How to wash brilliant green from clothes

It is not so difficult to wash the brilliant green from clothes if the stain is fresh enough, however, even old stains can be removed. The main thing is to choose the right product for a certain type of fabric, so as not to damage the thing even more.

Is brilliant green washed off clothes

There is an opinion that it is almost impossible to wash brilliant green from clothes at home. The roots of this myth go back to various Soviet manuals on housekeeping. In the section that describes the methods available for removing different types of stains, it is stated that aniline paint cannot be washed off. It is she who is part of the dye in brilliant green.

This statement is false. Old stains from brilliant green are very difficult to remove, but it is quite possible, not to mention fresh stains. Things with bright prints and fine texture are especially difficult.

How to get brilliant green from fabric

Before trying to wash the brilliant green from the fabric, you need to decide on its type:

  • colored items should not be exposed to aggressive bleaches;
  • it is advisable to wash wool with laundry soap;
  • In no case should silk products be treated with acetone, nail polish removers, alcohol and vinegar.

If a green dye got on a designer thing made of delicate fabrics, it is better to take it to dry-cleaner, where a specialist will select the right product without harm in order to remove the dirt.

Important! Children's clothes must not be treated with household chemicals with a high chlorine content. It is difficult to rinse off, therefore, small particles of an aggressive substance remaining in the fibers of the fabric can cause a strong allergic reaction.
Recommended reading:  How to wipe brilliant green from linoleum

How to remove brilliant green from clothes using household chemicals

The easiest way to remove a green stain on clothes is with the help of household chemicals, which are currently presented in a wide range of prices and forms of release. The advantages of using industrial bleaches include the presence of instructions and dosages, making it very difficult to spoil a stained thing. In addition, household chemicals cope with brilliant green much faster. Using folk remedies, wash the stain several times.

One of the most popular bleaches is Vanish Oxi Action powder, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by numerous reviews. It is very easy to wash off the green dye with it - just pour one cap of bleach on the stain and wait 30-40 minutes. Then the product is washed at a temperature of 60 ° C with the addition of ordinary washing powder.

For the best effect, you can add ½ more Vanisha cap to the washing machine.

Important! Sometimes one wash is not enough to remove brilliant green from clothes. Even with the strongest stain removers, 2-3 washes may be required, especially if the stain is old.

In addition to "Vanish", it is worth noting the following means, with which you can wash aniline paint from clothes:

  • "Oxy";
  • Amway;
  • "Antipyatin";
  • Faberlik;
  • "Ace Oxi Magic".

When choosing bleach, you should pay attention to its composition. They are best used on cotton white fabrics. Zelenka on things with bright prints is washed with the help of specialized products for colored products.

The procedure is almost identical:

  • bleach is applied to the green spot;
  • keep the thing in this state for about half an hour;
  • wash with regular powder with a little bleach.

The recommended washing mode in order to remove stubborn dyes from clothes is “Extra Rinse”. To avoid green stains on fabrics after washing, you can use starch, which is applied along the edge of the stain before immersing the product in the washing machine.

In addition to specialized remedies for bleaching stains, you can use powders and gels for cleaning plumbing fixtures from brilliant green if they contain sodium hypochlorite. Their main advantage is the speed of impact on pollution. Most of the products are able to remove the green stain on clothes in a matter of minutes, it is enough just to properly foam the cleaner and wash the product later.

There are also drawbacks to plumbing cleaners. They are much more aggressive than many bleaches, so there is always a risk of damaging delicate clothes. In addition, some purifiers have a number of limitations. For example, "Domestos" can only be used on white things.

Advice! Products that contain chlorinol and hydrogen peroxide are the most effective for treating green spots.

How to remove green stain from clothes using folk methods

The easiest way is to remove just a fresh stain from brilliant green, so it is better not to waste time going to the store for a stain remover, but to try to treat the stain with folk remedies. Some substances and liquids are available at your local pharmacy. In most cases, you will have to additionally wash the thing with the addition of usually powder, but the most important thing is to remove the bulk of the dye as soon as possible.

The following methods of removing brilliant green from clothes are considered the most effective:

  1. Laundry soap. It is found in almost every home and is suitable for almost all types of fabrics. In order to wash brilliant green from clothes with soap, they use different strategies. For example, you can thoroughly lather the stain and leave the product to soak for 1-2 hours. Soap shavings, which are applied to dirt and also soaked, also copes well with brilliant green. Laundry soap is especially good at removing brilliant green from wool, although even in this case, two or more treatments may be required.
  2. A mixture of laundry soap and powder. This method is suitable if you need to wash the brilliant green from clothes after chickenpox - the combination is quite light, but effective. 30 g of soap chips are poured into 1 liter of boiling water and a small amount of washing powder is poured into the solution. When the water has cooled slightly, clothes soiled in green dye are dipped into water and infused for 2-4 hours. Then the product is sent to the wash.
  3. Baking soda and vinegar. The substance is poured onto the stain so that it completely covers it, and pour vinegar on top. After 10 minutes, the mixture is thoroughly washed off in running water, after which the item is loaded into the washing machine. This method is also suitable for removing brilliant green from parquet floors, carpets and furniture.
  4. Rubbing alcohol effectively cleans not only green stains left on clothes, but also dirt on linoleum and parquet flooring. The effectiveness of the substance is increased by its combination with a small amount of lemon juice. The method is well suited in the event that it is necessary to wash the brilliant green from a white shirt. To do this, moisten a cotton swab or disk with alcohol and lemon juice. Then the substance is rubbed into the stain, the dirty clothes are rinsed in warm water and washed with regular powder.
  5. Vinegar (7%) and potassium permanganate. Before applying the substance, a newspaper or napkin is placed under the fabric. Then a small amount of vinegar is poured over the dirt. When it dissolves the dye, the clothes are rinsed in running water and sent to the wash. In this case, you can additionally soak the product in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours. The method is ideal for clothes made of cotton fabrics.
  6. Starch. The clothes are moistened in water and the green stain is sprinkled with starch. The substance is rubbed into the pollution, after which it is left to soak for 1-2 hours. After that, it is advisable to wash the item with a stain remover.
  7. Ammonia (10%). The substance is sold in almost any pharmacy. The liquid is poured onto the green spot and the clothes are soaked for 5-8 minutes. After that, the product must be rinsed in cool water and washed by hand or in a machine.
  8. Sunflower or olive oil. Not the best way to deal with stubborn stains, but for old stains it is one of the most effective remedies. Zelenka is poured with oil, kept so for about 3-5 hours, after which it is treated with a means to eliminate fat. Then the thing is rinsed and washed every other day.
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Advice! Woolen clothes are washed with laundry soap only in cool water. Wool shrinks at high temperatures.

