Mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid: reviews, photos before and after, contraindications

Injection methods of rejuvenation are in demand. Facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid is considered the most popular procedure due to its high efficiency. The method has significant advantages over other cosmetic procedures.

The technique in which hyaluronic acid is used is an innovative

Pros and cons of facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

The mechanism of mesotherapy application includes:

  1. Drugs... The so-called meso-cocktail, which contains hyaluronic acid and additional components, is injected subcutaneously. The aim of the procedure is to rejuvenate naturally occurring cells. Experts emphasize that the hyaluronic acid molecule has a significant size, which does not allow it to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis when used externally in the form of creams. In this connection, the desired effect can be achieved exclusively through injection techniques.
  2. Skin response... With the subcutaneous administration of hyaluronic acid, the destruction of the skin barrier of a mechanical nature is observed. Impact is a kind of stimulation that triggers recovery processes. At the cell level, energy resources are mobilized. Metabolic processes are accelerated, and the synthesis of important components is also activated. This leads to a thickening of the dermis and improved blood supply. After the procedure of mesotherapy with hyalurunic acid, skin turgor increases, its relief is smoothed.
Important! The method leads to the release of serotonin, norepinephrine and activation of the immune system, which allows the body to resist the processes of natural aging. The rejuvenating effect is most noticeable in the injection area.

Mesotherapy using hyaluronic acid combines the use of modern drugs and acupuncture, which is one of the oldest techniques. The effectiveness of the procedure is due to the following factors:

  • conducting a full course;
  • competent implementation;
  • compliance with the doctor's recommendations during the recovery period.

The effectiveness of the technique implies:

  • moisturizing the facial skin due to the retention of fluid in the cellular elements;
  • preservation of freshness and youth;
  • elimination of early signs of aging;
  • improving the condition of oily skin;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • whitening;
  • elimination of acne and rosacea, bruises under the eyes;
  • restoration of a healthy skin color due to the normalization of blood vessels;
  • improvement of skin relief.
Important! Mesotherapy allows for the treatment of thermal and sunburn.

The advantages of the technique include:

  • high efficiency;
  • the possibility of using a non-injection method and combination with other cosmetic procedures;
  • insignificant risk of complications.
Important! Mesotherapy can be done at home.

Disadvantages of the technique include:

  • complete elimination of hyaluronic acid after 3 weeks;
  • the need for regular performance of procedures;
  • the occurrence of an inflammatory process, swelling, bruising;
  • a long course of treatment lasting several months.

Within 5 months of therapy, a woman should adhere to certain rules that exclude exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It must be remembered that injections weaken the protective function of the skin, which predisposes to the development of infectious processes.

What is the best facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid?

The procedure differs in different execution techniques and costs. Mesotherapy can be performed by:

  1. With the help of manual injection of drugs. The beautician makes injections into problem areas on the face.
  2. Through the use of hardware technology. Punctures are made with special attachments of cosmetology devices.

The following techniques for introducing meso cocktails are called:

  1. Injection... Hyaluronic acid in the composition of the preparations is injected subcutaneously using an injection.
  2. Non-injection. The formulations are absorbed under the direct influence of magnetic waves, low-frequency current, ultrasound, laser or cold.

The choice of the technique for introducing meso-cocktails depends on the professionalism, competence and experience of the cosmetologist, and the equipment of the medical office. The condition of the patient's skin and the purpose of using mesotherapy are essential.

Preparations for face mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the meso cocktails used:

  1. Pure preparation. The composition does not contain any impurities other than hyaluronic acid.
  2. Vitamin remedy. This drug is recommended for women over the age of 50, as well as in winter. As a rule, retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, B vitamins are used to strengthen the protective functions of the skin.
  3. A mixture of hyaluronic acid and peptides. The drug allows you to minimize the risk of undesirable consequences and the duration of the recovery period.
Attention! Meso cocktails can include plant extracts, collagen, organic acids, and minerals.
The composition is selected depending on the characteristics of the skin

Indications for face mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

The procedure is carried out in the presence of certain indications:

  • nasolabial folds;
  • early signs of aging;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • dark circles around the eyes;
  • redness of the skin of the face due to improper work of blood vessels and rosacea;
  • dark spots;
  • uneven terrain;
  • sun or thermal burn;
  • acne;
  • seborrhea;
  • the tendency of the skin to peel off.

Hyaluronic mesotherapy is recommended from the age of 30 if the procedure is performed for the purpose of healing. With acne, the manipulation is carried out at a younger age.

Contraindications to mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

Determining contraindications reduces the risk of adverse reactions. Hyaluronic acid is not harmful, as it is part of the body. Various substances that make up mesococktails can lead to complications.

