Caucasian hellebore: application and contraindications, doctors' reviews

The hellebore or Caucasian wintering (Helleborus caucasicus A.Br.) belongs to the Buttercup family. Like other representatives, the flower is amazingly beautiful and poisonous. For many years, disputes about this unique representative of the flora of the Caucasus have not subsided. The healing properties and contraindications to the Caucasian hellebore were initially determined empirically by generations of local residents. According to its medicinal properties in folk medicine, the plant occupies the second position after the famous ginseng. Clinical studies that have been conducted since the middle of the 19th century have proven its effectiveness as a drug. Currently, a number of effective drugs are produced from the plant.

The Caucasian hellebore blooms in December-April, depending on weather conditions and growing altitude above sea level

Hellebore chemical composition

Due to the saturation of rhizome tissues with various substances, the Caucasian hellebore has unique healing properties:

  • vitamins C, D and E strengthen the immune system, promote calcium absorption, stimulate the adrenal glands and prevent blood clots;
  • alkaloids are an effective tonic and analgesic agent, contribute to normal blood circulation;
  • cardiac glycoside desglucogellebrin, which has a positive effect on the central and peripheral nervous system, has the highest cardiotonic activity;
  • steroidal saponins, widely used as anti-inflammatory, expectorant and diuretics, can also affect the proper absorption of fats and normalize hormonal levels;
  • flavonoids strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, help to normalize the activity of the nervous and SS systems;
  • essential and fatty oils promote the regeneration of the skin and internal tissues;
  • Caucasian hellebore contains coumarins, which reduce the risk of thrombosis, inhibit the development and growth of cancerous tumors.
Comment! The Russian name was given to the flower by academician Pallas - for its outstanding endurance, allowing it to bloom and give seeds in extreme conditions.

With the help of hydrolysis, smilagenin is obtained from the plant, which is actively used in the pharmaceutical industry.

What Hellebore Herb Heals

Already in the 60s of the XIX century, the Caucasian hellebore was recognized by scientists and doctors as an effective remedy for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Decoctions and extracts obtained from rhizomes have a complex effect on the body when used correctly. Indications for the use of hellebore:

  • diseases of the heart and liver, thinning of blood vessels, thrombus formation;
  • Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, headaches;
  • prevention and treatment of oncology, used in radiation therapy;
  • atherosclerosis caused by high cholesterol levels;
  • diabetes, hypertension and obesity;
  • helminthic invasions, stomach ulcer;
  • joint problems - arthritis, radiculitis;
  • cleansing the blood and digestive tract from toxins;
  • lung diseases of a viral and bacterial nature, including tuberculosis.
Attention! Before using the collection, you should consult with your doctor. The Caucasian hellebore also possesses toxic properties.
The Caucasian hellebore has developed rhizomes, which are used as medicinal raw materials.

How does Caucasian hellebore affect men

In addition to the general healing and rejuvenating effect, the root has a beneficial effect on the sexual function of men. The Caucasian hellebore cleans blood vessels and restores the work of the heart, helps to normalize an erection. Serves as an effective means of prevention and treatment in the early stages of prostate cancer. The Caucasian hellebore treats varicose veins of the rectum - hemorrhoids, and also helps to normalize metabolism and burn body fat.

How Caucasian hellebore affects women

For women, the Caucasian hellebore has served as an excellent tool for preserving youth and beauty since ancient times. By helping to normalize hormonal levels, it relieves the symptoms of menstruation and menopause. Helps to lose weight and create a perfect figure. Effectively removes toxins and toxins from the body, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Prevents the formation of cancerous tumors in the mammary glands, on the cervix. Relieves swelling and removes excess fluid from the body, as well as sand and stones from the bladder.

Comment! It is thanks to the powerful cleansing effect on the body that the Caucasian hellebore gained its fame as a "herb for weight loss."
The Caucasian hellebore for medicinal raw materials should be collected in late summer and early autumn, after the seeds have fallen

Hellebore harm

The undoubted beneficial properties of this plant coexist with the considerable danger of uncontrolled use. The Caucasian hellebore contains glycosides in its tissues. It is the strongest poison that can accumulate in the heart muscle. Too large a dose or frequent use of decoctions cause considerable harm to the heart and the body as a whole, poisoning it.

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The main symptoms of an overdose:

  • heart failure;
  • severe headaches and numbness of the tongue;
  • uncontrolled diarrhea;
  • vomiting blood, nausea;
  • decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, dizziness;
  • a drop in heart rate below 60 beats per minute;
  • general depletion of the body.
Important! When using drugs based on a wintering house, you must strictly follow the recipe and doctor's recommendations, monitoring your condition. If negative symptoms appear, stop taking immediately!

Contraindications to hellebore

The Caucasian hellebore has a number of contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children up to age 18;
  • the presence of large stones in the gall or bladder;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • individual intolerance;
  • ischemic heart disease, heart attack and pre-infarction state.

