What zira looks like: beneficial properties of the seasoning for women, men

The beneficial effects of certain spices on the body have been known since antiquity. In particular, zira is mentioned in the works of great thinkers. The spice is used in cooking and folk medicine. Useful properties of cumin seasoning and contraindications must be considered when using it.

What does cumin spice look like and what taste?

Spice is often confused with cumin. Some growers combine plants into one species. Zira (Cuminumcyminum) and Cumin (Cuminumnigrum) belong to the Umbrella family. Plants and spices are similar, but have significant differences in taste and aroma. Unlike cumin, cumin is a perennial plant.

The seeds are brown as well as gray-green in color. Their length is up to 5 mm. The seeds of the spice are arched or straight and have a distinct pungent aroma.

What does zira look like and where it grows

The eastern Mediterranean is considered the historical homeland. The plant is cultivated on the southern continents, in Asia. Annual flowers are located in double umbrellas and are white or pink. Plant height - up to 0.5 m. Leaves are alternate.

The herb has several variants of names:

  • zira;
  • zera;
  • Roman cumin;
  • kmintmin;
  • kammun.
The plant is not common in Europe

Chemical composition and nutritional value of cumin seasoning

Caloric content per 100 g is 375 kcal. The content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 18, 22 and 34 g, respectively. Cumin includes:

  • alimentary fiber;
  • water;
  • ash;
  • retinol;
  • lutein and zeaxanthin;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • retinol;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • digestible carbohydrates (sugars);
  • phytosterols;
  • saturated fatty acids (capric, lauric, myristic, palmitic, stearic);
  • monounsaturated fatty acids (palmitoleic, oleic, gadoleic);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, Omega-3, Omega-6).

Zira types

The plant in India is grown in vegetable gardens. Zira has 2 varieties: Kirman, which is black and is considered acutely fragrant, and Persian, it has a yellow tint.

Why is zira useful for human health

The beneficial effects of the seasoning on the body have been known since ancient times. Kmin is mentioned in the writings of ancient philosophers and the Bible. The name of the spice is translated from Arabic as "seed".

A versatile seasoning rich in phosphorus, magnesium and iron, as well as essential oils.

The following beneficial properties of the herb cumin are called:

  • elimination of insomnia;
  • removal of signs of nervous exhaustion;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • normalization of the liver and pancreas.
Important! The spice promotes weight loss and improves the body's resistance.

The beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels is due to the vitamin and mineral composition, in particular potassium and manganese. Regular consumption of seeds increases the elasticity of blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots.

The essential oils contained in the spice fight germs. Adding seasoning to dishes eliminates painful sensations that often appear against the background of overeating and diseases of the digestive system.

The anti-cancer effects of the spice have been noted. For the treatment and prevention of malignant tumors, experts recommend adding seasoning to fried meat and nutmeg. These spices contain significant amounts of antioxidants.

The seeds are useful for eye diseases. Their use as a condiment helps maintain visual acuity.

The beneficial properties of cumin seeds are antiseptic qualities. The plant can be used as an external agent in the manufacture of compresses.

Why is zira useful for women

The seed oil is used to strengthen hair and improve the condition of the skin. The remedy is effective for fungal infections, acne, edema.

Drinking during lactation increases breast milk production

Useful properties of cumin seasoning for men

Spice tincture has a positive effect on sexual function. Improving potency is associated with the presence of zinc and other valuable substances in the composition.

Nutritionists recommend adding spice to dishes in order to normalize the prostate gland

The use of zira for children

The spice can be used not only by adults. A weak decoction of seeds is given to babies with colic.

Before using the product, it is important to exclude allergic reactions.

Methods for using cumin

The seeds are fried in oil and added to baked goods, yoghurts, meat and beans. They can also be included in various salads. The oil remaining after frying is poured over the potatoes.

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Zira is used to make tea. To obtain the essential oil, the seeds are ground in a mortar.

Attention! You need to grind the seeds before using them directly. Otherwise, the spice loses its aroma and healing properties.

How to brew cumin

The remedy is useful for digestive disorders. Brewing seeds is recommended for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Zira (5 g) is poured with a glass of boiling water. Tea is infused for 20 minutes.

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Seeds are used to eliminate signs of nervous pathologies

Applying cumin seasoning

The spice can be used to treat and prevent various pathological conditions. Before using the seasoning, contraindications should be excluded.

With flatulence and nausea

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you can prepare a decoction. A teaspoon of the product is poured into 200 ml of water and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes.

The drink is taken in half a glass before meals.

