Is tea bags good for you?

Today tea bags help out great when there is absolutely no time to brew a good drink. It is easy to prepare it quickly. You just need to place the bag in a mug of hot water and let it stand for a few minutes. You can also add sugar, honey. The selection of drinks is great. There is green, black, red tea. It is worth exploring the benefits and harms of tea bags.

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The history of the appearance of tea bags

American tea trader Thomas Sullivan faced the difficulty of selling tea to wholesalers in 1904. They wanted small portions to sample. In those days, the drink was delivered in cans. The merchant came up with an unusual idea: pour a healthy product into a silk bag, tie it with thread and send it to the client. Therefore, the creator set the task: to deliver tea for tasting, and not to save brewing time and reduce its properties.

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Attention! Tea began to be widely used during the First World War, when German manufacturers took note of the idea and began using bags to prepare the drink for soldiers. To save money, silk was replaced with gauze.

Composition of tea bags

To study the benefits and harmful properties of the sachets, it is necessary to research the contents. It has long been no secret that the packaged drink contains leftovers from tea making - tea dust, fragments of leaves.

The dust is composed of roasted tea leaves. They are almost useless. Sometimes they put the bark of trees, grass waste. In the production of tea bags, expired ingredients with mold and mildew may be added. These properties will harm the body.

Sometimes dyes are poured into the mixture so that the drink is colored. Taking into account such a composition, we can conclude that it does not differ in quality, benefits and positive properties.

In addition to tea leaves, additives in the form of flowers, berries, fruits are placed in bags. There are also artificial substances - flavors. They eliminate foreign unpleasant odors and have harmful properties.

What sachets are made of

At the very beginning of the emergence of tea, the Chinese put it in cloth bags. Subsequently, manufacturers, wanting to save money, began to make them out of paper. It tends to dissolve when exposed to moisture. But tea bags do not get soaked, because during their manufacture they use a special chemical treatment that prevents the paper from falling apart and losing its appearance and properties for a long time.

Glue is used to form the pouch. Manufacturers often add flavorings. to eliminate the unpleasant odor from such tea.

A number of companies make bags from silk or nylon and sew threads to them. The cost of the drink will be higher than that of regular bags.

Important! It is better to buy tea with silk or nylon bags. This provides a benefit and a guarantee that there are no chemicals in the package.

How to brew tea bags correctly

It is necessary not only to correctly choose tea, but to brew it according to the rules in order to avoid the ingress of harmful substances into the body. Brewing tips:

  1. The box must be free of tea dust.
  2. One sachet is for one brew.
  3. You need to cook in a ceramic or glass dish. If you use plastic, then it can cause harm.
  4. You can not drink the drink on an empty stomach, as it can lead to the formation of ulcers, gastritis.
  5. Drinking too cold or hot drink is not recommended. The best option is medium temperature.
  6. Tea bags are hazardous to health if you drink more than 5 cups a day. Otherwise, the risk of poisoning and harm will be great.

Benefits of tea bags

Basically, this drink is harmful. If you buy expensive tea, then it will not do any good or harm. Pros and positive properties of tea:

  • ease of use - suitable for travel, commuting, work;
  • ease of preparation - just put the bag in hot water and wait until it is brewed.

Benefits and uses of tea bags

Still, tea bags are beneficial when used for external use:

  1. The bags tend to remove redness, puffiness and signs of fatigue under the eyes.
  2. The chilled wet sachet can be applied to the burn site. It will relieve unpleasant pain sensations.
  3. If you hold the brewed bag in your mouth, it will help get rid of possible ulcers.
  4. The bags attached to the warts will help clear them up. But you need to do this every day.
  5. The brew is used as a marinade for meat to soften and improve the taste.
  6. Brewed tea does a great job of removing dirt on floors or furniture.
  7. To remove extraneous odors from a wardrobe, chest of drawers or refrigerator, you need to place a bag of drink in them.
  8. The benefits of green tea bags are that it is an excellent fertilizer for indoor flowers. The bags must be dried so that midges do not appear.
  9. The tea product is a good colorant. In it you can color eggs, fish, when cooking smoked at home.

Harm of tea bags

It is impossible to say unequivocally that tea bags are harmful. If you buy a quality drink, brew it according to all the rules, then it will not bring harm.

Fluorine compounds

Cheap sachets predominantly contain fluoride. He is able to harm the body. Possible consequences and complications:

  • weakens teeth;
  • leads to joint pain;
  • the formation of bone spurs;
  • the vertebrae are spliced;
  • leads to muscle weakness;
  • the formation of osteoporosis;
  • the risk of kidney disease increases.

The above problems will appear if the product is consumed more than 5 bags per day.

How to choose quality tea bags

Finding out which of the drinks is better is difficult. The composition must be carefully analyzed. But with the help of simple experiments, each person at home will be able to determine whether a product is useful to him.

The tea bag is placed in a mug of cold water and waited for 2 hours. If the water remains clear and is not colored, then the drink is of high quality. If the liquid has become dark brown, then such tea bags are harmful, you should not buy it.

There is another way to recognize the product. A slice of lemon is added to the ready-made tea. If it turns pale, no dyes have been added to it.

Shelf life of tea bags

The drink has an expiration date. It can usually be found on packaging. On average, the drink is stored for 1 to 3 years. In most cases, tea can be kept at home for 2 years. Tea stored for about 3 years is inferior in properties and taste to fresh tea, since essential oils evaporate from the leaves.

After opening the package, the product is best consumed within one month. With prolonged storage, aromatic additives disappear, the taste deteriorates.

Drinking expired tea bags is prohibited. This is fraught with a number of negative consequences.


The benefits and harms of tea bags have been studied in detail. This product is convenient and easy to use. It will bring benefits only when applied externally.

The dangers of tea bags are described in the video:

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