Caucasian hellebore should not be used by persons with cerebrovascular accidents.

Important! After the course of treatment, it is necessary to take a break of at least a month.
Caucasian hellebore contains ranunculin and protoanemonin, which are the strongest toxins

How to take Caucasian hellebore for treatment

Caucasian hellebore - method of administration and dosage:

  • crushed powder from dry root in an amount of 50 mg on an empty stomach for a period of 30 days to a year, helps with diseases of the CVS and liver;
  • dried root in the amount of 50 mg mixed with a teaspoon of honey and taken in the evening for six months to treat insomnia, nervous disorders, to cleanse the body;
  • Caucasian hellebore to strengthen immunity: dry leaves are perfect - mix 3 mg 1 to 1 with sugar and take daily for 60 days;
  • a decoction of the root is prepared as follows: 1 tsp.dry raw materials for 500 ml of boiling water, put in a water bath and simmer for 30 minutes, cool, strain, take 10 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals;
  • Caucasian hellebore for the treatment of various joint diseases: a ready-made ointment can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently: add 50 g of powder to 50 g of bear, badger or goat interior ghee, mix well, lubricate problem areas at night, wrapping the joint with a warm cloth;
  • wintering Caucasian for weight loss: the infusion is prepared as follows: ¼ a measuring spoon of powder (200 mg) pour a glass of warm water overnight, drink in the morning on an empty stomach; the duration of the course depends on the effect obtained and overall well-being, and is usually from 3 to 12 months.

Fresh juice is very effective for back pain. It should be rubbed in twice a day for a week.

Using hellebore root

In folk medicine, the Caucasian hellebore is widely used to heal the body and treat many diseases, indications for use:

  • normalization of blood pressure and metabolism;
  • as a diuretic, laxative that removes toxins and parasites;
  • treatment of stomach ulcers, migraines, epileptic seizures;
  • improving the condition of patients with diabetes;
  • normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels, the nervous system;
  • an effective treatment for colds, benign and malignant tumors;
  • treatment of arthrosis and arthritis, osteochondrosis and radiculitis.
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In addition, root-based decoctions treat bronchitis and tracheitis well, help to cope with fever and colds, coughs.

Important! The collected Caucasian hellebore must not be subjected to strong heat treatment, including washing in hot water.
The stems and leaves must be removed, the roots must be healthy, free from mold and rot

Collection and storage rules

Healing Caucasian hellebore is common in the Caucasus and south-west of the Krasnodar Territory, in Georgia and the Carpathians. It tolerates frost perfectly, often found at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level, in gorges and mountain slopes. The peak of the content of useful elements in the roots falls on the period of the end of fruiting - from August to September, when the seeds are ripe and fell off. It is at this time that the hellebore should be collected for medicinal raw materials.

The rhizome should be carefully dug up, cleaned from the ground and rinsed in cool water. All work with the plant must be carried out with durable gloves and a mask, as it is poisonous. Never use utensils and tools designed for cooking. Protect the Caucasian hellebore from children and pets. Cut into slices and dry in a well-ventilated place out of direct sunlight. You can use an electric dryer, setting the temperature to no more than 35-45 degrees.

A properly dried Caucasian hellebore is brownish brown on the outside and creamy on the inside. The taste is bitter-burning, peppery, with an unpleasant odor. Store in a well-ventilated place at a temperature of 15-18 degrees for 2 years.

Attention! The Caucasian hellebore is an endangered species and needs protection, since in recent decades, the collection of raw materials has been carried out uncontrollably.

Hellebore photo

The delicate beauty of these frost-resistant flowers attracts attention, you want to admire them again and again.

The height of the Caucasian winter house reaches 50 cm, and the flowers have a diameter of 5-8 cm


The medicinal properties and contraindications for the Caucasian hellebore must be known and able to use. Correct use of a medicinal plant allows you to cope with a number of unpleasant diseases, improve the general condition of the body and prevent the formation of various tumors, including malignant ones. The Caucasian hellebore in its properties is comparable to the Far Eastern golden root, and has a very powerful effect on all body systems.That is why you should be careful when taking it.

Reviews of doctors about the Caucasian hellebore

Shekhovtseva Lyudmila Vasilievna, 54 years old, physician, Nizhnevartovsk.
The Caucasian hellebore is used by many as a means for losing weight. But this is not entirely correct. Its effect on the body is not limited to laxatives and cleansing, but rather a side effect. As a medicinal product, it is effective, especially for disorders of the heart and nervous system - therefore, it can be used in recommended doses.
Valeria Dmitrievna, 38 years old, endocrinologist, Tver is hidden.
According to some reports, the Caucasian hellebore contributes to the normalization of the thyroid gland. But in my practice, no such cases have been recorded. Patients who consumed at their own peril and risk decoctions of this plant, with an amount of hemoglobin 60 (and the norm is 120), showed increased excitability and constant dizziness. Therefore, I would not recommend self-medicating and taking Caucasian hellebore without a doctor's prescription.
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