Folk methods of using zira for nervous diseases

The seasoning is useful for insomnia due to its calming effect. To normalize the state of the nervous system, you can drink milk with the addition of crushed seeds. Take half a teaspoon of the spice in a glass of the product.

The remedy is recommended to be taken immediately before bedtime.

How to take zira for parasites

The spice improves intestinal peristalsis and relieves worms. A teaspoon of seasoning is poured into a glass of cold water and placed in a water bath. The product is brought to a boil and cooked until dark in color. Then the broth is covered with a lid, cooled.

The remedy is drunk three times a day.

With pathologies of the urinary system

Infusions have a healing effect. Zira has a diuretic property, which allows it to be used in liver diseases.

To prepare a healing remedy, 2 teaspoons of spices are poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. The drink is consumed 2-3 times a day.

Infusion flushes the infection from the body and lowers blood pressure

Application in cosmetology

Zira seasoning has beneficial properties for women. The rich composition of the spice allows it to be used for cosmetic purposes, for example, to lighten and moisturize the skin. Oil is included in ointments, lotions and creams due to its ability to eliminate rashes.

The healing properties of zira for hair

The addition of seed oil strengthens the bulbs and accelerates hair growth. This is due to the presence of B vitamins. Due to the antiseptic effect, you can also get rid of dandruff. The tool is used to massage the head.

Seeds have a beneficial effect on hair. They are crushed to a paste and applied to the scalp.

Seed mask makes curls shiny and soft

How to take zira for weight loss

The effectiveness of using the spice for weight loss has been proven through scientific research. Experts believe that weight loss is due to the unique composition of the seasoning. The use of cumin in dietetics is due to its ability to cleanse the body of harmful substances and normalize metabolic processes.

To achieve the desired result, you must consume no more than 10 g of spice daily. Zira should be added to green tea for health benefits.

Attention! Exceeding the recommended dosage can trigger weight gain.

The use of cumin seasoning in cooking and what dishes are suitable

Seeds should be fried before direct use. This makes the seasoning more flavorful. The smell is characterized by nutty notes.

In India, the spice is considered irreplaceable. It is added to the following dishes:

  • couscous;
  • curry;
  • soups;
  • confectionery.
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The spice is combined with legumes and meat. It can be incorporated into a spice mix.

Contraindications to the use of cumin

The spice is not used in the presence of stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer. Zira spice has both beneficial and harmful properties. This is due to the chemical composition of the plant.

Application restrictions include:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance.

How to choose and store a spice

When buying a spice, you need to pay attention to the tightness of the package. The seeds must be whole and round. The absence of impurities and the presence of a pleasant smell are essential.

Attention! It is advisable to buy the spice in specialized stores.

You can store the seasoning for no more than a year in a glass container. The presence of useful properties depends on the temperature and illumination of the room. The spice is stored in a dark and dry place. The temperature should not exceed 25 ° C.


The benefits and contraindications of cumin seasoning are known through scientific research. Spice is added to pastries, soups, meat dishes and salads for medicinal and prophylactic purposes. The spice can be used externally in the form of compresses and masks.

Reviews of recipes for weight loss with zira

The spice contains a unique set of valuable substances. The benefits of cumin for the human body are due to its basic properties. Reviews contain information about the use of the condiment for weight loss.

Victoria Tymoshenko, 27 years old, Kiev
I love natural spices. Once in a supermarket I came across a seasoning with an interesting name "zira". Its cost was negligible. The bag contained 10 g of seeds. The cumin seasoning in the photo looks like cumin. The smell is very strong and unpleasant.The spice is good for health and helps to lose weight. I used the spice for this very purpose. To prepare the infusion, I poured boiling water over 3 tablespoons of seeds, a slice of lemon, cinnamon (0.5 teaspoon) and ginger (1 tablespoon). After cooling, the product must be placed in the refrigerator. The infusion should be drunk before meals in half a glass. Weight goes away rather slowly, but it's even better for the body.
Oksana Ivanovna Pilipovich, 32 years old, Svetlogorsk
To make real pilaf, you need to add cumin. The seasoning is popular in Asia and Latin America. In Armenia it is called "chaman". I add seeds to sauces, baked goods, drinks, marinades, vegetable and meat dishes, cold snacks. Spice heals and relieves of extra pounds. After giving birth, to normalize weight and breast milk production, I constantly brewed seeds and drank like tea. The main thing is not to overdo it. The aroma of the spice is quite strong. An ideal combination for pilaf: cumin, barberry, curry, cloves, raisins.
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