What is it used for and how to make wormwood oil at home

Wormwood is represented by annual, biennial and perennial crops. Plant species differ in the shape and color of the leaves, as well as the place of growth and appearance of the bush. Some varieties are used for medicinal purposes. The properties and uses of wormwood essential oil are well understood. The product is used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes.

Types of wormwood with medicinal properties

The use of an ethereal solution is possible in several ways. There are the following types of medicinal plants:

  1. Bitter... It is a perennial with a characteristic pronounced odor. The collection of leaves is carried out for the manufacture of medicines and essential oils. The funds help to increase immunity by irritating the taste buds. Solutions are used to disinfect the oral cavity, normalize sleep, and eliminate bad breath.
    Wormwood is not used during pregnancy
  2. Root-leaved... This is a steppe species that grows up to 80 cm. Ether is used in cosmetology and folk medicine. Among the indications for use are called toothache, sore throat, cardiovascular diseases.
    Wormwood oil is known for its antibacterial properties
  3. Gmelin... The medicinal plant reaches 1 m. Solutions are used for gynecological diseases and neurasthenia.
    Oil based on wormwood Gmelin has an expectorant, antipyretic anti-inflammatory effect
  4. Louisiana... The perennial blooms in August. Raw materials are used for the manufacture of extracts, tinctures and infusions.
    Louisiana wormwood is grown to create aromatic flower beds
  5. Annual... The plant is rich in essential oils, tannins. Raw materials are used in folk medicine, cooking, cosmetology.
    Scabies and malaria are treated with wormwood products
  6. Milk-flowered. A large perennial plant can reach 2 m in height. The bush has silvery leaves and is often used for decorative purposes.
    Milk-flowered wormwood has a bitter smell that repels various insects
  7. Cold... The plant grows up to 40 cm in height and has pale leaves. The flowers are yellow.
    Cold wormwood is widely used in medicine as an antipyretic, diaphoretic and expectorant.
  8. Field... A perennial can grow up to 80 cm. The bare bush has a grayish descent. The plant is used for medical and agricultural purposes.
    Field wormwood treats diseases of the urinary system and gastrointestinal tract

Wormwood essential oil composition

The plant has been known since ancient times and has about 400 species. Legends were made about him. It was believed that the bush is endowed with magical properties.

The medicinal properties of the plant were described during the time of Avicenna. It is noteworthy that about 170 varieties grow on the territory of modern Russia. Their differences lie in the healing effect and appearance.

An oily essential solution is obtained by processing the upper part of the plant with water vapor. The raw materials are pre-dried and crushed to 3 mm. The result of the extraction is a thick liquid with active biological properties.

The color of the essential oil depends on the characteristics of the feedstock. It ranges from yellow, bluish to dark green. The solution has a characteristic bitter taste and camphor notes.

Oil ester is distinguished by anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, antiseptic effect due to the presence of the following substances:

  • camphor;
  • hamazulene;
  • turmeric;
  • thujone;
  • ketolactones;
  • monoterpenes such as cineole and sabinol.
Important! The rich composition of the product allows you to treat and prevent various pathologies.

What heals and what is wormwood essential oil used for

Experts pay attention that almost all plant varieties can be called medicinal. In folk medicine, the most common ethers of the following plant varieties:

  1. Bitter... The solution has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Inhalation of its vapors relieves fatigue, eliminates the signs of depression. However, ether is also considered as a tonic that improves concentration and activates the body's defenses.
    Wormwood oil ester is a popular product used in folk medicine.
  2. Lemon... The tool is used to prevent ARVI, increase immunity, normalize blood pressure, and work of the digestive system. Elixir fights fungus. It is advisable to use it in aromatherapy, folk medicine and cosmetology.
    Lemon wormwood essential oil has a distinct aroma
  3. Cittary... Ether is widely used in folk medicine due to its pronounced bactericidal effect, anti-inflammatory properties. The agent is anthelmintic. The ether solution is able to stop allergic reactions.
    Wormwood oil is used strictly under the supervision of a doctor because of the toxicity of the plant.

Uses of wormwood essential oil

The product is known for its numerous medicinal properties. It is prescribed to eliminate signs of diseases of the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems. The ether solution is widely used for cosmetic purposes.

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In aromatherapy

The product has a calming effect. For a session, you need to pour warm water (two spoons) into the bowl of the aroma lamp and add ether (two drops). To enhance the effect, you can include five drops of any extract that is combined with the product. Otherwise, the amount of ether is increased to five drops. The duration of the session is at least 20 minutes.

The ether of wormwood eliminates motion sickness and facilitates acclimatization

From helminths

The healing properties of ether are officially recognized by traditional medicine. The product can be taken orally to get rid of parasites. The product is effective for myositis, which is often caused by helminthic invasion. A drop of ether is added to a spoonful of honey. The composition is taken three times a day before meals.

Before taking wormwood essential oil for parasites, you should consult a doctor

For diseases of the digestive system

Internal intake of ether is prescribed to reduce the manifestations of gastritis, pancreatitis, liver and gallbladder pathologies. To prepare a healing agent, you need to dissolve two drops of the product in half a glass of warm boiled water. The liquid is drunk 30 minutes before meals.

