How to descale a washing machine

You can descale the washing machine using special and simple household products. You need to clean it regularly, this allows you to maintain the functionality of the machine and improves the quality of washing.

Features of cleaning the washing machine from scale

Tap water in city apartments is not of high quality, there are many foreign impurities in it. If the washing machine is directly connected to the water supply without filters, then hard water has a negative effect on its internal elements. In the process of use on the surface of the drum and on tubular heaters, heating elements, a hard deposit is formed.

As deposits build up, the machine's performance deteriorates. The heating of water is slower, the energy consumption of the household appliance increases, and in the most neglected situations the machine completely breaks down.

Scale can break a washing machine

It is very important to clean the washing machine from salt deposits in time. It is recommended that you add a water softener or regular baking soda to the dishwasher of the machine for every wash. However, even such protective measures cannot completely prevent deposits.

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To remove solid deposits, substances are used that can quickly remove scale. These include alkaline and acidic preparations such as vinegar or citric acid, chlorine bleach, and industrial specialty powders.

The standard algorithm for cleaning the inside of the washing machine looks like this:

  • the selected agent is poured into the tray of the household unit;
  • the drum is freed from all things;
  • start washing without laundry in an intensive mode at a temperature above 60 ° C;
  • in the settings of the unit, set an additional rinse in order to qualitatively remove the remaining cleaning agent from the drum.
Important! The washing machine can only be cleaned separately from the laundry. Harsh chemicals can damage clothing and render it completely unusable.
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Folk remedies for cleaning the washing machine from scale

It is possible to clean the car of solid deposits not only with specialized chemistry. Some household substances show good results in the fight against scale.

Lemon acid

Citric acid powder can be purchased at any store for a very low price. The substance effectively allows you to cleanse solid salt deposits and also has a disinfecting and antimicrobial effect.

You can descale the drum of the washing machine in this way:

  • remove all things from the drum and check if there are any small items left in the folds of the cuff;
  • 200 g of citric acid is poured into the drawer of the device;
  • set the mode for washing cotton or intensive wash, the water temperature should be 90 ° C;
  • an additional rinse is set, and the spin is turned off completely, in the absence of linen it will not be needed;
  • the machine is put into operation.
Citric acid effectively removes limescale, but can damage rubber parts

After washing is completed, you need to open the hatch of the unit and thoroughly rinse the cuff with a damp sponge. There should be no traces of citric acid on it, since the product has a very negative effect on the condition of the rubber.

Citric acid helps to remove scale and mildew from the pockets of the washing machine. When added to the tray, it dissolves accumulated dirt and kills microorganisms, but after cleaning is completed, you need to additionally wipe the drawers with a clean, wet rag.

Advice! If an unpleasant smell comes from the washing machine drum, you can pour citric acid directly into it.


Table vinegar 9% has an aggressive composition and is suitable for cleaning the drum and cleaning the heating element of the washing machine from scale.

You can use it to process the unit like this:

  • the machine is freed from linen;
  • 2 cups of pure vinegar are poured into the pull-out compartment or directly into the drum;
  • the washing machine is started up at a temperature of 90 ° C with double rinsing and without spinning;
  • 20-30 minutes after the start of washing, the pause button is pressed on the control panel and the machine is left in the off state for an hour, during which time the vinegar can have the desired effect;
  • after this period, the washing machine is unpaused and waiting for the end of the wash cycle.
Vinegar gives off a pungent odor, but it helps to remove scale in the machine

The disadvantage of table vinegar is its pungent smell. After processing the machine, it is important to leave the door open for a few hours so that the vinegar aroma disappears from the drum.

As with citric acid, special attention should be paid to the cuff. It should be cleaned with clean warm water to prevent vinegar residues from drying out the rubber.


