Echinacea for children: is it possible to give, how to take, dosage, reviews

Echinacea may be beneficial for children for immunity. But it is not always allowed to offer it to babies, much depends on the age and the form of the drug.

Can Echinacea be given to children

Echinacea is a medicinal herb that is widely used in folk medicine and homeopathy. In pharmacies, you can easily buy tinctures, tablets and other preparations based on the plant. It is recommended to use them according to the instructions:

  • for the prevention of colds;
  • for the treatment of viral, fungal and bacterial infections;
  • to increase general immunity;
  • to restore the body after hormonal drugs or antibiotics.

In most cases, Echinacea preparations are only an adjunct to the main treatment. Nevertheless, practice confirms that the plant really accelerates recovery and strengthens the internal strength of the body.

Echinacea further strengthens the child's cardiovascular system and improves brain activity

The use of echinacea for childhood immunity is generally not prohibited. There are drugs that can be taken with almost no age restrictions, including for babies. It makes sense to use the properties of a medicinal plant when treating a child:

  • with pharyngitis and sinusitis;
  • with otitis media and rhinitis;
  • with frequent viral and bacterial colds.

Echinacea can be given to a child in the autumn-winter period with weak immunity as a preventive measure. The plant will help reduce the risk of disease.

At what age can echinacea be given to children

Before offering echinacea from a pharmacy to a baby to strengthen immunity, you need to carefully study the instructions for the drug. It will indicate not only indications and contraindications, but also age restrictions.

In general, children can use echinacea from the age of 2. But the herb is sold in several dosage forms, and each of them has its own nuances of use. For example, the alcoholic tincture of the plant is officially allowed only for adult adults. But syrups and teas for immunity, containing echinacea in the composition, can usually be consumed from one year old - they are quite safe.

Attention! Before giving a child any of the herbal preparations, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician and make sure that there are no contraindications.

Is it possible to give echinacea tincture to children

Echinacea tincture is considered one of the most effective homeopathic remedies for immunity. But at the same time, it is prohibited for children, since it contains alcohol.

In practice, in rare cases, the drug is still given to adolescents from 12 years old in a dosage of 5-10 drops. You can offer the tincture three times a day. But before using a pharmacy, you need to consult a pediatrician and make sure that the scheme is safe for a teenager.

Echinacea tincture for adolescents is recommended to be diluted in 50 ml of water

What echinacea can be given to children

Echinacea preparations, which do not include alcohol, are officially recommended for use for babies for immunity. These include:

  • herbal teas and dry preparations with a medicinal plant;
  • Echinacea tablets and capsules;
  • drops and sweet syrups;
  • homemade decoctions from dry herbs.
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Although such medicines do not represent an unambiguous danger for children, when using them, you still need to strictly follow the rules and dosages.

Useful properties of a plant for children

Echinacea extracts for children have value due to the rich chemical composition of the plant. Healing herb contains:

  • polysaccharides and glycosides;
  • organic acids and tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • polyenes and phytosterols;
  • mineral salts;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid.

When used correctly, echinacea for babies is of great benefit. Namely:

  • stimulates the body's own immunity to work;
  • increases the activity of phagocyte cells that fight viruses;
  • enhances the production of interferon;
  • increases the capacity of T-lymphocytes;
  • promotes the production of immunoglobulins against pathogens;
  • inhibits the growth of viruses and pathogenic microorganisms.

Echinacea is especially useful for babies and adolescents to protect against colds. But it is possible to use plant preparations during the treatment of an already existing ailment. In this case, the medicinal herb will speed up recovery.

Echinacea tea reduces intoxication with influenza and SARS and prevents the development of complications

How to give and take echinacea to children

For each of the preparations of echinacea for immunity, there is its own instruction that regulates the norms of use. Before treating a child with a medicinal plant, you must carefully read it.

Instructions for the use of echinacea tincture for children

Alcohol tincture of echinacea in emergency situations is allowed to be given to children over 12 years old. The procedure for application looks like this - up to ten drops of the drug are diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 3 and offered to a teenager three times a day.

The maximum course of using the drug is two months. Usually, the effect becomes noticeable from the second week, therefore, treatment is recommended to be limited to ten days.

Attention! If possible, up to 18 years of age, echinacea tincture should be replaced with other alcohol-free products.

