Shungite water: properties, how to cook and drink

The benefits and harms of shungite water is an interesting issue that requires detailed consideration. Shungite is a mineral, which contains the most carbon, while its main part consists of molecules in the form of a sphere, fullerenes. In addition to fullerenes, the use of shungite is explained by the presence of elements of the periodic table.

Scientists have proven that this rock is very selective; it absorbs individual pollution and disinfects water, while eliminating odors and turbidity in the water. It is interesting that at the same time the mineral transfers individual macro- and microelements, this will fill the drink with useful properties and eliminate possible harm. By including shungite water in the diet, a person will be able to normalize the mineral balance of the body, which will help heal from various diseases.

What is shungite

Shungite or, as it was called in Russia, "slate stone", as a rule, is black or brown. Shungite is a mineral that is 99% carbon. Outwardly it is similar to anthracite, but, unlike this valuable coal, shungite does not burn under normal conditions. The mineral had no use for a long time, since it was not known about its beneficial properties to eliminate the harm of water.

The benefits of shungite for water purification became known later. The largest stone deposit is located in Karelia.

Useful properties of shungite water

Shungite has a useful property of mechanical action on liquids, which leads to natural cleansing and its saturation with benefits. Shungite is a unique duet of silicate substances and carbon. The special physical properties of the mineral lie in its ability to weaken negative magnetic radiation and neutralize negative energy that can be harmful.

Attention! Shungite water will also be beneficial for eye diseases. It is necessary to regularly rinse your eyes with healing water.

Shungite cleans water from heavy metal salts and pesticides, which reduces the harm from their effects. The mineral attracts harmful substances and neutralizes their harm. That is why shungite specialists are endowed with such useful properties:

  1. Cleansing properties in the form of getting rid of toxic substances, slags, heavy metal salts and other compounds that harm the body.
  2. Reducing the reactivity of the immune system, reducing the risk of allergic reactions.
  3. The property of disinfecting, which manifests itself with the external use of shungite water and with its consumption inside.

Experts say that the features of shungite water, if consumed regularly, will provide a lot of benefits for the body. In particular, beneficial properties will come in handy for such pathological changes:

  1. Diseases of the skin (dermatitis, acne, etc.).
  2. With anemia.
  3. In case of bronchial asthma.
  4. With diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. With diabetes mellitus.
  6. In case of frequent colds.
  7. Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Pathological changes in the liver and gallbladder.
  9. With a tendency to allergic reactions.
  10. If chronic fatigue occurs.
  11. Vascular and articular lesions (arthritis and varicose veins).
Important! When applied externally, it will help with skin damage, burns, insect bites.

Rinsing the mouth with water infused with shungite will help treat stomatitis and soothe inflammatory processes in sore throats. It should be noted that even regular washing with such a product will benefit the skin, help get rid of skin defects, restore freshness to the face and give youth.

What shungite water heals

Important! Shungite water cannot completely heal from parasites, however, in combination with medical therapy, it will help to quickly get rid of the disease.
  1. After half an hour of staying shungite in water, the number of streptococci is significantly reduced.
  2. Shungite water is able to normalize hemoglobin indices in case of anemia. Fullerenes help protect red blood cells, and their beneficial properties stimulate the process of hematopoiesis.
  3. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the beneficial properties of shungite water will help eliminate heartburn, flatulence, normalize stools, benefit from gastritis, colitis, enteritis, pathological changes in the gallbladder, liver and pancreas.
  4. There will be benefits from shungite water in the case of its use in diseases of the cardiovascular system, vegetative-vascular dystonia, varicose veins, diabetic angiopathy.
  5. In case of diseases of the joints and spine, it is recommended to combine the beneficial properties of shungite water inside with regular baths, massage and compresses. It is with the complex use of the mineral that blood microcirculation, nutrition of the joints are normalized, pain sensations decrease, and mobility improves.
  6. There will be benefits from the use of shungite water for diseases of the respiratory system, mouth and throat. She treats periodontal disease, periodontitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis.
Important! In case of a runny nose, it is recommended to bury healing water in the nose.

How to make shungite water at home

The procedure for obtaining shungite water is very simple. Cooking algorithm:

  1. The first step is to pass the water through a filter or defend it.
  2. Then you need to add shungite stones for water purification. Black mineral needs 100 g per 1 liter of water, leave for 3 days. Elite stone needs to be taken 60 g per liter and 3 hours will be enough for cleansing.
  3. The resulting shungite water, which is beneficial and neutralizes harm, needs to be poured into a clean container, leaving at least half a liter of shungite water. All harmful elements will remain in it, therefore it should be poured out.
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During the preparation of the healing liquid, you must follow the list of rules that will help you get water rich in beneficial properties and helping to neutralize harm:

  1. It is necessary to insist on shungite water in glass or ceramic containers.
  2. Prepared shungite water should be stored without a refrigerator in a glass container.
  3. It is better not to prepare more than 3 liters of water at a time.
Important! The resulting sediment containing harmful substances can not be poured out, but used for watering flowers.

