How to remove polyurethane foam from clothes

Polyurethane foam has firmly entered human life. After all, it is used in solving most of the construction tasks that are associated with sealing and fixing various parts. Therefore, many housewives often have a question about how to wipe polyurethane foam from clothes and return the product to its previous appearance.

Features of removing polyurethane foam from clothing

Since the main feature of polyurethane foam is the fact that it perfectly penetrates into the most inaccessible places and quickly adheres to the surface, then getting on clothes and drying it entails a number of difficulties in eliminating such contamination. Simple washing and the use of stain removers are ineffective in this case.

After the polyurethane foam sealant gets on the fabric, it becomes extremely problematic to wipe it off. Therefore, most often you have to use very aggressive cleaning methods.

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How to remove polyurethane foam from clothes with improvised means

Use special solutions to wipe the polyurethane foam from clothing, but they are not always available at hand. Therefore, some tricks and folk remedies can come to the rescue.

How to remove polyurethane foam from clothes with vegetable oil

You can wipe the polyurethane foam from your clothes using ordinary vegetable oil. This requires:

  1. Spread the product on a hard surface and, if possible, gently clean off the top layer of foam.
  2. Heat 3 tbsp. l. oil in a water bath.
  3. Pour it over the stain.
  4. Leave on for 5 - 7 minutes.
  5. After the foam dissolves, it is necessary to pour a little washing powder on the treated area and rub it thoroughly with a brush.
  6. Wash the item in the washing machine.

How to remove foam from clothes with soap and salt

A salty soap solution will help remove fresh foam from jeans and other things. The tool is very harmless, therefore it can be used even on delicate types of fabrics.

  1. Dissolve salt in warm, slightly hot water (at least 250 g of salt is needed for 5 liters of water).
  2. Add any kind of detergent to the water to create a lush foam.
  3. Soak the item in the solution for 2 hours.
  4. Then add hot water and wash the product.
  5. After the foam begins to dissolve, the place of contamination must be brushed or hard sponge.
  6. Wash the product with powder.
Important! In this case, you should not count on an unprecedented effect. The solution is able to help only with minor contamination, but it will not be able to wipe off more serious contamination.

How to scrub foam from clothes with solvent

The best way to get rid of foam on clothing is to use solvents. Kerosene, turpentine, solvent "647", White spirit and ordinary acetone will help to wipe away traces of sealant (you can also take a nail polish remover). The process of removing contamination is as follows:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in the chosen solvent.
  2. Wipe the stain.
  3. If necessary, replace the disc with a clean one and repeat the manipulation.
  4. After processing, the foam will dissolve, and the place of its presence must be wiped with soapy water.
  5. After that, the thing is washed in the usual way.

Although solvents are effective, they can adversely affect fabric health. Therefore, it is worth following a number of recommendations:

  • a piece of clean cloth should be placed under the item to be cleaned so that the contamination does not spread over other surfaces;
  • at the edges, the stain must be moistened with water, which will protect the clean areas from the effects of the solvent;
  • processing should be carried out from edge to center with gentle movements;
  • Before using any of the listed products, a solvent test must be performed on the fabric.

How to freeze polyurethane foam from clothes

Freezing your favorite piece of clothing can be effective enough to deal with the problem. It will not be possible to completely wipe off the dirt, but the residues will be quite easy to remove with vegetable oil or solvent. The sequence of actions in this case:

  1. Pack the product in a bag.
  2. Put in the freezer.
  3. Leave it on for a few hours, usually 3 - 5 is enough.
  4. Take out the thing and rub the foam, it should crumble and fall off the fabric.
  5. After the top layer has been removed, you can scrape off the mark a little with a sharp knife, being careful not to damage the product.
  6. The remaining traces of the presence of sealant must be treated with a cotton pad soaked in nail polish remover or warm oil.
  7. After that, the thing must be washed in a machine with the addition of powder.

How can you wipe polyurethane foam from clothes with nail polish remover

If polyurethane foam appears on jeans, it can be wiped off even mechanically. But this option will not work with delicate items. In this case, nail polish remover, which contains acetone, will come to the rescue. Its content is minimal, but it is enough to wipe off the foam stain. Algorithm for removing pollution:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid.
  2. Treat contaminated area.
  3. Rub with a brush.
  4. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
  5. Wash the product in an acceptable manner.
Attention! Rubbing off the dried foam with nail polish remover will not work.

How to wipe polyurethane foam with Dimexide

An effective but extremely aggressive tool for removing polyurethane foam is a pharmaceutical solution that can be purchased at any pharmacy - dimethyl sulfoxide (dimexide). He is able to wipe off not only resistant sealant, but also any glue. However, you cannot use this product on colored items, as it eats up even the most persistent fabric color. Therefore, the application is possible only on white products and those wardrobe items that will later be used as overalls or will go to a dacha link.

The use of Dimexide is simple: you need to moisten a cotton pad in it and wipe off the stain. At the same time, you should not make physical efforts, it is better to first apply a wet tampon to the problem area for 2-3 minutes so that the substance begins its effect.

Attention! Dimexide can only be used on dense fabrics.

How can you remove polyurethane foam from clothes using specialized tools

Many builders and people involved in the repair of premises know that it is best to stock up in advance with a special tool that will help wipe off not only foam, but also other specific contaminants from clothes. Today in specialized stores you can buy various cleaners, the effectiveness of which depends on the composition. The most popular of these are the following:

  1. «Orr»- a cleaner that has been specially designed to remove residues of the polyurethane foam sealant used with the gun.Therefore, in addition to its main function, it copes well with dirt from foam on clothes. Experienced craftsmen appreciate the solvent for its low cost and efficiency. But before you apply the product to your clothes, you should test it on an inconspicuous area. Usually "Orra" does not eat the color of the product and does not spoil the structure of the fabric, but it can behave unpredictably on delicate things.
  2. Makroflex Premium - this cleaner is a little more expensive, it can only wipe off fresh dirt. But users note the fact that the product is absolutely harmless to all types of fabrics, so it can be safely used when foam gets on clothes.
  3. Grover - this manufacturer has two modifications of polyurethane foam sealant. The first option - Grover Cleaner - is applied only to fresh foam stains, acts gently, does not damage the fabric. It can even be used on materials such as silk, velvet, etc. The second option is Grover Remover. It works great even on dried foam on fabrics and leather. Therefore, with its help, you can wipe off the most persistent traces of foam. In its composition, the product does not contain freons, does not spoil the structure of the material, does not have a negative effect on human health. It is produced in the form of an aerosol, which makes its use not only effective, but also convenient, therefore many professional builders often resort to using this composition.
  4. Soudal - another tool for removing polyurethane foam, which is available in two types. The first - aerosol - can wipe fresh bloopers from polyurethane foam, its main advantage is its low cost. The second type is a cleaning paste, which can deal even with old stains, but has a higher cost. This pays off with a number of its undeniable advantages: low consumption, ease of use, efficiency, delicate effect on the material. Using the paste, you can not worry about the condition of the product, since it is safe for human health.

Many manufacturers claim that their products are absolutely safe, do not cause negative consequences when inhaled and in contact with the substance. But it's better to protect yourself and take on board a few tips:

  • work on removing foam from clothes is best done in a ventilated area;
  • before processing, it is worth conducting a test on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing;
  • it is better to contact the substance with rubber gloves;
  • do not direct aerosols to the face;
  • do not breathe in vapors;
  • after processing, wash the product with an additional rinse;
  • wash equipment and hands thoroughly.


It is not always possible to wipe the polyurethane foam from clothes the first time. The sealant has a high degree of resistance, so it is necessary to stock up on not only good removal products, but also patience.

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