Vitamins for children to improve memory and attention

Modern products cannot boast of a large amount of trace elements. Their deficiency negatively affects memory and thought processes. This is especially noticeable in children, who absorb a huge amount of new information every day. Therefore, it is important to know what vitamins children need for memory and brain function in order for cognitive functions to develop correctly.

When to take vitamins

Up to three years old, a child absorbs information from the outside world like a sponge. At this time, it is important to pay attention not only to classes, creating a developing environment and training memory. The child should receive all the substances necessary for the formation of a healthy brain and nervous system. A balanced and nutritious diet can prevent acute vitamin deficiency. However, the lack of some elements is still possible.

Vitamins for the development of memory and the brain can be obtained from food, the main thing is that the diet is balanced

Deficiency leads to impaired memory, learning problems, and lowered immunity. Therefore, twice a year, in spring and autumn, some pediatricians advise taking vitamins to develop brain activity for children. But there are other situations in which these drugs are indicated:

  1. If an element deficiency is detected during the survey. As a rule, in this case, the doctor prescribes one or two medicines to make up for the lack of a substance.
  2. In conditions of increased mental activity, for example, during exams or preparation for a session, when a strong memory and attention are especially needed. Children's vitamins gently affect the child's body, increasing its concentration.
  3. Unbalanced diet, which is not able to provide the supply of all the necessary micronutrients.

What vitamins do children need for mind and memory

There are many trace minerals and they all play a role in the human body. For example, vitamins of the B group are responsible for the work of the brain and nervous system. For the human body, they are necessary for:

  • normal course of metabolic processes;
  • synthesis of amino acids;
  • improving bowel function and skin condition;
  • work of the heart;
  • biosynthesis of neurotransmitters;
  • reduce stress.

A group B nutrient is not a separate compound, but several substances containing a nitrogen molecule. This group includes:

  • B1 - thiamine;
  • B2 - riboflavin;
  • B3 - nicotinic acid;
  • B9 - folic acid;
  • B5 - pantothenic acid;
  • B6 - pyridoxine;
  • B12 - cyanocobalamin.

But the above elements are not enough for the full functioning of the brain. Vitamin C is no less important for children, it helps the assimilation of thiamine and folic acid. It protects the brain from oxidative stress and prevents tissue degeneration, which is why it is recommended even for patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Without vitamin C, the absorption of iron worsens, on which the full development of memory and thinking directly depends.

A person's intelligence is also influenced by the fat-soluble element A, which protects brain cells from stress and negative factors.Its deficiency has been shown to negatively affect the development of children and can lead to problems with memory and attention. Another vital element is calcium. It participates in many metabolic and other processes of the body, and therefore, with its lack, cognitive functions are significantly reduced.

Foods rich in vitamins for the brain and memory

To prevent vitamin deficiency and develop memory in children, it is important to draw up a balanced menu. Foods that improve memory and brain function have long been known:

  • red fatty fish (salmon, salmon);
  • nuts;
  • cocoa and dark chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • melon;
  • eggs.
  • broccoli;
  • olive and linseed oil;
  • avocado.
Recommended reading:  Useful properties and contraindications of avocado

Brain function and memory are improved by foods containing B vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids or Omega-3. Unfortunately, fish and fresh fruits and vegetables are usually expensive, so they don't appear in the diet as often as needed. And not all nutrients obtained from food are absorbed. For example, in order to make up for a vitamin E deficiency, you need to eat at least a kilogram of walnuts.

The best vitamins for children to develop memory

The choice of vitamins for the development of the brain memory for children is difficult. Irresponsible manufacturers often add dyes and flavors to the composition, which can cause allergies in children. Considering that now every second person is susceptible to this disease, you need to choose especially carefully.


"Pikovit" is one of the most affordable dietary supplements in the pharmacy. It contains the following substances:

  • zinc;
  • iodine;
  • selenium;
  • thiamine;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin B6;
  • vitamin B12;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP.

In addition to the active ingredients, Pikovit also contains a tangerine flavor, magnesium stearate, polysorbate and aspartame.

Multi-tabs Junior

Another budget vitamin complex that is suitable for children from four to eleven years old. The composition of this preparation is impressive: “Multi-Tabs” contains 11 vitamins, including A, E, D and B, and 7 minerals. The chewable tablets are available in several flavors, so kids will love to drink them.

Alphabet Schoolboy

As the name suggests, this complex is designed for children from 7 to 14 years old. One package contains 60 tablets, which are enough for a month, it is this course that is considered optimal.

In Alfavit products, nutrients do not interfere with each other's assimilation. For example, complex # 1 contains vitamins C, B1, A and iron with copper. And in complex number 2 - vitamins C, E, B2, B6, A and magnesium with zinc.

