Products that lower testosterone in women and men

Hormonal disorders in women and men can be triggered not only by diseases. Sometimes problems arise from improper nutrition. If there are foods that reduce testosterone in the diet, then the body will begin to produce estrogen in increased quantities.

Features of testosterone lowering products

Androgens in males are produced by the adrenal cortex and cells located in the testes. In women, the ovaries are responsible for their production. Testosterone should be in the body of both sexes, but traditionally it is considered a male hormone. Under its action, the voice coarsens, hairs appear on the face and body, and a figure is formed. The hormone is responsible for the presence of sex drive, the duration of sexual intercourse, and muscle building.

But some foods negatively affect the process of its production. Their regular use lowers the level of the male hormone. Estrogen-rich foods negatively affect synthesis. When this female sex hormone enters, the volume of muscle mass decreases, fat begins to be deposited in the chest, abdomen, and thighs.

Testosterone-lowering foods

Frequent consumption of products, under the influence of which the concentration of testosterone begins to decrease, negatively affects the state of men's health. But androgens are also necessary for women for the proper functioning of the body. Therefore, everyone should know which foods reduce testosterone concentration. Some of them are consumed by people in large quantities every day.

Advice! It is not necessary to completely eliminate androgen-reducing foods from the diet. In most cases, it is enough to revise the menu for the general condition to return to normal.

What foods lower testosterone in men

The list of foods that impair testosterone production is extensive. But the health of men is the worst affected by:

  • beer;
  • salt;
  • meat with hormones;
  • fast food;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • caffeine;
  • alcohol.
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These are the foods that are found in the diet of men every day. Their intake reduces the content of androgens.

Beer lovers can be distinguished by their characteristic belly. It appears not only due to the intake of a large number of calories that are contained in intoxicated drinks and snacks. The main reason for the change in shape is the phytoestrogens contained in beer. These are analogs of female sex hormones, when they are received, the intensity of androgen synthesis decreases. In addition, alcohol negatively affects cells that respond

Drinking beer reduces the level of androgens in the body; problems can be avoided if you drink no more than 2.5 liters per week

Salt is included in all meals. Its use in moderation is not harmful to health. Salt is a source of sodium and chlorine, which are involved in metabolic processes. But an overabundance of the first substance leads to a deterioration in the production of the male sex hormone, it reduces its concentration.

Problems arise due to the fact that the intake of salt in large quantities contributes to fluid retention, impairs the work of blood vessels and the heart. As a result, blood circulation in the testes is impaired.This reduces the production of testosterone, impairs the process of its distribution. You can avoid problems if you consume up to 5-8 g of salt per day.

Foods that lower testosterone levels include salt, but eating it in moderation does not harm your health

Hormones are used in many farm animals. They are designed to increase productivity and gain intense mass. For these purposes, estrogen or its substitutes are used. Eating meat from animals that have been given female hormones negatively affects men's health.

The intake of estrogen from meat leads to disruption of spermatogenesis, negatively affects the production of androgens

Fast food lovers also often face problems. Violations occur in those men who have sausages, dumplings, pizza, french fries, products from fast food restaurants in their daily diet. Such food is only a source of calories, the benefits of eating it are minimal. It contains a large amount of trans fats, flavor enhancers, salt, sugar and other components that reduce testosterone.

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Fast food affects the work of hormone-producing organs, its regular consumption leads to a decrease in the concentration of androgens

Canned foods contain bisphenol A. It can be found in canned soups, beans, fish, meat, and other canned foods. This substance mimics the action of estrogen. Previously, it was used to treat patients, under the influence of bisphenol A, the level of female sex hormones increased. Daily consumption of canned food lowers the concentration of androgens.

Canned meat, fish, ready-made soups, mashed potatoes provoke an increase in estrogen content, this negatively affects the production of androgens

Smoked products are sold in polyvinyl chloride packages. This synthetic material penetrates the food. When consumed, it enters the body, negatively affecting hormonal regulation.

