Are e-cigarettes harmful to health, the pros and cons

Today, the debate about the benefits and harms of electronic cigarettes does not subside. As a battery-powered product that dispenses doses of vaporized nicotine or inhalation solution, the electronic cigarette is designed to provide a sensation similar to inhaling tobacco smoke.

What are electronic cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes are used as a way to stop or reduce smoking. Vapes, or electronic cigarettes, are purchased by millions of people all over the world. They were first released in 2004 in the Chinese market.

An electronic cigarette looks like a long tube, shaped like a regular cigarette, cigar, pipe, or pen. Many of them are reusable, with refillable and replaceable cartridges, but some are disposable.

The first patent application for “a cigarette with tobacco but no smoke” was filed in 1963 by Herbert A. Gilbert, but the modern device did not hit the market until 2003.

The vape as most people know it was invented by Chinese pharmacist Hong Lik, an employee of Golden Dragon Holdings. The manufacturer began exporting the product to international markets in the mid-2000s.

Interesting! Now on sale you can find about 500 different brands.

The device and principle of operation of electronic cigarettes

Most e-cigarettes are designed as follows:

  • cartridge or mouthpiece;
  • a heating element;
  • storage battery;
  • electronic circuits.

The principle of operation of an electronic cigarette is as follows. When the smoker uses the mouthpiece, the sensor triggers the heating element to vaporize the liquid flavoring solution in the mouthpiece. The consumer then inhales the solution in the form of an aerosol.

The nicotine concentration can vary from zero to quite high (24 - 36 mg per ml).

The mouthpiece looks like a cartridge that is attached to the end of the tube. A small plastic bowl in it holds an absorbent material that is impregnated with a liquid solution. If necessary, the cartridge can be refilled or replaced with another.

The atomizer is the element that heats the liquid, causing it to evaporate. The liquid can then be inhaled.

The heating element is powered by the battery. Typically this is a rechargeable lithium-ion battery.

The sensor starts the heater when the consumer is using the product. When activated, an LED can be displayed.

Liquid composition in electronic cigarettes

A liquid, also called e-juice or e-liquid, is made by extracting nicotine from tobacco and mixing it with a base (most often propylene glycol) and some kind of flavoring. Propylene glycol is a substance that, due to its properties, is used in inhalers (most often to relieve asthma attacks).There is a wide selection of flavors - from menthol and chocolate to exotic combinations.

Some of them, such as the menthol-tobacco composition, are similar to traditional cigarettes. Manufacturers of certain devices even claim to mimic the flavor of specific cigarette brands.

Important! The e-cigarette effect is designed to mimic the effect of a traditional tobacco product.

The benefits of an electronic cigarette

Despite the regulation of the devices, as well as the adoption of laws restricting their use in the public, many believe that the benefits of e-cigarettes far outweigh the potential harm. Numerous studies are being conducted to support these views on the health effects of e-cigarettes.

One study found that people who switched from regular cigarettes to e-cigarettes had lower levels of carcinogens in their bodies than those who continued to smoke.

The researchers further concluded that the nicotine intake was not greater than smoking regular cigarettes and that there was a “very low risk” associated with long-term use of the devices.

The same results were not achieved in people who used traditional vaping. Their level of carcinogens in body fluids was the same as if they continued to smoke only tobacco.

In the meantime, other studies dispute the notion that e-cigarettes do not facilitate the realization of the desire to quit smoking. In a trial involving 7,551 smokers, the devices were found to have helped 18% of the subjects quit successfully, nearly three times the rate seen in normal smoking cessation. Thus, the beneficial properties and positive effects of electronic cigarettes can be considered fully proven.

Why are electronic cigarettes dangerous?

While e-cigarettes are spreading among those who want to quit smoking, there is growing evidence of the damaging properties of vaping. What are the benefits and harms of e-liquid cigarettes?

Most vapes contain nicotine, which is addictive and induces changes in the brain. This is especially harmful during pregnancy, since it tends to influence the development of the fetus.

The steam contains fragrances, solvents and other substances that can be harmful to health.

Vapes deliver various substances to the respiratory system. The most important of these is dicetyl, which causes severe and irreversible lung disease. Fatal poisoning can be caused by accidental ingestion of cigarette liquid.

One of the dangerous properties of the device is that people seeking to quit smoking will stop resorting to conventional, doctor-controlled methods if they start vaping regularly. Addictiveness makes it unlikely that users of these products will stop smoking altogether. At the same time, there is evidence that the influence of electronic cigarettes on the body of adolescents is especially negative.

