Why canned peas are useful, calorie content

Canned green peas are delicious and very healthy, and you can make many different dishes from them. The proteins that make up the vegetable are very similar in amino acid composition to meat proteins.

The chemical composition of canned peas

Canned peas contain nutrients such as keratin, vitamins A, C, H and group B.

Also, the vegetable is replete with a large amount of minerals, it contains a lot of phosphorus, magnesium, iron and chlorine, so the benefits of canned peas for the body are obvious.

The benefit is also due to the presence of the substance inositol, the main property of which is to prevent fatty liver.

Inositol blocks the accumulation of fatty deposits, prevents the occurrence of steatosis.

When canning in peas, it is preserved:

  • vitamin C - 20%;
  • vitamin B1 - 66%;
  • B2 - 90%.

Nutritional value and calorie content of canned peas

The calorie content of peas is on average 55 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

One hundred grams of the product also contains:

  • 3.19 g protein;
  • 0.3 g fat;
  • 9.75 g of carbohydrates.
Important! If you add this product to dishes ten minutes before the end of cooking, you will be able to preserve the maximum useful properties.

The benefits of canned peas

The benefits of green peas have been proven. The vegetable is a versatile product, as it has a variety of medicinal properties. Green peas contain a number of unique health benefits.

  • It is used for prophylaxis against diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • It helps remove fatty deposits in the liver, thereby preventing obesity.
  • Canned peas contain fiber, which, thanks to its properties, helps to cleanse the body for health benefits.
  • On a diet or to improve digestion, be sure to include legumes in your diet for a good bowel cleanse.

Green peas have several other beneficial properties: they normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Advice! There is a lot of protein in this treat. If you give up meat or reduce the consumption of meat food, then you definitely need to pay attention to this property of peas.

For women and men

Due to the beneficial properties of inositol, canned pea dishes are used for preventive purposes in the fight against liver obesity.

To the healing properties, one can also add the fact that when consumed, this product increases the level of hemoglobin, helps fight anemia, which brings undoubted benefits to women during menstruation and after childbirth.

Both the female and male organisms benefit from anticarcinogenic properties, which are expressed in the ability to minimize neoplasms.

The most popular and well-known property of canned peas is the ability of brine to treat a hangover.

You can use the delicacy without restrictions, however, with some changes in the body, the use of this product is contraindicated and can cause harm. Therefore, in the presence of chronic diseases, a doctor's approval must be obtained before use.

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For seniors

It has been scientifically proven that the properties of green peas slow down the aging process of the body.

If the muscles are weakened, a valuable treat will help: it will saturate them with useful substances and restore their previous tone.

The vegetable is very beneficial for the aging body. Vitamins C and K, as well as calcium and magnesium, will have beneficial effects on bones and joints.

Warning! Canned peas should not be consumed by elderly people who lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle: the vegetable can be harmful to health.

For pregnant and nursing

The benefits of this product for pregnant women are obvious, especially in the early stages. It contains folic acid, potassium, calcium, necessary for an unborn child.

Pregnant women should be careful to eat canned green peas after studying additional recommendations so as not to harm their health. It is best to consult a doctor about this.

Is it possible to give canned peas to a child

Canned peas will be very useful for children. This is due to its properties: the presence of a large amount of vitamins and protein.

The product supplies the body with micro and macro elements. For children under the age of six, this vegetable is very healthy, as it is an ideal source of amino acids, which are so necessary at this age.

It has a number of unique properties:

  • accelerates and stabilizes growth processes;
  • helps to normalize blood composition;
  • has a beneficial effect on bone tissue.

It will help adolescents avoid problems with their appearance in transitional age:

  • remove extra pounds;
  • improve the condition of skin, hair and nails.
Attention! Despite the beneficial properties, eating peas is best for children at least two years old. It is advisable not to forget to consult a pediatrician so as not to harm the growing body.

When purchasing this healthy product for children, it is best to choose brain peas, as their distinctive properties are their special softness, juiciness and high protein content.

Canned peas for weight loss

Losing weight people who have a weakness for peas will like the pea diet.

