How to get rid of flies in a house: wooden and brick, apartment

Flies in the house are not the most pleasant company. Some species can bite and carry serious infectious diseases. You can give a lot of methods on how to get rid of flies in the house quickly, but the main thing is to study preventive measures that will prevent them from multiplying uncontrollably.

Why you need to deal with house flies

Flies are not directly dangerous for humans: they do not bite and do not cause allergic reactions. However, their behavior and habits are troublesome. The body is covered with the smallest villi, to which dust and pathogens adhere.

They get food from garbage dumps, sewers, manure and faeces. Flies transfer millions of pathogens from these places to food, dishes and other surfaces in the house. They spread infections quickly. In addition, insects carry the eggs of the worms.

All of the above can cause such diseases:

  • cholera;
  • dysentery;
  • tuberculosis;
  • plague;
  • tularemia;
  • typhus;
  • anthrax and other infectious diseases.

The food they sat on was dangerous to eat. Larvae can infect any living organism in an apartment - a person or an animal.

They often lay eggs on food, the use of which causes disruption of the digestive system and the development of serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to spreading the disease, winged insects are simply annoying with their constant flight and buzzing.

Attention! They can lay eggs in places where the skin is damaged.

This becomes the cause of suppuration, inflammation. In some cases, the infection spreads widely and surgery is required.

How to destroy flies in the house with folk remedies

A modern city dweller will immediately use professional means with appropriate compositions, purchased traps and diptera exterminators. However, despite their effectiveness and popularity, many people trust the proven and familiar home remedies more. To get rid of flies in a country house or apartment will help folk methods that are not harmful to animals and humans.

How to quickly get rid of flies in an apartment with vinegar

With vinegar, you can wipe all surfaces in the room, pay special attention to the table in the kitchen. The action of the product is enough for 3 hours. Then the procedure must be repeated.

The smell of the substance is unpleasant even for humans, it has a similar effect on insects

Door slopes, window sills, window frames are treated with vinegar. You can pour it into a spray bottle and spray the mesh on the window.

If the food is heated, the smell will become stronger, the folk remedy will be better at scaring off flies.

How to deal with houseflies with formalin and milk

The poisonous mixture helps to drive flies out of the room at night and during the day, for its preparation you will need formalin, sweet water and milk. Mix the ingredients in a 1: 5: 3 ratio.

Pour the solution into unnecessary plates, which will then not be used for food. Put a piece of bread in the middle. It will absorb the solution. Flies that taste the bread will get enough formalin and die.

Also, the resulting liquid is used to process door and window slopes, window sills and other places where they flock.

How to kill flies at home with kerosene

Kerosene helps to fight flies in the house. Insects cannot stand the smell of this product and fly away. When cleaning floors, windows or ceilings, a little kerosene is added to the water. The optimal ratio is 80 ml of the product for 2 liters of liquid.

Attention! Kerosene smells unpleasant. Even people living in an apartment will feel uncomfortable in it.

For a while, you should leave the room treated with kerosene.

How to get rid of flies in a private house with black pepper

You can get rid of them with a trap, which will require 10 g of black ground pepper, 40 ml of milk, honey or jam. The sweet smell attracts insects. Black pepper is a slow-acting poison for them.

Recommended reading:  Why is bell pepper useful, properties
Having tasted the pepper, the fly will die

The mixture can be poured into saucers, soaked in bread, or used to make a homemade bottle trap.

How to keep flies out of your house with houseplants

Natural enemies in the house are plants. They not only help get rid of insects, but also decorate the room.

Attention! Their secret is in essential oils, which act as a repellent.

Houseplants are readily available, commercially available, and fairly cheap. They can also help get rid of mosquitoes and other annoying insects.

The winged ones are scared away by chrysanthemums, marigolds, nasturtiums, petunias, geraniums. You can buy carnivorous plants. For example, nepentes is a great trap. The plant lures them into the jug with its scent.

When the fly flies in, the "doors" of the plant close, and it finds itself in a puddle of water

If flies are wound up under a stretch ceiling, dried herbs will help to remove them. Basil, lavender, lemongrass, lemon thyme, mint, rosemary help to get rid of the dipteran insect.

To drive flies out of the house without chemicals, it is enough to spread these herbs in the corners of the house.

You can plant tomatoes in a pot. They are a poisonous plant for flies. Also, they are scared off by bonsai tree, fern, ornamental eucalyptus.

A lover of gardeners is geranium. It is unpretentious, useful and cleans the air.

