;
  • Bell pepper;
  • citruses.
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While taking vitamins with iron, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the pregnant woman's body. The state of health should be stable. If the symptoms of anemia do not disappear, we can talk about poor absorption of the substance by the digestive system. In some cases, taking vitamins provokes darkening of the stool. This is considered completely normal. Pregnant women with chronic diseases of the digestive system should take vitamins with meals. This will help to avoid pain in the abdomen.

Contraindications and side effects

Before using iron supplements, you must carefully study the list of contraindications specified in the instructions. These include:

  • aplastic anemia;
  • anemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12;
  • hemochromatosis.

Excessive intake of iron in the body provokes a number of side effects. They affect the well-being of a pregnant woman. A similar situation occurs with an allergic reaction to one or more components of the drug. Among the side effects are:

  • itchy sensations on the skin;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • yellow staining of skin and mucous surfaces;
  • pigmentation in the armpits and palms.

In case of an excess of a substance in the body, it is necessary to take vitamins for pregnant women without iron. When the level of the substance decreases to normal, it is permissible to take an iron-containing drug in prophylactic dosages.

Attention! If side effects occur, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor to select an alternative replacement for the drug.


Vitamins with iron for pregnant women are taken throughout all three trimesters. In some cases, a break is provided between treatment and prophylactic courses. To control the level of hemoglobin, it is necessary to periodically take an appropriate test.

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