Medicinal properties, photo of northern horsetail (field) and contraindications

The medicinal properties and use of horsetail deserve careful consideration. The simple plant has many valuable qualities and is often used in traditional medicine.

What it looks like and where it grows

Horsetail is a perennial herb from the Horsetail family. It has a long creeping rhizome with tuberous branches.

The life cycle of a field plant begins with the appearance of generative straight stems of a brownish or pinkish color up to 25 cm tall. Each of the rods ends in a pistil, or spikelet. After scattering spores, such shoots die off, and instead of them, green vegetative stems grow with serrated leaves in whorls of 6-16 pieces, directed obliquely upward.

For medicinal purposes, whorls, stems and pistils of horsetail are used

Horsetail grows practically throughout Eurasia and takes root in tropical, temperate and subarctic climates. In Russia, it is found everywhere, except for semi-desert regions and the Far North. You can see the perennial in Europe and America, in the UK and Korea, Japan and Iceland.

For growth, the grass usually chooses floodplain meadows and the outskirts of bogs; it can also be found along river banks, on sandy shoals, on pastures and wastelands. The plant often coexists with cereals - wheatgrass and fescue.

The chemical composition of horsetail herb

Photos, medicinal properties and contraindications of horsetail deserve attention due to the rich composition of the plant. The stems and leaves contain:

  • vitamin C;
  • flavonoids;
  • mineral salts;
  • silicic acid;
  • alkaloids and saponins;
  • malic, linoleic, quinic and chicory acids;
  • essential oils;
  • tanning components;
  • carotene;
  • resins and bitterness;
  • glucose and galactose;
  • pectins;
  • polyoxyanthraquinones;
  • arabinose and xylose.

The plant belongs to the category of slightly toxic, and it should be used with caution. But with strict adherence to proven recipes, field horsetail is good for the human body.

What diseases helps and what does field horsetail cure

Due to its rich chemical composition, field grass:

  • cleanses the blood and strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • improves the functioning of the heart system;
  • stops bleeding;
  • helps fight inflammation and bacterial infections;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds and burns;
  • removes parasites from the intestines;
  • has diuretic properties and eliminates edema;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Among the indications for the use of horsetail are nervous disorders and poor concentration. Plant-based remedies are beneficial for diarrhea and gastrointestinal inflammation, cough and bronchitis, and irritation of the oral mucosa.

Healing properties of horsetail for men

The beneficial substances in the plant have a beneficial effect on the endocrine and reproductive system in men. It is possible to take infusions and decoctions of herbs with a weakening of libido, and also as a prevention of inflammatory diseases of the prostate.

The perennial field plant enhances general stamina and may benefit from increased physical activity. You can use natural remedies to cleanse the body when working in hazardous industries.

Why horsetail is useful for women

First of all, the plant is used for the prevention of gynecological diseases. The herb is beneficial in the treatment of fibroids, infertility, endometriosis, and polycystic ovary disease. You can use it to relieve the symptoms of menopause.

Decoctions based on horsetail pistils help with internal bleeding and uterine polyps

At the same time, during pregnancy, the use of the herb must be abandoned. It can increase the muscle tone of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage. Also, the plant is not used for breastfeeding, horsetail deteriorates the quality of milk, makes it bitter and generally reduces lactation.

Benefits for children

Suggesting the plant for internal use is not recommended for children and adolescents. It is allowed to use the herb externally for babies over three years old, usually on the basis of decoctions and infusions, lotions and compresses are made for abrasions and bruises.

Attention! Horsetail has strict contraindications. Before using the herb for the first time for treating a child, you should consult a pediatrician.

Useful properties of horsetail pistils

Pistils are young grass seedlings that appear on generative shoots. These parts of the plant are edible, high in vitamin C, carotene and sugar. They can be used for culinary purposes and for the treatment of diseases. In particular, pistils are beneficial for colds and inflammations, and for gastrointestinal disorders.

