Vitamins for the eyes of Strix Kids, Forte: instructions, composition, reviews

Recently, a variety of eye pathologies have been increasingly diagnosed in children and adults. Poor eyesight is caused by prolonged use of a computer, regular TV viewing, inappropriate nutrition, and a lack of trace elements. To prevent decreased vision and the development of eye diseases, it is recommended to take dietary supplements for prevention. Vitamins for Strix eyes have a good effect.

Composition and description

The dietary supplement is produced in tablet form. They consist of trace elements that belong to the group of antioxidants. They neutralize the adverse effects of free radicals, improve the functioning of the visual organ, and strengthen blood vessels in the eyes.

The drug leads to the synthesis of visual pigment, normalizes the blood supply to the retina. After completing the course, an increase in visual acuity is observed.

The composition contains substances that improve retinal trophism, stimulate local immunity. Beta-carotene and retinol contained in the composition prevent the mucous membrane from drying out.

Vitamins Strix have a beneficial effect not only on the eyes, but also on the body as a whole. There is an improvement in the condition of the skin and an increase in resistance to the appearance of tumors of various types.

Strix Forte

Vitamins are produced in the form of coated tablets.

The dietary supplement contains all the necessary trace elements for the eyes

The composition contains the following substances:

  1. Blueberry fruit extract... They are also called anthocyanosides. They take part in the production and restoration of visual pigment. They improve visual acuity, remove the feeling of fatigue and overexertion.
  2. Lutein... Stains the central part of the retina yellow. This process naturally filters out blue light rays.
  3. Alpha-tocopherol... It is a powerful antioxidant. Prevents the harmful effects of free radicals. Improves the absorption of other trace elements.
  4. Retinol... Plays an important role in eye function. Responsible for the perception of light and twilight vision. Prevents the development of night blindness.
  5. Selenium... Strengthens blood vessels, slows down the aging process.
  6. Zinc... Protects the retina. Prevents the development of cataracts.

There are excipients in the form of corn starch, gelatin, silicon dioxide, calcium phosphate, magnesium stearate, methylcellulose.

Baby Strix

Finnish vitamins Streaks Kids for the eyes are produced in the form of chewable pills. The composition contains:

  1. Blueberry extract... Refers to powerful antioxidants. Neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals.
  2. Beta carotene... Promotes the regeneration of visual tissues. It has an immunostimulating effect. Improves visual acuity. Strengthens the vascular walls.

In addition, the composition of the drug contains trace elements important for the eyes in the form of ascorbic acid, vitamin E, selenium and zinc. This complex protects tissues from infections.

Vitamins intended for children from 4 years old. Protects eyes from infections.Prevents the development of myopia and other pathologies of the visual organ

Striks Excellence

BAA is produced in the form of coated tablets. The active components are:

  • dry extract of blueberries;
  • beta-carotene.
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The drug improves blood supply to the retina, has an angioprotective effect. Stimulates the synthesis and regeneration of visual pigment.

Indications for use

Vitamins for Strix eyes are prescribed to patients:

  • with visual fatigue while reading or long-term work at the computer;
  • with a violation of the process of adaptation of vision to darkness;
  • with myopia of varying degrees;
  • against the background of diabetic retinopathy;
  • with peripheral or central retinal dystrophy;
  • with primary glaucoma.

Supplements are recommended for those patients who are undergoing rehabilitation therapy after surgical procedures on the eye area.

Children need to take Strix eye vitamins in order to avoid the deficiency of essential micronutrients that occurs during study and long TV viewing.

Method of administration and dosage

Strix Forte eye vitamins are intended for adults and adolescents over 14 years of age. The daily dosage is 2 tablets.

Striks Excellent student is shown to adults and children over 7 years old. Patients are prescribed 1-2 tablets per day.

The instructions for use indicate that the course lasts from 1 to 3 months

Dragee is taken with meals.

How to apply to children

The drug Strix Kids is prescribed for children over 4 years old. Under the age of 6 years, it is necessary to give 1 tablet a day. Schoolchildren are shown 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Is it possible to streaks during pregnancy and lactation

Strix vitamins for the eyes are not recommended for women at the stage of gestation and breastfeeding. For pregnant and lactating women, special complexes have been created that help prevent vitamin deficiencies in both the mother and the child.

