Ginseng tincture, properties for men and women, how to take

It is believed that the beneficial properties of ginseng can cure all diseases, only you need to choose the right form of the drug. Today the most popular is the tincture made with vodka, alcohol or wine. With its help, people solve a variety of health problems. The benefits and harms of ginseng tincture have been known for a long time and are used for many diseases, including the most severe ones.

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Ginseng tincture composition

The benefits and harms of an alcoholic extract of red ginseng root are due to the presence of many chemical compounds present in the plant. The tincture has a very strong effect on a person, due to the presence in it:

  • mineral elements (P, S, K, Ca, Na, Fe, Al, Si, Ba, Sr, Mn, Ti);
  • vitamins C, B1 and B2;
  • saponins;
  • aroma of oils;
  • glycosides (greatest benefit);
  • fat (saturated and unsaturated);
  • other components.

Different types of glycosides exhibit individual beneficial activities that can vary greatly from each other and even be opposite. Some depress the central nervous system, while others, on the contrary, have an exciting effect on it, others have an anticancer effect, etc. In the aggregate, a versatile effect is formed, the benefits and harms of which have not yet been sufficiently studied. In oriental medicine, tincture is considered a panacea for many diseases.

Useful properties of ginseng tincture

The healing properties of ginseng tincture help to increase the vitality of a person, improve the emotional background, the quality of sleep, accelerate wound healing, and exhibit many other beneficial effects.

For men

The benefits and harms of the properties of ginseng for men are primarily manifested in increasing libido. Over time, the level of hormones in the body of the stronger sex inevitably decreases, overall health worsens, and mood falls. The beneficial properties of ginseng tincture help to treat impotence, infertility, and stimulate sexual desire.

The benefits of ginseng tincture for men are manifested in improving blood circulation in the genitals, affecting the quality of erection and sperm count, and stimulating smooth muscles. The beneficial properties of ginseng tone up, increase physical endurance, vitality, which also affects potency. The tincture helps to cope with stressful conditions, serves as a tonic.

In addition, the benefits and harms of ginseng are manifested in hypertension, heart failure, diabetes mellitus (enhances the effect of drugs, lowers sugar), prevents the development of cancerous tumors in the body. The tincture facilitates the course of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, strengthens the lungs, and also improves digestion, stomach function, helps with poisoning, and exhibits other beneficial properties.

For women

The benefits of ginseng tincture for women appear after forty-five years. Before this age, various undesirable effects are possible. In any case, it is necessary to take the tincture after consulting a doctor, in the absence of contraindications. Compliance with these measures will help prevent harm and negative consequences and fully experience the beneficial power of ginseng.

For older women who experience pain during menstruation, doctors often recommend tincture. And this is not done in vain, because the benefits and harms of ginseng have been well studied in practice. The tincture relieves pain from cramps in the abdomen, relieves mood swings, and also increases immunity and endurance, strengthens muscles.

It actively affects the hematopoietic function, stimulates the production of healthy blood cells, normalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation, and has many useful and healing properties. In the course of treatment with ginseng, gas exchange in the cerebral cortex increases, heart function and visual function are improved, endocrine glands are stimulated, and oxidative processes are accelerated.

The beneficial properties of the tincture help to cope with nervous disorders, anxiety, restore mental strength and fight the harm of nervous overload and stress. Ginseng improves mental activity, regulates the production of stress hormones and stimulates the formation of endorphins, and exhibits other beneficial properties: it cleanses the body of toxins, removes excess fluid and eliminates edema.

In sports and bodybuilding

Many bodybuilding, long-distance running athletes use the beneficial properties of ginseng to enhance physical endurance. Some scientists confirm the fact that the components of the tincture help muscles use energy more efficiently.

Often, athletes, due to high physical exertion, develop hypotension, which harms and complicates a person's life. The physical system thus tries to protect itself from energy losses. Preventive use of ginseng tincture will help avoid such problems, since the beneficial properties of the substances contained in it have a general strengthening effect on the whole person.


The beneficial properties of ginseng tincture also help against obesity: they accelerate metabolism, cleanse deposits of toxins and toxins, remove excess cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels, thereby normalizing blood flow throughout the body. They also participate in metabolic processes, accelerate the processing of fats into energy. For this purpose, take 15 - 30 drops twice, for 1.5 months.

Attention! Ginseng tincture alone will not be enough. The product must be combined with diet, exercise and other attributes of a healthy lifestyle.

Indications for the use of ginseng tincture

The medicine stimulates the immune system and therefore increases resistance to infections. Shows tincture and other useful properties:

  • helps insulin-dependent patients;
  • normalizes blood composition;
  • provides the necessary level of iodine for the thyroid gland;
  • increases the functionality of the reproductive system;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • strengthens sleep;
  • neutralizes the effect of alcohol and some chemical compounds.

Ginseng is recommended as a prophylactic agent for people working in hazardous industries, as well as after serious illnesses, operations, with severe exhaustion. The tincture increases the adaptability and survival of physical systems in harmful environmental conditions.

It has a positive effect on the defenses, exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Although it does not act as an antibiotic, it stimulates the ability to cope with the infection on its own. The tincture is an excellent psychostimulant and tonic, and is actively used to treat nervous diseases.

The product is especially useful in old age, when the extinction of vitality and functions is present. It rejuvenates, prolongs life, slows down or completely prevents the development of cancer, and also improves the condition of the heart, blood vessels, prevents atherosclerosis and other pathologies.

How to drink ginseng tincture properly

When buying pharmacy tinctures, you must carefully read the composition on the label. This will ensure that you are using ginseng and not another type of ginseng (for example, five-leaf). When using the tincture, remember:

  • therapy is most effective in winter and autumn;
  • it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition and lifestyle, including limiting sexual activity;
  • ginseng extracts are last taken 6 hours before bedtime.
Attention! Some experts advise taking a weekly break from using ginseng tincture after 15 - 20 days, or alternating it with other immunomodulators, such as Eleutherococcus, Astragalus.