Its essence boils down to the fact that during a certain time for lunch you need to eat some kind of pea dish. During the diet, green peas should be the main course. And for breakfast and afternoon tea, you can eat whatever you want.

Important! With this diet, you need to consume mineral water during the day so as not to harm the digestive system.

Features and norms of use

Canned peas are good for the body. It contains an almost complete set of amino acids necessary for all organs and systems, as well as a spectrum of vitamins and minerals. Its benefits are obvious.

This healthy vegetable is recommended to be consumed two to three times a week.

Are Canned Peas Good for Diabetes

A healthy canned product for diabetes is allowed to be consumed without any restrictions, because its glycemic index is 40.

Diabetes benefits:

  • slows down the process of glucose absorption;
  • blocks the work of the enzyme amylase, which breaks down starch;
  • stimulates the intestines.

Canned peas for gastritis and pancreatitis

With gastritis, canned peas, despite all the benefits for humans, are strictly prohibited. It overloads the stomach and causes severe inflammatory attacks.

With pancreatitis, canned vegetables can be eaten only in remission.In order not to harm your health, you need to gradually add it to salads.

How to preserve peas for the winter at home

To preserve peas, you need the following ingredients:

  • granulated sugar - 120 g;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • 75 ml vinegar 9%;
  • water;
  • 3 kg of green peas.
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  1. Thoroughly sort out and peat the peas. Wash the grains thoroughly, soak in water. The water level should completely cover all the peas.
  2. Ingredients such as vinegar, sugar and salt must be added to the water.
  3. Boil for half an hour after boiling.
  4. After the time has passed, place the peas in sterile jars and fill them with the water in which they were boiled.
  5. Banks must be placed in boiling water and cooked for about 30 minutes.
  6. Roll up the jars with sterile lids.
  7. Cover with a towel and let cool completely.

What can be made from canned peas

A variety of refreshing smoothies, delicious and healthy puree soups can be made from canned vegetables:

  • Italian soup;
  • "Appetizing peas";
  • "Pea-potato puree".
Important! The health benefits of canned peas are one of the main reasons to include them in your diet as often as possible.

The green vegetable is often added to a wide variety of salads. One of these is the well-known Olivier.

It is also used in the preparation of vinaigrette.

The harm of canned peas and contraindications

Canned vegetables can harm those who have digestive problems.

With frequent use, the product can also cause harm, namely, cause inflammatory processes in the intestines. It is recommended to consume peas no more than three times a week.

With frequent use legumes absorption of useful minerals and vitamins is blocked.

Contraindications for peas:

  • ulcer;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • gout;
  • nephritis;
  • gastritis.

The harm is due to the fact that peas are difficult to digest with poor digestion. The stomach swells up, the inflammatory processes are exacerbated.

How to choose canned peas

  • When choosing this product, you need to pay attention to the brain varieties. They are much tastier than feed, keep their shape and are very useful.
  • In glass jars, the liquid should be clear.
  • The lid and can should not be swollen.
  • And, of course, you need to look at the expiration date.
Warning! In order not to harm your body, you need to purchase canned food from well-known manufacturers in proven stores.


The benefits and harms of canned peas are a pressing issue. Canned peas are very healthy, they must be on the table, you can cook many different dishes from them. It is advisable to include the vegetable in the diet 2-3 times every ten days. But with excessive use and ignoring the advice of a doctor, peas can become a source of harm to the body.


Tatiana, Nizhny Novgorod
I adhere to a healthy lifestyle, I try to eat less meat. Two months ago, a friend suggested a healthy diet on green peas. Canned peas have been a must on the diet for their valuable properties. Every day I made a puree soup or smoothie with the addition of this product. I am very pleased with the result, I have lost three kilograms, I feel excellent. I felt the benefits of the diet almost immediately.
Svetlana, Omsk
I liked the pea dishes so much that I decided to find out more about its beneficial properties. It turned out that there are special diets based on canned vegetables. After I tested the benefits of several of them, I can confidently say that a green treat helps to reduce weight and improve well-being, while other diets only harmed my body.

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