The effect of taking wormwood ether is maximum when used in the initial stages of gastrointestinal diseases

Against edema

The beneficial effect is due to the presence of a diuretic property. An oil solution of wormwood is able to eliminate edema of various etiologies. To prepare the product, add 5 g of oil to 100 ml of alcohol. The drug is drunk in a teaspoon on an empty stomach.

Wormwood extract is used for dropsy of the abdomen (ascites)
Important! Internal intake of the product contributes to weight loss.

Wormwood oil in cosmetology

Ester is used to improve the condition of the skin and hair. For cosmetic purposes, the following types of wormwood are used:

  • bitter;
  • tavricheskaya;
  • lemon.
Ether helps to eliminate unpleasant odors, narrow pores, regulate the sebaceous glands

Wormwood oil for hair

The product helps the growth of curls. Ether has a detrimental effect on the fungus that causes dandruff.

Applying masks containing wormwood oil to the roots helps to strengthen the hair follicles and eliminate excess grease

Once every seven days, before directly washing the curls, it is recommended to make a mask that contains three drops of the product, vitamin A (0.5 teaspoon), half a glass of wormwood broth or hot water. The duration of exposure to the composition is 20 minutes.

Wormwood oil for face

A solution of wormwood can be enriched with cosmetics, which makes it possible to enhance the effect of creams, serums, lotions and tonics. The remedy is prescribed for increased oily skin and acne. In three tablespoons of base oil (almond, coconut, olive), you need to dissolve seven drops of ether. To make a useful composition, you should take an extract of lemon or bitter wormwood. A cotton pad is moistened in the composition and treated with the skin of the face. The remnants of the product are washed off after 15 minutes with cool water.

To get rid of oily sheen on the skin, add five drops of ether to 10 ml of baby cream. Compresses have a good effect. In a teaspoon of cream, dissolve five drops of wormwood oil. The resulting emulsion is poured into hot water (glass). The gauze is moistened in a solution and applied to problem skin. After ten minutes, rinse the face with cool water.

Wormwood oil is used to eliminate post-acne

Wormwood oil for papillomas

The product effectively removes formations on the skin of a benign nature. This is due to the unique composition of the ether. To remove warts or papillomas, moisten a cotton swab in the product and treat the neoplasms three times a day.

When treating the skin with an oil solution of wormwood, you need to make sure that the product does not get on healthy areas

Wormwood essential oil from ticks, bedbugs

The tool is used for domestic purposes. The beneficial properties of wormwood and its unique composition determine its use against insects. The premises are fumigated with an aroma lamp for an hour. For the session, you need to take five drops of the extract.

Wormwood ether can be added to water when harvesting

How to make wormwood oil at home

The plant is considered to be quite common. Each species is distinguished by the presence of healing properties. That is why the oil solution can be made independently. However, environmental friendliness of raw materials is essential. The plant must be harvested during flowering. Seeds are harvested closer to the beginning of autumn.

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There is a simple recipe for making wormwood oil. Raw materials must be finely chopped and poured with olive oil to the brim. The vessel is sealed tightly and shaken. The drug is infused for two weeks until a dark green color is obtained. The filtered product is stored in the refrigerator.

The seeds also have medicinal properties. They are ground in a coffee grinder. For a tablespoon of raw materials, take 100 ml of oil (preferably olive). The mixture is infused for a week in a warm place, and then filtered.


It is important to make sure that there are no allergic reactions before using the product.A small amount of an essential oil solution should be applied to the crease of the elbow or wrist. The product can be used if rashes, itching or irritation do not appear after a few hours.

Essential oils are often combined with stock solutions and other extracts. The product can be mixed with the following cosmetics:

  • jasmine;
  • hyacinth;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • tea tree;
  • lavender.

The essential oil goes well with pine extracts. When adding solutions of clove and sage, the aroma becomes heavy.

Do not exceed the recommended dosage of the essential product. The plant is not completely safe due to the presence of thujone in the composition. This substance is poorly understood. It has been established that in significant concentrations the component can cause hallucinations and convulsions.

Against the background of the use of an essential oil extract, attacks of suffocation, renal failure and allergic reactions are not excluded. Usually, these consequences develop when the dosage is exceeded.

Ether is not used in case of exacerbation of diseases. Pregnant women should not use the product internally.


The properties and uses of wormwood essential oil are quite diverse. The product is successfully used in various branches of medicine. Since the drug is made on the basis of a poisonous plant, it is advisable to consult a specialist before using it.

Reviews on the use of wormwood essential oil from papillomas

The extract is used to cauterize benign neoplasms. Reviews reflect information on the effectiveness of using an essential product against warts and papillomas.

Violetta Nikiforova, 23 years old, Novosibirsk
Small warts seem to be a frivolous problem, but a rather unpleasant cosmetic defect. As a child, my mother always burned me with celandine juice. But the plant is only available during the warm season. Recently I learned about wormwood essential oil, which can also be used to remove warts. The tool has many useful properties. Only one inhalation has a beneficial effect. Regular application helps to gradually get rid of unaesthetic formations.
Tatiana Cheglakova, 29 years old, Astrakhan
I have a lot of papillomas on my neck. They are terribly annoying. I acquired various pharmaceutical solutions, but there was no desired effect. Recently, a friend advised me to try wormwood oil ether. A very good product. Completely natural and healthy. After short-term use, papillomas have significantly decreased in size.
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