Solgar herbal complex for women: reviews and instructions

Solgar herbal complex for women is used to regulate reproductive health. Its components prevent the appearance of gynecological diseases and relieve the symptoms of PMS. In addition, the dietary supplement improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

The composition of the herbal complex for women Solgar

The drug Solgar for women is produced in tinted glass bottles. One package contains 50 capsules. The cost of the drug ranges from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

The regulation of the hormonal background of a woman is achieved due to its rich composition. Due to the fact that it is completely natural, the likelihood of developing side effects is extremely small. The components are selected taking into account the characteristics of the female body. The benefits of the dietary supplement include the absence of preservatives, fragrances, colorants and gluten.

The herbal complex includes the following components:

  • black stalk root extract;
  • milk thistle seed extract;
  • soy isoflavones;
  • angelica root extract;
  • motherwort extract;
  • powder and extract of Chinese angelica root;
  • extract of sacred vitex berries;
  • webbed astragalus root.
Nutritional supplement composition suitable for vegetarians
Attention! Taking the herbal complex Solgar improves the condition of the nail plate, skin and hair.

Useful properties of the female herbal complex Solgar

The beneficial effect on the female reproductive system is achieved through the extract of the Chinese angelica. It eliminates stagnant processes in the small pelvis, thereby relieving severe pain during menstruation. Thanks to motherwort, a calming effect on the nervous system is achieved. As a result of taking the drug, hormonal levels are leveled and reproductive function is restored.

Angelica root acts on the female body in a similar way to estrogens. It is due to him that hormonal levels are regulated. Astragalus root extract stimulates sex drive. The substances contained in vitex berries help to cope with the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. The beneficial properties of the herbal complex Solgar include:

  • antioxidant action;
  • normalization of cholesterol metabolism;
  • elimination of chest pain;
  • increased sex drive;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • relief of symptoms of menopause and PMS;
  • choleretic action.

The drug is often prescribed to women approaching the threshold of menopause. It helps smooth out the manifestation of this process by normalizing hormonal levels. Taking Solgar eliminates mood swings, insomnia and pain in the mammary glands. At the same time, it cleanses the liver cells of toxins. Therefore, the herbal complex can be prescribed to women of mature age and for preventive purposes. It will not only preserve health, but also prolong youth.

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In addition to the main properties, the herbal complex has a beneficial effect on the well-being of a woman.It relieves headaches, anxiety and heaviness in the chest. Long-term use of the remedy ensures the elimination of skin rashes and hair loss.

Indications for the use of herbal complex for women Solgar

It is not recommended to use dietary supplements without good reason. First, you should undergo an examination in order to exclude dangerous pathologies. It is advisable to consult a doctor before taking. The instructions contain indications for the use of the herbal complex for women Solgar.

These include:

  • the initial stage of climacteric syndrome;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • painful menstruation;
  • decreased libido;
  • severe course of premenstrual syndrome;
  • disturbances in the work of the nervous system.

Pregnancy must be excluded before taking the drug. For this, a test is made that responds to the level of hCG. Women taking hormones should consult a gynecologist.

It is best to store the food supplement in the refrigerator

Instructions for the use of herbal complex for women Solgar

Solgar herbal complex for women take 1-2 capsules per day. Reception is carried out with meals. The tablet is washed down with plenty of water or juice. The maximum daily dosage is 3 pcs. Exceeding it is permissible only after consultation with your doctor. The duration of therapy is one month. In some cases, it is extended up to three months. The effectiveness of therapeutic treatment is judged by the results of tests, including a blood test for hormones.

Important! If you experience an allergic reaction, you should stop taking the food supplement and see your doctor.

Herbal tea for women Solgar during pregnancy and hepatitis B

Solgar herbal collection is often prescribed to women when planning a child. By balancing the hormonal background, it ensures a full and timely ovulation. The components that make up the complex contribute to the production of vaginal mucus, which improves the permeability of sperm through the genital tract. As a result, the chances of conceiving a child are increased.

It is not recommended to use dietary supplements during pregnancy, as it can affect hormonal levels, provoking a miscarriage. When breastfeeding, the possibility of using Solgar is checked with a doctor. It is desirable that at least three months have passed since the birth. It is best to take the drug after the cycle has stabilized.

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Particular care should be taken when using the herbal complex together with contraceptives and hormonal drugs. In this case, dosage adjustment is possible. Therefore, the treatment regimen is discussed with the doctor. Women prone to allergies need to monitor the body's response. It will manifest itself in 2-3 hours after taking the first capsule. If there are no negative symptoms, you can continue taking the herbal complex.

Contraindications and side effects

Before using the drug Solgar, you should study the instructions in detail for contraindications. Despite the natural origin, it can be harmful to health. Contraindications for the female herbal complex for Solgar women include pregnancy and individual intolerance to the components. Possible side effects include the following:

  • itchy sensations on the skin;
  • rashes;
  • discomfort in the abdominal cavity;
  • vomiting and nausea.

In most cases, the drug is tolerated without complications. Adverse reactions occur only with improper use or allergy to the ingredients. In case of an overdose of herbal complexes, symptoms of poisoning appear. In this case, you need to drink more water and limit physical activity.

Comment! It is permissible to store the package of the herbal complex at room temperature, but away from exposure to sunlight.


Solgar herbal complex for women significantly improves health and reduces the manifestation of gynecological diseases. In order for the result to meet expectations, you should follow the rules of admission and take into account contraindications. It is advisable to get a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

Reviews of herbal Solgar for women

Ponomareva Natalya Anatolyevna, 34 years old, Komsomolsk-on-Amur
I was taking the drug to reduce my PMS symptoms. In total, the reception was carried out for a month. The result was noticed before the next menstruation. The tearfulness and irritability disappeared. Pains during critical days became much less noticeable.
Cellar Alina Igorevna, 26 years old, pos. Chernyshevsk
I was looking for a drug that could even out the hormones when planning a pregnancy. The choice fell on the herbal complex Solgar for women. The doctors' responses were quite convincing. First of all, I noticed that the excessively long cycle was reduced. Menses have become less profuse. I have not encountered side effects.
Platonova Tatyana Vladimirovna, 46 years old, Krasnodar
The gynecologist prescribed Solgar herbal complex to smooth out the symptoms of the onset of menopause. The drug helped me get rid of hot flashes, and stabilize my emotional state. The capsules are medium in size, swallowed without problems. After taking, there was a slight heaviness in the abdomen, but it passed quickly enough.
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