The best vitamins for women after 40 years: reviews, names, which ones to choose

Regular intake of nutrients into the body is necessary at any age. However, experts note periods when nutrient deficiencies can lead to disruption of the functioning of internal organs. Vitamins for women over 40 are of particular importance in connection with the incipient hormonal changes.

Why after 40 years you need to take vitamins

By the age of 45, most women begin menopausal changes, which imply the extinction of reproductive function. The ovaries produce less sex hormones. Their deficiency affects the work of internal organs and systems, general well-being and appearance.

After 40 years, women need to take complex vitamins to delay the onset of aging processes, maintain bone strength, skin elasticity and firmness, hair beauty

Taking funds helps to support the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, immune and cardiovascular systems. After 40 years, many women enter the so-called premenopausal period, accompanied by menstrual dysfunction.

What vitamins a woman needs after 40 years

Various vitamins and minerals are needed to maintain health and wellness. There is an increased need for the following substances:

  1. Cholecalciferol (D). This compound promotes the absorption of calcium and the preservation of the strength of bones and teeth. Regular intake of vitamin D prevents the development of depressive conditions.
  2. Tocopherol (E). Antioxidant stops aging processes, strengthens vascular walls, improves blood circulation. Vitamin E prevents blood clots.
  3. Vitamin C (FROM). The substance increases the body's defenses by affecting the immune system. Its intake in high concentrations allows the body to cope with ARVI. Vitamin C is known to stimulate collagen production, which maintains connective tissue density.
  4. Retinol (AND). Provides preservation of visual acuity. The compound also increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin by stimulating collagen synthesis.
  5. TO... The component is responsible for providing the body with energy, adequate blood circulation. Taking a vitamin relieves stagnation, puffiness. With the use of the substance, an improvement in memory and concentration is noted.
  6. AT 12... Promotes the conversion of energy from fats, the production of essential enzymes. Vitamin B12 strengthens the vascular walls.
  7. H... Biotin preserves the beauty of hair, participates in the correct consumption of fatty acids.
  8. AT 6... The use of the component prevents dry skin, dandruff and itchy scalp.
  9. Magnesium... The element contributes to the regulation of energy metabolism, prevents mood lability, and also reduces irritability. Against the background of the intake of a sufficient amount of magnesium, the absorption of calcium improves.
  10. Copper... The combination of this substance and ascorbic acid prevents the appearance of early gray hair. Thus, copper allows you to preserve the natural pigment of the hair, as well as prevent oxygen starvation of cells.
  11. Calcium... It is known that during climacteric changes, the concentration of a substance in the body decreases. This is due to a decrease in the production of estrogen, which retains calcium in the bone tissue. Taking dietary supplements allows you to maintain the strength of bone tissue and teeth.

  1. Iron. The element provides oxygen transport to cells. Its deficiency can cause anemia.
  2. Selenium... The component is involved in the regulation of metabolic processes. Selenium is essential for adequate thyroid function.
  3. Potassium... The element ensures the preservation of the functions of the heart and blood vessels. With potassium deficiency, convulsive syndrome can develop.
  4. Omega-3... The intake of PUFA in the body prevents cardiovascular diseases, aging of cells. Omega-3s are responsible for skin hydration and tone, maintaining joint function.
  5. Coenzyme Q-10... It activates energy processes inside cells, converts excess adipose tissue into energy. This is especially true for women over 40 with obesity. Since the synthesis of a substance slows down with age, doctors recommend taking special complexes.
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Vitamin deficiency symptoms

The onset of deficiency symptoms is due to a lack of specific components. Against the background of vitamin deficiency, the following symptoms may occur:

  • fatigue, lethargy, poor performance;
  • anxious states;
  • dizziness;
  • dry skin;
  • the appearance of seizures or cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • pallor;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • hair loss and brittleness, early gray hair, splitting of nails;
  • frequent fractures.

Effective complex vitamins for women over 40

There are both general restorative complex remedies and preparations that preserve the beauty of hair and nails, skin elasticity. Their choice depends on the type of hypovitaminosis and the purpose of taking the supplement.