A nice bonus - geranium helps to cope with headaches

How to destroy flies in the house with potassium permanganate and matches

This method is suitable for flies that are found on plants and leave larvae. A slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate is made for processing flower leaves. The matches are stuck in the ground, gray down.

Potassium permanganate contributes to the destruction of larvae in the soil

How to get flies out of an apartment with garlic

In the fight against flies at home, you can try garlic, which insects cannot tolerate.

It should be determined in what place they are more often. Peel the garlic and crush in a garlic press. Spread the gruel in insect habitats. They will disappear after 3 hours.

Garlic is a good fly control, but with one drawback - the smell will linger throughout the apartment.

How to deal with citrus flies in the country

The winged ones do not like the smell of citrus fruits. It's easy to get rid of them.It is necessary to spread the citrus fruits around the apartment, for example, put the citrus fruit in a bag, fill it with cloves and hang it closer to the flies in the house.

Advice! You don't have to use the whole fruit. You can take the zest.

How to get rid of a fly in a cold room

Diptera fly into the house for a pleasant aroma and warmth. Insects do not like the cold, so they are practically absent in winter.

To get rid of flies, you can turn on the air conditioner or fan in the house, close the windows with a thick film that does not allow light to pass through. In cold autumn weather, windows and doors are opened to create a draft.

How to get rid of flies in your home with traps

Flies in the house are an inevitable nuisance during the warm season. But there are ways that will surely help get rid of them.

To kill flies in large numbers, homemade traps are made. Special devices or chemicals are effective.

How to deal with flies indoors with homemade traps

There are a lot of ways to get rid of flies in the house and in the country. You can make homemade traps that work just as efficiently as traditional methods, and sometimes even better.

Vinegar trap

To make a trap, you will need a plastic bag, rubber band, scissors, and apple cider vinegar.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Pour a small amount of vinegar into a glass.
  2. Using scissors, cut the corner off the plastic bag. Create a hole large enough for flies to pass through but not large enough to fly out easily.
  3. Place the bag in the jar with the hole cut in the center facing down.
  4. Lower the cut corner down into the glass so that the pouch forms a funnel in the glass without touching the vinegar.
  5. Using an elastic band, secure the bag.

Place the trap in an area with the most flies - near trash, food, organic waste, or standing water.

Best Sugar Fly Trap

You will need a knife, a plastic bottle, 1 glass of warm water, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. dry yeast.

Cut off the top of the bottle, flip the cap down and insert into the base to form a funnel. Put sugar and yeast at the bottom, pour water.

Advice! There should be a gap between the funnel and the bait.

Add some liquid dish soap. It sticks to the wings of insects, preventing it from flying out.

Instead of sugar, you can put another bait in the bottle, for example, a piece of meat soaked in water, a citrus fruit

Homemade wine traps

Leave some wine in the bottle, it will serve as a bait for flies in the house. Make a funnel from a small sheet of paper. Insert it into the neck, secure with tape.

If you make the hole too big, the flies can fly back. It should be of such a diameter that the insect can fly into the bottle, but not fly out.

Advice! Additional bait can be added to the wine. Add rotten or overripe fruits, add sweet syrup.

Paper trap

This is the easiest homemade way to get rid of annoying insects. You will need Vaseline and yellow sticky notes. The paper should be greased with petroleum jelly and pasted on the windows next to the refrigerator, on the kitchen apron and in other places where flies like to live.

Bright color attracts insects, petroleum jelly prevents them from getting out

Metal can trap

You will need honey or syrup, hot sausages, a wide-gauge nail and the container itself. This homemade trap is as easy to create as it is effective to use.

Make several holes in the lid of the can. Fill it halfway with syrup and toss in a few slices of raw sausage. Place the container in the flies' habitat.

Poisonous paper

Thick paper is impregnated with a solution of potassium dichromate, black pepper, alcohol and sugar. It is dried and placed in places where insects accumulate.

Pour a few drops of water into the center of the paper, the edges should be dry. It needs to be moistened frequently.

How to remove flies at home with purchased traps

If you don't have time to make homemade traps, you can get rid of insects in the house using purchased ones. They look more aesthetically pleasing. They use strong compounds that attract and kill Diptera.

Duct tape

You can get rid of flies at home with a store-bought, sweet-smelling duct tape. The device is easy to use. Makes it easy to get rid of house flies. You need to unfold the tape and hang it in the place where the most insects live. This is the cheapest way to get rid of flies in the summer cottage.