Important! Pleasant flavors, hype and the concept of “product harmless” entice teens to start vaping. This increases the risk that they will start using standard tobacco.

Are e-cigarettes without nicotine harmful?

Discussions around e-cigarettes and other smoking devices tend to focus on nicotine, which is addictive and carries other health risks. But what about nicotine-free options? Many users believe that if they stick to nicotine-free products, harmless water vapor can be inhaled. Do such vapes really have useful properties and can they do harm?

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The truth is, the chemicals in e-liquid, flavors and aerosols are not safe.Large amounts of these compounds can cause serious health damage, including cancer, lung disease, and heart disease.

The properties of these vaporizers are such that hazardous substances accumulate in the body. One study found that some e-cigarettes release formaldehyde when heated and inhaled.

According to some reports, inhalation of nicotine-free solution from vapes can cause respiratory problems. For example, diacetyl is a harmless chemical added to foods to produce an oily taste. But when heated and then inhaled, it causes a disease such as bronchiolitis.

Diacetyl and other chemical flavors in liquids may be considered safe to take by mouth in small amounts, but are dangerous if inhaled deeply and repeatedly into the lungs.

The vape contains a liquid cartridge, commonly known as e-liquid, which is composed of nicotine and flavors dissolved in propylene glycol and glycerin. It is heated by a battery-powered vaporizer and converted into vapor, which is inhaled by the consumer.

Glycerin in electronic cigarettes is not dangerous, but in high concentration it can cause reactions of vomiting, stool disorders, dizziness, tachycardia and other negative consequences.

Another study on the health benefits and dangers of e-cigarettes analyzed 40 reagents that make up the products. They were found to contain toxic substances, regardless of the nicotine content. This appears to be due to the large amount and concentration of chemicals used in flavorings.

While the toxicity of vaping liquids varies by brand and flavor, a number of studies have demonstrated the greatest potential health hazards for cinnamon-flavored products.

Important! The effect of electronic cigarettes on potency has not yet been precisely studied, but it is assumed that some additives tend to have a negative effect on this side of health.

Regardless of your nicotine level, there is good reason to worry about exposure to toxic chemicals in devices that are not beneficial in any way.

Are electronic cigarettes harmful to others?

A number of studies have examined the effects of e-cigarettes on the human body, in terms of the potential harm from vaping to non-smokers.

The cartridges contain toxic amounts of nicotine. This aerosol or liquid substance can remain on surfaces for weeks or months and react with nitrous acid in the air, causing nearby people to inhale the compound with carcinogenic properties.

Children are at an additional risk of poisoning from rechargeable cartridges because flavors (especially those with sweet “candy” flavors) can look very attractive while their overall nicotine content is life-threatening.

The aerosol from e-cigarettes is only released during exhalation, and the content of hazardous substances in it will vary depending on the technique of using the vape or other conditions (such as temperature). Despite the fact that the level of toxicity of exhaled substances is 9 - 450 times less than in cigarette smoke, the benefits of vaping are questionable. However, these data may not reflect the impact of real-time device use, where the "e-smoker" mediates between the aerosol and the environment. Permanent residual nicotine on internal surfaces can lead to undesirable effects on the body through the skin, if inhaled and swallowed after the vapor is no longer noticeable.

Advice! More information about the dangers of electronic cigarettes can be studied from the video attached to the article.

Which cigarette is more harmful: electronic or regular

Research data still suggests that e-cigarettes are less dangerous than regular cigarettes.

The harm of smoking tobacco is unprecedented. In fact, cigarettes may be the only product that kills when used for its intended purpose. This is one of the reasons for the high mortality rate in the world: smoking causes many more deaths than HIV, heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, alcohol, car accidents and accidents.

Smoking increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, diabetes, and most cancers. Free radicals found in cigarette smoke physically destroy the human body. On average, smoking shortens life by 10 years. Tobacco would most likely not be approved for sale today as a new product entering the market.

A burning cigarette gives off harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide.

Cigarette smoke also contains an ultra-fine slurry of gummy residues known as tar. Most of the carcinogens in smoke are contained in tar. The main advantage of electronic cigarettes in comparison with traditional ones is that they do not tend to produce tar or toxic gases.

Research on the health benefits and harms of e-cigarettes, compared to traditional ones, shows conflicting results. The properties of vaping can be considered useful when trying to minimize the harm from smoking. However, other studies have shown that the use of the devices did not contribute to the quitting of nicotine, and in some cases even provoked even more use.

Does e-cigarette help you quit smoking?

