How to remove greasy stains on jeans

There is probably nothing more permanent in fashion than denim clothing. Denim jackets, shorts and trousers have been the basis of everyday wardrobe for decades. It's hard to imagine a person who has never tried to remove a greasy stain from jeans. Today there are many ways: not all of them are effective, some are frankly dangerous for things.

Methods for removing greasy stains on jeans

A big plus of denim is its durability. The dense structure of the material and thick fibers ensure that denim is well tolerated in many washes. This factor allows you to use a variety of methods and tools to remove stains from jeans.

Important! The key to success is reaction speed. It is better to start removing dirt as soon as it appears on your favorite jeans. But there are also effective ways to remove stubborn grease stains.

There are many remedies that can remove greasy stains on jeans. Some of them are modern, others are gradually forgotten, but they wash greasy dirt no worse than new ones.

As a rule, the owner of jeans does not always have the time and opportunity to choose the most effective way to remove stains from their favorite clothes. Often you have to use whatever is at hand to remove the stain. You need to understand: improper use of both folk and professional remedies will have a bad effect on the condition of the jeans.

Having decided to clean jeans from a greasy stain on their own, their owner should remember:

  1. In the first seconds after the stain settles on the jeans, try to remove as much grease as possible. For this, it is better to use a dry napkin, cotton towel.
  2. The jeans should be washed as soon as possible after the "incident". The water must be very warm (about 60º) to dissolve most of the grease stain.
  3. Removing grease from denim should always end with washing the entire garment. It doesn't matter if it is machine or hand wash.
Attention! Do not use bleach to wash denim items. Also, digestion or boiling of such clothes is not allowed.
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How to remove a greasy stain on jeans using folk methods

It is quite possible to wash a greasy stain on jeans with improvised means. There are more popular ways of dealing with severe pollution of this fabric than special ones.

No matter how durable denim is, not all products are equally good for washing it. Therefore, it is better to choose proven methods of removing fat from dense tissue. You need to understand that the main task is not only to remove the stain, but also to preserve the color of the jeans.

How to remove a greasy stain with jeans salt

Having soiled your favorite jeans, everyone immediately remembers about salt. Table salt is not a panacea for stains; it will not completely remove fat. But salt is capable of absorbing most of the pollution.

Immediately after getting grease on clothes, cover the stain with a thick layer of salt. After a few minutes, when the salt is soaked, it must be carefully removed. Now the soiled area of ​​the jeans should be covered with a new layer of clean salt. It is recommended to repeat the actions several times. The jeans should be washed as soon as possible. If a stain is visible on the dried item, you will have to use a different cleaning method.

Comment! Fine salt ("Extra") is preferred. It will absorb more oil and will not peel off your jeans too much.

How to get rid of greasy stains on jeans with ammonia

Ammonia works well with many dirt: grease, grass, blood, coffee or tea stains. But there is an important factor - ammonia is recommended for cleaning light fabrics of artificial origin. Denim is a natural material, so ammonia is used with great care for washing it.

The procedure is simple:

  1. Salmon is diluted in water (a teaspoon of alcohol in a glass of cold water).
  2. A cotton swab or cosmetic disc is abundantly moistened in the resulting solution.
  3. Treat the contaminated area until the fabric is soaked through with a solution of ammonia.
  4. A piece of natural clean fabric or a sheet of paper without a pattern is placed on the jeans. Iron the area with a greasy spot with a barely warm iron.

After the entire procedure, the thing must be turned inside out and finally washed in the machine.

How to remove mustard greasy stains on jeans

Mustardon the contrary, it is good for cleaning dark and colored fabrics. It will not be possible to wash a greasy stain on jeans with this method; it is suitable only for fresh dirt.

Warning! To wash jeans, use mustard powder rather than ready-made mustard.

The amount of mustard depends on the size of the spot. Usually, a tablespoon of the powder is enough to remove grease from clothes. Pour the mustard into a clean container and gradually add warm water while stirring. The mixture should acquire the consistency of sour cream.

The solution is applied to the stained area of ​​the jeans and left for 30-40 minutes. The rest of the product is carefully removed from the fabric, the jeans themselves are washed in warm water.

How to use hydrogen peroxide to remove grease from jeans

Many housewives know about the miraculous properties of hydrogen peroxide. This substance is really capable of removing impurities from wine, blood, young grass, tea. But it must be remembered that peroxide greatly lightens fabrics, therefore it is only suitable for cleaning plain light-colored clothes.

If grease gets on your white jeans, hydrogen peroxide will do just fine. It is enough to pour a small amount of the product on the stain and wait a little until the reaction (hissing) is over. You can repeat the procedure several times. In some cases, fresh greasy marks can be removed with peroxide even without washing. Sometimes the item needs to be rinsed additionally.