Horsetail extract properties

Field grass extract in liquid or dry form can be purchased at the pharmacy. The drug helps:

  • remove slags and heavy metals from the body;
  • improve metabolism;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • eliminate fungal infections and inflammations.

The drug can be used in the fight against deposits of salts and stones in the joints and internal organs.

Medicinal properties of horsetail with adenoids

With the permission of the pediatrician, the field plant can be used for adenoids in children for instillation in the nose. Usually such a solution is prepared:

  • two large spoons of the plant are crushed;
  • pour raw materials with half a glass of hot water;
  • wrap the container in a towel and stand for 40 minutes;
  • filter through cheesecloth.

The solution is instilled into the nose three times a day for a month, every day it is necessary to prepare a fresh portion of the product. It is recommended to rinse the sinuses with salt water prior to the procedure.

Horsetail infusions are suitable for gargling with sore throat

Medicinal properties of horsetail for hair

A decoction of horsetail has a very beneficial effect on hair, stops hair loss and makes the strands strong and shiny. It is recommended to use an herbal remedy every time you wash your hair for rinsing.The herb not only improves the health of curls, but also helps to get rid of dandruff, as it has antifungal properties and regulates the oiliness of the epidermis at the hair roots.

Medicinal properties of horsetail for weight loss

Herb-based decoction helps to lose weight. The field plant normalizes metabolic processes and restores the water balance in tissues, promotes the removal of accumulated toxins and toxins. Against the background of the use of the drug, the work of the liver and kidneys improves.

The benefits of horsetail tea

Horsetail tea is especially popular. You can use it with a weakened immunity and cough, during the period of seasonal viral diseases. Tea is beneficial for oral inflammation, high cholesterol and a tendency to edema.

Methods of preparation, use and doses of field horsetail

On the basis of medicinal herbs, you can prepare alcoholic and water remedies. When using them, it is important to observe the dosages recommended in the recipes, otherwise the appearance of side effects is possible.

Horsetail tincture

Horsetail tincture is usually prepared not with alcohol or vodka, but with dry white wine. The recipe looks like this:

Recommended reading:  Why white wine is useful and how to make it at home
  • 20 g of dry or fresh raw materials are poured into 1 liter of alcohol;
  • stopper and shake;
  • put away in a dark place for a week.

The finished product is filtered through folded gauze. Horsetail herb instruction recommends using two large spoonfuls of tincture on an empty stomach in the morning.

Horsetail tincture treatment is carried out no longer than two weeks

Field horsetail infusion

The water infusion of the plant is popular in folk medicine. It is prepared in two ways.

  1. Cold... It is necessary to pour three large tablespoons of dry raw materials with 500 ml of water and insist for a day. The strained agent is used externally for adding to baths, as well as for compresses and lotions.
  2. Hot... Crushed raw materials are poured with 250 ml of boiling water and insisted for half an hour, and then filtered. The tool is used both for wiping the skin and inside, in the latter case, the dosage is determined in accordance with the specific disease.

Most often, perennial infusion is consumed in a volume of no more than one large spoon.

Horsetail infusion can be prepared from fresh plant stems

Horsetail extract

An inexpensive plant extract can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is used for urolithiasis and poor elasticity of connective tissues, for coughs and bronchitis, for diabetes and rheumatism. Half of the dry extract briquette should be diluted in 200 ml of water, boiled for half an hour and filtered. Take the remedy in half a small spoon up to four times a day.

Pharmaceutical horsetail extract is a fine powder from a dried plant

You can prepare the liquid extract yourself. For this, six large spoons of crushed raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and kept until they cool completely. The product is used in similar small dosages, since the concentration of the extract is very high.

Advice! You can use a pharmacy or home preparation for rinsing with stomatitis.

Horsetail decoction

An aqueous decoction of the plant is prepared according to this recipe:

  • a large spoonful of dried herbs is poured into a glass of water;
  • boil for a minute after boiling;
  • removed from the stove, kept closed for another half hour and filtered.