Vaping proponents claim to bypass many of the health risks of tobacco smoking and offer a healthier alternative to cigarettes and other common forms of nicotine consumption.

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Several studies have shown that the use of vaping has beneficial properties in helping some smokers quit the habit. Others see it as "modest" benefits for those who want to quit smoking, but "good potential" for those who occasionally smoke.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concludes that the benefits of vaping to help adult smokers (excluding pregnant women) are limited at the point where they begin to completely replace tobacco products.

However, 58.8% of adult vape users continue to smoke regular cigarettes. They did not use it as a complete substitute for tobacco. Doctors also say that the effects of electronic cigarettes are highly undesirable:

  • for teenagers;
  • those who have never smoked before;
  • during pregnancy.
Important! At the same time, advertising, seeking to attract adolescents and youth, calls the devices safe and even useful, motivating young people to start vaping rather than smoking.

Can i smoke e-cigarettes in public places?

Since it is still not known exactly whether electronic cigarettes are harmful or not, the question of their use in public places is relevant. Currently, there are no official bans, but a bill proposing to introduce restrictions on smoking e-cigarettes in many public places from January 1, 2019 looks quite reasonable: after all, the benefits and harms of products are ambiguous.

Vaping is currently prohibited on airplanes. In other places, their consumption is limited in a manual mode: this is not yet supported by legislation.

Difficulties may arise with the fact that there are no specialized rooms equipped for smoking vapes yet. Therefore, many will have to spend time with regular smokers, harming their body.

What doctors say about e-cigarettes

Since the introduction of vapes, they have been touted as a useful way to gradually quit smoking. BBC News recently published an article stating that over 1.5 million vapers are currently ex-smokers.

Day after day, many people are turning to e-cigarettes as a safer alternative to conventional tobacco products. Why is vaping considered more beneficial?

First of all, one traditional cigarette contains about 4 thousand chemicals, 60 of which can cause cancer. In addition, smoking doubles the chances of developing coronary heart disease and 25 times increases the likelihood of developing lung cancer.

Doctors say that this habit literally kills. The most beneficial thing any smoker can do for their health is to quit smoking. Since this desire is not easy to realize, there are many tools that can reduce tobacco dependence.

For those trying to quit smoking, vaping can be a beneficial route. Doctors agree that these products are 95% safer than tobacco. Many agree that smokers who use e-cigarettes are more likely to quit, especially with the support of a doctor.

Doctors say it is important for public health to encourage the use of e-cigarettes and other non-tobacco nicotine products. This is because vaping provides an alternative to the traditional tobacco-free cigarette and delivers nicotine through an odorless vapor. Thus, a person can handle their cravings without many risks, which undoubtedly benefits. However, the effect of e-cigarettes on the lungs can also be negative, especially if consumed excessively.

How to choose an electronic cigarette

Those who want to minimize the harm from smoking and switch to vaping face difficulties when choosing a device. To make a profitable choice, you need to study the main characteristics of these products.

First of all, the battery capacity matters - the higher the mAh, the longer it will work on each charge. But as a rule, devices with higher battery capacity are physically larger as well.

The second characteristic that matters is the shape of the device.

Electronic cigarettes can be made:

  • pen style - long and thin;
  • in the form of a box - square in shape, they usually offer more options and battery life;
  • a standard cigarette - the simplest and most inexpensive option, but with much lower capacitive characteristics.

Of the additional functions, the presence of Variable Wattage will be useful. This useful option helps you set the settings that will be optimal for the user.

The benefit of the temperature control option is that the device will make sure that the set value is not exceeded at the required setting.


Having studied in detail the question of what are the benefits and harms of electronic cigarettes, the following conclusions can be drawn.

For people who are currently addicted to cigarettes, vapes provide a less dangerous source of nicotine, without the effects of tar or most toxic gases. However, it is unclear if they can actually help you quit smoking.

Non-smokers should avoid e-cigarettes. The device fluid contains nicotine, which increases the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes, and fragrances that cause chronic lung disease. Powerful vaporizers can also generate significant amounts of formaldehyde and other toxins.

Reviews of smokers

Dmitry Petrovsky, 33 years old, St. Petersburg
As soon as I switched to electronic cigarettes, I immediately appreciated their benefits. Regular cigarettes have almost quit smoking, and a large selection of flavors helps provide variety for each day.
Artem Ivanov, 26 years old, Saratov
There was no smoking area at the new place of work, so I had to face certain inconveniences. As soon as I purchased the vape, all problems were solved. I can use it indoors without causing any inconvenience or harm.

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