Features of removing stains from different fabrics

The main rule for removing stains with persistent dyes is to try the mildest products first, and only then move on to powerful cleaners. If even harsh bleaches cannot remove green stains from clothes, then the item is dry-cleaned.

How to remove brilliant green from bed linen

From bed linen, stains from brilliant green are usually washed with potassium permanganate. To do this, dilute a weak solution of the substance so as not to damage the structure and pattern of the fabric.

Green spots are removed from bed linen according to the following scheme:

  1. Dirty bed linen is thoroughly washed in a solution of laundry soap.
  2. Then the fabric is soaked for 2-3 hours in a weak manganese solution.
  3. After that, the linen is rinsed and sent to the wash.
Important! It is undesirable to subject bed linen and clothes that are tightly adjacent to the body to be treated with heavy chemicals. Residues of potent substances cause skin irritation and allergic reactions.

How to remove brilliant green from white clothes

It is easier to remove green stains from white clothes with hydrogen peroxide - fortunately, this tool is available in almost every home. The procedure for processing fabric is as follows:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is applied generously to a cotton pad.
  2. Then carefully rub the green spot with a damp disc.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, the clothes are thoroughly rinsed and loaded into the washing machine.
  4. If necessary, the product is treated with peroxide several times.
Advice! It is better not to use pure hydrogen peroxide for colored clothes, as the substance can corrode colors. A fabric with a bright print is treated with a weak solution of peroxide and then washed by hand or in a washing machine.

How to wash brilliant green from jeans

For coarse fabrics, acetone is best suited, which removes brilliant green in a matter of minutes. It is enough to gently moisten the stain on the clothes with acetone and wipe it thoroughly with a cotton pad or the hard side of a dishwashing sponge. After the main part of the dye is gone, the product is washed using ordinary powder.

Important! With the help of acetone, you can only wash brilliant green from high-quality denim. A fake will most likely leave a light spot.

How to remove brilliant green from colored clothes

Green stains are washed off bright things with vinegar, as it fixes the color on the fabric. The method of processing is standard: the stain from the dye is poured abundantly with vinegar and after 5-8 minutes the item is thoroughly rinsed. Then the product is sent to the wash.

How to remove brilliant green from children's clothes

Clothing for children requires a special approach. Children's clothes are washed from brilliant green only with mild agents, since potent substances can linger in the fibers of the fabric for a long time. The skin of young children is very sensitive to chemicals, so harsh bleaches and plumbing cleaners will have to be abandoned.

It is best to wash bright children's clothes from brilliant green using starch. The fabric processing procedure looks like this:

  1. The stain is moistened with water and sprinkled with starch.
  2. After 10-15 minutes, the carbon in the starch should pull the dye out of the fabric fibers.
  3. After that, the stain is wiped with a special cloth for cleaning furniture soaked in water. With its help, excess dye is removed.
  4. Then the clothes are covered with starch again and steps 1-3 are repeated. After that, the thing is sent to the wash.

In addition, you can learn about removing green stuff from clothes from the video below:

Important! You can also wash bedding and baby clothes to remove green stains with baby powder. It will be possible to completely remove pollution only after a few washings, however, baby powders have a safer chemical composition.

Useful Tips

Trying to remove dye from clothing can severely damage the fabric and accidentally bleed out colors on printed items. In order to keep your clothes intact during washing, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • in no case should you try to wipe the brilliant green from the fabric mechanically, especially with sharp objects;
  • it is possible to avoid stains on clothes and the spreading of a green stain in different directions if the edges of the dirty area are moistened with water before washing or sprinkled with starch;
  • Before fully subjecting the product to any treatment, it is recommended that you first apply the cleaner to a small area of ​​clothing from the inside.

Sunflower oil is used as a last resort, only when it was not possible to remove the green stain from clothes by other means. The fact is that the effectiveness of this tool has a downside - after the sunflower oil, greasy stains remain, which then also have to be removed.


It is not as difficult to wash brilliant green from clothes as it is commonly believed. This can be done both with the help of industrial household chemicals and folk methods. It is important to choose the right bleach or other substance for a particular type of fabric so as not to damage it. In addition, for safety reasons, hand protection should be provided if harsh bleach or plumbing cleaner is used to remove dye stains, as these can cause severe skin irritation and even burns.

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