You can take the remedy for kidney failure and severe edema, a large spoonful four times a day.

You can use a horsetail diuretic decoction for cystitis

Horsetail tea

The useful properties of the field spring horsetail are in demand with weakened immunity and colds. Make the tool like this:

  • 10 g of dry stems are mixed with an equal amount of linden and plantain;
  • add 5 g each of thyme, fennel and elderberries;
  • Measure out two small spoons of the collection and pour 250 ml of hot liquid.

Tea is infused for ten minutes and filtered, and then they drink 200 ml each morning and evening.

Tea can only be brewed from horsetail herb, but the taste of the drink in this case can be bitter

The juice

Horsetail treatment is carried out with edema and varicose veins - fresh plant juice is beneficial. To get it, you need to rinse the stems and leaves of the grass in cold water, grind into a gruel and squeeze through cheesecloth. Take the remedy 10 ml three times a day.

Important! You can use the juice to stop nosebleeds, in which case three drops are instilled into each sinus.
Horsetail juice for internal use can be diluted with water


You can make an ointment based on a field plant at home as follows:

  • dry stalks and whorls of horsetail are ground into powder;
  • mixed with petroleum jelly or goose fat in a 4: 1 ratio;
  • bring to homogeneity and cool.

You can use the ointment for purulent rashes, ulcers and cuts.

When preparing the ointment, you can also use fresh horsetail gruel.


Horsetail is very beneficial in healing baths. With poor blood circulation, rheumatism, skin inflammation and frostbite, it is necessary:

  • pour 1 liter of boiling water over 100 g of dry grass;
  • hold under the lid for half an hour;
  • strain the infusion through cheesecloth and pour into a filled bath.

They are immersed in a container for no more than a quarter of an hour; the procedure must be repeated every other day. In total, it is allowed to conduct a course consisting of 15 baths.

The use of horsetail in traditional medicine

Horsetail is often found in home health recipes. The plant is used to relieve symptoms of acute and chronic diseases.

How to take horsetail for edema

With edema, such a decoction brings a good effect:

  • 20 g of dry grass is poured into 200 ml of liquid;
  • simmer in a water bath under a lid for half an hour;
  • cooled to a warm state and filtered;
  • add fresh water to the initial volume.

You need to take the broth in two large spoons three times a day on a full stomach.

With bleeding

To improve blood clotting, you can use a tincture of horsetail. They do it like this:

  • 30 g of dry plant stems are poured into 1 liter of unfortified white wine;
  • kept in a dark place for a week;
  • pass the product through cheesecloth.

The tincture is taken 50 ml three times a day on an empty stomach.

With stomatitis

Horsetail juice is used for dental diseases and gum disease. The fresh leaves of the plant are washed, crushed and squeezed through several layers of gauze. The resulting liquid must be boiled and cooled. The juice is used to rinse the mouth twice a day for two weeks; to obtain the required volume, it is diluted with water.

With diabetes mellitus

This decoction helps to normalize glucose levels and prevent complications of diabetes:

  • 40 g of dry raw materials are poured into 250 ml of hot water;
  • kept under the lid for at least 12 hours;
  • passed through cheesecloth for filtration.

You need to use the product 15 ml three times a day right before meals.

With hypertension

A simple horsetail-based infusion helps to regulate blood pressure:

  • 20 g of dry field plant is poured with a glass of hot water;
  • stand for half an hour;
  • filter and squeeze the grass.

You need to take the product in half a glass on a full stomach.

With diarrhea

Horsetail is astringent and helps relieve diarrhea. Traditional medicine offers this infusion:

  • two large spoons of raw materials pour 400 ml of hot water;
  • insist until warm temperature;
  • filter.

The entire volume of the drink must be consumed throughout the day in small portions of several sips.

