Sage oil: properties and uses for the face, gynecology and hair

The healing properties of essential oils have been known for a long time. They are used in various fields, but they have gained great popularity in cosmetology and medicine. Many people are interested in the properties and uses of sage oil, because it was so actively used by the Egyptian pharaohs.

The benefits and harms of natural sage oil

The benefits of essential oils have been known for a long time. Herbs help to cure many diseases, make the skin and hair well-groomed and beautiful.

Sage oil is very popular among traditional healers. The leaves and flowers of the plant have valuable qualities. To achieve a positive effect on the body, they are harvested in early September. Then the raw material is processed and distilled. After all the manipulations, a liquid is obtained, which is distinguished by its transparency and nutmeg aroma.

Sage oil has a relaxing effect on the body

Transparent liquid with a pleasant aroma eliminates spasms, improves the process of sputum discharge. The tool has an antiseptic effect, fights against alopecia, improves regenerative processes and enhances immunity.

Sage essential oil practically does not harm, if used correctly. The liquid is applied only topically, while before use, it is combined with some kind of base.

Sage essential oil composition

During growth from spring to September, the chemical composition changes. The concentration of active ingredients may also differ depending on the region of growth and the collection period.

Sage essential oil contains:

  1. Borneol... This component prevents the growth of microbes. It has an antifungal effect, stops inflammatory and purulent processes. Helps get rid of pigmentation on the skin.
  2. Thuillon... Such a substance is considered a toxin, but use in small amounts has a tonic effect. Thanks to these properties, blood flow is activated, puffiness is eliminated, and complexion is improved. Its use in reasonable amounts prevents early skin aging.
  3. Camphor... It is responsible for the softness and elasticity of the skin, eliminates dead cells, cleans sebaceous ducts and narrows pores. A smooth relief appears on the face.
  4. Cineol. Differs in a pronounced antiseptic effect. The component helps to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands. The skin becomes dull.
  5. Salvin. Improves cell tone, strengthens capillaries, prevents the development of sensitivity and irritation of the skin.
  6. Ascorbic acid, retinol and B vitamins... They normalize regenerative processes, tone and refresh the skin.
  7. Minerals. Contributes to the normalization of facial tone, prevents premature aging.

Thanks to this combination of components, sage oil is suitable for use in cosmetology and gynecology.

How to make sage oil

You can buy sage oil at the pharmacy or make your own at home.

To do this, you must adhere to some recommendations:

  1. The plant is harvested in September. Chop finely.
  2. Place in a 1 liter jar. Fill the container halfway with any vegetable oil.
  3. The container is tightly closed, and then placed in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  4. After the time has elapsed, the jar is opened, a gauze is taken and the liquid is filtered through it.

It is better to store the finished product in a dark glass container.

How to use sage oil

Sage essential oil is used for a variety of purposes. The tool has been widely used in cosmetology, but it has a positive effect in the treatment of various diseases.

Important! Before the first use, make sure that there are no allergic reactions. To do this, apply a couple of drops to the inside of the elbow and wait a day. If no reactions appear, then the liquid can be used.

The healing properties of sage oil

Oily liquid is often used in medicine

The remedy helps to quickly get rid of pain in the head. To do this, the ether should be mixed with 1-2 drops of olive or grape oil. The resulting composition is rubbed into the temporal region.

The tool effectively helps with spasms and colic in the gastrointestinal tract. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, mix 3 drops of sage with 1 tbsp. l. bases in a warm state. The prepared liquid is applied to the abdomen and rubbed in with massage movements for 3-5 minutes.

Sage oil is useful for colds, tonsillitis, sinusitis and viral infections in the mouth. In this case, it is used in the form of steam inhalation. The ether is mixed with boiled water. The vapors are inhaled for 7-10 minutes. But this method is forbidden to be used at a body temperature above 37.5 degrees.

Sage oil has found application in gynecology. The tool helps to normalize hormonal levels, as well as to alleviate the symptoms that occur with premenstrual syndrome. When such problems develop, tampons are used, which are moistened in a solution from sage.

Sage essential oil is used by nursing women to stop lactation or to treat mastitis. You need to mix 5 drops of ether with 1 tbsp. l. avocado oil. In the resulting composition, a piece of gauze is moistened and applied to the chest for 15-20 minutes.

