How to wash white socks at home

White socks can be washed with several home methods to almost their original whiteness. Knowing these methods is very useful, because in this case you will not have to give up wearing bright and stylish white socks.

Features of washing white socks

White fabric is very easy to get dirty, just a few hours of wearing is enough for the heel, foot and toe to lose whiteness and turn gray or even dark brown. It takes a little more effort than usual to remove the dirt. However, it is quite possible to return them to their original color; both home and specialized products will help to wash the fabric.

There are a few rules to follow to clean white socks.

  • Washing is carried out in warm or even slightly cool water. It is not recommended to use hot water, as the dirt will then only eat into the fabric more strongly.
  • Previously, the thing is soaked for several hours in a basin of warm water, while the socks should be treated with real laundry soap. This will dissolve major contaminants or make them less resistant.
  • A specific detergent should be chosen based on the material and the rules for caring for it. Cotton, woolen and synthetic socks are washed in different ways, if you neglect the rules, then the thing can be irretrievably ruined.
  • White socks can only be washed to their original color if washed separately. Putting socks in a basin or drum of a washing machine together with black and colored things is impossible - the fabric will become stained and lose brightness.

Important! Separately, it should be noted that white socks are also dried in accordance with certain rules - in the fresh air, but away from sunlight and heating appliances. Intense heat exposure leads to yellow spots and streaks on white.

Ways to wash white socks

Methods for removing dirt from white socks can be divided into 3 categories. Most often, the socks are put into the machine and the program is started. But sometimes people choose to wash small items of clothing with their hands in order to better control the process. There is also a method of boiling - a classic wash is not carried out at all when using it, the essence lies in the effect of extremely hot water on the fabric.

How to machine wash white socks

The machine does not always give the desired result when trying to clean the socks. If the dirt is heavy, the socks may remain slightly dirty, even after an intensive wash cycle in the special mode for whites. However, with a competent approach to washing, it is quite possible to return whiteness to things without extra effort.

  • Before putting things in the machine, they are soaked in warm water using laundry soap, after which the dirt will come off easier when washing in the drum.
  • The socks are turned inside out before being put into the drum.
  • Together with white things, several clean tennis balls or special balls for washing are put into the machine, they will make the cleaning process more effective due to the impact effect.
  • Powder with bleaching properties is poured into the tray and one of the specialized or folk remedies, for example, bleach, stain remover or regular baking soda in the amount of 1 small spoon, is added.
  • The machine is set to a gentle wash for white items at temperatures up to 40 ° C.

If the dirt is not too strong and fresh enough, then you will probably be able to successfully wash the white socks in the machine.

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How to hand wash white socks

Hand washing requires more effort, but is often more effective. Sometimes it is possible to wash white socks by hand even with serious dirt. It is also recommended to wash old and sufficiently shabby socks by hand so as not to cause unnecessary harm to them.

Hand washing is carried out according to the following rules:

  • white socks are traditionally soaked in a bowl of laundry soap diluted in lukewarm water;
  • after a few hours, the socks are removed, the water is replaced with fresh water and they try to wash the socks with their hands in problem areas;
  • the main wash can be carried out both in soapy water and in water with the addition of powder for hand washing.
Advice! After the procedure, wet socks can be sent to the machine - an automatic wash will help remove residual dirt.

How to boil white socks

After the traditional soaking, the white socks can be boiled instead of being washed manually or automatically. The boiling method has been used for more than a decade to remove difficult dirt, and it really helps to remove even the most stubborn dirt.

Boil white socks as follows:

  • several liters of water are poured into an enamel pot or bucket;
  • add auxiliary means, for example, 15 ml of ammonia or 2 large spoons of bleach, grated laundry soap or 60 g of salt and soda each;
  • put white socks in water and heat to a boil.

Socks are boiled in boiling water for 15 to 30 minutes, while they constantly need to be turned over with special long tongs or a wooden stick. After boiling, socks should be thoroughly rinsed.

The method allows you to wash white socks from black soles and other stubborn dirt. Also, with the help of boiling, you can remove yellowness from old socks and gray bloom.

Attention! While boiling works well, it is not recommended too often, boiling water negatively affects the strength of the fabric and makes the socks look more shabby.

How to wash white socks

A variety of methods can be used to wash socks to their original whiteness. In general, they can be divided into several categories - using chemicals, drugs from the pharmacy and homemade simple products.

How to wash white socks with bleach

There are two ways to remove dirt from white fabrics with bleach:

  • by soaking the socks in a bleaching agent whole, so it is advisable to wash the socks if they have turned gray or yellow after long wearing;
  • by spot application of bleach on dirt - this is more reasonable when it comes to several dirty areas.

