How to remove the smell of garlic from your hands

The smell of garlic is one of the most persistent and difficult to remove. After cooking, hands can smell for several days, and this causes inconvenience to many housewives. Therefore, they try to get rid of the smell of garlic on the hands as quickly as possible. There are many proven methods that can help you quickly.

Methods for removing the smell of garlic from the hands

It is difficult to remove the specific aroma of garlic from hands; thorough washing with ordinary soap does not help. In general, it is impossible to get rid of annoying amber for a long time with the help of household chemicals. True, there is one proven method - laundry soap. It allows you to completely get rid of garlic on your hands, but you cannot abuse it. Soap dries the skin a lot, as it contains alkali.

Folk remedies are softer. However, all kinds of aromatic hand mixtures based on essential oils have a short-term effect. Therefore, to eliminate the smell of garlic, palms should be processed several times.

How to remove the smell of garlic from your hands using folk methods

If there is no professional chemistry at hand, then you can get rid of the unpleasant smell of garlic with the help of folk advice. There are many such methods, they all work to a greater or lesser extent. You can choose the option that suits you only by the test method.

How to remove the smell of garlic from hands with a mustard solution

Even in ancient times, the smell of garlic on the hands was removed with the help of mustard powder. A kind of pasta was prepared from it, which removed specific, persistent aromas well.

To prepare the detergent, dilute a large spoonful of mustard powder in a glass of warm water. When it is completely dissolved, rinse your hands several times.

Important! After the procedure, you do not need to wash your hands with soap!

How to clean the smell of garlic from your hands with baking soda

Plain soda is a good absorbent and the first helper in the kitchen. You can do a lot with it, including getting rid of the garlic scent on your hands. For this, 1 tbsp. liquid soap is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. soda, mix well. In the resulting mixture, you need to lower your palms and hold for at least 5 minutes, then rinse them under running water.

Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take

Some housewives claim that to get rid of the garlic smell, just pour in 1 tsp. soda in the palm of your hand and rub well. After this procedure, you need to rinse them well with water.

How to remove the smell of garlic from your hands with citrus juice

The juice of most citrus fruits can get rid of annoying amber in a few minutes. From the fruit, squeeze a small portion of juice into the palm of your hand and rub well. Keep up to 5-10 minutes, then wash your hands and grease with a fat cream.

If you have lemon on hand while cooking, you can get rid of the hated aroma with it. To do this, drip a few drops of juice onto a cotton pad or gauze and wipe the skin with it. The smell will disappear after a few hours.

Advice! Lemon juice is highly corrosive to the dermis and can cause irritation and flaking. It is used with care.

Instead of lemon, you can take diluted citric acid. To do this, the powder is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1: 3 and rubbed with fingertips.

Experienced housewives never throw away lemon peels... With their help, you can get rid of the unpleasant odor after working with garlic. To do this, wash your hands thoroughly, and then rub the skin and nail plate with lemon peel. In 10 minutes. wash off the remaining juice with soap, apply a rich nourishing cream.

How to remove the smell of garlic from your hands with coffee beans

Coffee beans do a good job with unpleasant odors. To get rid of the garlic scent, rub a few fried grains between your palms. There is no need to wash your hands after this procedure. The smell will go away after a while.

If there are no coffee beans, you can use ground powder. When washing hands, liquid soap is mixed with 1 tsp. coffee, rub well over the entire surface and rinse. A nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

How to get rid of the smell of garlic from your hands with essential oils

Concentrated essential oils are good at eliminating odors. If you drop a few drops of your favorite oil into a bottle of liquid soap and wash your hands after that, you can get rid of the garlic aroma. Jasmine oil does the best job.

You can also put a few drops of diluted essential oil on a piece of bandage and rub it over your fingertips. The bad smell will disappear quickly.

other methods

Today on sale there is a metal soap that does not wash at all, but removes persistent odors from hands well. And what is remarkable is that such a product is inexpensive, it does not dry out the skin and will never be used up!