How to use shungite water

Shungite water can be either simply drunk or used for cooking. The taste of shungite water is reminiscent of natural spring water. In addition, there are many more options for using this liquid, rich in beneficial properties.

Shungite water bath

Baths with healthy shungite water help to relieve stress, get rid of the harm of stress, fatigue and normalize sleep. It is necessary to place a bag with stones in a warm bath (temperature no more than 36-37 ° С). A full bath will take about 300 g. The session should last 15-20 minutes.

Shungite water for rinsing the mouth and throat

Rinsing with shungite water does not differ from usual. It only needs to be slightly warmed up.

Shungite water compress

To obtain useful properties from compresses, you need to slightly moisten a clean cloth or gauze, squeeze slightly and apply to the problem area.

Application for face and hair

The benefits of shungite water will be for both face and hair. With regular use of such a useful liquid, the skin will become elastic and elastic, and the number of wrinkles will decrease. Shungite water will benefit your hair. Rinsing your hair with water purified with shungite will reduce the harm from the environment, help get rid of dandruff, itching, irritation, and relieve hair loss.

Shungite for foot massage

Pure shungite is required for such an application. The idea of ​​foot massage originated in China, with its help the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire treated many diseases and got rid of the harm of ailments. But then the Chinese did not use slate stone for this procedure. Now, with the help of a useful mineral, massage is used to draw out pain from the body. It is believed that the mineral, rich in beneficial properties, neutralizes the harm from the disease, and after the procedure the pain sensations recede.

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For the massage procedure, small or medium stones are used. Shungite chips are also used. In the first situation, the patient is in a horizontal position, and hot pieces of shungite are placed between his toes. In the second case, walking on small rubble of a useful mineral is recommended, you can also sit with your feet on the stones. This procedure helps to normalize blood pressure, improves sleep and relieves fatigue, helps relieve headaches and soothes the soul.

Contraindications and harm of shungite water

The use of shungite water will not do any harm. However, there are some contraindications for its use. It is impossible to use water on shungite if nausea, vomiting or other side effects arise from it. It is not recommended to consume more than 2-3 glasses of healthy shungite water.

The presence of chronic diseases or a tendency to oncology requires prior medical advice. The water, infused with shungite, does not belong to medicines, therefore, one cannot fully rely on it. It takes several weeks to get the effect.

How to choose shungite and take care of it

Shungite itself can be gray or black. Therefore, it is very easy to replace it with another stone of the same color. When buying a stone, it is very important to choose the mineral that is beneficial, not harmful.

The main signs to be guided by when purchasing a useful mineral:

  1. The stone cannot be polished, real shungite is matte and rough to the touch.
  2. Since the stone is very fragile, it is cut with rounded cabochons or beads, no facets.
  3. If shungite is processed in the form of a pyramid or octahedron, then the edges of a real mineral will not be clear, they are smoothed and rounded.
Attention! Upon close examination, streaks of golden color are found on the stone, then you can be sure that the mineral is real.

It is genuine shungite that is able to neutralize the harm from toxic substances in water, has useful properties and is able to benefit a person, therefore it is extremely important to take a serious approach to the acquisition of the mineral.

How to store shungite water

Shungite water must be used during the first 3 days. During this period, it is necessary to store water rich in useful properties in glassware, this will help to avoid harm from containers made of other materials. It is better to store it in a cool room, while there should be no household appliances emitting electromagnetic waves nearby.

Important! Shungite water can be boiled, the benefits will not diminish, so it is suitable for cooking. In this case, useful properties are not lost.

The mineral can be used several times, but about every six months it needs to be changed, like all other filters.


The benefits and harms of shungite water are clear, this liquid is capable of bringing great benefits to the human body. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of specialists, this will help to avoid possible harm. It should be understood that the use of the mineral is not a panacea or an alternative to medications. It can only serve as a supplement to conventional therapy, this is how doctors say about shungite water.


Komarov Vyacheslav Ivanovich, 60 years old, Krasnoyarsk
I often drink shungite water. Delicious and healthy. My family does not share my method of treatment. It is believed that the water has a flavor. To me the water tastes like spring water.
Oleinik Oksana Vasilievna, 45 years old, Penza
We insist on shungite water, drink with the whole family. I like that the water tastes like spring water, it is much more pleasant to drink such water. I cannot say about the benefits, because nothing special was treated.
Kolmogorova Victoria Vladimirovna, 30 years old, Samara
Mom treated her lower back with shungite water compresses, she helps her from pain. I insisted water on shungite, it turned out kind of strange. I couldn't drink.

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