Horsetail infusion has a strong astringent and fixing effect

With rheumatism

The healing properties of horsetail are beneficial for joint ailments. Usually a decoction of the plant is made:

  • 100 g of dry grass is poured into 1 liter of water;
  • evaporate over low heat until half of the liquid remains;
  • filter and add 250 g of honey to the broth;
  • keep in a water bath for another half hour, not forgetting to remove the foam.

The finished product is taken in a large spoon up to five times a day.

For skin diseases

The medicinal properties of horsetail are in demand for dermatitis, abscesses and acne. Dry stems and leaves are ground into powder and boiled in a small amount of water for half an hour. In the resulting product, a bandage or gauze is moistened and applied to the affected area with a compress for 40 minutes.

With pneumonia

Horsetail fights bacterial processes and speeds up the treatment of pneumonia. Fresh sap of the plant brings benefits - it must be squeezed out of the gruel of leaves and stems. Take the remedy in a large spoon up to five times a day.

How to take and drink horsetail for weight loss

To get rid of extra pounds, you can brew and drink horsetail in the form of an infusion:

  • two large spoons of raw materials are poured with a glass of hot water;
  • let stand until completely cooled;
  • passed through folded gauze.

You need to drink 50 ml of the product four times a day. In total, the infusion is used no longer than a month.

Application in cosmetology

Another area of ​​application of horsetail is home cosmetology. The valuable properties of the plant are used to strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff. Infusions and broths need to rinse the curls after each shampooing.

Horsetail regulates the production of subcutaneous sebum with excess oily hair

Horsetail can also be used to treat problem skin. For example, the following mask is popular:

  • a large spoonful of honey is mixed with the same amount of carrot juice;
  • add 15 ml of horsetail decoction;
  • stir the components;
  • soak a clean piece of gauze in the mask and apply it on the face for 20 minutes.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure at least twice a week to obtain a quick effect.

Contraindications and side effects of horsetail

The health benefits and harms of horsetail are individual. In some conditions, the medicinal plant must be abandoned. You cannot take it when:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypotension;
  • high cholesterol levels;
  • individual allergies;
  • profuse internal bleeding;
  • inflammatory kidney disease.
Important! The use of horsetail for medicinal purposes is carried out no more than three months in a row, the plant causes a deficiency of vitamin B1 and potassium in the body.

Useful properties of horsetail for plants

In the garden, horsetail is considered a harmful weed, which is very difficult to get rid of. But if desired, it can be turned to benefit - the infusion of plant stems and leaves has fungicidal properties.

About 2 kg of grass should be poured with a bucket of water and left to infuse for a day. Then the agent is boiled for an hour, cooled and filtered, and before use it is diluted with pure liquid in a ratio of 1: 5. The solution can be sprayed on plants affected by powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.

Collection and procurement

Horsetail is collected twice a season. In May, young shoots and pistils are harvested, and from mid-July, vegetative stems and leaves. You need to cut the grass at the level of 5 cm from the ground.

For medicinal purposes, horsetail can be used both dry and fresh.

The prepared raw materials for long-term storage are dried in the fresh air under a canopy or in a room with a low humidity level. Then the stems and leaves are poured into paper bags or a glass jar and stored in a dark place with room temperature. They can be used for up to four years.


The medicinal properties and use of horsetail are highly valued by traditional medicine. When used correctly, the plant speeds up recovery from inflammatory ailments and improves bowel function.

Reviews of the beneficial properties of horsetail

Furtseva Tamara Gennadievna, 53 years old, Tambov
Every year I use horsetail to spray my garden against fungal infections.The weed is great for getting rid of powdery mildew. Infusion of the plant my head and have long forgotten about hair loss. If desired, you can find a lot of useful things in the grass, and even its presence in the garden ceases to seem a problem.
Razumovskaya Alevtina Viktorovna, 49 years old, Tula
Every two years I harvest horsetail - the medicinal properties of this field plant are very strong. I often use homemade extract to stop nosebleeds, I drink teas and infusions for high blood pressure. If the dosage is not exceeded, the herb is of great benefit and improves well-being.

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