Fortifying vitamins for women after 40

Popular complexes include:

  1. Complivit 45 +... The preparation contains 11 vitamins and 2 minerals, as well as useful extracts. The use of Complivit 45+ helps to increase tone, maintain hormonal levels, maintain weight, and normalize the psycho-emotional state. The tool reduces the severity of manifestations of a climacteric nature.
    Take 1 tablet per day
  2. Biosilica 40 +... The Polish preparation contains a standard set of vitamins and minerals, as well as extracts of grape seed and horsetail. The presence of hyaluronic acid and coenzyme is essential.
    The package contains 30 tablets for daily use
  3. Solgar Omnium... The product includes a vitamin and mineral complex in adequate dosages, extracts of broccoli, soy germ, turmeric. The drug is enriched with coenzyme that stops aging processes.
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Daily dosage - 2 tablets taken with meals

Vitamins for beauty and youth for women after 40 years

After 40 years, women need vitamins that preserve beauty:

  1. Laura... The product is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Evalar. It contains hyaluronic acid, which keeps the skin hydrated and youthful. Each package of dietary supplement contains 36 tablets.
    Reception allows you to improve skin color, reduce the number of wrinkles, increase the tone and elasticity of the face
  2. Famvital... The Belgian preparation includes beta-carotene, B2, B6 compounds. Maintaining a good appearance is ensured by the antioxidants included in the composition (green tea, grape seeds).
    Each package contains capsules of red and silver color for taking in the morning and evening hours

Vitamins for the reproductive system of a woman after 40 years

After 40 years, reproductive function gradually fades away, which is associated with a decrease in the production of estrogen. These hormones are necessary not only for the adequate functioning of the genitals, but also for the body as a whole. A reduction in the synthesis of steroids leads to various disorders in the endocrine, musculoskeletal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. They are manifested by hot flashes, pressure surges, psychoemotional disorders, and the development of osteoporosis.

Taking special vitamins helps to mitigate climacteric symptoms, to help the body function in conditions of a low content of female sex hormones:

  1. Formula women... The drug contains vitamins H, C, E, A, as well as the minerals iron, zinc. The effectiveness of the product is due to the presence of medicinal extracts. Against the background of the application, the following effects are observed: restoration of the hormonal status, normalization of the cycle, elimination of the symptoms of PMS and menopause.
    BAA allows you to prevent the development of osteoporosis. Take 2 tablets per day
  2. Tsi-klim. The product includes the following components: motherwort extract, vitamins E, C, A, B1. Taking a dietary supplement helps to eliminate anxiety, sweating, hot flashes, as well as calm the nervous system and normalize sleep.
    The packaging is designed for 2 months of use

Vitamins with selenium for women after 40 years

A good vitamin complex for women over 40 usually contains selenium as well. In the premenopausal period, you can take the following funds:

  1. Selenium asset... The drug contains selenium in combination with ascorbic acid, which increases the absorption of the component. The complex compensates for the lack of substance and improves antioxidant protection. You need to take 1 tablet per day.
    Duration of admission is 1 month
  2. Seleno-6 from Solgar. The tablets help to improve tone, strengthen the nervous system, immunity, hair, nails and skin. The complex also includes calcium and phosphorus. These components complement and reinforce each other's impact.
    Each package contains 100 tablets.

How to choose women's vitamins after 40 years

After reaching the age of 40, women are prescribed vitamins after laboratory diagnostics and determination of hypovitaminosis of specific substances. As part of treatment and prophylactic administration, monotherapy and complex drugs can be prescribed.

Important! When prescribing vitamins, the doctor takes into account the woman's anamnesis, features of the clinical picture, the desire to exercise reproductive function.


Vitamins for women over 40 years of age are prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Useful components can reduce the symptoms of climacteric changes, improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair, and normalize health.

Reviews of vitamins for women after 40 years

Vitamins and minerals for women over 40 are essential. Reviews contain information about the means taken.

Elena Viktorovna Simonovich, 44 years old, Moscow
Vitamins must be drunk by a woman after 40 years to maintain youth and beauty. I periodically take complexes containing various components, for example, Alphabet and Complivit. Against the background of use, sleep and cycle are normalized, vigor appears.
Victoria Alexandrovna Khotyanovich, 47 years old, Borisov
At the appointment with my gynecologist, I asked what vitamins a woman can drink after 40. Recently, hot flashes, increased sweating and irritability began to bother me. The doctor recommended the preparation Formula Women in courses. The effect appeared 3 weeks after the start of the intake and lasted after its completion. The number of hot flashes decreased, I began to feel more relaxed.
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