How to remove raspberry stains

Raspberries are one of the favorite berries of many children and adults. But after harvesting, especially if children help with this, many housewives encounter such a problem as raspberry marks on their clothes. In fact, removing raspberry stains is not difficult if you start the procedure as early as possible and using the right products.

Features of removing raspberry stains

Traces from raspberry juice, as well as from other berries and fruits, are much easier to remove from clothes and other fabric products, such as towels, if they are fresh. In this case, the natural dye has not yet been able to penetrate deep into the fibers. But it is not always possible to remove the contamination immediately, in this case, you still have to make some efforts to wash. It is important to remember that the method of elimination directly depends on the type of fabric, since delicate items must be handled more carefully.

Before using any aggressive raspberry stain remover, be sure to test its effect on the fabric. To do this, apply a small amount to an inconspicuous area and wait a little time. If the fabric remains unchanged, you can use the product.

If traces of raspberries are old, then a blurred outline may remain. To avoid this, you can moisten around it with clean water before removing the contamination.

If the trace of raspberry juice could not be removed the first time, the procedure should be repeated until it disappears completely.

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How to wash raspberries from clothes using folk methods

Many housewives have long adapted to remove various pollution from children's and adult clothes with improvised means, and raspberry pollution has not been spared either. Folk methods for removing raspberry traces are quite effective, while they do not require any costs, because most of the components used are found in almost any home.

How to wash raspberries with milk and soap

As strange as it may sound, milk is not only a healthy drink, but also an excellent tool for washing fresh berry stains. To remove contamination from raspberries, you need:

  1. Mix warm milk with soapy water (you should hold a bar of ordinary or laundry soap in a little water for a while).
  2. Take two cotton pads, place one under the stain.
  3. The second one should be thoroughly moistened in a milky-soapy liquid, without squeezing, apply it to the dirt.
  4. Then remove the disc, wring it out. Moisten again in liquid, squeeze out and rub the trace with it until it disappears.
  5. Then send the thing to the washing machine.

How to remove raspberry stain with salt

Salt is the most common substance in the kitchen. Almost no dish can be prepared without it. And in terms of removing berry stains, salt is an excellent helper. To remove the crimson trail, you can resort to one of the following methods:

  1. Salt is mixed with a little warm water to obtain a mushy mass. This mass is smeared with a place with a berry trace, gently rubbing into the dirt.Leave it like this for half an hour. Then wash off the salt from the fabric with warm clean water. Wash the area with laundry soap and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Sprinkle salt on the fresh stain so that it is completely covered with crystals. Leave the salt on the clothes for 7-10 minutes. During this time, the salt crystals will absorb the berry juice. After the salt is shaken off, and the thing is washed by hand in water with the addition of ammonia, in a ratio of 1 tsp to 1 l of water.
Attention! The first method is suitable for both fresh and old raspberry stains, while the second is best used only for fresh, not yet dry marks.

How to remove raspberry stains with boiling water

The easiest and fastest way to remove raspberry marks is to use boiling water. This method is suitable for removing only fresh stains that have not yet dried. The removal process itself is simple, for this:

  1. A cloth with a dirty spot is pulled over any small deep container so that the stain is located exactly in the middle.
  2. Then they take only a boiled kettle and pour boiling water over it directly on the trail of the berry.
  3. After the clothes are given time for the watered place to cool down, and the clothes are washed as usual.
Important! Boiling water should be used carefully, as some colored fabrics may shed. Also, do not wash clothes immediately, as this can stretch the fibers.

How to remove raspberry stains with glycerin and yolk

Egg yolk mixed with glycerin is great for removing old raspberry marks. This method is also good because it can be used for white and colored fabrics. The process of withdrawal itself consists in the following actions:

  1. Add 30 g of glycerin to the egg yolk, mix thoroughly until smooth.
  2. Rub the stain with the resulting mixture from the seamy side of the garment.
  3. Leave the mixture on the clothes for 2-3 hours.
  4. Then the rubbed place is washed in warm water, and then the thing is sent to the washing machine.

How to remove raspberry stains with vinegar and lemon juice

Many housewives do not know how to remove traces of raspberries from white clothes, and use whiteness for these purposes. Although this product allows you to remove dirt, it still has a detrimental effect on the fabric. It is best to use a more gentle product like vinegar and lemon juice. Acetic acid combined with citric acid is a great homemade whitening product. It allows you to remove berry stains on white and light fabrics without damaging them. To do this, perform the following actions:

  1. Mix in equal proportions vinegar and lemon juice.
  2. Using a cotton pad, apply the resulting liquid to the raspberry trail.
  3. Leave the wet spot in the acid mixture for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Rinse the well-lightened place on the fabric, repeat the procedure if necessary.
Advice! If the trail from the berry is old and poorly removed even the second time, you can take half a lemon and rub it over the dirt over the cut for 2-3 minutes.

How to remove raspberry stains using specialized products

Not all housewives are adherents of household cleaning methods. Therefore, they try to resort to an alternative method of removing stains from raspberries and other berries using household chemicals or specialized products. Fortunately, some modern household chemicals are indeed able to effectively deal with various kinds of stains without damaging the fabric. These include the following:

  • «Vanish"Is a stain remover that effectively and safely removes any dirt, including from raspberry juice. It can be used for both white and colored fabrics;
  • «Bose»- also refers to stain removers, is oxygen-containing, which makes it safe for almost any fabric;
  • «Pure»- aerosol stain remover, suitable as an emergency aid in removing any stain, including raspberry, is safe and quite effective.
Important! When purchasing any stain remover, you should definitely study the instructions for use, otherwise you can not only not remove the stain, but also completely ruin your clothes.


Removing raspberry stains is quite simple, and the sooner you take steps to remove them, the easier it will be to wash your clothes. The main thing is to follow the recommendations correctly, and then your favorite thing will be clean and intact.

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