The use of ginseng tincture in cosmetology

For women, the beneficial properties of ginseng tincture are useful in cosmetology. The medicinal plant has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, improves skin condition, restores epidermal cells, protects against dehydration and nourishes. The extract of the plant activates blood flow through all organs and systems of the human body, including the skin. As part of creams, it removes age signs, detoxifies the skin. It has regenerating, bactericidal, tonic properties.

The drug is used to prevent baldness, is used in cosmetic formulations for hair care. At the same time, volume, color appears, dryness and split ends disappear, regrowth along the entire length is accelerated.

How to make ginseng tincture at home

Over the centuries, many uses of the root and recipes for making tinctures have accumulated. Here is the Chinese version of the drug.

Immerse raw materials in vodka (1:10), keep for about a day. The next day, warm up to +50 aboutC, and leave in a warm room for a week. Take a glass on an empty stomach before each meal, but no more than three times a day. When the solution starts to come to an end, you can add 0.5 liters of vodka component again, and so on several times. Good prevention of many diseases: 10 - 15 drops twice a day will help restore the functionality of the ovaries.

Important! It is best to purchase the medicine through the pharmacy network: it is safe and reliable.

Contraindications to the use of ginseng tincture

The extract of the plant is not recommended for infectious and other acute diseases, hypertension, increased excitability, insomnia, and intolerance to any component. Ginseng tincture is contraindicated during pregnancy and after it, during lactation, can have a negative effect on children under 12 years of age. You can not take it to people with low sugar.

There are times when using high doses of ginseng is contraindicated during menstruation. Then there is an increase in menstrual flow, pain in the mammary glands. If the use of ginseng is accompanied by similar symptoms, it should be discontinued. In addition, the tincture tends to thin the blood. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon it at least seven days before the planned surgery. Ginseng is not recommended for inflammatory processes, chronic diseases during an exacerbation, and bleeding.

Attention! When starting therapy with ginseng tincture and other forms of extracts, you should always consult your doctor.

Is it possible to give ginseng tincture to children

Domestic medicine does not recommend ginseng for use in children under 12 or even 16 years old. This is explained by the fact that the plant has an exciting effect on the nervous system. And in childhood, as you know, she is already hyperactive.You can complicate the situation and cause the appearance of insomnia, aggressiveness, and overexcitation.

Attention! Alcohol tinctures are not recommended by doctors in childhood. Sometimes you have to make exceptions, but only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Overdose and side effects

When using the tincture, you need to exercise maximum attention and caution, otherwise undesirable consequences may occur:

  • pain in the head, heart;
  • sleep disorders;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • gag reflex;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • rashes on the body;
  • dizziness;
  • decrease in sexual potency;
  • breathing problems;
  • temperature.

You should stop therapy - and all side effects will go away by themselves. With prolonged use, estrogenic effect, mastopathy are possible. Symptoms of intoxication were present in patients after consuming 200 ml of tincture or an average root size.

Even if ginseng has been prescribed by a doctor, you should always remember to take it in dosage. A single amount ranges from 30 to 50 drops, depending on the patient's condition. At the same time, three times a day is observed, forty minutes before the start of the meal.

An adult should not drink more than two hundred drops of the drug per day. This is the maximum amount of tincture that will not harm the body. Prophylactic single dose of tincture - no more than 25 drops. For children, the therapeutic scheme must be coordinated with the treating specialist. In Eastern practice - one drop per one year of the child, but not more than five, which should be diluted with milk.

Interaction of ginseng tincture with other drugs

The simultaneous use of ginseng preparations and products (medicines) containing caffeine is contraindicated. This combination will increase the risk of side effects. During therapy, it is better to refuse such medicines or products.

Ginseng can have unwanted interactions with the following medications:

  • anticoagulants;
  • controlling the level of glycemia;
  • aspirin;
  • diuretics;
  • stimulants of the central nervous system;
  • corticosteroids;
  • hormones;
  • psychotropic action;
  • pseudoephedrine;
  • from hypertension;
  • phenelzine;
  • from heart disease (some).

The combination of tincture of ginseng root and its properties is also undesirable with herbs and dietary supplements that have similar characteristics.

Attention! Do not take alcoholic beverages and ginseng extracts at the same time.


The benefits and harms of ginseng tincture have long been known in traditional medicine. It has great capabilities in getting rid of a variety of diseases: from the simplest (for example, flatulence, corns) to severe, intractable (cancer, diabetes, etc.).


Makarov Alexey Igorevich 32 years old, Novosibirsk.
Ginseng tincture for immunity is a great remedy. The feeling of constant fatigue, weakness disappeared almost immediately, and soon frequent colds disappeared. Additional energy appeared, mood stabilized. After the morning dose of medicine, sleep relieves like a hand, you become vigorous for the whole day. But I did not notice any special effect of ginseng tincture on potency: as everything was normal, it remained - I did not turn out to be a sexual maniac.
Martynyuk Natalya Alexandrovna, 46 years old, White Church.
I read on the Internet that you can use ginseng tincture for weight loss. At the same time, along the way, to improve the whole body, and at the same time extend the life time by about ten years. But without diet and exercise, no remedy will help you lose weight, even such a good one as ginseng.
Sungurova Irina Alekseevna, 37 years old, Kiev.
I tried ginseng tincture for hair: great effect. The hair on my head began to look thicker, healthier. They advised to use ginseng tincture for the face - the same result. The skin is smoothed and refreshed. Inside, she stopped taking it, since the heartbeat increases from the medicine, especially at night, and sleep is disturbed.
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