Minus - the unaesthetic appearance of the room with hanging ribbons that can stick to objects, leaving stains

Window traps

The newly developed diptera traps are more original, convenient and aesthetic. The Swiss company Swissinno produces products that are attached to the corner of the window, fit well into the interior of the room and catch insects.

They look like a triangular box with holes.

House flies react to bait, get trapped and get stuck

Repellent plugs

A fairly common device for killing a diptera home, which contains insecticidal tablets or liquid. When heated, the insecticide spreads around the room and kills insects in the house.

Attention! Cannot be placed in children's rooms and less than a meter away from people. The process of getting rid of flies must be safe for the family.

There are many brands on the market that help get rid of flies: Raid, Aroxol, Jungle Formula.

A more advanced version of the fly killing device is the fumigation fogger, a type of home spray. This device automatically releases a small amount of steam at regular intervals.

Insecticide gets into all hard-to-reach places, helping to get rid of flies

Advantages - quick effect (after 2 hours), destroys even larvae, reusable.

Disadvantages - To get rid of house flies with a fumigation mist eliminator, you will have to leave the house for 2-3 hours, pack and put away food, toys and other things.

Ultraviolet traps

Electrical devices that emit ultraviolet rays of a certain wavelength help to get rid of dipterans at home without unnecessary hassle. The fires attract insects, which are electrocuted on contact with an electrified grid.

The device is supplied with a special tray into which the dead flies fall.

Install UV traps on the floor, hang on a wall or leave on a shelf

The most affordable brands are Rock Birds for small spaces, as well as Dyna Trap and Swissinno.


  • Security for home use;
  • protection from children and pets;
  • wide selection with different capacities;
  • effective in getting rid of flies not only in the house, but also outdoors.


The reusable device for flying insects has several holes through which flies flock to the bait, but cannot fly back and drown. The trap is drained and washed with water after 2-3 weeks, then reused. Bright color attracts insects better.

How to permanently get rid of flies in the house using chemicals

If you didn't manage to get rid of flies with improvised means, professional chemistry will come to the rescue. It should be used according to the instructions. If there are a lot of flies in the apartment, you can fight them with the following means:

  1. Residual insecticide concentrates... Spray areas where flies are most often sprayed with these products. Moisten the surface slightly before use, but not to form puddles. Good concentrates: Lambdastar Ultra Cap 9.7, WSP code.
  2. Insecticidal Dust - D-Fense Dust... Fill all the cracks and crevices of the house with it. Dust penetrates empty areas, poisoning flies and keeping them out of homes.
  3. Pyrethrin insecticidal aerosols... To get rid of them in the house quickly, use these chemicals. Popular aerosols: Stryker 54, Vet CV-80D, CB 80, PT 565 Plus.
  4. Outdoor lures... They are scattered or sprayed along the walls of the house, window sills and areas through which flies enter the room. Good lures: Maxforce, Zyrox Fly Bait, Golden Malrin Fly Bait, Maxforce Fly Bait.
  5. The pellets will help keep flies out of your home... To get rid of them, you need to spread the poison in the corners. It paralyzes insects on contact. Common brands that help get rid of flies are Maxforce and Zyrox. Maxforce is the closest substance to those used by professional exterminators.
The product is expensive, about $ 70 per bottle, but the chemical will last for a long time.
Warning! Some chemicals are harmful to the skin of the hands. When using them, you should wear rubber gloves and do not scatter in places where pets or children walk.

Prevention of flies in the house

It is always easier to prevent the problem than trying to get rid of Diptera in your home. To avoid infection and spread of infections, you will need to restrict their access:

  1. Install mosquito nets on windows;
  2. Do not leave food, crumbs, fruits outdoors. Timely remove food from the table or cover it with lids, napkins, gauze.
  3. Keep waste bin covered and clean.
  4. Keep the kitchen clean and tidy, wash the dishes in a timely manner.
  5. If there is a trash can outside, you need to close it and sometimes rinse it.
  6. Treat cesspools with chlorine at least once a month.
  7. Use insect traps and duct tape.
  8. Apply repellents and insecticides in case of high concentrations of insects.
Warning! One individual can quickly produce up to 3 thousand larvae. Therefore, you should get rid of insects in a timely manner.


You can quickly get rid of flies in the house in several ways - folk remedies, homemade or purchased traps, chemicals. Each owner independently decides what to choose - poisons or homemade baits. The main thing to remember is that you need to try safer methods before resorting to chemicals.

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