The benefits and harms of coriander honey

Among the products of beekeeping, you can find quite rare varieties. They are not inferior in concentration of valuable substances and the presence of useful properties to the most popular and well-known varieties. Coriander honey is rarely seen commercially. The delicacy has a characteristic aroma and taste. Useful properties of coriander honey and contraindications need to be known before consuming a viscous mass. The product helps to increase immunity, eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, treat ARVI.

Description, consistency, taste and color of coriander honey

A variety of plants can act as a honey plant for bees. For example, the herb coriander, which is better known as a condiment, is also a source of health benefits.

Recommended reading:  Honey: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications

In cooking, the term "cilantro" is often used. These are the stems and leaves of the plant. Coriander is a fruit.

Kinza does not cover a significant area of ​​the territory. This makes it much more difficult for insects to collect nectar. Bees are not attracted to pink and white flowers, which have a rich smell. To organize the collection of pollen, beekeepers place the hives close to the area where the cilantro is growing.

Recommended reading:  Cilantro (coriander): useful properties and contraindications

Since the plant prefers rather warm weather, it can often be found in the Caucasus or Crimea. Flowering is celebrated in June-August.

Coriander honey has the following distinctive characteristics:

  1. Colour... The viscous mass has a dark amber or light brown tint with the presence of a golden tint.
  2. Smell... The delicacy has a specific spicy aroma due to the presence of essential oils.
  3. Taste... The beekeeping product resembles caramel.
  4. Consistency... Freshly picked nectar is quite liquid. After crystallization, the consistency becomes hard.
Attention! Coriander honey is fast sugar-curing. Large grains usually appear two months after pumping out the sweet mass.
Coriander honey contains iron, oily esters, copper and manganese, which give the delicacy its characteristic taste and aroma

Chemical composition

Cilantro belongs to a spicy plant. The honey plant gives the beekeeping product specific properties due to its composition.

The plant gives honey a unique uniqueness. This makes the treat stand out from other beekeeping products. Coriander honey contains the following nutrients:

  • carbohydrates such as glucose, sugars, fructose and polysaccharides;
  • moisture;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins, for example compounds of group B, ascorbic acid;
  • minerals and trace elements, among which iron, potassium, copper, zinc and phosphorus are called;
  • enzymes;
  • amino acids (isoleucine, lysine, arginine, tyrosine);
  • oil esters.
Important! Coriander honey includes citric, lactic and malic acids. There are no fats in the sweet mass.
The nutritional value of coriander honey is considered below average and amounts to 310 kcal per 100 product
Attention! A teaspoon of cilantro treats contains 35 kcal.

Why is coriander honey useful?

The beekeeping product is a healing nectar. The beneficial properties are due to the adequate balance of fructose and glucose, the presence of essential oils. Consuming coriander honey contributes to:

  • increasing the body's defenses;
  • ARVI prevention;
  • decrease in the severity of inflammatory processes;
  • saturation of the body with useful substances;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • increased hemoglobin levels;
  • decrease in blood sugar concentration;
  • acceleration of skin regeneration;
  • restoration of vision;
  • elimination of insomnia;
  • improving the psycho-emotional state;
  • cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.
Important! Coriander honey has antibacterial properties. It has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

How coriander honey is obtained

During the period when flowers appear, the plant exudes a rather pungent odor that scares away bees. Unpleasant scent becomes less pronounced towards the end of flowering. Collecting honey plants takes a month and a half.

The plant produces nectar from mid-June to late July. Under favorable conditions, up to 500 kg of an exquisite delicacy can be harvested from each hectare.

Application in traditional medicine

Coriander honey can be considered more than just a delicacy. This is an effective remedy that is actively used in alternative medicine.

Erection restoration

The beekeeping product has a beneficial effect on the male body. Its regular use helps to improve potency. This is due to the normalization of the level of sex hormones and a decrease in the severity of inflammatory processes. It is known that prostatitis often leads to sexual dysfunction in men.

To improve potency, it is recommended to use a beekeeping product in combination with aloe juice. Natural red wine is also added to enhance the effect.

Coriander honey enhances blood flow in the pelvic area, which allows you to restore an erection

Elimination of hemorrhoids

A common disease related to proctology is associated with a pathological condition of the plexuses in the rectum. Hemorrhoids are accompanied by blood congestion, inflammation of the nodes and their loss from the anus. The disease occurs in both men and women. Pathology is manifested by severe discomfort and pain.

To eliminate hemorrhoids, you can use a mixture of coriander honey and beetroot juice. The composition is applied to the nodes located outside.

The use of coriander honey eliminates the pain accompanying hemorrhoids

Cleansing the skin from acne

The beekeeping product is effectively used in cosmetology. Its inclusion in the composition of masks is recommended for age-related changes and acne. It is proven that coriander honey helps to cleanse the face, eliminate wrinkles and restore elasticity to the skin.

Applying honey masks is an easy way to rejuvenate. To enhance the beneficial effect on the skin, infusions of medicinal herbs should also be included in the external remedies. The following plants have a positive effect on the condition of the face:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula.
Coriander honey is used for cosmetic purposes due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties

Boost immunity

The use of coriander nectar is the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and the development of inflammatory processes. This is due to the rich composition of the healthy delicacy. The beekeeping product is rich in ascorbic and nicotinic acids, compounds of group B, amino acids.

To normalize the immune system, it is enough to consume 1.5 teaspoons of coriander nectar with the addition of lemon pulp

Prevention of atherosclerosis

Cardiovascular disease is dangerous by the occurrence of a heart attack.A mixture of lemon, ginger, garlic, and coriander honey can be used to help prevent plaque buildup. The ingredients should be cut into thin slices and placed in a glass dish. Each layer should be poured with a spoonful of nectar.

To maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, you must daily use a teaspoon of a mixture of coriander nectar
Attention! Alternative therapy is taken after meals.

Contraindications to the use of coriander honey

In some cases, the use of bee products is not recommended. It is important to remember that honey with coriander has beneficial properties and contraindications. Its use can cause undesirable reactions in the following cases:

  • allergy to the ingredients of the treat;
  • hypotension;
  • lactation or pregnancy;
  • obesity.
Attention! The sweet mass is considered a rather nutritious and high-calorie delicacy. Its use is undesirable if you are overweight.


How to distinguish from a fake and store

Coriander honey can be both beneficial and harmful. A negative effect on the body is possible when a poor-quality beekeeping product is consumed or the necessary conditions for its storage are not observed. The sweet mass is placed in a sealed glass container. It is stored in a dry, cool and dark place at a temperature not exceeding 18 ° C.

Since coriander honey is quite rare, it is often counterfeited. Signs of an unnatural product include:

  1. Slow sugaring... Coriander honey in the winter season cannot have a liquid consistency.
  2. Brown or greenish tint... This natural coriander treat is dark amber or light brown in color.
  3. Lack of spicy notes... Coriander honey contains unique cilantro ingredients. These substances, such as essential oils, give the product a unique flavor.
Attention! Coriander honey is obtained in areas with warm climates. Usually nectar is collected on the territory of Central Asia, Transcaucasia and Crimea.


The beneficial properties of coriander honey and contraindications determine the value of the delicacy. Nectar belongs to a rare variety of beekeeping products. Its advantage lies in its unique composition and beneficial effects on the body.

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