How to prepare, application and reviews of marigold oil

Making marigold oil at home is not difficult. It is made from flowers, leaves and plant stems. Healers prepare infusions in oil or obtain ether by steam distillation. The funds obtained are actively used in traditional medicine.

Chemical composition

The oil obtained from the petals of marigolds (black-haired) contains many medicinal substances. It is the source of:

  • ocytomene;
  • aromatic substance apinene;
  • vitamins E, A, C, P, group B;
  • minerals - iron, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus;
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  • carotene;
  • lutein;
  • citral;
  • sabinena;
  • limononene;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • pigments.
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All of these components are found in the ground parts of marigolds. In the process of making oil infusion, they pass into the resulting ether.

The maximum concentration of nutrients is found in marigold flowers, so they are used to prepare oil tincture
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Properties and benefits of marigold oil

The remedy obtained from black shaves is very useful. Fans of alternative medicine note that the oil solution is characterized by the following medicinal properties:

  • sedative;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antiseptic;
  • antiviral;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antifungal;
  • immunomodulatory.

It is used to relieve pain caused by arthritis, radiculitis, and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A remedy is used to treat certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, to reduce edema. Often marigold infusions in oil are recommended for nervous disorders, including depression.

Patients who have the initial stage of arterial hypertension are prescribed a remedy from black shavers to clean and strengthen blood vessels. Under its action, the development of atherosclerosis is prevented, the risk of stroke and heart attack is reduced.

The composition of the marigold oil infusions contains a large amount of lutein. When the specified substance enters the body in sufficient volume, the risk of developing cataracts is reduced. Lutein also helps maintain visual acuity. Therefore, it is recommended to use marigold oil for the eyes.

The healing infusion destroys many pathogenic microorganisms. This is due to its antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal properties. Medicinal substances act on infectious agents, promotes accelerated wound healing.

Due to the disinfecting properties of marigolds, infused with oil, they are used as both an external agent and a medicine that can be drunk in courses. When taken orally, it has a positive effect on the work of the pancreas and thyroid glands, cleanses the organs of the digestive system, and helps to get rid of worms.For colds, accompanied by the accumulation of phlegm in the respiratory tract, oil tinctures are recommended to be used to thin it.

External use of the medicine is recommended for people suffering from dermatological diseases. It helps restore the integrity of the skin, the healing of ulcers.

Attention! Marigold oil can be added to aroma lamps or moisturizers. It disinfects indoor air and reduces the likelihood of infection with diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets.

Healers recommend making an infusion of marigolds with linseed oil. It additionally saturates the body with Omega-3 acid, B vitamins.

The healing properties of marigolds can be enhanced by making an infusion of them based on linseed, sesame, olive or other oils

How to make marigold oil with your own hands at home

You can make a drug yourself if you pour the marigolds with oil and let it brew. Herbalists make ether on different bases. For these purposes, use olive, linseed, almond, mustard, coconut oils. The basis for cooking is selected according to personal preference.

To make a tincture of marigolds in oil, you need to grind the collected plants and fill them with liquid in a ratio of 1:10. The product must be mixed well and allowed to stand for at least 12 hours. After that, the liquid should be heated in a water bath to 60-70 ° C and wrapped for 30 minutes. Before use, strain the oil, squeeze the remaining cake through cheesecloth. Store the prepared medicine in the refrigerator.

You can make oil from marigolds according to another recipe. For 20 g of flowers, 200 ml of liquid is required. If it is not possible to weigh the components, then to prepare the product with marigolds, fill the container by about ½ of the volume. Flowers are poured with oil heated to 40-50 ° C so that it reaches the top.

The healing infusion will be ready in 7-10 days. After the specified time has passed, the liquid should be drained, and the remaining cake should be squeezed out. The resulting oil should be poured over fresh flowers again for 7-10 days. The procedure can be repeated 3-4 times. The resulting ether should be dark in color.

How to make oil from dried marigold flowers

If possible, it is better to use fresh flowers for cooking. But in winter, you can make an oil tincture from dried raw materials. The cooking scheme does not change. Chopped marigolds need to be poured into a jar and allowed to brew for at least a week. The liquid should be stirred periodically.

For a tablespoon of dried flowers, ten tablespoons of oil are required. Strain the finished product and squeeze out the remaining cake. It must be stored in the refrigerator, at room temperature, the shelf life of the medicine is no more than two weeks.

According to the specified recipe, lutein oil is made from marigolds, which is recommended to be taken to improve vision and eye health. But the remedy made from fresh cut shaves is considered more effective.

How to take marigold oil

The dosage in which it is necessary to use marigold oil, healers select individually. It depends on the general state of health and the purpose for which the indicated remedy is prescribed. For treatment, it is most often recommended to take a teaspoon of strained oil daily.

In aroma lamps, inhalers, you can add both a self-prepared infusion and a purchased essential oil

The solution is used as an external agent for lubricating wounds and burns. It can be added to any body cream. For respiratory diseases, it is recommended to do steam inhalations with oil drops made from marigolds and vegetable oil. Add 1-2 ml to the water. Strengthening the immune system, improving the state of the nervous system and disinfecting the surrounding air will work if you pour 5-7 drops of liquid into the aroma lamp.

Advice! You can use the product for dressing salads, add to cereals. It is poured in small quantities, mixed with pure olive or sunflower oil.


Before you start taking marigold essential oil, it is not enough to familiarize yourself with the properties and application features. Refuse to use it is necessary for patients who:

  • confirmed allergy to flowers;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • epilepsy.

It is forbidden for pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years old. To make sure there is no allergy, a small amount of the liquid should be applied to the wrist. If within 20 minutes the condition does not change, there is no redness, rash, itching, then it can be used.

Patients with eczema should not use this medicine. When rubbing it into problem areas, the condition may worsen.


Making marigold oil at home is not difficult. To do this, you need to prepare the required number of flowers and choose the basis for preparing the infusion. This remedy has a positive effect on the state of the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular, urinary systems, saturates the body with vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

Reviews on the use of marigold oil for vision

Tretyakova Victoria, 57 years old, Volgograd
On the advice of a herbalist friend, I made an oil infusion of black shaves. I don't drink it in its pure form, sometimes I add it in small quantities to salad dressing. Age-related changes in vision began for me a long time ago, but after the inclusion of marigold tincture in the diet, the condition stopped worsening, farsightedness did not progress.
Andreeva Evgeniya, 62 years old, Vladikavkaz
I always plant marigolds near the house. I use them to make eye health products. My parents had cataracts, so I began to make an infusion of flowers to prevent this disease. I go to the optometrist for check-ups regularly, there is no deterioration.

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