Stabilizer E1442: dangerous or not, effect on the body

Food additive E1442 is a modified starch that is part of dairy products. It helps to improve the consistency of the finished dish, preserve its color, taste and structure. Due to its natural origin, the substance is recognized as one of the safest and most harmless to human health.

What is the additive E1442

Food additive E1442 (hydroxypropylated darch phosphate, hydroxypropyl dichloromethane) is a homogeneous fine-grained white or yellowish powder, tasteless, without a pronounced odor. It is widely used in dairy products as a thickener, stabilizer and preservative.

The additive has the following features:

  • dissolves in hot water, swells in cold or warm water;
  • resistant to high temperatures;
  • retains its properties during freezing and thawing, long-term storage;
  • not susceptible to sunlight;
  • does not dissolve in fats.

The powder helps to bind ingredients that are incompatible in structure and properties, to bring the mixture to a homogeneous state.

E1442 additive looks like regular starch, but has a more granular structure

The powder is supplied to the production unit packaged in tightly sewn polyethylene bags. Additional packaging in a moisture-resistant durable container is possible.

What preservative E1442 is made of

The food additive E1442 is based on corn or potato starch. In the production process, it is subjected to esterification, that is, chemical treatment with phosphorus oxychloride or sodium trimetaphosphate. Under their influence, the powder acquires properties characteristic of a food emulsifier, stabilizer and moisture-retaining agent.

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E1442 base - corn starch

The substance belongs to the group of modified starches. Not to be confused with genetically modified foods. "Binding" and change of preservative molecules occurs as a result of safe processing of the starting material with reagents, without changing the DNA structure.

The benefits and harms of food additives E1442

The modified starch is chemically identical to the starting material. In the digestive tract, it is broken down into glucose and absorbed as a natural polysaccharide. The food additive E1442 does not have any positive effect on the human body.

Sometimes a substance can cause negative reactions from the digestive system:

  • diarrhea;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Excessive consumption of yoghurts and curds, which include E1442, is not desirable for children, pregnant women, people with digestive disorders, as well as with individual intolerance and a tendency to allergies.

Important! The E1442 stabilizer is prohibited for the production of baby food.

Some experts argue that modified starch negatively affects the pancreas, causing the development of pancreatitis. However, there is no official research confirming the harm of the supplement.

E1442 food additive is dangerous or not

The E1442 stabilizer is legally approved for food production in Russia, the CIS countries, Europe, Australia, as well as the USA and Canada.The supplement is recognized as non-toxic and completely safe for health.

The norm of safe consumption E1442 is not defined
Important! It is believed that the supplement has no effect on the human body, but research is ongoing.

Where and why add food additive E1442

The preservative is actively used in the production of dairy and fermented milk products. It is part of:

  • yogurt;
  • sour cream, cream;
  • cottage cheese, curd snacks;
  • ice cream;
  • puddings, dairy desserts;
  • various sauces, salad dressings, mayonnaise.

It can also be used as a stabilizing, moisture-retaining, thickening component in canned fish, meat, berry or vegetable preserves, instant soups.

The food additive allows you to achieve a delicate, homogeneous consistency, extend the shelf life, preserve the taste, color, structure of the original product after freezing.

E1442 is widely used in confectionery factories for the production of cream fillings for candies, jam, jam, fruit and berry fillings. A stabilizer is added to baked goods (biscuits, waffles, biscuits) to reduce gluten (gluten) in the dough. This reduces the amount of sugar and fat in the finished product.

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Despite the fact that the daily safe consumption rate of the thickener has not been determined, the standards for adding the additive to various products (per 1 kg) have been established:

  • for flavored yoghurts and other fermented milk drinks - no more than 10 g;
  • for canned sardines - no more than 20 g;
  • for canned mackerel and other sea fish - up to 60 g;
  • for canned vegetables (carrots) - no more than 10 g.
Thickener E1442 is present in almost all dairy products

In addition to the food industry, the substance is in demand in the production of building mixtures, due to its excellent ability to dissolve in water, retain its shape and viscosity.

The modified starch is used in the oil and gas industry. It is part of cooling and lubricating solutions.

Thickener E1442 due to its resistance to high temperatures, chemical and physical effects, is used in the paper, textile, woodworking industries.


E1442 food additive is a part of dairy products of leading world and Russian brands. It has no effect on health, does not belong to GMOs, and is recognized as one of the most harmless to humans. However, with excessive use or individual intolerance, it can cause digestive problems. For some categories of people (children, pregnant women) nutritionists recommend to refuse products that contain this stabilizer.

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