Membrane clothing: how to wash in the washing machine and by hand

Membrane clothing appeared not so long ago, but has already gained wide popularity. This is due to its high performance properties and ease of wearing. Such fabric easily lets air out, which allows the skin to breathe, but at the same time does not absorb moisture and retains heat perfectly. Washing membrane clothing in the washing machine and by hand must be correct in order to maintain its functionality and appearance.

Regardless of the weather conditions, membrane clothing prevents the human body from overheating and hypothermia

Can membrane clothing be washed

The membrane is a special fabric that consists of synthetic fibers covered with the finest polymer film with microscopic pores. During physical activity, the human body releases moisture, that is, sweat. As a result, the skin becomes covered with a thin film, which leads to cooling at rest and warming during activity. A feature of membrane clothing is that it does not allow moisture to linger inside, but brings it out, thereby maintaining a comfortable temperature and humidity, as well as providing microcirculation. In this regard, disputes arose about whether it can be washed in an automatic machine or by hand without losing its functionality.

According to leading manufacturers, it is not only possible, but also necessary to wash membrane overalls or other things from this fabric. However, this should be done taking into account the characteristics of the material. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the product tags, which indicate the manufacturer's recommendations on how to properly wash the product. They also contain information on the possibility of using a washing machine or manual mode.

Important! Before washing membrane clothing, it is impossible to soak it for a long time, since prolonged exposure to water can destroy the porous structure of the material.

At what temperature to wash clothes made of membrane fabric

To exclude damage to the membrane, it is necessary to use water with a temperature not higher than 30-40 degrees, which is permissible for manual cleaning and in a washing machine. This mode will remove dirt, but it will not destroy the fibers of the material. Increased water temperature will deform the product and negatively affect its functionality.

Important! If the tag of membrane clothing shows a triangle crossed with two lines, this means that wet cleaning is prohibited at any water temperature, both in manual mode and in a washing machine.

How to wash membrane clothing

For cleaning membrane clothing in the washing machine and manually, you need to select gentle liquid gels. They should not contain aggressive components. It is not recommended to wash the membrane with ordinary powder, as it creates a stable thick foam. As a result, it clogs the pores of the material and thus reduces its breathability.

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There are several most suitable liquid powders for washing membranes by hand and in a washing machine.

Denkmit gel. This product from German manufacturers is specially created to wash membrane clothing. It contains active ingredients that easily remove dirt, unpleasant odors and stains, but at the same time do not violate the porous structure of the material. The action of the gel is activated even at a water temperature of +20 degrees. It can be used both in the washing machine and in manual mode.

"Cotico". This gel helps to easily wash and refresh membrane products, but at the same time carefully cares for the structure of the material. Suitable for use in a washing machine and by hand. After cleaning, the pores of the tissue remain open, so the functionality of the product is fully preserved. Any membrane clothing can be washed with it.

"Unicum". A product from a Russian manufacturer, made using modern technology. They can wash things without fear. The gel does not contain phosphates, therefore it has a gentle effect on the membrane and retains the property of a water-repellent impregnation. The gel can be used in the washing machine and in manual mode, as it is characterized by reduced foaming.

Nikwax Tech Wash. The gel is universal in use, so it can be used in the washing machine and in manual mode. This tool helps not only to remove dirt and unpleasant odors without much difficulty, but also has a beneficial effect on the fabric. The gel impregnates it additionally, and thereby restores the breathable and water-repellent function. Also, this tool helps to correct the negative consequences of using conventional washing powder.

Manufacturers also recommend washing the membrane with laundry soap. This tool helps to clean up dirt and at the same time retains all the functionality of the material.

Advice! Do not wash membrane clothing with bleaches and stain removers containing chlorine, as this component significantly expands the pores of the fabric and thereby changes its structure.

How to wash clothes with a membrane

In order to preserve the quality of the material and extend the life of the product, it is important not only to choose the right detergent for washing membrane fabrics and adhere to the temperature regime, but also to follow the rules of the procedure. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the features of the process and its main stages when cleaning in a washing machine and manual mode.

How to wash a membrane in a washing machine

It is possible to wash in this way, if the manufacturer has indicated this on the label. In the absence of special designations, you should not experiment. In addition, it is necessary to wash in a half-empty drum of the washing machine, since the increased friction of membrane clothing against other things is not recommended.


  1. Check all pockets for foreign objects before putting them in the washing machine.
  2. Fasten all zippers, turn the product inside out.
  3. Pack the item in a special bag and then put it in the drum of the washing machine.
  4. Set the delicate cleaning mode, and heating the water up to 30 degrees.
  5. Pour liquid detergent into the washing machine compartment.
  6. Turn on extra rinse, but turn off the spin.
  7. Start washing.
Important! It is not recommended to use conditioners for membrane clothing, as this material does not need it.
You need to wring out things after stopping the washing machine with your hands

How to hand wash membrane garments

It is also necessary to wash the membrane by hand, taking into account some features of the procedure. This method is more suitable as it eliminates the possibility of damage to the structure.

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Algorithm of actions:

  1. Fill a basin with water at a temperature of 30 degrees.
  2. Rub the cloth on top with a cleaning agent in the dirty areas without using brushes or sponges.
  3. Wash off the detergent composition under running water.
  4. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

At the end, you need to slightly squeeze out the product from excess moisture.

The volume of liquid for hand wash must be sufficient to completely cover the product

How to properly dry membrane clothing

After washing, the membrane clothing should be laid out on a terry towel and rolled into a roll. This will help remove excess moisture from the fabric.

After that, lay out any blanket on a flat surface and put the thing on top, straightening all the bends.

Leave in a horizontal position until completely dry

In this case, you should periodically turn the clothes over so that the water droplets stuck in the pores of the fabric can drain and evaporate.

Important! Do not use heating devices for drying, as this leads to deformation of the fibers of the material.

It is not recommended to hang clothes from their membranes on a rope, as under its own weight it can stretch and lose its presentation.


It is possible to wash membrane clothing in a washing machine or by hand, but all the recommendations given must be taken into account. In addition, it is important to dry things properly to prevent deformation. Only in this case it is possible to significantly extend its service life and maintain functionality.

Reviews about detergents for membrane clothing

Alexandra Krymova, 38 years old, Kazan
For a long time I have been choosing a suitable detergent for washing membrane clothes. In the end, I settled on Nikwax Tech Wash on the advice of my friend. Before using it, I carefully studied the composition, and did not find any aggressive components in it that could destroy the structure of the tissue. After application, things become perfectly clean and smell good. I am very pleased with this tool, and I recommend it to all my friends. It is important that it can be used both in a washing machine and for manual cleaning.
Svetlana Kirillenko, 36 years old, Samara
There are a lot of membrane items in my family's wardrobe, so I always approach the choice of detergent for it thoroughly. Indeed, the term of their operation largely depends on this. Now I use liquid powder for sportswear "Cotico". I was pleased with the result. I use it in a washing machine and in manual mode. After application, things freshened up noticeably, the pollution completely disappeared, regardless of the date of their origin. Initially, the obsessive smell was a little annoying, but after ventilating things in the fresh air, it completely disappeared.
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