Side effects

The dietary supplement is well tolerated by patients. With increased susceptibility to the components of the drug, allergic reactions may occur. This process is accompanied by rashes on the skin, itching and redness. In such cases, it is recommended to stop using vitamins.


Vitamins should not be taken by women during pregnancy and lactation. Strix Kids are prohibited for children under 4 years old. Striks Excellent student is contraindicated in children under 7 years of age.

A contraindication is also an increased susceptibility to the constituent components.


If the dosage is observed, the drug is well tolerated. If the daily amount of vitamins exceeds the norm, the patient shows signs of an overdose in the form of:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • stool disorders;
  • rashes on the body of a different nature.

Cancellation of the drug and intake of sorbents is required. But no cases of overdose have been identified.

Interaction with other drugs

The dietary supplement must be taken with meals. If a child or an adult is taking other drugs, then you need to take a break between doses for 1-2 hours.

Important! Do not take Strix vitamins with other food additives. This can lead to excess vitamins.

special instructions

Strix eye vitamins are not classified as medicines. They can be taken for prophylaxis, but it is worth visiting a doctor before starting the course.

Before use, you must read the instructions

Expiration date and storage

Store the food supplement in a dry, dark place at room temperature.

The shelf life is 36 months from the date of manufacture.

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Strix's analogs

Supplements are considered one of the best eye remedies. If, for some reason, the drug is not suitable or it is difficult to find it in pharmacies, you can choose analogues.

Strix Forte can be replaced with the following food additives:

  1. Blueberry Forte.
  2. Vitrum Vision.
  3. Okuwaite Lutein Forte.
  4. Complivit Ophthalmo.

Striks Excellent can be replaced with other dietary supplements:

  1. Myrtilene Forte.
  2. Blueberry 36.6.

Instead of Strix Kids, children can purchase:

  1. Visionace.
  2. Visit.
  3. Visiox Junior.
Attention! Before replacing the drug, you must study the attached instructions.


Vitamins for Strix eyes are one of the most popular and effective remedies. They help to improve vision, reduce eye strain, and prevent the development of night blindness. There are complexes for adults, schoolchildren and children over 4 years old.

After the use of dietary supplements, visual perception improves, symptoms of fatigue disappear, blood circulation in the visual organ is normalized

Reviews of doctors

Ekaterina Ivanovna, 39 years old, Krasnodar.
Recently, adults have increasingly begun to complain of dry eyes and overwork. The reason for this is the long stay at the computer or phone. The mucous membrane dries up, and the capillaries become thinner. To prevent vision loss, I recommend taking Strix Forte vitamins 2 times a year.
Alexey Petrovich, 50 years old, Divnogorsk.
Every second inhabitant of the planet encounters eye problems. Unfortunately, modern man cannot live without computers and telephones. But this adversely affects vision. To reduce this effect and improve the blood supply to fiber, I advise you to take various dietary supplements. The Strix vitamins have a good effect.
Elena Konstantinovna, 38 years old, St. Petersburg.
Vision is one of the main organs. If the eyes stop functioning, the person may lose interest in life. But I think that dietary supplements do not provide the very effectiveness that the body requires. Moreover, many of them have synthetic additives. It is better to include more foods in the diet, which include vitamin A and beta-carotene.

Patient reviews

Anna, 34 years old, Moscow.
After entering school, my son's eyesight began to drop sharply due to the load. As a result, at the age of 8, myopia of the 2nd degree was diagnosed. To prevent further deterioration of vision, the doctor prescribed Strix Kids. I don't really trust dietary supplements, but I liked this drug. After a month, the child stopped complaining of eye fatigue, while his vision improved slightly.
Konstantin, 41 years old, Samara.
I developed an allergy from the Strix Forte vitamins. It sprinkled all over my face, while everything itched. The reason for this is the presence of E-supplements. I do not recommend taking dietary supplements without reading the instructions.
Alla, 21 years old, Volgograd.
Since childhood, my mother gave me vitamins with blueberries for my eyes. I regularly drank dietary supplements 2 times a year. Then Strix decided to try. In the first week of admission, everything was fine. But then my eyes began to itch and watery. I decided that from the pills and quickly canceled. It took a very long time to recover.
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