Hyaluronic acid mesotherapy is not performed in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of herpesvirus infection;
  • insufficient blood clotting;
  • skin diseases and violation of its integrity;
  • mental disorders;
  • kidney disease;
  • lactation and pregnancy due to the effect of the procedure on hormonal levels;
  • decreased immunity;
  • the use of certain medications;
  • malignant tumors;
  • high temperature.
Important! The presence of individual intolerance is also a contraindication to mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid.

Preparation for mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

The preparatory stage before performing the rejuvenation procedure includes:

  • elimination of contraindications for mesotherapy;
  • analysis of anamnesis data and medications taken;
  • performing laboratory diagnostics, which includes general urine and blood tests.

As part of the preparatory stage, the doctor selects the required number of sessions, dosage and composition of the drug used.

How mesotherapy is done with hyaluronic acid

The procedure includes several successive stages, the observance of which allows you to increase the effectiveness of rejuvenation and prevent the appearance of complications:

  • removing makeup on the face;
  • conducting local anesthesia to minimize pain;
  • disinfection of the skin with chlorhexidine;
  • chipping selected zones and injecting a meso cocktail to a depth of 4 mm.

Mesotherapy is completed by repeated disinfection of the face with a special solution. In the last step, a soothing mask or cream is applied to the skin. Re-examination is carried out after 3 days.

After the procedure, the doctor talks about the features of the recovery period and gives appropriate recommendations

It is noteworthy that mesotherapy is also carried out at home. For this purpose, a mesoscooter is used, including a needle nozzle, a laser beam or ultrasound.

When carrying out manipulations at home, it is not allowed to independently prepare compositions from various components. Hyaluronic acid is applied to the face, but not injected with an insulin syringe. Before use, the mesoscooter is treated with alcohol. The device acts on the skin for 5 minutes, after which the remnants of the product are removed with a napkin. A mask is applied to the face.

At home, the procedure is repeated every 1-2 weeks in the absence of side effects. Serums or meso cocktails are purchased at the pharmacy.

Face care after mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

After injection mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  • refusal to visit the solarium and sauna, wearing clothes made of synthetic fabrics that disrupt blood circulation;
  • the use of masks and creams with anti-aging effects;
  • the use of decorative cosmetics in minimal quantities;
  • refusal to participate in water sports.
Recommended reading:  The benefits of a solarium for the body
Important! After mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, the skin should be protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays and cold.

How often can you do face mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid?

Regular sessions are highly effective. Cosmetologists emphasize that excessive enthusiasm for mesotherapy can harm and aggravate age-related skin changes. The optimal frequency of procedures is every 7 or 14 days. The duration of treatment is several months.

Possible side effects

Unpleasant consequences appear both during and after manipulation. In the process of mesotherapy, the following symptoms may appear:

  • painful sensations;
  • swelling;
  • atrophy of certain areas;
  • dizziness up to loss of consciousness;
  • pathological changes in connective tissue;
  • hives;
  • increased heart rate.

In the rehabilitation period, the following consequences often develop:

  • swelling and bruising;
  • infectious complications;
  • scarring;
  • thickening of the skin;
  • pigmentation;
  • lymphostasis;
  • circulatory disorders.

The following factors predispose to the development of complications:

  • ignoring contraindications;
  • violation of the technique of performing the procedure;
  • the body's reaction to the injected drug of an individual nature;
  • wrong selection of meso cocktail;
  • lack of hygienic conditions.
Important! The risk of consequences is up to 5%.

Photos before and after mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

Photos taken before and after the session illustrate the effectiveness of the technique.

Wrinkles are smoothed out, making you look years younger
Mesotherapy helps to moisturize the skin


Mesotherapy of the face with hyaluronic acid is an innovative technique that is highly effective. The application of the procedure allows you to slow down the aging process, eliminate the first age-related changes.

Reviews of face mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

Reviews contain information about non-injection and injection mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid.

Victoria Leonidovna Salash, 38 years old, Saratov
Having studied the reviews and photos of mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, I decided to use a cosmetic procedure. The first wrinkles appeared on the face, the skin became dry. She performed the sessions for several months. Mesotherapy is not a cheap pleasure, but what cannot be done for the sake of youth and beauty. The appearance of my face has improved significantly, I began to feel more confident.
Irina Grigorievna Nikolaenkova, 41 years old, Dnepropetrovsk
I do hyaluronic acid mesotherapy sessions at home. I got a special apparatus and serum at the pharmacy. I perform procedures every 2 weeks, as recommended by the doctor. Compliance with all performance requirements is essential. I am quite happy with the effect.
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