Most of the smoked products sold in markets and supermarkets are produced by processing them with a special liquid. It has a toxic effect on the tissue of the testosterone-producing glands.

Comment! Products that were cooked in smokehouses are not prohibited from being included in the diet. They do not destroy the cells responsible for the production of androgens.
The liquid that is used in the production of smoked products has a toxic effect on the organs that produce sex hormones

Fans of coffee, energy drinks and fizzy drinks know about their invigorating effect. When they enter, cortisol and adrenaline are actively produced. Under the influence of substances, well-being improves, strength and energy appear. But an increase in the concentration of these hormones reduces the body's need for testosterone, it stops being produced.

The intake of caffeine in large quantities for 2-3 hours reduces the intensity of the blood supply to the testicles. Drinking coffee at night prevents the onset of the deep sleep phase, during which testosterone is produced in maximum quantities.

Consuming large amounts of caffeine impairs the blood supply to the testicles, decreases the production of androgens

Moderate alcohol consumption is considered harmless. The first serving helps to increase testosterone levels. But the more alcohol enters the body, the lower the content of this hormone will fall. Alcohol promotes the transformation of testosterone into estrogen.

If you drink alcohol in an amount that causes a hangover, then within 12-20 hours the content of the male hormone decreases by 20%. Often, use leads to the fact that the work of the gonads is disrupted.

Alcohol impairs the functioning of the sex glands, reduces testosterone production

What foods lower testosterone in women

In the female body, testosterone is necessary.He is responsible for sex drive, regulates the ratio of fat and muscle mass. But there is a list of products that reduce the process of its production in the female body. These include:

  • sugar;
  • bakery and confectionery products;
  • soy;
  • fizzy drinks.

Fans of sweets recover not only from the intake of a large number of calories, simple carbohydrates into their body, but also due to the deterioration in the production and distribution of testosterone. Sugar, entering the body, provokes the release of insulin. It is necessary so that glucose does not circulate through the bloodstream, but binds to tissues and organs, and becomes a source of energy. But a sharp jump in insulin reduces testosterone synthesis.

Also, when sugar enters the body, cortisol is produced. It is a male sex hormone antagonist. Together, this makes sugar a product that reduces testosterone concentration in women.

When sugar enters the body, the level of insulin rises, sharp surges disrupt the hormonal background

Bakery and confectionery products, which include white bread, pastries, cakes, buns, are made from premium flour with added sugar and yeast. The ingredients in these products have a negative effect on testosterone levels. It decreases with daily use.

Confectionery and bakery products contain a large amount of sugar, high-grade flour, their use affects the synthesis of androgens by the sex glands

Many weight-watchers include soy in their diet. It is a good source of vegetable protein. When soy is consumed, phytoestrogens enter the body, they displace testosterone, reduce its concentration. But you can include it in the menu in small quantities.

Small amounts of soy products are harmless, but excessive consumption of them leads to an increase in the level of estrogen in the body

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic fizzy drinks contain a large amount of sugar. Some of them also include caffeine. Together, these substances block testosterone production. With regular use, carbonated drinks reduce its content, dehydrate the body, and negatively affect the work of the hormonal system.

Frequent consumption of carbonated drinks, which contain high amounts of sugar, reduce the content of androgens in the body

Useful Tips

It is impossible to completely eliminate foods that lower testosterone from the diet. But it will be possible to neutralize their effect if you switch to proper nutrition. You can also include in the menu foods that promote increased testosterone production.

Important! By starting to eat foods that increase the level of the male sex hormone, you can normalize the situation. The emphasis should be on nuts, avocados, broccoli, olive oil.

You can neutralize the negative effects of caffeine and sugar-containing foods with the help of heavy physical exertion. Exhausting workout after a cup of coffee and cake does not decrease testosterone levels, but increases by 15-20%.


Everyone needs to eat testosterone-lowering foods in limited quantities. With their excessive intake, hormonal imbalances can develop. A decrease in androgen levels in men affects appearance. Deficiency of this hormone in women worsens libido, provokes the appearance of body fat.

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