Muraya: useful properties and contraindications

The features, benefits and harms of muraya are information necessary to study before using a medicinal plant. The beneficial properties of the plant are used for preparing various dishes, in cosmetic procedures and in traditional medicine.

This exotic tree from the Far East is known for its beauty and healing properties. In ancient times, the spicy scent of muraya was believed to improve health and longevity. The easy-to-maintain shrub is gaining popularity among adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

Description of murayi

Muraya is a useful evergreen low-growing shrub native to tropical and subtropical forests. Muraya is used as an ornamental shrub to decorate summer cottages. Some species are grown at home. Externally, indoor varieties resemble bonsai.

The crown of the tree is fluffy, branches are spreading. The height at home reaches one and a half meters. Elongated, thin branches are located along the trunk. Old twigs from young shoots are distinguished by the absence of thin villi. The feathery leaves stretch up to 9 cm, up to 7 cm wide. 5 - 7 oval leaves grow on a branch.

The branches resemble myrtle. Flowers are small, up to 2 cm in diameter, white, similar to jasmine. The plant exudes a pleasant, citrusy scent with notes of jasmine. Useful fruits ripen after and during flowering. At the beginning, the berries are orange, then turn red. The berries can be eaten. The fruit contains seeds and has a citrus scent.

Warning! The seeds of some species are harmful to humans.

Murayi species

There are about 10 varieties of muraya. Min-a-min is a useful ornamental plant that lacks seeds, slightly higher than a dwarf variety. There is also a Dutch muraya - a paniculate variety brought from the country of the same name.

There are three main varieties for home keeping:

  • Paniculate;
  • Dwarf;
  • Koenig.

A common view is paniculate... Differs in rapid growth, fluffy crown and bright leaves up to 15 cm long. Flowering begins no earlier than 5 - 8 years after planting. Buds are small, white, corymbose. Red berries ripen after pollination. The variety has a citrus-jasmine scent. There are several paniculate varieties with a height of 15, 60 and 100 cm.

Dwarf muraya Is the most popular variety. The height of the shrub is about 60 cm. It blooms for up to six months, the buds are constantly renewed. Useful fruits ripen in two to three months.

Muraya Koeniga - a kind with long feathery leaves, tapering towards the end. Useful leaves are used as a seasoning in cooking. The flowers are creamy, the ripe fruits resemble a black chokeberry, black in color. Koenig's bones are poisonous, so it is recommended to be careful with the fruits of the bush. Eating seeds is harmful to health.

Muraya chemical composition

The beneficial flowers of muraya contain phytoncides, which have sedative properties that have a beneficial effect on heart activity and sleep.

Advice! For relaxation, aromatherapy with muraya oil is recommended.

The benefits of bush leaves, consisting of the glycoside hesperidin and other substances, is manifested in a positive effect on the capillaries.

The berries of the plant are also beneficial, including vitamins and antioxidants that prevent skin aging and fading. The fruits contain potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iron. Most of the berries are water.

The nutritional value

The product can be classified as dietary and used during diets. 100 g of product contains 203 kcal. B / W / U content: 16.8 g / 8.3 g / 17.5 g.

Warning! An individual intolerance is considered a contraindication to the use of muraya. Also, the shrub can be harmful during pregnancy.

How Muraya is useful for the body

The beneficial properties of muraya are manifested in skin diseases, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes and as a prophylaxis for migraines. Healthy leaves, berries and flowers are used for treatment and beauty treatments.

The benefits of the aromatic effects of muraya on the body are manifested in a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system. Inhalation of bush aromas is beneficial and helps to reduce the manifestation of signs of angina pectoris, and also improves the quality of sleep, helps to relax the body.

Due to its beneficial properties, berries are indicated for hypertension, ischemia and other heart diseases. The fruits have a tonic effect, prevent premature aging. The benefits are manifested with low sugar levels, diabetes. For headaches, alcohol tincture is used on the fruits of muraya.

The leaves of the plant have the following properties:

  • Disinfecting;
  • healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain relievers.

Used for:

  • tonsillitis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • toothache and headaches.

Useful infusions are used to fight viruses.

Important! With excessive use, the infusions harm the liver, stomach and intestines.

The use of muraya in traditional medicine

The benefits of bush leaves are used:

  • with ENT diseases;
  • to strengthen blood vessels;
  • prevention and recovery after a heart attack;
  • skin diseases.

Decoctions and tinctures are prepared on the basis of useful leaves.