How to remove a greasy stain from jeans with chalk

Regular chalk will also work great on a fresh grease stain from jeans. Before use, the chalk must be crushed into flour. Cover the entire surface of the greasy spot with crushed chalk and leave the jeans for 2-3 hours. Then the chalk that has absorbed the dirt is gently shaken off the fabric with a brush, the thing itself is sent to the washing machine.

Advice! If there is no chalk on the farm, you can replace it with tooth powder - it also removes oily dirt well.

How to Remove Bread Crumb from Jeans

Greasy stains tend to appear during eating. If there was nothing at hand but bread, you can use it to save jeans. Rye bread crumb works best as a stain remover.The mark on the clothing should be rubbed with bread for a few minutes. Already at home, the thing needs to be completely washed off by throwing machines into the drum.

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How to use sugar to remove old greasy stains on jeans

It would seem that sugar itself can be an excellent cause for stains. In fact, a sweet product is a powerful weapon against old fat. You can try to "revive" your favorite jeans like this:

  • wet the contaminated area;
  • rub with household (or toilet) soap;
  • sprinkle the area with sugar;
  • rub well with a stiff brush;
  • to wash the thing in the car.

Attention! The liquid sweetener removes dirt as well as granulated sugar. A few drops are applied to the grease stain and the jeans are left on for 20-30 minutes. Then the item is washed in warm water.

How can you remove a greasy stain from jeans with gasoline

Do not be afraid of gasoline - it dissolves only synthetic fabrics. On trousers made of natural denim, gasoline works perfectly and removes even old stubborn stains.

It should be understood that only refined gasoline is used to wash clothes. To enhance the effect, you can mix it in equal proportions with acetone. A cotton swab or cloth is moistened in the finished solution and the area of ​​jeans with contamination is blotted. After 15-20 minutes, the procedure can be repeated. After that, the thing must be washed.

Advice! Given the pungent smell of gasoline, it is recommended to wash your jeans in the extra rinse mode.

How to clean a greasy stain from jeans with turpentine

Turpentine is a very strong solvent for fat. He is able to remove fresh stains from clothes on his own. In severe cases, it is recommended to prepare the following mixture:

  • part of turpentine;
  • part of the alcohol;
  • some soap shavings (laundry soap, grated on a fine grater).

Rub the stain thoroughly with the finished composition so that the product penetrates into the fabric fibers. The jeans should be washed immediately by adding powder or liquid.

How to remove grease from jeans with laundry soap

Laundry brown soap is a great stain remover in and of itself. Grease stained jeans can be cured with this simple remedy. Rub the unsightly mark with plenty of soap. The whole thing is placed in a plastic bag and tied. After 12-14 hours, the jeans need to be washed from the remains of soap and dirt.

How to remove a grease stain with jeans starch

Potato starch can also save your favorite thing. The starch powder is poured with a small amount of water and a semi-liquid consistency is achieved. The composition is applied to dirt, left for a couple of hours.

If there is no starch in the house, you can remove the stain with finely grated fresh potatoes.

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other methods

The listed methods are not the whole list of folk remedies. Probably, every experienced housewife has her own favorite, perhaps independently invented, way to remove greasy stains.

Here are some more popular jeans rescue options:

  1. A mixture of ether and magnesia. The solutions are combined in equal proportions and the finished mixture is applied to the blots of fat. After an hour or two, the thing is washed thoroughly.
  2. White vinegar can also remove fat. To begin with, it is better to combine the substance with water. If the product does not completely remove the stain, then use pure vinegar.
  3. In the very first minutes, regular shaving foam will do just fine (a gel will work too). The agent is applied to the greasy mark and left until washed.
  4. Toothpaste applied to dirt can also break down and remove fatty particles. The paste is left on jeans for 15-20 minutes, then the thing needs to be washed.
Advice! In order not to spoil an expensive thing, any of the listed means should be tested on a small inconspicuous area of ​​jeans. This can be a hem at the bottom of the legs, the wrong side of the pockets, the inside of the belt.

How to remove greasy stains on jeans with household cleaning products

When the shelves of hardware stores are filled with various stain removers, powders and concentrates, there should be no problems with removing the most difficult contaminants. Practice shows that not all expensive household chemicals are equally effective.

Best of all, it is oily spots that such special means are removed:

  • Fairy dishwashing gel;
  • concentrated stain remover "Vanish";
  • soap "Antipyatnin".

Before using any household chemicals, be sure to read the instructions. Each of the proposed funds in a small amount is applied to the stained area of ​​the jeans and left to act for 15-30 minutes.


Those who love their things will definitely be able to remove the greasy stain from jeans - today this is not a problem. In the "arsenal" of housewives, not only special compositions of household chemicals, but also a lot of folk methods.

If one of the suggested methods does not help remove oil or grease stains from jeans, do not despair. You should definitely try another method, because there are a lot of them!

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