How to take echinacea for immunity in children

General recommendations for the use of medicinal echinacea are advised to give it to babies in the initial stages of colds and flu. The herbal preparation must be combined with other medicines prescribed by the pediatrician. In this case, the effectiveness of treatment increases by an average of 20-40%.

Echinacea serves as a good prevention of viruses and infections. You can start taking it in advance in case of an unfavorable epidemiological situation at school or kindergarten.

How to give echinacea tea to children

Echinacea for a child from 1 year old and older is allowed in the form of a medicinal decoction. It is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • 10 g of dry raw materials purchased from a pharmacy or collected independently, pour 500 ml of water;
  • simmer over low heat for ten minutes on the stove;
  • kept closed for 2-3 hours;
  • filter through cheesecloth.

Babies under seven years old are given a decoction in a volume of 25-50 ml three times a day on an empty stomach. For adolescents under 14 years of age, the dosage is 50-100 ml, they use the product in a warm form.

It is necessary to carry out treatment with a decoction of echinacea for children no longer than two weeks


Echinacea for immunity to children from 2 years old can be given in the form of pharmacy tea. It is simple to prepare it - you need to pour a sachet of the drug with a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.

Children under seven years of age are offered no more than 50 ml of the product three times a day.The therapy is carried out for 5-6 weeks, then they take a break for two months.

Instructions for using echinacea syrup for children

You can buy echinacea sweet syrup for immunity at the pharmacy. It is recommended for babies because it usually does not cause them emotional irritation and tears because of the unpleasant taste. The dosages look like this:

  • 1-2 small spoons for children under 12 years old three times a day;
  • three small spoons three times a day for teenagers from 12 years old.
Important! Although echinacea syrup is more tasty for immunity, it contains auxiliary components that can cause allergies.
Echinacea syrup for immunity is allowed for children from one year old

Drops, tablets

Echinacea for immunity for children 5 years of age and older is approved for use in tablet form. Instructions for using them look like this:

  • one tablet three times a day from the age of four;
  • two tablets twice a day from 12 years old.
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For children under 3 years old, Echinacea for immunity can be offered in the form of drops - 5-10 for a large spoonful of water. The drug, in fact, is the juice of a plant, you need to drink it three times a day for up to a month in a row.

Echinacea tablets are prohibited for children under four years old, as babies can choke on them

Contraindications and side effects

Children are not allowed to drink echinacea in all cases. It is necessary to refuse the use of any plant-based products:

  • with tuberculosis;
  • with violations of the liver;
  • in case of allergic reactions to any plants from the Asteraceae family - for example, chamomile, marigolds, chrysanthemums;
  • with HIV infection and leukemia;
  • with collagenosis;
  • while taking immunosuppressants;
  • after organ transplant operations.

Echinacea cannot be taken simultaneously with antibiotics from the cephalosporin group. The drugs will mutually weaken each other.

In some cases, even in small dosages, echinacea for children leads to the development of side effects. Against the background of its use, the following may appear:

  • rash and itchy skin;
  • bronchospasm;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock - in especially severe cases of allergies;
  • nausea and diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • sleep disorders.

Parents need to remember that using echinacea for too long can cause leukopenia in a child. This is the name of a condition in which the volume of leukocytes in the blood decreases, which are responsible, including for the work of immunity.

For the first time, you need to offer echinacea tea for immunity to a child in a volume of no more than 5 ml


Echinacea for immunity for children helps with frequent colds and increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections. Water products based on medicinal herbs are allowed for use even by babies.

Reviews on the use of echinacea for the immunity of children

Kulikova Natalia Sergeevna, 32 years old, Moscow Name, age, City
The ten-year-old son has a very weak immunity, earlier they were ill almost every month with the onset of autumn. On the advice of a doctor, she began to give the child echinacea-based tea. In total, we used the product for a month. The son did not like the taste at all, the younger children probably resist very strongly. But on the other hand, the result is obvious - the eternal colds stopped, they were ill only once a year.
Spichkina Larisa Vladimirovna, 37 years old, Kaliningrad
The daughters suffered from colds for several years - in the spring and autumn it was impossible to go to kindergarten, the child became infected instantly and was sick more severely than others. A year ago, on the advice of a friend, I bought echinacea in bags and began to brew tea for immunity, my daughter is five years old, it is too early to give her tincture. The remedy really helped - the first two months after the course of use did not hurt at all, then during the year they caught colds only twice and for a short time.

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