Using bleach is very simple - you need to dilute the product in water according to the instructions on the package, and then immerse the socks in the solution, or gently moisten the dirty places and wash by hand.

A good effect can be achieved if white socks are washed with Whiteness or Domestos for washing, they contain chlorine and dissolve dirt especially quickly.However, chlorine-containing products are used only for cotton, linen and bamboo socks - you need to wash synthetics in softer solutions.

Important! It is not recommended to wash children's socks with bleach - subsequently, the child may develop allergies.

How to quickly wash white socks with folk remedies

You don't need to buy chemical bleach to wash your white socks. Some folk methods help to return the fabric to its original color.

  • Turpentine... In 3 liters of water with a temperature of about 40 degrees, you need to dissolve a couple of tablespoons of washing powder and 15 ml of turpentine. Dirty socks are immersed in a solution and left to lie overnight, and in the morning they are thoroughly rinsed.
  • Aspirin... Several aspirin tablets are crushed to make a large spoonful of powder and diluted in a liter of water. Socks in such a solution are also left overnight or for 8-10 hours during the day.
  • Soda... This method is used for machine washing - a handful of baking soda is poured into the tray along with the powder and things are washed for 2 hours at a temperature of no more than 40 ° C.
  • Mustard... Powdered mustard is diluted with warm water to a semi-liquid consistency and gently applied to contaminated areas. The socks are left for 2 hours, until the mustard dries, and then washed off with water and the fabric is washed by hand using laundry soap.
  • Lemon... Natural citric acid is a very effective natural bleach. To wash several pairs of socks, you will need to take 3-4 ripe lemons. First, citrus fruits need to be heated in the microwave for 20 seconds, and then squeeze the juice out of them and dilute in a liter of heated water. The socks are loaded into a basin and left for 5 hours.
  • Vinegar... To wash off a white cloth, add 4 large tablespoons of vinegar to a couple of liters of warm water, immerse the textiles in the water, and then tightly cover the basin or pan with cling film on top so that the vinegar vapors do not weather out. It takes only an hour to keep the socks in the vinegar solution, then they are removed and rinsed.
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Home remedies don't always work 100%. However, against recent pollution, they help very well.

How to remove dirt from white socks with pharmacy products

If the available methods did not help, and there is no bleach nearby, you can use pharmaceutical substances with an aggressive composition to wash your white socks at home.

  • Salmon, or ammonia... In 2 liters of warm water, you need to dissolve 1 large spoonful of ammonia and immerse a white thing in the solution for 2 hours, and then wash in a machine or by hand.
  • Boric acid... In a liter of lukewarm water, 50 ml of boric acid are diluted and socks are poured with this tool for 3 hours, and then washed in the usual way.
  • Hydrogen peroxide... In a basin of warm water with laundry soap or powder, soak your socks, add about 15 ml of peroxide and leave for a couple of hours.

All of the listed pharmaceutical products are good at corroding complex dirt and therefore allow you to wash socks.

Useful Tips

To make cleaning white socks not too difficult, simple rules of wearing should be followed.

  • It is recommended to wear white socks only on clean feet. Dirty feet can leave stubborn dirt on the inside of the fabric.
  • It is better to wear white socks with light insoles - the dark sole stains the fabric very strongly, and it is difficult to wash off such dirt.

It is necessary to wash the socks often, after a single day of wearing. It is quite easy to remove fresh dirt from the fabric, but the old dirt comes off with difficulty.

How to wash white wool socks

Not all stain removal methods are suitable for woolen socks. They can be washed only in warm or cool water - the high temperature of the water will not only make the pollution more resistant, but also deform the socks themselves. Also, woolen products should not be rubbed vigorously with your hands.

To wash woolen socks, it is best to use gentle bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

How to wash white synthetic socks

Synthetic fabric also requires a gentle approach. It is not recommended to wash socks in hot water, and the mechanical effect during hand washing should be neat and soft.

Synthetics must not be washed with bleach containing chlorine. It is best to treat the socks with citric acid or laundry soap, such products will not harm the fabric.

How to wash white cotton socks

Cotton fabric is the most convenient for washing, as it has a high margin of safety. Socks made from this material can be washed using:

  • vinegar;
  • boric acid;
  • ammonia;
  • harsh chlorine bleach.
Important! Only cotton socks are allowed to be washed with hot water and even boiled; such methods are not suitable for wool or synthetics.


You can wash white socks from fresh and old dirt using home and specialized methods. But in the process of washing, you need to adhere to important rules regarding the temperature of the water and the choice of means, otherwise there is a risk not to wash, but to damage the thing.


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