The easiest and most unpretentious way to get rid of the specific smell of garlic is to rub your hands on a stainless steel sink, and then wash with soap. The fact is that such steel destroys the molecules of garlic, leaving a delicate aroma of soap on the palms. The same effect can be achieved by rubbing your palms against a stainless steel fork or spoon.

Another option is table salt. There is always a handful of salt in the kitchen to get rid of the unpleasant odor by rubbing it between your palms. In order not to injure the epidermis, salt can be moistened with water. After such a procedure, the skin will be soft and silky. The salt acts as a scrub for tired hands.

Important! The skin should be free of visible irritations, scratches, abrasions, so as not to cause allergies and redness.

A tube of mint toothpaste can help get rid of unpleasant odors on your hands. Squeeze a small part of the paste onto wet palms, grind and rinse well. It is better to choose a paste with a refreshing scent so that it lasts a long time on the skin.

Vinegar has the same effect. To get rid of the smell on the hands, it is poured into the palms, rubbed, and then the skin is well rinsed with cold water. The procedure is repeated several times, and after it the hands are well lubricated with a fat cream.

Common medical alcohol removes the smell of garlic very well. Pour a few drops into the palm of your hand, rub and wait until the alcohol has completely evaporated.

In addition, homemade hand baths with hydrogen peroxide help to get rid of the garlic smell. It is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1: 3. The palms are lowered for a few minutes, after which they are thoroughly washed. In addition to neutralizing unpleasant odors, such a bath whitens the epidermis, which is especially good after working in the garden or peeling vegetables.

As a last resort, you can try to get rid of the garlic aroma with bay leaves:

  1. Grind dry bay leaves, put them in a bowl.
  2. Squeeze the juice from one lemon and pour the resulting powder over it.
  3. Infuse the mixture in the refrigerator for several hours, then lubricate your hands with it.

Such a product smells harsh, so it is not suitable for frequent use.

For regular use, there are many other recipes that are softer and less pungent. You can use them every day.Effectively and safely for the skin, you can remove garlic odor:

  • oils;
  • milk;
  • fresh herbs;
  • laundry soap.

Since ancient times, the smell of garlic has been fought with laundry soap. It effectively removes foreign aromas and does not harm delicate skin. It is enough to lather your hands well in warm water, then rinse off the product with a cold stream.

Warning! With frequent use, laundry soap dries out the epidermis, so it is used when quick help is needed.

In addition, fresh milk fights off unpleasant odors. They not only drink it to get rid of a garlic attack, but also make a hand bath. To do this, milk is heated, the tips of the fingers or the palm are lowered into the basin. The unpleasant smell disappears immediately.

You can try to get rid of the garlic smell with cosmetic oils. Experienced housewives say that coconut, walnut or almond oil is well suited for these purposes. But ordinary sunflower oil has no effect.

Recommended reading:  Walnut oil: benefits and harms, how to take

To quickly get rid of the annoying smell, you need to cut off a sprig of fresh parsley or mint. Rub the greens well between your fingers, then wash your hands with moisturizing soap. Basil has the same effect. To neutralize the garlic aroma, a few fresh grass leaves are enough, with which they rub the epidermis well.

Of course, the safest way to prevent your hands from smelling like garlic is with gloves. But if they were not there, then you can lubricate the skin with a thin layer of olive oil. It not only has a moisturizing effect, but also covers the upper layer of the epidermis with a protective film. After handling garlic, wash your hands well.

How to remove garlic odor from your hands with household chemicals

Today, there are a lot of products on sale for cleaning the house and eliminating persistent unpleasant odors. These include special detergents, gels, powders. However, it is not recommended to use them for a long time, as the skin dries and cracks, but they can be considered as a quick help.

By the way, creams and detergents from the “Liquid Glove” line prevent the penetration of unpleasant odors and impurities into the skin. They are applied to dry hands before cooking, after which they are simply washed off with warm water. Fingers stay clean and odorless.

Advice! The same effect can be achieved by rubbing dry epidermis with liquid soap and leaving it to dry completely.


Getting rid of the smell of garlic on your hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Today, there are many simple and proven ways to do this that you can trust. And what is remarkable, the means for this will be found in every home.

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