The famous chlorine-containing product is used not only to whiten things, it helps to fight deposits in an automatic typewriter. To clean the internal elements of the device from solid salts, you must:

  • pour 100 ml of Whiteness into the tray or drum of an empty washing machine;
  • set the washing mode with the maximum duration and temperature not lower than 90 ° С;
  • turn on an additional rinse, which will remove the remaining Whiteness from the washing machine.
Whiteness with chlorine not only whitens stains, but also dissolves limescale in the machine

Chlorine whiteness in hot water softens limescale and allows you to clean the inside of the washing machine from any bacteria. The main disadvantage of a proven home remedy for descaling washing machines is its strong and toxic smell. When using White it is better to open a window for fresh air and leave the room with a washing machine. Upon completion of cleaning, the hatch of the unit must be opened, cleaned from the gum from the bleach residues and allowed the drum to ventilate properly.

How to descale a washing machine with special products

You can descale the washing machine not only with household but also with special products. In stores, they are presented in powders and gels, usually the same substances are included in the composition, but in different proportions and with other additives.


Italian descaling powder is sold in packs of 125 g. To clean the appliance, you need to pour the contents of a full pack directly into the empty drum of the machine, and then start an intensive wash at 60 ° C.

You can use Topperr descaling powder up to 3 times a year.

The advantages of Topperr include the safety of the manhole cuff powder. The product allows you to clean the metal parts of the machine, but does not harm the rubber parts.

Magic power

The descaler is presented in the form of powder and gel, and it contains mainly citric acid.To clean the washing machine, you need to put 100-150 g of the product in the powder compartment, and then start a standard “empty” wash at a temperature of 60 ° C with double rinsing.

Magic Power from limescale is economically consumed and does not leave an unpleasant odor

Magic Power is sold in 500g packs, so it's enough for a few cleanings.

Top House

The German descaler is fast but gentle. The main substance in the composition is citric acid, but its concentration is low.

Top House cleans the metal parts of the washing machine without harming the rubber parts

Use the product in the usual way - add no more than 150 g to the tray and start washing in hot water from 60 ° C. Top House removes tough deposits in one session and leaves no unpleasant odor behind.

How often to descale your washing machine

How often a household appliance is treated depends on the hardness of the water and the intensity of use of the washing machine. If the unit is turned on only 1-2 times a week, then preventive cleaning can be carried out no more than 2 times a year.

If the unit is used intensively, then you can understand that it is time to descale it by the following signs:

  • a bad smell coming from the drum, in the intensive wash in hot water, it usually increases;
  • the appearance of a strong whitish coating on the walls of the drum inside;
  • a decrease in the quality of washing, if the internal elements are overgrown with scale, the machine begins to process things worse, sometimes additional stains appear on them after washing.

Attention! You can clean up less frequently by adding water softeners such as Calgon or regular baking soda to the tray each time you wash your laundry.

To protect the machine, it is useful to soften the water when washing with special products

Professional advice

Household descaler is good for removing tough deposits. But they cannot be used for all washing machines. Professionals do not advise cleaning units with aggressive substances, on the internal parts of which traces of rust have appeared. If metal parts have suffered from corrosion, then acids and alkalis can only accelerate the destruction process.

To clean an automatic machine, you must use either an alkaline or acidic cleaner. It is impossible to combine such substances with each other, they will enter into a violent chemical reaction, which can damage the internal valves and gaskets.

Professionals advise against cleaning the machine too often. Harsh chemicals will not only damage the rubber parts of the instrument, but also damage the smooth coating of the drum.

When descaling, it is especially important to take care of the cuff, harsh chemicals can destroy it


You can descale the washing machine with special powders, gels, as well as aggressive household products. It is recommended to clean it at least twice a year, as the quality of washing deteriorates if salts are deposited inside the unit.

Reviews of descaling agents for washing machines

Vasiliev Dmitry Sergeevich, 42 years old, Tula
Every six months I clean the washing machine with citric acid from the moment of purchase. The older the scale, the more difficult it is to clean it, so it is best to avoid build-up. Citric acid works very well and does not leave a pungent smell like vinegar. The main thing is not to forget to wash the cuff separately, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate.
Ryazanova Larisa Vladimirovna, 35 years old, Petrozavodsk
Because of the hard water in the house, our first washing machine broke down, so after buying a new one, we decided to devote time to preventive cleaning. We carry out treatment with Top House three times a year, and so far the quality of washing remains unchanged. When washing, I also regularly add a little soda, which makes the water softer.

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