Vita Mishki

Perhaps the most favorite supplement among children. Vitamins are produced in the form of gummy bears, and kids eat them with great pleasure. It contains all the substances necessary for the brain to function. Vita Mishki can be taken by children from 3 years old. These are good brain development vitamins for children with little or no side effects.

Vitrum junior plus

The Vitrum company has long established itself as a reliable manufacturer. The complex for children includes the following elements:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin D;
  • all B vitamins;
  • vitamin K1;
  • biotin;
  • iodine;
  • iron;
  • potassium.

Vitrum is distinguished from other companies by the presence of vitamin K1 in its composition. Children from 7 years old can take the drug.

How to choose the right vitamin complex

Finding the right vitamins for children that improve memory and attention can be difficult. When choosing, the following details are important:

  1. Composition... Multivitamin complexes are suitable for prevention. But if there are already problems, then it is better to give preference to monopreparations.
  2. Age group... It is difficult to find something suitable for children under 3 years old in a pharmacy. But for 3-4-year-old kids, there are much more options. Before buying, you need to make sure that the chosen complex is suitable for the child.
  3. Digestibility... The correct combination of micronutrients is just as important as other factors.For example, vitamin C is best taken with vitamin E. But in combination with B1 and B12, it is practically not absorbed.
  4. An overdose of trace elements is much more dangerous than a lack of them... The content of nutrients in the preparation should not exceed the daily norms. In addition, do not forget about the substances that enter the body along with food.
Vitamins are involved in many metabolic processes; with their deficiency, academic performance and memory can deteriorate

How to take vitamins

Synthetic vitamins are less absorbed than those found in food. Therefore, they need to be taken according to a certain scheme. Vitamins for the mental development of a child are best given in the morning, as they increase the activity of the nervous system. If you confuse the time and take them in the evening, then insomnia may appear.

Also, you cannot take several vitamin complexes at the same time, as this is fraught with an overdose. Against the background of the use of Pikovit or Vita Mishek, urine may turn yellow. This is due to the presence of vitamin B2 in the composition and is not considered an alarming symptom.

Since most drugs contain vitamin C, they are not recommended to be taken simultaneously with streptocide. Ascorbic acid enhances its side effects.

Care must be taken to combine nutrients with tetracycline, which is the main active ingredient in drugs such as Tigocil and Minolexin.


Dietary supplements are far from always useful, in some cases they can seriously harm. To avoid deterioration in health, before taking medications, you must definitely consult with your doctor and pass all the necessary tests.

The main contraindication is an excess of trace elements in the blood. Overdose can cause headache, seizures, nausea, and kidney stones. Another reason not to take supplements is allergies and hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug. It is also worth taking vitamins if the child is diagnosed with a thyroid disease.

Komarovsky's opinion

Parents are constantly worried about the health of their children. With only good intentions, they buy dietary supplements, but sometimes instead of increasing immunity, they get a rash or hyperexcitability.

Dr. Komarovsky is of the opinion that vitamins that improve a child's memory are not needed by everyone. However, he does not deny the importance of trace elements, but emphasizes that children can receive supplements only on the recommendation of a doctor and only in case of symptoms of their deficiency. This means that you should not run to the pharmacy just like that. But if the child has become lethargic, absent-minded and sad, then you should contact a specialist and listen to his advice.

Komarovsky recommends avoiding prophylactic administration. In his opinion, this will not bring about the same results as the usually varied and balanced menu. Instead of vitamins for the development of brain activity, it is better for parents not to give children the same foods for a long time and to introduce more vegetables and fruits into the diet.

Before taking medications, you need to consult a doctor


Vitamins for children are useful for memory and brain function, but will not help in advanced cases. The best medicine for the mind is a complete balanced menu, enough sleep and developmental activities. If all these conditions are met, the child will be active and inquisitive. If something went wrong and obvious developmental problems are visible, then you should consult a doctor and find out the cause of the ailment with the help of tests. Children's vitamins for mental development will help, but not in all cases.

Reviews of children's vitamins for the brain and memory

Kuryzina Tatiana Olegovna, 43, Stavropol
For about two years I have been selecting a vitamin complex for my son. He was allergic to everything, only Pikovit in syrup helped. With him, the son became less sick, and his mood improved. My review of these vitamins for children is positive.
Smirnova Margarita Yurievna, 28 years old, Solnechnogorsk
“For six years I seemed to be buying all the drugs I could. I even ordered it in Poland and the USA. But the Vitamishki had the greatest effect, after them for all 5 months the child never coughed. It was the first winter without disease at all.
Fedorova Svetlana Vladimirovna, 39 years old, Krasnoyarsk
Vitamins Alphabet Shkolnik fit an allergic son. The only drawback is the large size. The son began to do his homework faster. I do not know what this is connected with, but I am happy with the purchase.
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