How to wash a camel and sheep wool blanket

Bedding with natural fillers such as wool is popular for its positive characteristics. The woolen blanket is very warm and breathable, it keeps you warm in cold winters and does not sweat a lot in the warm season. At the same time, like any product, it is necessary to wash a wool blanket at least once a season. But how to do it correctly, not many housewives know.

It is important to wash the wool blanket correctly to maintain its original properties.

Can the woolen blanket be washed

With proper care, periodic drying, airing and frequent replacement of the duvet cover, the need for washing may not arise for a long time. As with any other fabric product, this process is indispensable. Natural filler absorbs moisture well; over time, an unpleasant odor may appear. To avoid this situation, bedding should be deeply washed.

In the case of a quilt, problems with washing should not arise, and if the fabric is solid, then you should definitely consider the label with special instructions from the manufacturer.

At what temperature to wash a woolen blanket

If washing a wool product is permissible, then you should approach each step of the process with special care. The most important thing is to choose the right water temperature. It should be borne in mind that in contact with water, the wool becomes many times heavier, and the increased temperature of the water can cause shrinkage. In addition, in hot water, the fibers not only sit down, but also lose all their positive qualities. For this reason, you should choose a water temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.

Attention! In modern typewriters, the machine has a special mode for washing woolen items, including camel, goat and sheep blankets.

How to wash a wool blanket

Powder detergents are not recommended for washing wool blankets. At 30 degrees, the granules may not completely dissolve, which will lead to clogging of the fibers with them, after which streaks and stains will appear. Therefore, it is best to use special gels. They do a good job of washing and are easy to rinse out.

The store today has a wide selection of washing gels for delicate items

Ways to wash your woolen blanket

Washing wool products, if this action is not prohibited by the manufacturer, can be done manually and in the machine. At the same time, the second option is much easier and more convenient, but has its own nuances, since if you do the wrong thing, you can ruin the bedding. In the case of hand washing, the process itself is laborious, although it is more gentle.

Important! Be sure to study the label on the product, because sometimes machine wash is prohibited.

How to machine wash a woolen blanket

In the case when it is necessary to wash a camel or sheep blanket in a washing machine at home, it is important to follow a number of rules:

  • when washing in a typewriter, the machine should take into account the ratio of the weight of the product and the capacity of the machine, if the canvas is difficult to fit into the drum, then it is not recommended to wash it - restarting can damage the equipment;
  • the appropriate mode should be selected (for wool), if such is not provided, it is necessary to choose a delicate wash with a low number of revolutions and a water temperature of no more than 30 degrees;
  • it is better to turn off the spinning and drying function, since these actions can adversely affect the product, displacing the natural filler;
  • the detergent should be chosen in the form of a gel, preferably for delicate fabrics.
Load the cloth with woolen filling into the drum of the machine should be rolled up

How to hand wash a woolen blanket

Hand wash, unlike machine wash, is very laborious and time-consuming. But in relation to a woolen blanket, it is more gentle. If performed correctly, this method does not harm the appearance and retains the original qualities of a natural filler.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First, slightly warm water (30 degrees) is poured into the bath by 2/3 of the volume.
  2. Pour in gel detergent and foam thoroughly.
  3. The product is soaked in the resulting soapy solution and left for 1-2 hours, depending on the degree of contamination.
  4. After that, the washing itself is carried out directly. At the same time, you cannot rub and twist the canvas, but it can be raised and lowered, turned over, cleaned if necessary with a soft sponge.
  5. The wash is completed by thoroughly rinsing the product, changing the water in the bath several times.
  6. Then the water is drained and the sheet is left to drain the absorbed liquid.
  7. Then the product is sent to dry.
Important! Do not squeeze out water by twisting, as this will lead to displacement of the filler.

How to wash a woolen blanket

Washing a woolen blanket is not an easy task. In addition to the main features of a natural filler, it is also important to consider its appearance. Not all wool can withstand prolonged contact with water.

How to wash a lambswool blanket

A lambswool blanket belongs to products that require proper and timely care. But unlike other types, such a filler is not too whimsical. And many manufacturers allow full wash with full immersion in water.

Washing method:

  1. For linen filled with sheep wool, hand wash is more suitable. It should be performed in a bathroom 2/3 filled with water with a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.
  2. A detergent (gel) is added to the water and everything is thoroughly foamed. After that, the cloth is immersed and soaked in soapy water for 2 hours.
  3. After 2 hours, the water is drained and the product is washed with a shower. This is done until the cloudy water stops flowing.
  4. Next, refill the tub with clean warm water and turn the blanket over several times. You should not rub and shuffle it. The water change is repeated several times so that the detergent particles are completely removed from the fibers.
  5. After a good rinse, the water is drained and the blanket is left in the bath to drain off the remaining liquid. Then it is sent to dry.
Rinse the woolen cloth several times, first, be sure to wash off the dirty water under the shower
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How to wash a camel wool blanket

Unlike a sheep blanket, washing a camel blanket in most cases is not recommended by the manufacturer. In an extreme situation, wet cleaning is allowed with the help of special agents; when in contact with water, they foam strongly.

The resulting foam is washed over the canvas. Then it is cleaned with a soft brush and dried well.

Camel wool products are fully immersed in water in critical cases when the sleeping gear is heavily soiled.

How to properly dry a wool blanket

In addition to the correct washing process, the subsequent drying of this sleeping accessory with natural filling is also important. And for these purposes, there are some nuances that must be taken into account:

  • you should not squeeze the canvas by twisting, it is better to let the liquid drain on its own;
  • after all the water is glass, bedding is required to be laid out on a horizontal surface, in no case should it be dried on a rope, otherwise the filler will crumple at the edges;
  • the product must be turned over periodically during drying.
Important! Do not dry a woolen blanket near a heating source (batteries, radiators, heaters). It is also forbidden to iron the linen.


Washing a wool blanket is a time consuming and serious process. The wrong water temperature or detergent can easily ruin the garment.

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