Examples of recipes:

  • For rinsing and drinking, 6 sheets are poured with boiling water and insisted for up to 20 minutes. Apply three times a day, 50 ml.
  • For lotions, a solution is prepared based on Muraya leaves, plantain and rosemary. Combining three tablespoons of ground plants with a liter of boiling water, the liquid is infused for half an hour.
  • For migraines, it is recommended to chew the leaves for several minutes.
  • Alcoholic tinctures are prepared on the basis of crushed leaves (five spoons) and alcohol (glass) for 10 days. Apply 30 drops daily before meals.
  • For rinsing, use the muraya flowers infused in boiling water for two hours.

The use of healthy fruits helps to normalize sugar levels, eliminate problems with potency.

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Muraya in home cosmetology

Due to its beneficial properties, muraya is used in cosmetology to give elasticity, freshness to the skin, eliminate wrinkles, and smooth the skin.

Muraya oil is most common in cosmetology, used in the preparation of creams, shampoos and balms. The damage to the oil manifests itself with excessive use.

Shredded wood is used for peels and scrubs.

On the basis of the beneficial components of the shrub, various creams for skin with imperfections, deodorants and antiperspirant products are made. The benefits of decoctions are used when rinsing the mouth for breath freshening and disinfection.

With the help of flowers, leaves and oil, they prepare cleansing, rejuvenating and rejuvenating masks for the face, hair and body.

Comment! Abuse of cleansers harms the condition of the skin and hair.

Face masks

Due to its beneficial properties, the leaves of the plant are used to refresh and rejuvenate the epidermis, get rid of imperfections and irregularities.

Mask recipes:

  • For acne prepare a remedy from mashed turmeric and crushed muraya leaves. The proportions are selected depending on the skin type. An excess of one of the ingredients damages the epidermis.


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  • From dryness and aging apply a mask of bush flowers. Two tablespoons of chopped flowers pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 5 hours. Then the solution is filtered and cooled. Infusion washed in the morning, stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Hair masks

The benefits of the plant's components are used to treat damaged hair, prevent the appearance of gray hair, improve the structure and accelerate hair growth. The properties of the mask ingredients help to strengthen the roots.

  • The mask for giving shine, strengthening hair consists of useful leaves of a tree boiled with coconut oil.
  • To improve the structure during skin care procedures, add 3 - 5 drops of muraya oil per spoon of the product to the cream or balm. Soak on hair for 3 - 5 minutes.
  • Crushed muraya leaves with coffee grounds and a few drops of camphor oil are used as a natural coloring mask. The proportions are determined depending on the desired result. Tea leaves have a similar property.

Muraya leaves in cooking

The beneficial properties of the plant are used in cooking. The leaves of the tree form the base of the curry and are used as additional ingredients for seasoning. Improves appetite, smells like red pepper, sage, parsley.

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They are used fresh and fried in soups, stews and with meat additions. The product retains its taste and useful properties when frozen and dried.

The product should not be stored for a long time, it can deteriorate and harm health when consumed. It is recommended to combine ground leaves with seafood. The benefits of the finished dish increase with the addition of muraya.

How the plant is used in everyday life

The scent of the tree has antibacterial properties, killing disease-causing bacteria in the environment. The properties of the aroma are manifested in the absorption of unpleasant odors, repelling insects. Muraya serves as a decorative element that decorates the home. During the period of abundant flowering, the shrub looks especially exotic. The range of colors can diversify the interior, add colors.

Wood components are used in cooking. The benefits of the fruit appear fresh. Therefore, berries are eaten fresh or added to desserts. The consumption of black chokeberry muraya can harm the body, since the bones contain poison. The benefits of flowers are used in the preparation of tea infusions.

Muraya harm and contraindications

Contraindications to the use of wood components are allergies, pregnancy and young age. In order not to cause harm to health, it is recommended to consult a doctor with hypertension before use.

Muraya can cause harm with unlimited use, as well as eating poisonous seeds. Adverse reactions have not been identified, since the properties have not been fully studied, therefore, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Harvesting muraya leaves

When fresh leaves are used, the benefits of the plant have the maximum healing effect. For the preparation of masks, teas, infusions, the product can be dried in the traditional way and grinded. Store in sealed containers. Frozen leaves are also used in cooking, while the benefits of the product are preserved.

Advice! Excessive exposure to temperatures damages the structure of the grass, so it is not recommended to store it for a long time.


The use, benefits and harms of muraya are useful information for connoisseurs of ornamental medicinal plants.Before using it, it is important to make sure that there are no contraindications and consult with a specialist so as not to harm the body. The benefits are manifested in the preparation of cosmetics for skin and hair. Also, the plant is used in cooking and in the treatment of various diseases.

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