L-carnitine for men: what to take, side effects

A man needs L-carnitine to increase physical endurance, mental performance, strengthen the heart and blood vessels. He is not replaceable for those who are preparing for conception, planning to become a father. A course intake of L-carnitine helps to increase potency, improve the qualitative and quantitative composition of sperm.

Why do men need L-carnitine

L-carnitine is an amino acid similar in pharmacological action to vitamins of group B. Its main task is to improve the functioning of cells in conditions of oxygen starvation. This condition is observed in acute and chronic diseases, performing heavy physical work. L-carnitine is in demand during intense sports training in men. It accelerates the breakdown of lactic acid, which accumulates in the muscles, causing burning and painful sensations.

Why else do men need L-carnitine:

  • stimulates the breakdown of fatty layers on the waist, sides, chest, abdomen;
  • contributes to the formation of relief muscles;
  • improves the work of the cardiovascular system by strengthening the myocardium;
  • normalizes the production of the hormone testosterone, which determines male qualities;
  • optimizes the work of almost all endocrine glands.
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L-carnitine in any dosage form is indicated for men suffering from chronic diseases of the digestive and genitourinary systems. It is taken to strengthen the immune system for respiratory, intestinal, urogenital infections. L-carnitine is used by older men to prevent aging of the brain. It prevents premature cell destruction, inhibits the development of negative age-related changes.

Advice! Doctors prescribe L-carnitine for vegetarian practitioners. It replenishes amino acid reserves that do not come with dairy and meat products.

The benefits and harms of L-carnitine for men

For men, carnitine is needed not only for full conception. It also influences the causes of sexual impotence, its negative consequences. L-carnitine is effective in sexual dysfunctions caused by physical and psychological reasons. The amino acid corrects the work of the urogenital tract, suppresses the inflammatory processes occurring in it, accelerating blood circulation.

The following positive properties are also characteristic of L-carnitine:

  • increased functional activity of the testicles;
  • improvement of the prostate gland;
  • prolongation of fertile activity;
  • reducing the level of harmful cholesterol in the bloodstream, resorption of plaques on the vascular walls;
  • acceleration of the elimination of toxic substances from a man's body;
  • protection of the gastric mucosa from aggressive hydrochloric acid;
  • stimulation of the regeneration of liver cells - hepatocytes;
  • acceleration of fat breakdown, enhancement of protein biosynthesis;
  • stabilization of the central nervous system;
  • increasing the body's immunity to the effects of external and internal negative factors.

The benefit of L-carnitine for men is to increase stress resistance in difficult life situations.Its reception helps to improve concentration, strengthen memory.

The harm of carnitine for men has not been established. But only if the dosage regimen is observed by doctors, its absence is guaranteed. This amino acid enters the body with food and is produced by the liver. If a man takes drugs for an excessively long time, then the production of his own L-carnitine decreases.

Warning! A deficiency of L-carnitine formed in a man's body may be indicated by muscle weakness, a decrease in blood pressure, and psychoemotional instability.

L-carnitine for men when planning pregnancy

L-carnitine is indispensable for high-quality semen analysis. The results of physical, chemical and microscopic examination of the ejaculate confirm its high therapeutic efficiency. There is an increase in sperm motility, an improvement in the quality of ejaculate after taking L-carnitine. Against the background of increased production of semen, the number of defective sperm decreases. Regular use of L-carnitine by men greatly increases their chances of becoming fathers.

Problems with conception often arise against the background of sluggish chronic prostatitis. Additional intake of amino acids helps to strengthen the walls of veins, arteries, arterioles. And thanks to the acceleration of blood circulation, restoration of prostate tissues damaged by the inflammatory process is observed. Cells are saturated with molecular oxygen, nutrients, so regeneration is much faster.

Important! Andrologists prescribe l-carnitine to improve the spermogram for those men in whose ejaculate there is an insufficient number of motile sperm for conception.