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Sage oil in cosmetology

The ether gained great popularity for cosmetic purposes.

Sage essential oil is intended for hair treatment. The product eliminates dandruff, eliminates irritation and strengthens hair follicles.

If you need to remove dandruff, then clary sage oil for hair will need 5 drops. They are mixed with cream, sugar and salt. The finished composition is applied to the strands and distributed along the entire length. Put on a plastic cap on top. The procedure takes at least an hour. The manipulations are repeated 3 times a week.

To strengthen the hair follicles, you need 1 egg yolk, 20 ml of burdock oil, 1 drop of lemon balm ether and for a drop of sage. The mask is applied for 1 hour.

Attention! In order for the masks to please with a positive result faster, you cannot dry your hair with a hairdryer after the procedure.

Sage oil is good for the skin. Applying compresses can help relieve the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema. Eliminates irritation quickly. It is recommended to apply a drop of oil on insect bites. This will relieve the condition and relieve severe itching.

Sage essential oil is intended for the face with aging, flabby, oily and dry skin.

There are recipes that smooth out wrinkles in a short time:

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  1. You will need 1 tsp. yogurt and honey, 50 g fresh or frozen strawberries, 1 tsp. oat flour and 3 drops of ether. All ingredients are mixed together. The resulting mass is applied to the skin and left for 10-15 minutes. It is advised to repeat the procedure 2 times a week.
  2. For the mask to have a lifting effect, you need to take 1 protein, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 3 drops of oily liquid. The mixture is distributed on clean face skin. Wash off with warm water after 15-20 minutes.
  3. Sage helps with severe oily skin. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, you should take 1 apple, bake it in the oven. Then knead until mushy. Add a little lemon juice and 5 drops each rosemary and sage. The mask is applied to the face and left for 15-20 minutes.
You can prepare cosmetic ice - such a remedy strengthens blood vessels, relieves swelling, improves skin tone, this is an excellent prevention of wilting

For cooking, you need 2 drops of ether, 200 ml of chamomile broth. The resulting infusion is filtered, poured into molds and sent to the freezer. It is recommended to wipe the face with ice in the morning after sleep before applying decorative cosmetics.

The magical properties of sage essential oil

Sage is considered to be the sacred scent of wisdom - in fact, the secret lies in its composition, which can activate mental activity. After applying the ether, thoughts and thoughts become pure. Sage protects the house from negative energy, it can be used to flavor the room. Promotes rapid recovery from illness.

Ether has a calming effect, a person manages to quickly relieve tension, overcome weakness, it is recommended to use it at high loads

The use of scented lamps is considered a simple option. It is enough to add 4 to 6 drops to the bowl. You can add ether to your bath.

Contraindications to sage oil

Sage oil is not suitable for everyone. One of the main contraindications is increased susceptibility to the active components of the ether. It is forbidden to use by pregnant women, as the product helps to strengthen the tone of the uterus. This can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Lactating women are also banned - the product reduces milk production.

Hypertension, endometriosis and breast cancer are also contraindications.

Terms and conditions of storage

The oily liquid is sold in pharmacies. But you can prepare the remedy at home. Store the product in dark vials. Placed in a dark place away from sunlight.


The properties and uses of sage oil have become very popular in medicine and cosmetology in ancient times. But many people still do not know what esters are and how useful they are for the body. An oily liquid is often added to a warm bath to relax. But the remedy will be useful for hair, face and nails. Before use, you should make sure that there is no allergy. It is forbidden to apply to the skin in its pure form, otherwise it will lead to burns.

Sage oil reviews

Irina, 30 years old, Kurgan.
Until 1.5 years old she was breastfeeding. But then I decided it was time to wrap up. The doctor advised me to take the medicine. I refused, as it affects hormones. My grandmother advised me to make compresses with sage. It helped in 3 days. Everything went painlessly.
Alevtina, 42 years old, Kemerovo.
Friends all the time wonder why I look young at my age. My secret is to use sage oil anti-wrinkle masks. I repeat the procedure 2 times a week. That's enough for me to look great.
Evgenia, 23 years old, Novosibirsk.
I am studying at the institute in my last year. Everyone knows how hard it gets before the session. To avoid stress, I take a warm ester bath every evening. This aromatherapy is very soothing. I advise everyone who is experiencing strong emotional and physical stress and cannot relax.
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