Vitamins with L-carnitine for men

L-carnitine is a part of many pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements (BAA). They are designed to both improve overall health and treat certain medical conditions. For example, to improve the quality of sperm, doctors advise taking SpermActin, Spermaplant, Spermaton. In addition to L-carnitine, they contain a complex of fat-and water-soluble vitamins, micro and macro elements. Spermaplant also contains nettle phytoextract, which stimulates blood circulation acceleration.

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If a man is actively involved in sports or is experiencing increased physical activity due to the nature of his service, then such bioactive supplements are suitable for him:

  • Dymatize Acetyl L-Carnitine;
  • Dymatize L-Carnitine Xtreme;
  • Genetic Force L-Carnitine 2500;
  • L-Carnitine 3000;
  • VP Lab L-Carnitine Concentrate;
  • Max Motion With L-Carnitine;
  • Pure Encapsulations Coq10 L-Carnitine.

In the pharmacy assortment, the amino acid is represented by Elkar and Carnitine. The latter is released in the form of a solution for intravenous or drip administration. Elkar - viscous drops for oral administration, which are used in the treatment of adynamia, chronic gastritis with reduced secretory function, pancreatitis, psoriasis, seborrheic eczema, scleroderma and many other diseases.

How to take L-carnitine for men

Single and daily doses are calculated by the doctor individually for a man. It takes into account the purpose of taking L-carnitine, general health, age and the presence of chronic diseases. The body's daily requirement for it is 250 mg. With a deficiency of its own L-carnitine, this value is increased by 2-3 times.

Men who do vigorous physical activity require at least 2500 mg of the amino acid per day. And for weight loss, you need to take about 1500 mg per day. Those preparing for conception should take 600-700 mg of L-carnitine daily. How drugs and bioactive additives are used:

  • take half an hour before meals with clean water;
  • the daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses.

The duration of the therapeutic course is no more than 2 months. If necessary, it is renewed after a 2-week break.Sports doctors determine the duration and regimen of intake depending on the schedule and intensity of training.

Important! Medicines in capsules or tablets should not be chewed or crushed in any other way. Strong membranes reliably protect L-carnitine from destruction by gastric juice.

Contraindications to the use of carnitine for men

Vitamins with carnitine for men should not be taken in case of hypersensitivity to it. Individual intolerance to other active or auxiliary ingredients becomes an absolute contraindication. It is necessary to study the composition of dietary supplements before buying, since in addition to L-carnitine, some of them contain more than 10 components.

Side effects of L-carnitine for men

If the dosage regimen is violated, the likelihood of side effects increases. Negative reactions from the body are manifested by dyspeptic disorders (nausea, heartburn), allergy symptoms, pain in the epigastric region. With uremia, muscle weakness is noted.


A man needs L-carnitine for optimal functioning of the reproductive system, improving sperm quality. This biologically active substance takes part in many processes in the human body. The amino acid is indispensable for the proper functioning of the heart muscle, central nervous system, and urogenital tract.

Reviews of men about L-carnitine

Mikhail Konyshev, 44 years old, Vladivostok
For a long time my wife and I could not conceive a child. Both were checked, and it turned out that the problem was in me - according to the results of the spermogram, the number of motile sperm was extremely small. In addition to vitamins, the andrologist prescribed a course of L-carnitine drops. He coped with his task perfectly; by the end of the treatment, his wife became pregnant. I liked that the drug is natural, without contraindications and side effects. My hypertension did not interfere with treatment.
Anatoly Logunov, 32 years old, Rostov-on-Don
I use L-carnitine in the form of dietary supplements to increase physical endurance. Since adolescence I have been professionally engaged in bodybuilding. But lately, the body began to fail - it got tired already in the middle of the workout. The doctor prescribed L-carnitine intake 3 times a day, one gram. And the state of health has improved significantly. Now, even after heavy loads, there is no feeling of complete weakness. And the heart stopped jumping out of the chest, sleep improved significantly.
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